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THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT || Meeting 7/25 - Printable Version

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THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT || Meeting 7/25 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-25-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
//Retro injuries

Another week, another meeting. Atbash carried a couple of necklaces and pendents in her jaws as she made her way towards the Banquet Hall. As she made her way there, she called out as much as she could with the items in her mouth, "Snowbound! Gather around for a meeting!" Hopefully people were able to understand her words. And it seems they did; a couple NPCs were coming through the doors as she took a seat. Luckily this week wasn't going to have a lot of changes, like the last two meetings had. "First of all, I'd like to welcome all of our joiners this past week! So, welcome to Lewis, Chromeo and his direwolf Ghost, Lirim and Bubonicplague, Kirishima, Caboose, Guitarstrings, Ilijas, Henri, Mojave, and Cherrypaw!" That was quite a few, wasn't it? Atbash was still proud to see her little tribe growing. "Pierce has also returned this week, so please welcome him back too!" She loved the guy, it was good to see him back.

Atbash allowed the tribe to welcome their new friends into the group before she went on. "I only have one promotion this week, and that goes to Dimitri. Although I would like you to contibute a bit more. Consider this a trial I guess?" She did see the guy around, although he seemed shy and quiet for the most part. Which was understandable, she knew how hard it was to be social sometimes. But she would like to see a bit more effort come from the guy. "I don't have any demotions or warnings, but I do have titles to give, as well as shoutouts. Nui, Toshinori, and Kirishima all get shoutouts, as well as the Snowflake title!" She announced, holding out the necklaces that held the duckling pendent.

After waiting for congratulations, Atbash went on once more, "For events, don't forget to check out Aizawa's murder mystery and Cry's battle training." She chirped, though her usual cheerfulness died down quickly as she realized she had yet to announce the changes to their politics. "The Typhoon is no longer allies, they're neutrals. They, uh... did not take that very well, so please be careful whenever you go outside of camp. But! The Ascendants is now our ally, as well as a smaller group known as the Moonlight Vale."

Was that it? Oh, no, she had one more thing. Atbash perked up at her next announcement, though her gaze still showed her worry about The Typhoon. "I'm also gonna introduce an Ambassador program. Both high positions and normal members can participate in it, so feel free to sign up!" There, now that was it. "Unless anybody else has anything to add, meeting dismissed!"

> Welcome to our joiners this week! Lewis/C★SMIIX, Chromeo/XYLO, Ghost/Persia, Lirim/Adomania, Bubonicplague/Emil, Kirishima/Una, Caboose/Arcy, Guitarstrings/Bunstache, Ilijas/Florence, Henri/Madster, Mojave/Alloy, and Cherrypaw/Middy!
> Welcome back to Pierce/Cobblepot!
> No demotions or warnings this week, however [member=1172]dimitri.[/member] is promoted to Polarheart! This is just a trial right right though, but keep going, you're doing great! Congrats!
> Shoutouts to [member=1463]NUI HARIME[/member] , [member=1530]Kirishima,[/member] , [member=1548]toshinori .[/member] ! They also get the Snowflake title and duckling pendent, congrats!
> Don't forget about the two events we have going on: Aizawa's Murder Mystery and Cry's Battle Training (linked above)
> The Typhoon are no longer allies, but The Ascendants and Moonlight Vale are!
> We now have an Ambassador Program!
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT || Meeting 7/25 - galexiux - 07-25-2018

//track. ill reply to a meeting one day

Re: THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT || Meeting 7/25 - Character Graveyard. - 07-25-2018

A week had already gone by? Geez. That meant he's been in Snowbound for a week now. At least, he felt welcome and at home here. The maned-wolf had stumbled over on his three-legs, a big lopsided grin on his maw. He would let himself fall down on the ground gently and he listened to Atbash.

A welcome and a welcome back for people, a promotion for Dimirti, shout-outs to him and two others, two new allies and a Ambassador program. All of this sounded very interesting.

"Noted!" Kirishima called out.
tags :: updated 7/23:

Re: THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT || Meeting 7/25 - NUI HARIME - 07-25-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
her second meeting since joining the snowbound. weeks went by quickly, it seemed.

nui slithered into the banquet hall that evening, her sapphire eye glued to the glistening pendants and necklaces atbash had in her hand. they looked lovely. nui recognized some of the pendants; she had been with the snowbound long enough to recognize that certain members were given titles, and that certain titles were attached to physical items; like the necklaces for example.

the felidae was quick to seat herself, settling onto her haunches with a quiet little huff. velvety ears flickered forward, listening tentatively as she drew a gentle tongue over her paw in one smooth motion, licking a wet stripe across her limb. with that, she drew it over her fur, smoothing down a buttery golden pelt before she redirected her attention towards atbash.

"welcome all new joiners. congratulations to dmitri, and thank you for the shout out!" she was rather pleased with this development, deep sapphire eyes sparkling in mirth.

it turns out that typhoon had been dropped as allies a long while ago, and as a result, they had not taken the news very well. that explained the recent attacks and the general tension that seemed to hang around the camp like a crowd.

"noted," she called, as the meeting dismissed.

Re: THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT || Meeting 7/25 - BUBONICPLAGUE - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]bubonicplague was silent as he padded over, sticking to the sidelines while he listened to the announcements proceed. a welcome to he and lirim and some other joiners, promotion, shout-outs, the usual meeting. the dire wolf stretched his jaws in a yawn, and as atbash finished speaking of the ambassadors program, he stood to leave. "noted," he murmured plainly, taking his leave before the area grew crowded.

