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dazed and confused / open, class on toads, wt - Printable Version

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dazed and confused / open, class on toads, wt - JUNJI - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]certainly an interesting task, but to the child, it was possibly the best thing anyone had ever asked him to do. as soon as the words had left rosemary's mouth, junji was off, excited to play with some toads and learn about them. he spent his day wandering the island, sitting by muggy little ponds scattered throughout the jungle, chatting to the amphibians even if they couldn't chat back. now, as the kitten waddled back to barracuda bay, he carried a little basket around his neck with two toads and one frog sitting inside.

junji padded into the camp with a smile and settled down in the shade, placing the basket gingerly on the sand and retrieving a small picnic blanket, setting it beside the basket. he tipped it over slightly. "ok, come out now," he cooed to the amphibians, tail swishing happily as they filed out. it was probably strange to see, as most little creatures like them fled at the sight of bigger animals, but the child had managed to befriend them rather easily. in what way they could, they'd agreed to help him with this class of his, and then they would be off to go about their business again.

"everyone! if you want to learn about frogs and toads, please come here!" junji trilled, sitting himself down behind his froggy friends, watching as a few npcs padded over. he would wait for a few more people before officially starting.

Re: dazed and confused / open, class on toads, wt - CLEO R. C. - 07-28-2018

[color=#445544]"Frogs?" Scoffed Cleo upon arrival, [color=#445544]"Toads? Why them of all creatures?"

The little Roux, though an aspiring lady of sorts, was still blunt and to the point, not even hesitating to emulate her mild disgust. She knew she was being slightly hypocritical, the black mamba wrapped tightly around her form a good indicator of that, but still! Frogs and snakes were two totally different entities and... oh my, don't get her started on toads. She thrust her nose into the air as she took a seat, so opposed to frogs and toads yet making no move to carry on with her day and forget that Junji had offered a class on the pair to begin with. Obviously a part of her was intrigued, though she'd never admit it. [color=#445544]"Make sure you speak up when you're talking," Cleo continued lazily, [color=#445544]"I'm half-deaf." Her own voice, wispy and high- so faraway it was often hard to hear - didn't count in her mind. As much as she'd like to, she didn't need to hear herself speak.

Re: dazed and confused / open, class on toads, wt - SÉAMUS - 07-28-2018

I will not take this anymore; these words will never be ignored. you want a battle? here's a war
How amusing.  The rusty spotted cat quirked a brow as he arrived.  As the other child present stuck her nose up, Seamus' whiskers twitched.  He was not particularly interested in the 'class' itself, but he found it quite interesting to wonder how a child managed to wrangle some toads and a frog into a basket.  They were rather slippery creatures - literally and metaphorically - and it took some effort to catch them without harming them.

"I'll listen,"
the pirate offered with a wink.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #009E60; font-size: 15px;"]— SÉAMUS Ó FAOLÁN

Re: dazed and confused / open, class on toads, wt - JUNJI - 07-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]ah, that girl again. the more he saw of her the more... stuck-up she seemed. not that he would voice that, ever; instead he simply looked to find some better traits, ignoring the attitude and instead offering a sweet smile. "it's my task to teach about them," he told her with a nod, then tipped his head when she said she was half-deaf. junji cleared his throat softly. "is this good enough!!" the child yowled. there was no ill intent or hint of teasing in the yell, but he couldn't tell how loud she needed him to be, so he settled for possibly bursting some eardrums.

junji turned his gaze to seamus, tail giving a happy swish at the older cat's wink. with a few people gathered, he settled back, deciding to start the class. "okay." he mumbled first, ocean eyes dropping to the amphibians sitting patiently in front of him. "hopefully it's known that frogs and toads are toxic to us," the child started, gesturing with his paw to his slimy friends. "even the ones that look harmless can do lots of damage if we even just lick them. frogs are much less dangerous, like my tree frog friend here, but they can still give us a bellyache." jun set a paw down next to the tiny green creature, eliciting a high-pitched croak. he smiled softly and continued.

"this cane toad here," junji beckoned to the bumpy brown toad in the middle. "is one of the more lethal ones. he has glands on his shoulders that contain a poison that, if in... um in-ge-sted, can cause a rapid heartbeat, convulsions, and... paralysis. and also death." he paused, frowning to himself. he still couldn't get the pronunciation down on some of these words. even so, he continued. he gently prodded the toad on either shoulder, demonstrating where the glands were. "you should avoid him most of the time." he told them.

the child paused and sat back, looking between those gathered. "questions so far?" junji asked, wanting to make sure they were on the same page before he continued to the last toad.

Re: dazed and confused / open, class on toads, wt - Keona. - 07-28-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The tiny Striker popped up behind her uncle, just in time for some yelling.  Keona's ears flattened sharply, and her pale sea-green eyes flickered warily.  After a second, she seemed to register his words and realize he must be trying to be loud for someone else.  Nonetheless, she approached a little slower, circling around Seamus and hopping onto her uncle's paws - given he allowed her to - as her choice of seat.

