Beasts of Beyond
ama [★] níl sé'n lá - Printable Version

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ama [★] níl sé'n lá - Keona. - 07-25-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Keona was not one to actively seek out social interaction.  The kitten tended to keep to herself in terms of common company.  It was more likely to see the petite Striker getting into trouble by herself than with a fellow crewmate.  Most of that 'trouble' was simply little adventures on the bay, or trips into the jungle when she should probably have someone watching her, but Keona had found that most had a hard time keeping track of her if she didn't want to be found.  Albeit a little... Clumsy and uncoordinated, the rusty spotted kitten was quick-footed and, much to her benefit in these matters, extremely small.

Nonetheless, she did get bored rather easily.  If there was nothing fun on the bay - fun most likely being a turtle to follow, or a crab to run away from - or the sun too hot, or the jungle unappealing for some reason, she tended to walk around listlessly.  The life that shone in her pale sea-green eyes would dim as she paced to and fro, desperate for something to do.  Sometimes, doing most of the same - though most days had some variation for the little feline - got tiring, and those things lost their fun.

Such was the current day.  Keona hid from the sun in the shadow of Tofu the turtle.  Since her blood division ceremony, she found it rather amusing to linger by the massive statue, as it had been the location of her final wooden figurine; the figurine of her division, the Blackjack Rats.  A quiet song was hummed under her breath, as her ears flicked, boredom already sinking it's dreadful claws into the depths of her mind.

"Hey!" The usually quiet Striker raised her voice - at least, to her it was rather raised; her voice probably couldn't even raise to a normal yelling volume given it's general lack of use - an idea bringing some new light into her eyes.  "Ask me an'thin!" It was an... Icebreaker - she believed that was right term - she'd heard about from somewhere, but had never seen put into play.  Well, hopefully, it made her day less boring.
code by spacexual

Re: ama [★] níl sé'n lá - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-25-2018

Caesar, on the other hand, didn't mind social interaction. He just didn't seem to get a lot of it since people appeared to hate him here. Which was fine, he honestly didn't care. He quite liked the infamous vibe he gave off and that was the reason he often walked around with his head held high.

Hearing Keona's call, the demon turned from where he had been walking and made his way over. "You still have that pathetic doll?" He asked, staring down at her with a frown.

Re: ama [★] níl sé'n lá - VANDAL R. - 07-26-2018

Vandal had been so sure that she's already met everyone there is to know in the Typhoon - from the cutest kit to the rowdiest crewmember, she'd believed she's seen them all... until she's proven otherwise by another young kit that she isn't sure she's seen before. There's something oddly familiar about her, and the maned wolf wonders whether she's seen her in passing on the beach before. She doesn't mind. It means there are more people to get to know.

She wanders over and takes a stand next to Caesar, flicking her ear at the other in greeting before blinking her curious neon eyes at the feline calling for what seems to be an icebreaker. The question comes easy then, and Vandal voices it out, tone lilting with curiosity and enthusiasm. "Vandal Roux, don't think we've met yet. Who're you and what d'ya like to do?"

Re: ama [★] níl sé'n lá - Keona. - 07-26-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Caesar was the last crewmate she wanted to talk to.  The little Striker flicked her ear, her bright expression replaced with a simple but rather direct, blank stare, based upon the location of his voice.  "His name wa Manu," she corrected in monotone, quirking an unimpressed brow.  Then, withholding a sigh, she shook her head.  "Still looking... Since big wave." She was sure, however, he'd turn up eventually. She had not mentioned the stuffed parrot's disappearance to her father or uncle - the ones who had gifted him to her - and... Well, she didn't exactly intend to if she was honest.  She wanted to handle it herself.

Of course, Caesar wouldn't know all that, and honestly, Keona would laugh if he even remotely cared.  She didn't know why he even asked about Manu in the first place.  He hadn't exactly been fond of the stuffed animal or her instance on giving it a name.  Which made him rather silly and stupid in her mind.  Of course, the fae had learned early some beings just didn't make sense.

Her head swiveled slightly as a new voice spoke besides the annoying Officer.  The Striker bounced on her paws for a second, tail swishing.  "Oh... Aloha, 'm Keona," she offered, albeit a little sheepishly.  Perhaps she really did need to be more social; at least enough where crewmates knew her name.  She was not new, so there was really no excuse there aside from her general quietness.  "Uh... Ó Faoláin," she added hastily, realizing the canine had given her a last name as well.

"I li..." The kitten liked to do quite a lot of things, really.  Keona was rather certain she only meant one or two though.  "I li following... The lil' turtles to the ocean... 'an uh- Oh, I tried climbing... A tree yesterda, but... I don thin I made it up very high.  Fun though.  'an I li playing with Manu, but li I said; he's lost." Hopefully that was enough for her.
code by spacexual

Re: ama [★] níl sé'n lá - SÉAMUS - 07-28-2018

I will not take this anymore; these words will never be ignored. you want a battle? here's a war
"When'd you become so sneaky, a leanbh?" The pirate inquired teasingly as he joined the small group.  Seamus kept an eye out for her most days, as family was prone to do.  He took a seat beside the kitten herself, aiming to nudge her gently, his own sea-green eyes gleaming.

Seeing her initiate socially was a nice change of pace.  Most days, he liked to give her space; she seemed to prefer going off on her own quite a lot.  Not to mention, being an overbearing uncle was the last thing he wanted to be.  Still.  Sometimes it was rather difficult to resist tailing her when she wandered off.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #009E60; font-size: 15px;"]— SÉAMUS Ó FAOLÁN