Re: THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT || Meeting 7/25 - madster - 07-25-2018

henri came over next, after bubonic, drawn by the sound. oh, so he was an official joiner now? that felt nice, to hear his name alongside other people. he was an official part of this clan now. furrowing his brow, he listened. a promotion to dimitri- nice, he thought, as he liked him. he decided he'd check out those ambassadors later.

Re: THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT || Meeting 7/25 - arcy - 07-25-2018

Another day, another meeting. Or, wait, no. Another week, another meeting. Izuku always looked forward to these. I mean .. he already knew everything that was going on in Snowbound because Izuku never rested long enough not to. But honestly, there was always enough new information to keep him going. .. Even if there wasn't he would definitely still be here, though. Uh. Anyways. He'd slipped on his pendants for today, and made over to the Banquet Hall once he heard it was happening. And so, he limps over to seat himself next to Kirishima, leaning awkwardly as his tail curls over his paws.
Meeting, uh -- lots of joiners, again! It was very strange, wasn't it? But it was nice. They were growing, and there were a lot more people Izuku could spot among the crowd here than there'd ever really been in the past. How nice. The Frosthealer grins. Dimitri is promoted, titles go out, and wow, it's suddenly a little jarring to realize some people are actually sticking. A lot of joiners, particularly his friends, thanks, like to vanish right after joining, so he just .. he's not sure. Uh .. events, Typhoon, allies. Neat!! Izuku's tail gives a cheery swish, despite the thing about the Typhoon.
"Noted! And, uh, congratulations!" Izuku decides to speak up, inclining his head to grin at Kirishima, because he's close, and god where are the other people that got promotions or titles. Izuku wouldn't know, considering that they'd be shapeless color blobs thanks to his vision. How upsetting.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT || Meeting 7/25 - TSUYU. - 07-25-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

Tsuyu was glad that she could get herself back into activity after her roleplayer had gotten sick. She had been worried, and she was sure Kirishima and the others were also worried.

Hopping over to the meeting a bit late, the frog-minx hybrid settled down next to Izuku, a soft ribbit escaping the hybrid's throat. "Congratulations, ribbit."

Re: THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT || Meeting 7/25 - dead chars - 07-26-2018

Toshinori hadn't made it to the last meeting he'd been around for. He supposed that was mostly because he'd been busy trying to come to terms with whatever the hell had caused him to end up here, but now that he wasn't pondering the mysterious circumstances, he'd actually gotten out and about. Thank goodness, too. If he had missed this meeting, he would have been embarrassed, to say the least.

He'd found a seat near Izuku and the rest and listened through the announcements, nodding, noting what Atbash had to say. New joiners were nice, and he'd been one himself just last week. The serval then heard Dimitri's name, and then Nui's, and then his own, and then Kirishima's. His ears perked and he blinked. Had he done something good? Apparently so, if he was getting a... necklace? Pendant? He'd gotten those a lot as a pro hero, but he didn't think he still really had the capacity to earn those after what had happened. Still, it was... nice. He allowed a small smile to appear on his face.
"Ah, thank you, Atbash!" Toshinori booms in his usual fashion. Despite the volume he sounded almost sheepish.
"And congratulations to everyone else."

Then the meeting continued. The serval's ears twitched at the mention of Aizawa's name- he wasn't sure he'd go to that event, but maybe he'd try, he didn't quite know yet -but the battle training sounded cool. He hadn't yet met Cry, whoever that was, but that was okay. He also noted the politics talk. Toshinori knew a bit more about that than he thought he would have, but being a pro hero, he'd gotten more involved with it than most. At least, when he'd been a human. Now was different, but that was... okay. As long as he was up to date, he felt he would be fine, for the most part.
code by spacexual

Re: THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT || Meeting 7/25 - Stryker - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  All the newcomers felt nice to see... or hear in this case. Stryker was not necessarily a new member, but he was making his debut on the main channel of Snowbound these days by interacting. None of the names were people he met already, so he didn't necessarily see them join. How disappointing. To think that he didn't butt his lil (or large) head into their genuine conversation saddened him. "Why welcome to the club," came his answer for now. "Don't be too cocky around here. After all, we're peaceful." A slight snicker rumbled from his throat. Even one prank would probably rustle the jimmies of these folks.

But what was Dmitri promoted to? Stryker crooked his head, eyeing the leader curiously in hopes that he would explain what rank he was promoted to. For all he knew, it could of been fucking leader. Hell, Dmitri should of stated it was leader. He'd call that an interesting overthrow! Seriously, he knew that would never happen. He could only hope for his wildest dreams to become a piece of reality. Instead, this was probably a minor promotion. Nothing special or interesting, but perhaps a rank change by one for Dmitri. Truly, his thoughts were getting out of hand and being way too specific in the matter of statements. Fucking weirdo... Now if only someone read his mind. Now THAT would be interesting.

Murder? In a peaceful clan!? Oh no... What a tragedy. Stryker was practically bending over the toilet to blow chunks in agony. His eyes could pry wide in fear as he let out a horrifying scream that spread across Snowbound-nation with all his might... but he didn't... because that was life for you. They couldn't go around expecting their clan to be peaceful forever. Eventually, something like that was going to happen. The Typhoon, in most cases, would probably go down to enemy after a long winded yelling match between two kings of the nation. Then they would wage war... blah blah blah... End scene. 'You get the point.' Truthfully, he was not surprised by this 'murder' or the fact that these clans were dropped. Thankfully, the alliances being made were pleasurable. The more help, the better they had a chance against their future enemy.

In other news, the ambassador program seemed neat. It gave him the excuse to spew more bullshit to others with his weird ass metaphors. Stryker made a mental note to look that up later so he could be a step ahead in the game.