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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
If anyone knew Pincher, they would know of his odd appearance which some considered "attractive". Pincher was a pretty boy, he was aware of that and had used it to win many hearts despite having to break some as well. The male had been always in a fit form, his father always pushing him to train and remain in a perfect condition of whatever form he took. Part of it was because he wanted him to be strong enough to kill, to be able to pin a victim and slice their throat without much struggle and the other to keep him busy. His father had strategized on how he wanted Pincher to be. Strong enough to kill but not enough that he would rebel the intimidating form of his parental figure. But then Pincher had left the gang to be with his wife and children, his mind finally escaping his father's demands and being able to think for himself. Even after he had returned, Pincher no longer took orders from his father that he did not want to do. But he was so used to doing physical training that he continued the habit without much of a second thought.

He tended to always do it in the very start of the morning when the sun would break through the horizon. He enjoyed it because of how the freezing night air would mix with the warmth of the sun, his breath dancing like steam when he would run and swim. Even with the tiredness of killing at night and the leader work that he did by day. But his sister had given him the task to do a class for the perfect beach body and Pincher supposed he might as well do it now. The dark ash gray jaguar stepped out of his quarters to step through the sand to reach the larger hills made out of sand. He halted at the highest one with Pincher glancing around to wait for others to rise, deciding to stretch. As he arched his back and stretched his back leg, the demigod called "So who's up for a little physical training?" The tattooed male then rolled his broad shoulders with a ghost of a smile tracing his muzzle as he wondered who would be up to training with him.


Would Temulin consider herself attractive? Probably not. She would admit that she was pretty if pushed, and she was. She looked like a doll in all honesty, fragile. It wasn't really seen as a good thing amongst a group of raiders and hunters, possibly why she was pushed into the role she found herself now. Tem didn't resent her family and tribe for it, she quite liked her job as a shaman.

Still, she was amongst pirates now. Getting up early was something she was in fact used to, she was up as soon as the sun was at home. Being on an island didn't make that any different. She listen to the stranger's call for physical exercise, which sounds like fun honestly. The jaguar is certainly a great deal... Taller than her. Ah, she feels tiny once again.

"I don't think I can keep up with whatever you're doing." She comments, mostly due to the size difference. A siamese and a jaguar are not really matched when it comes to physical ability, now are they?
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Re: PROTEIN PILLS / CLASS WORKOUT - Keona. - 07-25-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The tiny Striker was rather oblivious to physical attraction.  If she was cute or pretty she didn't know it.  Mostly, she tried not to wonder about it although sometimes the question flashed in her mind, especially after someone mentions something 'pretty' or 'lovely'.  Keona didn't know what made the recipients those things.  To her 'pretty' was something more like birdsong, or the sound of soft rain.  Visible beauty was a mystery.

Perhaps Keona was 'cute' but it'd go over her head.  The feline was smaller than a large jungle leaf, with still-appearing spots dotting her body.  Her pale sea-green eyes were luminous, despite their disability, often gleaming with something akin to michief.  Perhaps one day 'cute' would turn to 'pretty' or 'good-looking' but it'd make little difference to her.  She had no idea what she, or anyone else, looked like.

"... Can I? I'd... Li to." She probably wasn't anywhere near Pincher's physical capabilities, but she was willing to struggle matching him and improve.

[ Mobile ]
code by spacexual


Pincher was the opposite of attractive in Caesar's book. Caesar, however, believed he was the most attractive being out there, despite being covered in scars and scabs from setting himself on fire, as well as his body just being poorly taken care of in general. It was kind of funny, really, that Caesar believed himself to be this amazing-looking person when he was, in fact, trash, while Pincher was not attractive at all. "Physical training?" Caesar echoed as he came over, following after Keona. "Sure, why the hell not?" He went on quickly with a shrug.

Re: PROTEIN PILLS / CLASS WORKOUT - jacob w.c. - 07-25-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Pincher was the most attractive man Jacob had ever seen in his entire life. When he heard about Rosie's task for his fiance, he'd decided to follow him out to it. Jacob wasn't exactly known for exercising regularly, partly due to his various medical problems and partly due to the fact he just really didn't like exercising. However, he did like Pincher, and he liked seeing Pincher's muscles and he liked appreciating how his fiance appeared. He loved Deniz for lots of reasons, like how he could trust him with anything and how he could always depend on him to be honest, even if he wasn't particularly honest with other people, and how he didn't mind Jacob's scars or what his family had done, and the way he woke up in the morning and immediately asked if Jacob was feeling well and always wanted to know how he was. He loved that Deniz loved him, despite of all Jacob's glaring flaws. But Jacob also greatly appreciated all of the muscly bits too. He really did appreciate it a lot. This was just Jacob looking for more reasons to appreciate Pincher. He was just going to support his fiance. At least that's what he told himself because he definitely wasn't going for the exercise.