The faerie child cocked her head to the side.  Given she could not see the amphibians, she had no opinion on whether they looked gross or not.  Keona found them rather entertaining, if anything.  After discovering one in the jungle and hearing it hop instead of walk, she'd been rather fascinated with following them around.  She had no clue they were poisonous.  Good thing she had not considered them food.

Softly, she spoke up, "so we shouldn't... Touch them?" She'd keep that in mind next time she found one, though it would not stop her from continuing her game of follow the leader with them.
code by spacexual

Re: dazed and confused / open, class on toads, wt - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-28-2018

"How long does it take for them to kill somebody?" Caesar seemed barely unfazed by the fact that this toad could kill him easily; in fact, he almost looked interested. Strangely and terrifyingly interested. He had been alerted to this from Junji's yelling of course, though he just arrived to hear the end of the conversation about the cane toad.

Re: dazed and confused / open, class on toads, wt - JUNJI - 07-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]the child looked to the other his age and gave a small nod. "most of the time they're only harmful if the poison makes it into your system. some are nice and let you touch them, but it'd be better to just leave them alone." he said. ocean eyes drifted to caesar as he approached, head tipping at the question. it was a good one, and one he hadn't thought of before. "i think it depends on your size." junji stated slowly. "if i was to ingest the poison, i'd probably be dead in a few minutes, 'cause i'm so small. but it would probably take longer for someone your size to die. that doesn't make it any less painful, though."

since no one else had spoken up after that, he moved on to the last toad. this one was spotted brown, bumpy like the cane toad, but had yellow splashes on its underside. junji nudged it gently and smiled at the loud croak. "this grumpy one is a yellow-bellied toad." he began. "like the cane toad, he se-cretes a very toxic substance, lethal to most of us predators. fun fact, actually—the same stuff is also sort of a medicine, or it has medical properties in it. it kills fungal infections like, um... ringy-worm." the little tom looked through the group briefly, then dropped his gaze back to the amphibians. "basically, the lesson here is that you shouldn't eat any types of frogs or toads. we don't have good enough immune systems or... whatever to counter their poisons, so you should steer clear." he finished with a nod and smiled to those that had gathered, ears twitching around.

"before they go, do you have any other questions?" junji cooed. his little friends were getting antsy, he could tell, so he hoped to make it quick so they could get hopping again.

Re: dazed and confused / open, class on toads, wt - PINCHER - 07-29-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Class on toads? Pincher wasn't entirely sure why that would be necessary but then he came to realize any possible information would be useful especially with the vast diversity of frogs and toads in the jungle. He knew many were dangerous and Pincher worried that some members would end up dying if they didn't know the difference. So the male was rather glad in fact that Junji had taken up the weekly task to have a class about the toads. The long limbed figure of the male was speaking to a few crewmates in a steady low voice as he explained some questions they had before heading off towards the submarine to see what else needed to be done. Except, before he was able to get close, he heard the lessons being explained and being curious as always, Pincher decided he should see what was being said. He halted behind the crowd that had gathered, his cool ocean blue eyes locking onto the small soft figure of Junji.

He rather liked the child and was fond of his kindness and wonder that he had for anything new or different. The brawny wildcat blinked as he noticed that Junji was asking for some questions. "Yeah uh, is there any way you can eat them? Like cooked or steamed?" Pincher inquired with his gaze fluttering towards the yellow-bellied toad, dark nose wrinkling ever so slightly at the unflattering blob of toxicity. He had tried toad before and had never really liked it but the captain did remember hearing someone had been fond of it. Gross but who was he to judge since he was a dormant cannibal afterall.

Re: dazed and confused / open, class on toads, wt - CELESTE G.M. - 07-29-2018

Toad venom being used as disinfectant or to kill infections and parasites. That was interesting for certain, Temulin had never heard of such a thing. Poisons to heal was mostly unheard of on the plains due to the fact that the majority of venomous animals found there would kill them before they had the chance to even use the venon, especially a feline as small as Temulin herself. So, it's safe to say that Junji has her full rapt attention as she listens.

"Are they particularly common here?" She doesn't know if that's already been addressed or just common knowledge, but she's unfamiliar with the territory of the Typhoon. It's a more than valid question in her opinion and really, should she be looking out for toads now?
[div style="text-align:center;width:55%;font-size:11pt;font-family:times new roman;padding-TOP: 3px;"][color=white]SO STILL THIS BROKEN MELODY AND HEREWITH SHOULDER THEE

Re: dazed and confused / open, class on toads, wt - rochelle - 07-29-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border: 0%;width:75%;text-align:justify;"]The feline approached with kind eyes. Despite not able to see anymore, the blind Fischer couldn’t help but smile a little, hearing Junji teach his crewmates all about toads. It was such a fitting task for Rosemary to give him, especially considering she could see a curious nature within the kitten. He was, very, very different from the other children around his age, especially that bunch of Pincher’s children. They were all so expressive in many ways, but Junji was no doubt the cheeriest.

”Would you describe what each of them looks like for me?” The black smoke questioned softly, curious to see how each toad’s appearance matched their deadly reality. Hopefully the small descriptions of each could remind her of toads she’d seen and heard before she went blind, so she would be able to identify each properly. But her memory was fleeting, she could no longer remember important faces, not even her own.