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not too old, not too young ⌖ open, rejoining/returning - Printable Version

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not too old, not too young ⌖ open, rejoining/returning - ochaco - 07-26-2018

[div style="width: 300px; height: 280px; overflow: auto; background-color: #FFFFFF; opacity: 0.70; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 10px; padding: 8px; color: #000000"]Ochaco Uraraka was selfish.

A horrible way to present herself, really, and the reminder of that fact rang loudly in her head. There hadn't been one day since she left Snowbound that she didn't feel guilty over it. She knew Izuku probably fretted endlessly, and Aizawa had likely been concerned over her departure as well. Teachers tended to care about their students-- but you're not his student anymore she reminded herself, gritting her teeth. That was something she hadn't gotten used to, and she doubted she ever would. She was a human, even if she was trapped in the animal world, this hellscape where she was fated to live. Maybe this world didn't have quirks and heroes and villains, but it did have supernatural creatures, and a handful of her friends who had all met the same fate in their previous lives: death.

It was a gamble, really, especially because she didn't know if she'd even be welcome back. Izuku and Aizawa could still very well be here and, if fate resigned her to a cruel path, they could very well turn her away. It wouldn't be in their nature, but nothing in this world was in their nature. It was wildlife, and they had no choice but to live here or die trying. They had to feast on viscera and fight every day in order to survive, and if they didn't like the taste of blood they'd be left to rot among the dead.

In her human life she'd pursued an internship specifically to train and improve upon one of her weaknesses. She'd become familiar with hand-to-hand combat and, as a result, became a better fighter. A better hero.
But Ochaco wasn't a human anymore, and nor was she a hero.

Ochaco wanted nothing more than to be soft again -- to not walk with her guard up, ears perked waiting for a an oncoming storm to finally strike -- but she knew this world did not permit that. It rejected the notion-- it rejected the laws of a world she once lived in and now she was collecting the pieces of the life she used to have, trying desperately to put it back together.

Then came a night where she broke-- broke down crying, broke her morale, broke in every sense of the word. She was at her wits end, this life as a havana brown was one she abhorred, and in a desire to keep in touch with the humane parts of herself, she followed in the footsteps and did what she knew: she went, on her own, and learned the world. She learned how to fight; she learned how to survive. She improved upon her weaknesses, striking them down one by one. If this world wanted bloody evolution then it would get it, damn it.

Now she was back. A expression neutral -- a touch colder, even -- and in complete control of her body. She no longer walked on clunky paws, but instead moved smoothly. She no longer feared danger; she knew she could fight if she needed to. Her tail was faintly scarred as proof of her trials and tribulations, and her disposition was substantially different from the bubbly, optimistic girl she wanted to be.
But she was here.

"My name is Ochaco Uraraka, and I'm here looking for Izuku Midoriya and Aizawa, if they are still residents here." Ochaco called aloud, knowing that if somebody wasn't already hiding in the shadows waiting for her to make an action upon the border, then one would arrive soon at the sound of her voice.
"What part of her was frail?"

Re: not too old, not too young ⌖ open, rejoining/returning - Character Graveyard. - 07-26-2018

Kirishima did not consider himself to be selfish.

Sure, he didn't that way of himself in that way, but others could possibly call him that- not that he wanted to be called that. He had spend a few weeks searching for Bakugou before he had joined Snowbound. He was worried about his friend to be honest.

Just a week or so ago, he'd gotten one of his legs stuck between two boulders and out of animal instinct. he had gnawed one of his hind limbs off. This had caused to Izuku to worry about Kirishima then he'd been captured and tortured by the Typhoon before being rescued by Izuku and Tsuyu.

Now, he was warily-walking around Snowbound's territory, keeping an eye out for the Typhoon members in case any of them attempted to recapture him. So coming across a unfamiliar feline had caused him to tense up as he approached, hearing her name.

Ochaco Uraraka. A former classmate of his. The three-legged maned-wolf would stumble up to Ochaco, a lopsided-grin on his maw. "Ochaco! It's me- Eijirou Kirishima!"
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: not too old, not too young ⌖ open, rejoining/returning - arcy - 07-27-2018

