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COLD COLD MAN ;; narcolepsy spell - Printable Version

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COLD COLD MAN ;; narcolepsy spell - goodsprings - 07-24-2018

it was mid afternoon, the sun was at its highest point of the day and bearing down on the ivory sands without mercy today. captainpaw, despite his thick fur and new introduction to the heat, did not want to spend the remaining time of the day inside. instead, he remained by the shores, playing in the small waves that came up to his chest, just strong enough to make him teeter but not completely fall over.

other than the soothing crash of minor waves and the calls of seagulls above, the beach was rather peaceful. in cap's mind, he was facing off an evil kraken, sending its minions in wave form to take him down. when the water pulled back, he would twist and turn and stomp in the water. 'beating it up' he would say.

he hadn't noticed that the wind had begun to pick up, and the cloud were beginning to turn gray. too involved in his game, he continued to 'fight' off each wave. slowly they were becoming a bit stronger. one have unbalanced a paw. the next knocked him off his back paws. a frown tugged at his lips and he looked back to see how far he was from the dry land, and figured about five more minutes of playtime before heading to the tavern.

he turned back only to see a massive wave forming in front of him, and the familiar feeling clung around his chest like cold claws. the wave cast a dark shadow, blocking the sun from his vision and bubbling angrily. it felt like his heart stopped, and thought the sun had completely vanished. no... his vision was becoming spotted. his balance was thrown off as his head became foggy and dizzy. he barely had time to react before the wave came crashing down in front of hm.

the force of the current pushed him back several feet, but captainpaw had been unconscious just moments before the impact hit him. his body was ragdolled across the rough sand, his legs tangling in seaweed before the wave pushed him back upon the sand.

the kitten's body looked lifeless aside from shallow breaths. his lungs filled with water, but unresponsive for the time.

//no injuries! he'll probably be sore after a while but he does need to get those water out of his lungs ^^

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: COLD COLD MAN ;; narcolepsy spell - purgatory - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:8.5pt;text-align:justify;line-height:110%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;color:#5c5c5c"]If there was one place you would surely find the Privateer, it would be at the beach. The sound of crashing waves, the feeling of the water tugging them in as it lapped at their paws... the pristine blue water and the light that bounced off the surface... everything about the beach was almost comforting. They even grew to not mind the salty small that got thicker as they drew closer. They were sure they were close to fully finding comfort at the beach but alas, they did not know how to swim. They could only go so far due to their small frame but one day, they know, they’ll be able to float alongside the waves. Staring up at a bright blue cloudless sky, their own crystal blue eyes mirroring the sense of tranquility. They weren’t in a rush for that day to come as it was inevitable, and should the small chance of it not becoming a reality also befall them, it wasn’t anything to get worked up about. They were content with the way things are. Floating carelessly in the ocean is merely a want, not a need. However, they couldn’t help but imagine how pleasent Captainpaw must be feeling. His body was limp and eyes were shut as though he completely trusted the waves. Cronas, not stopping on their path - they intended to walk past him with a breif greeting - slowly made their way in the direction of the older feline. As they drew near, they ahifted their attention back to Captainpaw who was now laying on the shore some yards before them. Was he alright? Perhaps he was just resting a bit. Entrusting yourself to the ocean could be exhausting, especially if it has the ability to discontinue your life. Still taking their time to approch, it was only when Cronas was inches away did they wonder if he was alright. Stopping at his head, the young child gave him a sniff before circling him a few times. He should have been able to notice them by now if he was just resting for a second. Was he sleeping? That’s no good. Sleeping here so close to the waves is dangerous after all.

