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decay will feed the bloom » open, m&g/q&a - Printable Version

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decay will feed the bloom » open, m&g/q&a - lilyspoise - 07-29-2018

i learned love is like a brick:
you can build a house
Returning to the Typhoon had been... a mix of emotions, but the most worthwhile part was undoubtedly getting to show her twinsouls around the place. Honestly, any moment she got to spend with her twinsouls were welcomed-- it might've been considered weird, how much she could miss her "own self," but yet seeing how she'd grown so attached to these alternate-universe forms it made complete sense. At the end of the day they had all been the same person, the same princess in the human world, but different choices had been made in their respective worlds. Those choices shaped them, their experiences in this world had shaped them, too. Being reunited with them made Lil feel whole again, and she welcomed this particular change.

Still, there were other parts of returning to the Typhoon that weren't necessarily bad, but weren't positive either. Lil found her garden had been in near-perfect shape, and she wasn't positive who had taken over for her, but she was thankful for that nonetheless. Still, the possibility of someone having completely usurped her garden left her uneasy. Was it even her garden at this point? She didn't know, and quite frankly she had more important things to worry about. Prior to leaving she had messed up, and she still felt terrible over what she'd done. She'd hurt Jacob on accident and Pincher had not taken kindly to that. Not that she expected him too-- she understood perfectly well why he had been mad. She only found herself wishing she had the insight as to how he stood on her now.

Deep breaths, Lil. All will be okay. Lissa reassured through the bond they shared, and Lil could feel the push of Lissa's tranquility against her own anxieties. Lis was right, too, worrying wouldn't solve anything right now, and plus, she had other things she needed to do.
"Meet and greet slash questionnaire." Lil called, knowing that she didn't need to pad it with any unnecessary small talk. She was new again and wanted to get to know the clanmates she wasn't familiar with, and if people didn't want to interact then they'd just go back to minding their own business. Simple. "I'm Lilyspoise, for the record."
or sink a dead body.

Re: decay will feed the bloom » open, m&g/q&a - CELESTE G.M. - 07-29-2018

Temulin was unfamiliar with Lily. That was to be expected, the siamese was a recent arrival, within the past week or so, and her adjustment to the Typhoon was slow. Many new people in a land that isn't familiar to one is a challenge in itself and she's handling with all the poise that she can muster. So, she actually hasn't many questions to ask but getting to know her clanmates better would be a good idea. Just before she can find a boat that goes home.

"It's quite the name." She notes as she sits down. Clan names are mostly unfamiliar to her, but she still likes this one. A Lily's poise is something that she associates with purity, softness and grace. Whether her associations are correct or not remain to be seen. "Temulin, a pleasure to meet you. Can I ask where the name came from? It's not a naming style I'm familiar with."
[div style="text-align:center;width:55%;font-size:11pt;font-family:times new roman;padding-TOP: 3px;"][color=white]SO STILL THIS BROKEN MELODY AND HEREWITH SHOULDER THEE

Re: decay will feed the bloom » open, m&g/q&a - Luciferr - 07-29-2018

"And it is indeed good to see a familiar face" a dark voice rumbled from beneath the shade, unnatural chill following him in the air as it exuded from that dark spiked hide and the familiar obsidian-red visage appeared from the dark.

he hadn't been here for whatever had driven her away or caused any rifts therein - busy as he had been scouting distant lands when that speck of 'family' heralded another of his godly ilk to the fore - his son returned, his uncle alive once more - and thus had no clue to any potential drama in such a situation.

the dark beast shifted onto his haunches with a nod to her "Welcome back, how have you fared?" before settling and curling those deadly claws under him like an overly large contented scaly feline.

another voice joined them - another he didn't know, in truth he should know them more than just passing acquaintances so the great drake dipped his head to the second - Temulin "Lucifer"



Re: decay will feed the bloom » open, m&g/q&a - CLEO R. C. - 07-30-2018

Ah, she remembered this one.

Lilyspoise's return had warranted an entirely inappropriate joke from Cleo, or more so, one that the half-deaf bengal hadn't exactly contemplated before the words just up and left her mouth. She didn't regret the bluntness of her introduction, but had been particularly taken aback when Lily responded with equal fervor- bone and teeth, and a half veiled 'pleasure to meet you'. The tiny snake charmer would be lying then if she claimed that she wasn't at least somewhat intrigued by this mysterious entity, though such interest was hidden easily by the mask of aloofness that danced upon her cinnamon hued face as she arrived.

A question and answer session? Plus a meet and greet? Eshe had never discussed anything even closely pertaining to the former with the young Cleo, but she saw herself as smart enough to at least figure out that Lily would openly be answering any question thrown in her direction. Why? Did this complete stranger truly trust the members of the Typhoon so much that she'd be willing to answer any and all of their inquiries? Kudos to her then, but even the faint admiration she felt towards the older female was short lived, a suspicious gaze traversing her form with a frown.

[color=#445544]"Where'd you go?" Cleo finally inquired, ears perking, [color=#445544]"And please... Speak up." It wasn't a command, just a weakly delivered request. She was tired of having to strain her one good ear to hear broken remnants of speech. Besides, asking someone to repeat themselves was far from an option. She was too good to admit that she needed to hear things many times before she could actually catch what others were saying. Perfect... Cleo, you are perfect. She reminded herself, albeit not convincingly. As if she somehow heard the thought, Eshe wrapped tighter around her form, a faint wince escaping the rosetted bengal in response. [color=#445544]"Oh... And what's your favorite kind of snake?"

Re: decay will feed the bloom » open, m&g/q&a - Keona. - 07-30-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Lilyspoise?  The little Striker remembered her.  She wondered where she'd gone.  Hopefully nothing bad had happened while she was gone.  Maybe she'd left for a good thing though; did something fun.  Or had an adventure!  That sounded nice.  Keona popped up behind her crewmates with a small, shy smile, her pale sea-green eyes gleaming with curiosity.  "Aloha Miss Lily."

Mr. Lucifer had already asked the question on her own mind.  The rusty spotted kitten wracked her brain for a second, teeth catching the inside of her cheek.  "Did you miss us?"
code by spacexual

Re: decay will feed the bloom » open, m&g/q&a - VANDAL R. - 07-30-2018

Vandal's pawsteps are silent against the bamboo floorboards as she does a lap around her new tree-hut, lips pursing when she tries to imagine what furniture she has to build/buy for herself. She decides that going out will, perhaps, help her find her decorative inspiration, and so she slips out the door and flies the rest of the way to where most Typhooners often gather to mingle - maybe she can find someone who can shed light on their own opinions of interior decoration.

Luckily, she comes across a group that seems to be hosting an icebreaker... aka an opportunity for Vandal to ask someone what they think is good decorating. Folding all four wings, the mutated maned wolf sinks to a lower altitude before letting herself drop the rest of the way to land beside Cleo with a soft breath. It seems the icebreaker is being held around a new face she hasn't seen before (huh, she must've spent more time in that hut than she initially thought). Vandal waits for her turn patiently, tail lashing as the other begin with their question before throwing in her own. "Vandal Roux, nice t'meet ya. Wha's your idea of good interior decoration?"