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You are my sunshine // open+weekly task - Printable Version

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You are my sunshine // open+weekly task - jacob w.c. - 07-25-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Rosemary had told him to dress some clanmates up in his clothes but little did she know that Jacob had been planning to do just that for quite some time. He'd wanted to make something special for a few different people (mostly the children in Typhoon) so he could get to know them a little better and bond. He'd made all different sizes of sweaters and today was finally the day he'd hand them out. He was so excited to see what they all thought. He'd tried to match the colors to their personalities and he hoped they'd all enjoy them. So, he'd gone to all of them and gave them different presents to unwrap, the sweaters, and then he'd asked if they could all just please wear them for one day, it'd mean so much to him and he was planning on baking some cookies later for all of them to enjoy. Most of them seemed to agree after that. He had expected a few of them to agree but there were several that he wasn't so sure of but the majority had agreed to put up with wearing his sweaters for a day. Of course, he told them, it was perfectly acceptable if they found they wanted to wear it for more than a day and started wearing them regularly. He doubted anyone would do that but he'd be awfully flattered if they did. Now that he was walking around camp, he made his way near the center so that he could see what the recipients of his gift through of their new outfits.

// [member=1504]Aita C.R.[/member] [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] [member=1119]CONNOR △[/member] [member=1498]VANDAL R.[/member] [member=1395]KATHERINE[/member] @CAPTAINJACK ! [member=469]coldblue[/member] @SYLVINA
ya'll got sweaters woo 
the heavy weight of stone

Re: You are my sunshine // open+weekly task - KATHERINE PRAELIUM - 07-25-2018

Pincher had told Katherine that her adoptive father was going to be Jacob. Of course, she was cool with it, as Jacob didn't seem that bad. But she really didn't know anything about him. She didn't know where he was from, or really anything about him. The young bengal feline wanted to change that. She wanted to get to know him, so she would seek the opportunity to do so.

She had been called over by Jacob, as he said that he had a surprise for her. The young girl came over, as soon as she spotted him. "What's going on? What do you have for us?" the female wandered over, as she wasn't sure who else was going to show up.

Re: You are my sunshine // open+weekly task - VANDAL R. - 07-25-2018

Vandal is quick to find the group and approaches with a lopsided smile, taking a seat next to her niece and giving Jake a curious look. In all honesty, she hasn't spent much time around her brother's other half although she does plan on fixing that.

It's only right that she also be a supportive and healthy part of their relationship, and she doesn't want Jacob to feel like she doesn't approve - she does, she likes it and she likes them together. There's something about them that makes her heart twitch with longing and she likes that, likes that them being together has that effect - spreading the love and whatnot. She figures she needs to actively input on being a part of his life too as much as she's a part of her brother's. She considers him family too, after all.

"Hey Jake. You rang?"

Re: You are my sunshine // open+weekly task - no more - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 420px; font-size:10px; font-family:verdana; text-align: justify;line-height: 110%; color:black"][ sorry if i read wrong, i'm groggy and tired so i just went with my first thought ]

Well this was interesting. They had already obtained a product of Jake's kindness, the polar bear had become a comfort they held close each night, the soft white fur growing dull now, kept safe when not in use. Never had they thought to question him about it, always wondering what it was which pushed him to do such for a child that wasn't his. There never seemed a good time to ask him on it and so they had never done it, this only brought with it confusion, the offer of both something made for them and the cookies enough to catch their attention.

“Say nutin,” the child grumbled, noise tucked into the sweater. A soft pastel green it was nice, a bit large so it hung off their body, bunching about their back legs as they sat, gaze averted from the others present. Though not ready to admit it Aita loved the present and seemed rather attached to it already, further burying their face into it.

Re: You are my sunshine // open+weekly task - coldblue - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]If Blue were to be completely honest, he would have to admit that he almost did not show up. Not because he dislikes Jacob--in fact, he actually likes his father's fiance. It's just that, well, Jake is his father's fiance. The fiance of the father who he possesses an extreme dislike for and is genuinely surprised that more people are not dissatisfied with him. But maybe that is because he inherited most of Pincher's less wonderful qualities, and the fact that he sees his father reflected in himself probably contributes to the resentment.

But after some serious consideration, Coldblue decided to do what Goldie would go. As much as he hates Pinch, he cannot take those feelings out on those who happen to love his father; Jacob included.

And, hey, the sweater doesn't look too bad on him, does it? Of course not. He is his father's son. A Roux. He might be a dickwad like his father before him, but at least he's easy on the eyes. The handsome young bengal strolls over after his younger siblings and his less familiar aunt--his expression purely neutral but at least he is being civil and going along with the whole thing. The pale, icy blue of the material compliments his eyes wonderfully. It is a bit too hot for the humid summer weather, but he can handle it for a couple of hours if it makes Jacob happy.

"Thank you, Jake," says the boy as he approaches, deciding to offer his soon-to-be step-dad a rare, albeit fleeting, smile. Blue isn't exactly good at the whole "being genuine about positive feelings thing," so he falls silent. But he remains, if not to see how his baby sister Katherine and Vandal like their gifts.