Blinking a few times, they angled their ears towards Captainpaw. His breathing was a bit laboured was it? Now that they thought about it, his breathing also sounded wet. This would complete their analysis and they feel they could make an educated guess: something was wrong. They weren’t sure as to what exactly, though they should wake him up and tell him something is wrong. “Captainpaw? Cronas would like Captainpaw to wake up please.” They have yet to discover their flat voice that never goes beyond a soft and even tone wouldn’t wake anyone up. Though, they tried nonetheless. Even if their hypothesis was wrong and the apprentice was fine, he was sure to get sick if he didn’t dry himself off properly. It would be inconvenient to Cronas if that were to happen due to them inhabiting such a close space. The pale kitten would rather not get sick if they could help it.

[ mobile ^^; ] 
[div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;margin-left:50px;margin-top:10px"] sincerely, inadvertent ignorance ・゚✧*

Re: COLD COLD MAN ;; narcolepsy spell - jacob w.c. - 07-25-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Jacob had just been on a walk, debating turning back as the weather seemed to pick up. He'd been taking walks on the beach frequently now. While he couldn't walk there as long as he could on solid ground, it was more relaxing and it felt a little easier to handle sometimes. That was when he spotted Captainpaw down in the water and a small frown came to his maw. If a storm broke out, those waves would get far too tall for the little boy to handle. He began to make his way over, about to shout for him to back up but then a wave overtook him. "Cap! Captainpaw!" the man called as he hurried down, arriving just after Cronas. While the situation was serious and Jacob knew he needed to act as soon as possible, Cronas' statement caused a small smile to come to his maw, a barely suppressed laugh. The thought that a voice so quiet and gentle would wake someone who'd just inhaled an entire ocean just seemed so ridiculous. Still, even with that in mind, he quickly moved forward and attempted to roll Captainpaw over so he was flat on the ground. He could tell the boy was still breathing so he probably wouldn't need to do mouth to mouth but he did need to get the water out of his lungs. For that reason, Jacob attempted to apply pressure repeatedly, being careful as he knew the child wouldn't have as strong of a bone structure as an adult may. The CPR technique should be enough to get the water out, he supposed, but if it didn't work after a couple rotations, then he'd do mouth to mouth if it was necessary. 
the heavy weight of stone

Re: COLD COLD MAN ;; narcolepsy spell - B.Y.T.E ! - 07-25-2018

The afternoon sun near the hemisphere in the tropics was probably not the most desirable place to lay under while working with a small metal circle made of all sorts of scraps from his lab that he had begun to sand down while sitting outside of his treehouse so he would get the home dirty since he had heavily renovated just to add two rooms just for Captain to sleep in and the other for whatever sort of hobby's he wanted to pursue in life, whether the pirate stuff would continue or he would move onto other things would be his own choice. Perhaps Plane had went a bit overboard, but that's what a father did, right? He wasn't all to sure since his own father hadn't done anything like this for himself and beat him the day he found out about his experimenting as a boy not much older than Cap himself. The mere thought of him caused his sanding to be a bit more vicious as he glared towards the sea, his thoughts swirling and bubbling before a cool breeze managed to brush it from his mind in favor of setting down the metal ring down in a small box for now as he finished said work for that day, opting instead to find where his son had wandered off to.

Paws lead him toward the beach, his bag crinkling with his movements while he looked at a few figures a couple of feet off, though the distance kept him from making to much out of it until he moved closer and could see the unconscious body of his son laying there wet and with bits of seaweed clinging onto his small form that had caused him to stumble in his quickened pace. Plane heart rate quickened and a disgusting feeling rose into his throat as he went as fast as he could in those moments to check on his boy, being looked down upon from the ground and he wanted to yell. "C-C-C-CAPTAINPAW, NO NO NO." The father yelled, his body skidding to a halt before the group in a frenzied panic and completely unaware of the black, shadowy like substance that leaked from his paper bag. White pupils looked to Jacob, someone he hadn't had the pleasure of formally meeting and apparently was about to marry the captain or something. But, Plane's mind had more important things to think of as he watched the canine flip over Cap's body and began basic CPR procedures on the young tom while another boy his age looked on rather blankly, though he wasn't going to occupy his time with that. "M-m-my-- uh, um son. What ...happened?? I-I can't let another one die. " Half of his speech was hardly audibly with how much he stuttered in that moment trying to talk to Jacob and the other was just insecure mumblings to himself as he tried to not throw up at the sight of this medic pushing down on his son's chest.