.. Izuku thought himself to be a bad person. Selfish, the most selfish. He could go on for years as to why. It'd only taken a few months by himself for him to crack, after all. Crack, and then all Izuku knew was blood and gore and burns as he grinned because they'd gotten what they'd deserved, hadn't they? Hurt him. .. But they didn't. Revenge wasn't it. Just because people shoved him down and hurt him and they were still coming for him, sometimes, didn't mean he could enjoy hurting them. Paws all sparked with electricity and burnt flesh. He grins and then their teeth are gritted in pain. .. But. He doesn't like to think about that. He hasn't forgotten it, though. And maybe that's why Izuku decided to be Frosthealer. To make up for it all. And, maybe, that's all the key difference between him and Uraraka, when they were surviving on their own.
.. He'd been worried about Uraraka, of course. But Izuku worried about everyone. She was strong, wasn't she? She might not come back. And that was .. okay. It'd be nice to know where she was, but the world didn't revolve around Izuku and she could take care of herself. It wasn't his job to take care of everyone, except that it was because he was fucking Frosthealer. A shitty Frosthealer, one who got himself into trouble every moment of the day and got himself hurt almost daily, but one nonetheless. Atbash said he was doing just fine. Izuku isn't sure how he agrees.
"Uraraka?" He'd heard her call, of course. He'd been out here walking again, even though his paws were ruined and who the hell was letting him walk around to begin with? Izuku isn't sure. But he's here anyways, he doesn't give a damn if both of his front paws are horrible because he's more focused on marching over to her with ears pricked and eyes wide. "You're -- back," He sounds a little shocked, and he makes to circle around her, eyeing her for injures. A scar on her tail, but she otherwise seemed just fine. His ears turn a little warily on his head, but after a critical few moments where he eyes her just as warily, he breaks. ".. I'm here. Welcome back," He speaks softly, ducking his head softly. He's not sure what to say, but the relief is clear, his bandaged paws trembling. .. There were a lot of them here, now. He feels kind of bad. There's more of his classmates here than there are clanmates, and Izuku hopes that isn't off-putting to anybody? It probably is. .. But. Izuku honestly isn't sure if Aizawa will show up. He hasn't been around a lot, lately, and Izuku is too sick of it all to try and drag the lion out of wherever he is. That's Aizawa's problem, now.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: not too old, not too young ⌖ open, rejoining/returning - dead chars - 07-28-2018

While Toshinori had not lost the morals he had set in place, he knew that he was the most selfish man among them. He did not keep things for himself, no, and he did not take things from others, but he was so damn selfish. The gaunt serval still had nightmares. If he had done anything differently during that final fight, maybe they would have still been alive, but it was all his fault that they were stuck here. The feline had thought he was getting better about that thinking, but apparently not. Apparently, he was too selfish to stop.

The serval didn't know Uraraka was even in this world. While there were a lot of his former students inhabiting Snowbound now, it seemed that new ones popped up every day. Toshinori almost couldn't keep up with it. He'd never fully gotten a grasp on all of their names when he had still been teaching, and now that they were all so different from each other, he would have an even worse time at it. It didn't mean he wouldn't try- he didn't have an excuse for not trying after the stunts he'd pulled -but it would be hard.

He had been attempting to hunt when he'd heard Ochaco's call. His ears flicked back almost immediately at the name, though he wasn't sure if it was because he'd have one more person to face for his own failures, or if it was because he'd simply been startled out of his catch. He had been so close to getting that mouse.... But oh well. He figured it was the least he could do to go and greet the girl. It seemed that she'd been here before, farther back than Toshinori or Kirishima, but that wasn't really his business.

The serval made his way to the small group, blinking his shadowed eyes as he did.
"Ah... hello, young Uraraka. I am All Might, if you don't recognize me."
He was suddenly aware of a scratch at his neck and reached a paw up to itch it.
code by spacexual

Re: not too old, not too young ⌖ open, rejoining/returning - TSUYU. - 07-28-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

"Uraraka-chan, ribbit!" Tsuyu's voice rang out happily, tears bubbling up at the corners of her eyes as the manx-frog hybrid hop-limped over, her tongue bandaged and hanging out of her mouth. Despite her injuries, Tsuyu refused to show any sense of emotion other than the tears of joy that leaked from wide charcoal irises. She wouldn't jump on the girl, she had manners. But something seemed off about the other femme, and Tsuyu soon stopped in her tracks. Her  body momentarily pressed up against All Might's own, as she came to a slow stop. Should she not interfere? "Welcome back, Ura-chan. It's me, Tsuyu, ribbit."

Re: not too old, not too young ⌖ open, rejoining/returning - ochaco - 07-28-2018

[div style="width: 300px; height: 280px; overflow: auto; background-color: #FFFFFF; opacity: 0.70; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 10px; padding: 8px; color: #000000"]Ochaco's eyes widened as Kirishima approached her, and she found herself shamelessly staring at the space where his leg would've been, had it not been amputated. He was grinning, though, and still seemed as good-natured as she remembered him to be.
"Kirishima-- it's good to see you again." She greeted softly, laughter following suit (and with a hint of anxiety in it, too). "Well, as good as it can be to see that you're stuck here too." Maybe he liked it here, maybe he didn't, but no matter what happened Ochaco wholeheartedly preferred her human life to... this. For an idle moment, she wondered if her assumption in the others sharing her sentiment was false. "Are any of our classmates... have more arrived? I've only known of Izuku and Mr. Aizawa."

Speaking of Izuku, there he was, and thank god for that, even if he seemed a little surprised; a little wary. It took her a moment to figure out why he was circling her -- and she admittedly grew a touch worried before she did, because she knew he wouldn't attack her but the body language was still something she associated all too much with hostility -- but once she did she quite visibly relaxed.
"It's good to be back. I'm ready to stay now." She affirmed, nodding as if to lock in her point. "The cold might take a while for me to get used to, though."