Re: You are my sunshine // open+weekly task - jacob w.c. - 07-27-2018

Jacob couldn't help the smile that spread across his maw when Katherine and Vandal approached. He hadn't given them their sweaters quite yet but he hped they'd enjoy them. He pulled out two packages and handed both of them one.  "I dunno' why I wrapped 'em, you'll see some people comin' around with the same kinda' gift but I guess I wanted ta' make it more excitin' for ya'll. I made ya' both some sweaters n' I was hopin' ya' could try 'em on. 'S for the weekly task I got from Rosemary n' I was already makin' quite a few anyway so it worked out well tha' way," he explained, watching to see when they'd rip into the packages with anticipation. He hoped they'd like the sweaters he'd made for each of them. He'd made Vandal's with a silver-like thread that seemed to have some blue mixed in and Katherine's with a gentle purple he thought would look nice with her fur.

The idea that Jake couldn't be happier to see Katherine and Vandal could be questioned when he saw Coldblue and Aita. Aita didn't look quite as happy with the product as Blue but that didn't seem to bother the man for now. Just the fact they were wearing it made the husky absolutely overjoyed. "You both look so nice in it! I hope ya' liked the colors I picked, I tried ta' think of somethin' everyone would like. If ya' ever want, I can always make ya' more ah' these too! I only did simple patterns for these ones 'cause I was makin' so many at once but if ya' ever wanted somethin' more complicated or with more colors, I could do it! I made myself a rainbow one once n' I have kinds that have all sortsa' patterns if ya' ever wanna' see 'em. I mean I wear 'em all the time, so you'll probably see all ah' 'em eventually but if you're lookin' for a specific pattern or somethin', I could help ya' find it," he offered, his smile not wavering for a moment. While Jacob may have been stressed about Luca while making these gifts, it was obvious now that he was absolutely overjoyed with the final products and seeing everyone with them on. This was perfect.

Re: You are my sunshine // open+weekly task - Character Graveyard. - 07-27-2018

Vanessa wasn't one of the clanmates that Jacob had called over, but she had decided to walk over and take a seat on the side. Ah, sweaters. They were nice to wear in the winter, so she'd probably ask Jacob if he could make her one when autumn or winter rolled around.

The former-Privateer would offer the others a nod of greeting before she would look down at her paws, since she didn't have much to say- she hadn't been the most talkative person since Wade had left.

Re: You are my sunshine // open+weekly task - VANDAL R. - 07-28-2018

Vandal doesn't really expect a gift being given to her but appreciates it nonetheless - especially when she finally gets a good look of what Jacob had made for here. It's a beautiful color, one that contrasts nicely against her black pelt, and she's quick to worm her way into it until the hood is spilling over her eyes. A soft, surprised laugh bursts out of her chest like a bird, dancing in the wind as she leans up on her hindlegs to give herself a once over. "Wow - Jacob, this is - fuck, this is amazing! Thank you! Fuck, how do I look?"

Re: You are my sunshine // open+weekly task - no more - 07-30-2018

it is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness
It's hard to not let their own smile curl about their lips, hidden as it was beneath the collar of the sweater, as they watched Jacob. They had made no secret of their affection towards the man though it didn't mean it was public knowledge as well, simply something any other could pick up if they cared to find the hints, yet this seemed only to cement it. “Thank ya...Jake,” they tested the nickname out, unsure on where its use would go over well, gaze set firmly upon the man in question.
two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings

Re: You are my sunshine // open+weekly task - ADAKIAS - 07-30-2018

[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:georgia;font-size:11px"]( oH SHIT sorry just saw this!)

Staring at the already opened gift box, olive eyes would narrow with somewhat of annoyance towards the contents inside. A sweater. How, uh, quaint. Sylvina wasn’t particularly a fan of the idea that she’d have to wear the clothing, yet her mind would subconsciously scold any ounce of regret she may have conjured. This was for Jacob. And she loved Jacob, he was such an incredible father to her and the other siblings. If this would make him happy, then so be it.

It had been somewhat of a struggle for her to get the article of clothing on. Afterall, it was her first “accesory.” Sylvina would manage to slip the maroon sweater over her shoulders after a few bouts of angry growns and attempts at swear words she hadn’t really memorized. The sweater actually fit quite nice, it was snug yet somewhat comforting around her small frame. It felt as if someone has wrapped themselves around her in a giant swaddle. Given that she wasn’t a fan of physical affection, this would come in handy within the near and far future whenever she’d long for a hug yet would never muster enough courage to ask for one.

Sylvina padded over to her gathered siblings and crewmates before flashing a small — yet truly genuine, smile towards Jacob. It was rare for her to offer the upwards curvation of her maw to others, but if anyone deserved it then it surely was Jacob. The thought behind the gift was beginning to touch her heart in a way that was quite rare for her spitfire of a personality. It was an enjoyable feeling that she was always so resistant to. But this one time could be different. Just this once.

”Thank you Jacob, I like it a lot.”