Re: COLD COLD MAN ;; narcolepsy spell - bubblegum - 07-25-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie missed being able to go into the water. ever since her...death she hadn't really been able to go. her electric elementals went off when she got wet and she couldn't control them too well yet. she was getting better, at least. plus, her current injuries were not very good for swimming. it'd be quite dangerous for her to attempt it right now, and she knew that. she didn't exactly want to die again, even if she did miss swimming.

that wouldn't stop the sick girl from looking out onto the ocean, ocassionally poking at it with her paw. she laid near the shore with lynn, the harpy eagle squawking at the waves. she sighed quietly, feeling a bit worn out. she had been sleeping more - no doubt, but she had avoided it today. she always panicked after waking up, but yesterday she went into complete panic. she didn't want to feel like that again. that's why she was laying on the beach instead. maybe she'd feel better napping on the sand. lynn was so focused on the waves that he likely wouldn't fly off...

but then, something was happening. she perked her ears upward, lifting and turning her head as she heard mister dad call out a name. the girl blinked, coughing harshly as she pushed herself upward. lynn looked to her and began to follow her as she quickly stumbled towards the group. she frowned as she spotted captainpaw and quickly tried to turn her attention to plane, noticing his panic.

"i-it's okay, plane! i'll make sure he'll be okay." she tried to reassure. she thought plane was a very kind crewmate, so she didn't like to see him so panicked. she then turned to mister dad. she sniffled, gulping. this wasn't good. surely there was something she could do to help. "mi-mister dad, is there anything i can do? i can go fetch something for you if you need it, or help right here."

Re: COLD COLD MAN ;; narcolepsy spell - goodsprings - 07-25-2018

it's all faded, the voices around him. captain's unconsciousness floats between a dream and reality, the people around him appearing one by one as he heard them. cronas, though, simply feeling the others presence. he was first to meet him in his dream, his mind continuing it as if he were still awake. he had conquered the wave and was running across the sand with the minnow and tripping over each others paws as they raced away from the lapping water.

then jacob, adding himself to their small escapade. though in his dream he wasn't as injured as he was in reality either. more lively and athletic. he was able to run beside the two kittens in his own paradise his mind had come up with. he felt an invisible force push him over, though. his belly was exposed, and mouth felt wrenched open as pressure pushed down at his chest.

the skies began turn dark again, and he began to choke. he heard planecrash's scream. the spindly toms shaken voice, though just barely heard. the water begins to come up, more and more-

he wakes up with a sudden jerk of his body and instinctively rolls onto his stomach, coughing up the water he had swallowed and his body shuddering in exhaustion. his eyes feel heavy, and his legs tremble. partially from the dream-turned-nightmare, and partially from the effects nearly drowning had given him.

pale eye's met blue, first, recognizing cronas and then slowly realizing one by one the others. he tried to stand up first to run toward his father, to cuddle up into him and take him back home but his tangled legs had caused him to trip. cap struggled against the slimy leaves and whimpered, the experience having quite shaken him.

