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When can // open // I rest - Printable Version

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When can // open // I rest - jacob w.c. - 07-24-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Recently, the calm home that had belonged to himself, Pincher, and Goldie had become very busy with four new little girls. Jacob adored all of them, obviously, but it was a little exhausting. He wasn't one to get much sleep anyway but it'd been even worse than usual. This morning, he'd gone out for a walk to stretch his legs a bit. Surely he'd feel a little more awake after a little morning walk. About halfway through, though, he told himself that if he just stopped for a minute to rest his legs, he'd be alright. They started to hurt anyway from all the work of walking through the sand. He settled down, letting his tail wrap around his paws. Before he really processed what he was doing, he settled down in the sand and let out a soft sigh. He'd just rest for a moment. Then he'd get up and finish the walk. He would just rest his eyes for a moment and let his legs rest and relax before the walk back. He knew it was a little short today but with how tired he was, he didn't think he could continue forward. However, as he laid out on the beach, the man's eyes drifted to sleep and a quiet snore came from him. While he may have told himself that he would only rest a moment, it was clear that unless he was disturbed, he wouldn't be moving for quite some time and he wouldn't be returning to his walk for even longer. He often had problems standing, or moving at all, right after sleeping but that didn't seem to bother him now. Now he was only concerned with resting on the beach, whose sand felt like a giant, shifting cloud.
the heavy weight of stone

Re: When can // open // I rest - VANDAL R. - 07-24-2018

Vandal is notorious for taking naps in the middle of the day in-between flying over the island and scouring the borders for signs of life. She's taken it upon herself to go around and around the known territory of the Typhoon to ensure that she always has a handle on things - but that doesn't mean that she doesn't get tired in the few flashes and moments between ending one run and starting the next.

It's why, when she finds Jacob sleeping on the sandy shore, her first reaction is temptation - followed by impulse. She figures it wouldn't do either of them harm to get a few minutes of sleep in, not unless the tide comes in, although that's not much of a worry. She's sure they'd wake up long before the tide is high enough to drown them, anyway, so Vandal does the most logical thing that Vandal can do: she curls up beside Jacob and takes a nap with him.

; we knew this was coming

Re: When can // open // I rest - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-24-2018

Although Caesar technically didn't need sleep, this mortal body he possessed did, and unfortunately, taking naps (or, well, sleeping in general) was something the Officer didn't do often. So because oft that, his body was hella sleep deprived, and seeing the two Crewmates sleeping next to each other made him crave wanting to curl up next to them as well. Caesar mentally shook his head, forcing away that thought as he crept closer to Jacob and Vandal. "You two are lazy as hell." The demon commented with a snort.

Re: When can // open // I rest - VANDAL R. - 07-24-2018

Vandal's light sleep flickers at the sound of someone approaching, although the scent is quick to reassure her that it's Caesar. She remains unmoving from her spot, curling into an even tighter a ball as she could muster and letting her jaws ease apart in a pleasurable yawn. When she finishes, she raises a paw and bats the air in Caesar's general direction, murmuring softly, "Shh. Insult later. Sleep now. Come, it's comfy."

Re: When can // open // I rest - goodsprings - 07-24-2018

captainpaw was definitely one of those children that fought to stay up when he felt tired. every. single. night. it must have drove planecrash to insanity the first few times he tried putting cap to bed, but eventually it worked out. all cap had to be told was to think up a story and share it, and eventually the own sound of his voice would put his already tired mind to sleep.

there were some odd times he took sudden naps. he couldn't make the connection yet that when he got excited, his eyes would roll back and he'd collapse for an unknown amount of time. sometimes things ujst went black and he would wake up at dusk. it was normal though, right?

captain hadn't exactly gotten the most peaceful nights sleep, unfortunately. the normal kitten nightmares of falling from a deathly height had jerked him awake, and he knew planecrash worked very hard and felt bad if he were to wake him up. he couldn't go back to sleep, though, and thus had laid in his bed until dawn started filtering through their den. he had left a bit earlier than normal when he began to get restless.

it was  pure coincidence, and a divine miracle, that he stumbled upon a group nap party. even when he hated naps, cap wouldn't turn this down. he sleepily, wordlessly stumbled toward the older pair and climbed on to of vandal. his body was still just small enough to fit in the small crease between her and jacob, and he began to purr at the cozy warmth they shared.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: When can // open // I rest - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-25-2018

Caesar looked almost disgusted by Vandal's offer, and the fact that Captainpaw went off to join them. The Officer's tail flicked irritably as he took note that his words practically meant nothing to Vandal, since she just shrugged them off by telling him to 'insult' them later. "Come on. There's work to be done." The demon tried again, this time using his 'authoritative' voice, as if that would do much here.

Re: When can // open // I rest - JUNIOR - 07-25-2018

[color=#5B81AE]"Someone's pressed," snorted Junior as he arrived on the scene, a smirk of amusement upon striped features. He'd been trying to keep on everyone's good side while he settled more comfortably into this place, but he couldn't resist; this guy - Caesar, was his name, he was pretty sure - had a stick shoved so far up his ass, the boy was sure you could spot it in his throat if you looked carefully enough. It was just too easy to poke fun at him. "If there's so much to be done, why don't you get to work on it instead of wasting your time on them?" It was rather backwards logic, if he did say so himself, but he doubted his opinion was worth much when no one here really even knew his name.


Re: When can // open // I rest - VANDAL R. - 07-25-2018

A soft, pleased sound rumbles in Vandal's throat when she smells Captainpaw's approach, feels his weight settle between him and Jacob. Almost instinctively, she shifts a bit closer to them both but careful not to crush any limbs while she's at it, breathing deep and letting herself enjoy the moment - at least, until Caesar's voice starts piping up again. She likes that he's dedicated, but is mostly annoyed by everything else. He needs to start relaxing. Maybe that'll do his attitude some good.

Another voice pipes in, one that Vandal is unfamiliar with and the effect is instantaneous. There's a sudden stiffening to her body, muscles rippling and coming alive - only to pause when the next comment reaches her ears. For a second, Vandal is still - and then her sides are shaking as she tries to hold back a burst of laughter. One neon green eye peels open to watch him curiously before offering an impish smile. "You're pretty cool, I like you already."

Re: When can // open // I rest - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-25-2018

"Because I'm your superior." Caesar growled, looking down at Junior as he spoke. "It's my damn job to make sure you fucks do yours." Would he actually end up supervising them or doing the jobs himself? Nah, absolutely not.

Re: When can // open // I rest - jacob w.c. - 07-27-2018

Jacob let out a yawn, barely registering the addition of Vandal and Captainpaw to his little nap but then he heard a faint voice in the distance. A voice that didn't really frequent his dreams or his nightmares. Caesar was neither pleasant enough to frequent his dreams or scary enough to show up in his nightmares so the demon didn't visit Jacob's subconscious all that often, which made his especially weird. Jacob's eyes slowly opened, his eyelids still heavy. "Well, ya' ain't my superior no more," the words were slurred, almost as though he was in a haze of drunkenness but he was only entirely sleep deprived. "N' we're real tired so jus'... I dunno' go do whatever ya' do f-for-" he didn't even finished the sentence before his eyes closed once again and he yawned, settling down once again. He barely acknowledged anyone else in the area but he wanted Caesar and Junior to shut up so he could keep sleeping. 