Then all was okay, because All Might was there.
Or at least, that's normally how it would go, but even All Might seemed more timid now. Perhaps he was new to this world as well, but even if that wasn't the case Uraraka couldn't blame him. Ever since she'd arrived here she'd questioned many aspects of life that she had merely accepted beforehand. In the human world things were easier, because heroes were good and villains were bad. A clear foe to fight against-- an almost... easy way to align her morals. But here it just simply wasn't the same, because to fight was to live. To hurt was to survive. Ochaco wasn't sure how to stand anymore.
"All Might, sir, hello." She greeted, not quite sure how to continue the conversation, but finding that another one of her classmates -- just how many were here, exactly? -- had arrived.

"Tsu!" Ochaco chimed, smiling warmly. It was good to see Tsuyu again, even if it was in this type of world. Still, the relief of seeing one of her closest friends again was more than welcome. "What happened to your tongue?" She asked, concerned. Glancing back over at Deku's bandaged paws and Kirishima's missing leg, she couldn't help but wonder if the group they resided in was somehow responsible. "Deku, your paws too, and Kirishima, who did that to you?" Hero or not, Uraraka was determined to protect her friends. They were all she had left of her human life, and she would not let this world rob her of anything more than it already had.
"What part of her was frail?"

Re: not too old, not too young ⌖ open, rejoining/returning - Character Graveyard. - 07-28-2018

Oh geez. She wanted to know who mauled his leg off? He would shuffle his fore-paws nervously and awkwardly as Ochaco continued to glance towards the three of them. Of course, he would attempt to hide the burn-wound on his side, so he didn't worry the returning female. "Er, I'm not sure how Izuku got his paws hurt like that, but uh, I got my leg stuck between two boulders? And I gnawed it off because of instinct?" He said, avoiding eye-contact.

Then he would blink and add. "The Typhoon- another group took advantage of the fact that I only have three legs and they captured me. That's why Tsuyu's tongue is like that and I have this wound because of them." He would show her the burn on his side.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: not too old, not too young ⌖ open, rejoining/returning - TSUYU. - 07-28-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

Nodding towards Kirishima, Tsuyu bounced awkwardly over to Uraraka to attempt to hug her, bobbed tail wagging happily. A soft croak left the girl, and she blinked wide eyes towards her best friend. "Yep- ribbit! I tried to block a fireball with my tongue. Seems that my quirk doesn't work in this world.. When it comes to my tongue." She meowed, her voice muffled as she spoke. She brushed a paw over the girl's cheek momentarily before backing up and nudging Kirishima with her shoulder. "He gets himself into a lot of trouble, but we saved him. Midoriya is awesome!"

Re: not too old, not too young ⌖ open, rejoining/returning - arcy - 07-29-2018

Honestly, maybe it was strange, but, unlike Ochaco, Izuku wasn't sure he'd give up this life to be human again. No, it was really strange. Izuku was pretty strange. But he was content, even if he'd honestly prefer his classmates not showing up to spend him into guilt spirals.
"That's good," Izuku's voice is relieved. She shouldn't be spending anymore time in the wilds than she had to. Nobody should. God knows Izuku has encountered enough horrible people out there, people who'd hurt him, to make him wary of whatever shit she's been through. ".. I can get you some winter great, if you want? And I always have hot chocolate," He frets some more, ears turning. Worrying was, of course, in Izuku's nature, except now it was bass boosted because of all of the shit his clanmates got into. Never a day where he isn't required to patch something up. Still, Izuku hurriedly conjures a hot chocolate to fumble with in his paws and ultimately place next to Ochaco's. He always has hot chocolate on hand. Always. He was basically the designated hot-chocolate giver of Snowbound at this point.
And then Ochaco asks about his paws. Izuku frowns. And then awkwardly holds them up, mismatched and bandaged as they were. They were both injured for really dumb reasons, talking about it is kind of .. he shakes his head. Might as well tell her. "This one came from a power backfire when I was training. Electricity," He motions vaguely with his right paw, the one that he kept on getting most injured when he was human. Hopefully she didn't question the electricity bit. Izuku had gotten .. quite a few powers, since arriving here. Like shapeshifting. How had he shifted back, anyways? It was honestly probably temporary, considering everything was kind of haywire with it right now. ".. This one, i tried to fly, and then I just. Fell." He grins a little sheepishly as he raises his other one, his left leg. He broke it during the crash. But it shouldn't have? His bones weren't that brittle? Unless they were. Very concerning. Anways, his injuries from the Kirishima rescue were .. still on his dragon form. As Tsuyu finishes speaking, Izuku gives her a sideways grin. .. Honestly, Izuku is a little shocked his other clanmates haven't shown up to investigate this situation. I mean .. there were like .. five of them here. Aizawa would make six, but Izuku doubts he'll ever show up because he hasn't really seen the lion around at all, so that's great.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]