"i don't... i don't know what happened. i fell... i fell a-asleep. um, and then... the wave i-" captainpaw couldn't keep his breath, his chest heaving for air. the rush of adrenaline shook the beta's small body. "am i dead?" he looked to goldie, then to jacob. he was utterly clueless as to what had happened.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: COLD COLD MAN ;; narcolepsy spell - purgatory - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:8.5pt;text-align:justify;line-height:110%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;color:#5c5c5c"]Before Cronas knew it, they had taken a couple steps back as the others joined them, panic and concern following briskly after them. Why was everyone yelling? rather than yelling, getting so worked up? If they carry on this way, Captainpaw is surely going to wake up with a start and wonder why everyone was acting so hectic. After all, he was only sleeping. Their crewmates did know what sleeping is, right? Hell, Cronas is unable to do it but at least they know about it. It was nothing to be this concerned over. Maybe they were just concerned about him not drying off properly and getting sick? That made sense, they suppose. But they were acting very lively over something as small as the common cold. Though, should Captainpaw get sick, he would have to be quarantined immediately else the rest of them would catch it. Cronas would rather not think about the endless, troublesome possibilities that may ensue after. Maybe they were right to be worked up about this. As they were doing their best to understand the situation, the calico awoke thanks to whatever Jacob was doing. Tilting their head, observant eyes watched the other blankly as he moved towards his father. Noticing the seaweed wrapped around his paws, Cronas moved in to clear it from him as large ears listened as he spoke. They fell asleep? Here? There was too much to think about to fall asleep in the water. One of them being not drowning. Maybe the apprentice fainted from putting too much strain on his body? Cronas knew how hard it could be to stay upright when the tides are forcing their body back. "No," they started, tearing away the remaining seaweed. "Captainpaw isn't dead." They answered, looking at him. There was a moment of silence before they too looked at those around them. "Captainpaw isn't... dead?" They asked, wanting a second opinion. Who knows? Maybe he is dead. Maybe they're all dead. Maybe everything they've ever known is a lie and Cronas' journey for endless knowledge is pointless? Questions, questions.
[div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;margin-left:50px;margin-top:10px"] sincerely, inadvertent ignorance ・゚✧*

Re: COLD COLD MAN ;; narcolepsy spell - bubblegum - 07-26-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl watched as mister dad's attempts to save captainpaw worked and she felt a bit of relief enter her. she knew the feeling - sort of. she wasn't sure if she lost oxygen or too much blood first, but either way it was painful. she watches as he attempts to get up and run, only to fall over again and she takes a couple steps towards him, worry in her gaze.

goldie listened as he tried to explain himself, tilting her head. he had fallen asleep? that wasn't responsible. she opened her mouth to reply, but cronas seemed to beat her to the answer and she would nod to their words. "you're not dead, don't worry. don' try to move so much, though. just relax n' breathe," she explained softly, trying to calm him down. him running about was not the best idea right now. "why'd ya fall asleep? were you tired before you went out?"

Re: COLD COLD MAN ;; narcolepsy spell - ADAKIAS - 07-27-2018

[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:timesnewroman;font-size:11px"]Sylvina was out and about alongside the beach, her curious mind soaking up the afternoon sun and all the gratification it provided. She enjoyed being alone and one with nature - it seemed like everything was more calming and peaceful. The crabs that took residence within the sandy tides would think so, too, and the captain's daughter would take pleasure in watching the compact crustaceans emerge from their holes to soak up the rays of sunshine. She often wondered what it was like to be another creature. Her father could shapeshift, maybe he could teach her how to do the same?

Sylvina would instantly turn on her heels as soon as the thought came across her mind. She was aiming in the direction towards Pincher's quarters when something else completely caught the Bengal off guard, enough to stop the determine feline in her tracks. "CAPTAINPAW, NO NO NO." The stressed voice of Planecrash wasn't hard to hear - he practically had screamed the words that were laced with panic. Something was terribly wrong. The young kitten would instantly run towards the direction of where the voice came from in a split second decision of changing plans, her small stature only able to bring herself upon the tense scene just as Jacob began performing CPR on Captainpaw's limp body. Sylvina's wide gaze would stare for what seemed as ages at the young tom, her mind frantically racing at the possibilities of what was going on. She didn't want him to die, he was nice to her and the two had even gone swimming once. He didn't deserve this.

And then he was awake. A sigh of the utmost relief would release from her clenched jaws as she continued to watch Captainpaw regain consciousness. Sylvina tilted her head, a complex expression fulfilling the female's facial expression. He was dead, he was! How was he alive? It was unbelievable! "You were gone, I swear! Death had'ya but you came back." She'd remark with a tone of fascination.