Beasts of Beyond
I don't know what // open+Jerseyboy needed // I am without you - Printable Version

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I don't know what // open+Jerseyboy needed // I am without you - jacob w.c. - 07-24-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Jacob knew that Ascendants and Typhoon weren't on the best of terms but for today there would be peace. Their relationship was messy and complicated but he wasn't going to get married without his big brother beside him. Well, at the very least he wouldn't get married without telling Jerseyboy about it. He wasn't exactly sure if the man would come to support him or not. This certainly wasn't the future Jersey would've envisioned for Jacob but Jacob hoped he wouldn't be too disappointed. The canine had made the long journey to the border and now settled down, letting out a soft sigh. Such journeys tired him, especially with his leg in it's deteriorating state. It was moments like these that solidified his decision to leave Snowbound. He wanted to be with his family, most of which was in Typhoon, and the constant travelling had exhausted him and taken a physical toll. He was happy to finally be in a place that was permanently home. There was no more walking back and forth, no more wishing he could be beside Pincher and Goldie, no more being alone. He was happy. Happier than he'd been in a very long time, even with all his continuous health problems. For now, though, he'd be happy to have a break and see his big brother. He would just have to wait for someone to show up so they could get him.

the heavy weight of stone

Re: I don't know what // open+Jerseyboy needed // I am without you - Suiteheart - 07-24-2018

How long had it been since she had seen Jacob? It felt like centuries, but she knew it hadn't been that long. However, that didn't mean happiness did not wash over her as she scented him on her patrol. Despite his smell no longer being mingled with that of the tundra that was Snowbound, she still valued him as a friend of sorts, as an ally on people terms. Typhoon or not, Jacob was a good guy who deserved to be treated with respect - and Suiteheart would give it to him.

"Jacob," the white feline called, a lopsided smile catching her lips as she emerged from the treeline. "It's good to see you." She moved closer, smile never wavering. "What brings you here today, kiddo?" Her head tilted minutely to the left as she questioned the canine.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: I don't know what // open+Jerseyboy needed // I am without you - melody - 07-24-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]TRACKING BECAUSE IDK IF MELS SHOULD BE HERE

Re: I don't know what // open+Jerseyboy needed // I am without you - Shininglight - 07-24-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
Having been recently promoted to Cleric, Shining had a wave of responsibilities to suddenly carry. Perhaps his promotion had come at an odd, unfortunate timing, for he mentally could hardly keep up with the bustling activity of the Ascendants. Not by himself, at least. Thankfully Imperia and the Halos as their 'trainees' would be there to help out. Shining had grown too used to handling the burdens himself, both as a medic and a leader. Balancing the workload would be a nice change of pace.

The winged feline showed up soon after Suiteheart, mumbling ever so quietly. He had found an old satchel to carry around, which meant collecting herbs was quite easier. But he had a hard time navigating around and keeping on task, which probably explained why it was currently empty. Shining looked up, a semi-blank gaze directed towards the stranger at the border. Was this important? Should he stick around? He'd have to wait and see.

Re: I don't know what // open+Jerseyboy needed // I am without you - rhosmari - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]She was only here because she was curious of the circumstances. Really, she wanted to get out of her room that she shared with Wash and get moving around more in this body that she had been giving to start her second chance. Looping was the idea that she had come to think of as fact with her coming back from the dead. Something about this world was keeping her alive and she didn't know why nor did she think she was appreciative of it but perhaps it as just something she had to deal with. Though she wasn't about to test her theory either. The ink black creature slipped forward toward the grouping of other Ascendant members, imperial topaz eyes highlighting where she was focusing her attention on. The stranger seemed to be someone that Suite knew so she focused on that before she settled down and curled her tail thickly around herself. His name was Jacob that much she had picked up and she allowed a dip of her head. Her knowledge of the politics around here were slim to none but she did know that they were friends with a group called Tanglewood and that relations were starting with some place called Snowbound. "Hey..." She choked out suddenly before clearing her throat and analyzing the male before her. Eh, that was enough and she remained silent after that.

Re: I don't know what // open+Jerseyboy needed // I am without you - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-24-2018

He smells like the ocean. That's the first thing Versailles notices when she makes her approach, standing a bit behind Suite, Shining, and Carolina. Her golden eyes peer from between the gaps their bodies make to observe the stranger looking nervous on their borders.

He smells like the ocean, like the sea - she remembers the sea, when her mother had taken her there. She has such fond memories of it: it had been the first time she saw her mother smile, ocean spray dancing in the air as her cheeks came to life in each glint of the water droplets clinging to her fur. Versailles had looked at her then and saw her mother in a different light, not just the warrior she'd known her to be; her mother had still been human then, warm beneath the cold layers of her armor. Her mother still had a beating heart.

"Hello," comes the she-cat's voice, clearing softly as she rounds the present Ascendants to get a clearer look of the stranger. Suite seems to know him. He mustn't be that bad for Suite to know him and smile at him - perhaps he's an old friend of her's. "I'm Versailles," she introduces. While only a month younger than her brother, Bast, there are concepts that are still new to her. She doesn't know about the Typhoon, doesn't know what they would smell like, all she can taste in the air is the nostalgic scent of seasalt. "You smell like the ocean. Are you from the ocean?"

Re: I don't know what // open+Jerseyboy needed // I am without you - JERSEYBOY - 07-25-2018

It had been... quite some time since he had talked to his "brother".

They hadn't had a chance to really say goodbye to each other. Jerseyboy had left Snowbound to do some more traveling; he had even gone back to the city only to return with the little shit he called a niece. He lodged with some strangers, hunted for himself, got into some scraps with some of the asshole strays, and ultimately wandered back to the clan. He had found that Jacob had left in his absence, and a little birdie had told him that he had gone and joined the Typhoon, probably to be with his new "best friend", that one dude who had punched him in the face. Jerseyboy had been a bit salty about that, but then he figured that not having Jacob with him on his travels was probably for the best. The tuxedo tom moved at his own pace, and he wasn't sure if Jacob could handle his lifestyle.

There was no need to fetch him. No, he had made his way to the border on his own, and coincidentally the Typhoon member was standing there. Jerseyboy didn't act ecstatic, nor did he appear angry. He just managed a snort, "Well well well, look who finally decided to visit little ol' me." The tom shouldered past the others, as he was really the only one here that knew him, and therefore he felt inclined to greet him. Coming to a stop, Jerseyboy gave a tilt of his head and he added, "Or are you here for someone else?" He cocked a brow.