With all that on his mind, he made his way to the man with a light smile on his maw, doing his best not to stare as the man stretched. Staring was rude. Was it rude if Deniz was about to be his husband? Of course. It was rude to stare at anyone ever. "I wanna' exercise too. I can't do as much as ya'll 'cause ah' my legs but I jus' thought I'd come n'... exercise," he stated before settling down beside Temulin and looking towards the jaguar. He knew he wouldn't be able to do the vast majority of whatever Pincher did to look... the way he did, but he would at least try. "Ya' know, I've been thinkin' 'bout startin' a diet n' stuff anyway so this'll be good," he concluded. 
the heavy weight of stone

Re: PROTEIN PILLS / CLASS WORKOUT - Verdigris - 07-25-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]The subject of Paper's appearance had confused him for some time.

  In the pack, quite a few of the pups he had been raised with had openly commented on how weird his mismatched eyes were, and how skinny he was, and even roughed him up for it when they got older. The adults were rarely so upfront about their opinion of his physical appearance, so he usually had to guess from their eye movements, body language, and occasional hushed whispers that he could only halfway catch. He could only see their aside glances, raised brows, flattened ears, tilted heads, the like.

  He knew he had never been quite as large or as muscular as any of his littermates, either, not even Blankslate prior to her growth spurt. In some ways he guessed it could be an advantage- it allowed him to fit into tight spaces that the others couldn't, or dodge blows more easily- but it was difficult to see it that way when most of the time, the fight went to the biggest and the strongest of the foes.

  Yet, despite that, he was still alive.

  The Typhoon had only confused things further. Georgie had acted like his heterochromia was something to marvel at, like he was genuinely beautiful- and while she had always been a bizarre individual at even the best of times, her words had stuck with him. Even setting her aside, nobody here had seemed to find him at all out of the ordinary; nobody had thought him too scrawny, too strange, too ugly for the job.

  Probably because here, it didn't matter what you looked like, except to tell you apart from everyone else. It didn't matter if his odd-colored eyes and relatively thin frame were something to be admired or something to be scorned, because the Typhoon had no time to do either. If you could kill, or heal, or sell, you were good enough for them.

  Still, he wondered sometimes.

  Setting that aside, Paper made his way over and glanced between the others. "Might as well try it," he commented to Temulin. She basically had the same anatomy as Pinch, just a bit smaller, so the physical movements should be the same. Glancing up at Pinch, he added, "I'm game."


Physical attractiveness? Thor had never really cared for it, honestly. He couldn't care less about how he looked. He was large and strong, yeah, but he wasn't trying to impress anyone. He was just big because of his natural muscle mass and all of the food that he ate. He wouldn't say that he worked out regularly; all the hunting and walking that he did in the wild was enough of a workout for him. Other than that, he was rather lazy in the scheme of things. Laying around, stuffed with his latest catch and watching the day go by. That was ideal for the bear. However, being a rather enthusiastic individual, he didn't see why he couldn't participate in this class.

Without a word, the bear joined the group that was crowding Pincher, awaiting further instruction from the captain.

Re: PROTEIN PILLS / CLASS WORKOUT - bubblegum - 07-25-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie was actually quite muscular and strong for her age. she was an active girl and it's no secret that her papa was plenty buff himself, so it made sense. though, her muscles had been getting a bit weaker the past month - especially the past week. her body had been deteriorating already and when she got sick, she finally gave up and let herself rest. it probably wouldn't take her long to get that strength back, though. she was already starting to with her increasing activity again.

but, she's still never technically had much of any training. not physical, anyway. she'd seen a few classes but she'd never actually properly done any herself. so, when she heard her papa call out that he was offering physical training, the sick girl would very happily approach. she coughed a couple of times, going to stand near mister dad with an excited smile. "i wanna!"


Vandal, much like her brother, has always been in peak, physical condition. Before being taken by the ocean, a younger Maxine had taken it upon herself to keep her body physically fit in order to help protect their family - but then the goddess had taken her, and her body wasted away in the depths of the ocean. In truth, Vandal doesn't remember how she even managed to make it to shore with how weak her body had been, skin and bones and not much else.

Since then, however, Vandal had returned to her old habits of exerting her body in order to achieve its maximum potential. While not yet as good as it had been before, her form is already starting to fill in again - it's certainly leaner now compared to those that do not take the time to work out. All from patience, hard work, and determination; she's spent every day since coming back making sure that her meals are balanced and her body is pushed to the limit.

Still, that doesn't mean she's up for a little group workout, especially when it means she can show off to her brother. It's no surprise that she wanders over with a big smile on her sloped snout. "Count me in!"