Beasts of Beyond
NOT STRONG ENOUGH | {OPEN} - Printable Version

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NOT STRONG ENOUGH | {OPEN} - Sorrel - 03-28-2018

(Note! Blue is entirely feral, so she communicates primarily by body language. Giving her food is definitely agood way to win her over, but showing fear or too much confidence she will take as a challenge no matter what size the character is. She does not speak any english, and talks with raptor vocalizations, but she can understand simple english words!)

Blue only saw a couple advantages of being in the plains area. That being that she could run at top speed if she really wanted to, and it provided a great amount of sun for her to lay in. Despite her being a hybrid of several different strands of DNA, she was still primarily reptilian. One of her sisters had more bird DNA, but they all had to sunbathe even a little bit so that they could get their muscles to function properly. They didn't work well in the cold either so this warmer climate certainly helped as they never had to fear about dying from hypothermia. When they had arrived in the other group of clans that was covered in a strange white substance, Blue was able to figure out that dealing with the white substance made her body feel slower. And more sluggish. blue definitely didn't like it one bit that was for sure. The Utahraptor had to worry about the well being of the pack, meaning she was usually the one to give commands to the rest of her sisters and pick the territory that they were going to be staying in. It was probably her luck that she ended up picking the group that had a food giver from the previous clan that they had stayed in. Even if they were staying in the clans though, they were far from clanners. They considered the clan's territory their own, and anyone that lived in it was competition or to be used for food later. Thanks to their interaction with clanners, especially Blue, she didn't trust them all that much. Having just been met with aggression toward the other animals that were completely new and different toward her. If they wanted a fight they could easily get a fight. The massive dinosaur didn't really have any rivals when it came to physical strength, and as far as she could tell, she was the largest predator in the area. As long as animals gave them food, there was no need for her to hunt any of the clanners. Besides, they could become an asset to the group that they decided to stay with as the raptors themselves were highly territorial. Adding three more raptors into the mix just meant that something was bound to happen. Most enemies avoided the clan entirely when they realized that the animals were almost completely savage. Sure they were feral, but they were extremely intelligent. Knowing when someone was lying based on their body language and being able to figure out how to lay traps for those that they wanted to kill. At the moment though, the blue-ish grey scaled Utahraptor was laying on a large sunning rock in the middle of the territory. Her scent was definitely distinguished from the rest of the clanners in the area, which made it much easier to find her if someone really wanted to. Right now though, she was in a calm mood, considering that it was early in the morning and she needed to get her energy up. She would probably go hunting later. Her nine-inch long sickle claws would tap the rock a couple of times as she waited for her body to heat up.

Re: NOT STRONG ENOUGH | {OPEN} - ghostpact - 03-28-2018

"DAMN DUDE." tags
Immortal hadn't gotten the chance yet to meet the raptors yet, strangely enough only hearing about them being around the clan's area, but not yet seeing them for himself. While it may have been a relief to some, not coming across such a thing, he had been excited about it. Unfortunately, he grew skepital after a it. It didn't help that he spent a lot of time indoors and timing just wasn't right when he did go out. He had been looking forward to the experience, but he began to think people were just fucking around. But on his next outing, he would finally be faced the truth. And his heart skipped a beat when he spotted the over-grown lizard sunning on a rock in the middle of the field. A shiver ran through him as he whispered, "Holy shit... Like it's outta fuckin' movie, dude." Blue was a lot bigger than he at anticipated, as well. The thing could easily snatch Immortal up and he'd barely have a say in it. With that thought in mind, he circled around and approached incredibly slowly. He was loud and tougher than his thin frame made him look, but there was no way in hell he would risk running up any feral creature the size of the thing he was looking at now. Clearing his throat, he lifted his chin slightly, tail waving back and forth. Hard to blame the guy for his excitement, he hadn't seen something like it before. Especially not where he came from. "Hey... girl." He didn't know how else to address her, but he wasn't sure she'd get it anyway. He knew she couldn't speak, that much he was able to pick up from the others that had been in contact with her. It was a real shame, too. He would've loved to have a real conversation with one. Ask what it feels like to be alive when everyone thought they were dead and gone forever. How was it even possible she was here, again? Whatever. "You, uh... wow. Uh, looks comfy!" What the fuck was he doing?
code by spacexual

Re: NOT STRONG ENOUGH | {OPEN} - Sorrel - 03-30-2018

When it came to walking around, it was either incredibly difficult to find the raptors, or fairly easily. It always depended on whether or not the raptors wanted to be found or whether they didn't. Such as when the raptors decided that they were going to end up hunting. They could be quite stealthy when they wanted to be. Which meant that they would stick the shadows and become ambush predators. Using their smarts against the prey that they end up coming up against. The Utahraptors paid attention to each step that they were capable of taking, making sure that they weren't going to end up stepping on a twig or something that would give away their position. But their hunting style as a pack was different than one would think. They acted similarly to a pride of lions hunting in that regard, in that one would distract the prey, whether it was the type to run or type to freeze in fear instead. Another tactic was just for them to snap a twig on purpose, and while the prey animal was looking in one direction they wouldn't be looking in the opposite direction giving them plenty of time to strike when they thought the time was right. If the prey decided to run, the hunt would only take a couple seconds as the raptors were sprinters and capable of sprinting quite fast and at-large bursts. Retaining that speed, however, is something to be sought after as they can't propel themselves at top speed for very long. Exactly what happens with a cheetah, but instead of overheating like one, they grow fatigued. When the raptors really attacked anything, they were practically ruthless. Going for any sort of vital area, which most carnivores know at a very young age. They were taught how to hunt by their instincts, although they were given pointers by the human that had raised them. It was becoming rarer to be able to hunt living prey instead of one that was already dead. When they were contained on the island that they were created on, they were often fed large rats and even road kill that was donated to the company that contained them. The only time they were given live prey was for enrichment, which in Blue's mind wasn't enough. Blue had figured out how excited she got when it came to hunting something that was willing to run, the stench of fear coming off of their body fueling her primal instincts.

How could the clanners possibly compete against something as massive and dangerous as she was? The short answer was that there was a likelihood that they could. While Blue was sunning herself in the plains, she realized that she was starting to hear something moving toward her. It was small from the sound that the creature was making. At least, small to Blue considering that domestic cats or anything roughly the size was practically like a snack to her. The Utahraptor opened up her eyes a little bit more as she became more attentive to her surroundings. She couldn't smell the animal thanks to the way the wind had shifted until she saw the brown coloration from the animal that was a couple feet away from her. The other was keeping his distance, which Blue somewhat appreciated as she didn't trust the likes of clanners. The massive scars covering her body having been done to her by their kind. The other didn't seem to have any fear that was coming from his body. Prey? Possibly. She wasn't incredibly hungry at the moment so that was at least a positive for the Ascendants member. Her long tail that had been curled around her before moved itself into a neutral position directly behind her. Which would provide balance if she wanted to stand up. She listened to the other speak, not understanding the group of words the other spoke. 'Comfy' sounded familiar, but not a word that she would associate with anything. The reptiles lips curled slightly as a hiss escaped her jaws, almost sounded like a snake as she did so. That was soon followed by a growl. Her head lowered slightly in a defensive manner while she was sunning herself. She didn't gather enough warmth from the sun to really be capable of doing quick movements. She knew that despite the other's size, there could be something that the other could use to injure her. She was telling him to keep her distance. If the other just wanted to sit there and watch, that was his business. If he got any closer, he wouldn't receive another warning and she would attack. Blue wasn't the type to really give second chances after all. Her clawed fingers scraped the rock for a couple of seconds, her amber eyes analyzing the other's reaction to her threat. Due to her being so large, her vocalizations alone were quite loud to other animal's ears.