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BURNING SUNLIGHT | JOINING, OPEN - ceilidh - 07-23-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]Calculated steps, making sure not to sink into a hole in the earth, steering clear of pebbles with jagged angles, shells with pointed edges. She admired the ones that were smooth, a palette of pebbles greenish to blueish, but all gray in their form. The blond kitsune had things to get to, though. Places to be, faces to see. A splinter of a smile fragmented on her virtuous face, round cobalt eyes blinking once or twice coyly to herself. At once she looked up beyond the pebbles, up towards the face of a cliff ahead of her. A winding path lead up the way, the roof of the observatory puncturing the landscape of the twilight sky. "Man, they really do have 'n observatory and everythin'!" The young girl murmured to herself cheerily, voice light and bubbling with a velvety New York accent.

With the hesitance of a step, which showed no lack of grace that Rosetouch possessed, so made her way up from the beach. She'd planned this all out, her joining the Ascendants and all. She had decided to navigate along the shore, as it would bring her close to the observatory, without cutting through the forest and all that. Roe was a considerate girl, though it didn't take much for her to calculate that the beach route would be much easier. So she went along, now looking down along the edge of the cliff she'd previously been looking up at. With a check to her right, towards the observatory, she began to head in that direction. Once she was a good distance enough, the kitsune stopped to wait. Her tails circled towards her, tickling around her neck and ears. They veiled her almost like a tiara, but ever so playful with her silky blonde curls. Rosetouch figured someone would be around soon enough, but the anticipation was killing her, she had to call out, "Heya, anyone around? I'm Rosetouch, I wanna join!" Still, she would have to wait for someone to answer her call.

Re: BURNING SUNLIGHT | JOINING, OPEN - MirrorEdge - 07-23-2018

A joiner. Either way, despite her disappointment they weren't here with ill intentions, Thea easily managed to muster up a grin as she approached.

A kitsune. Something shifted in her mind, a blurry image of... a pale gold figure, and a white one, but Thea quickly pushed it to the side.

"Hi! I'm Thea! Nice to meet you!" She paused, trying to gather her thoughts, before adding, "And yeah, you can join. Welcome to the Ascendents, I guess! Maybe we can spar sometime!" So close to sounding almost normal. The cheerful child, deep down, was still working on this whole 'normal' thing.

Re: BURNING SUNLIGHT | JOINING, OPEN - adomania - 07-23-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]He had wandered the lands that were called 'home' many times now, his paws mapping out the scenery even as his sight couldn't fully comprehend it. There were many things that were wrong with him, 'liabilities' as others called them but he had yet to learn. He was blind on his left side, that was one, something that they found out when it became obvious that anything coming at him from the left side was often ignored until it was near enough for him to see from his right as well. He also suffered from other things, visions that the medicine people had hoped were just a result of concussion, and would be temporary.

Oh how wrong they were. Or maybe they were right? Maybe sometime when he was young, Myliu had hit his head hard enough that the voices wouldn't go away?

It never bothered him, however. It was hard for something he couldn't even understand to bother the child, and so he was left to his own devices, getting along fairly well for someone who should have, in all honesty, been dead at this point from one thing or another. Most of the time that involved him exploring, as he was the evening that Rosetouch seemed to appear out of nowhere on the pebbled shores that marked one edge of their territory.

None of her words meant anything to him, but the pup was scarcely dissuaded from coming over despite that, especially once someone vaguely more familiar appeared. He had learned, at least for as long as he had been there, that a lot of the time no one minded him too much to pay attention, especially if he didn't talk. So, he figured she'd be the same, and with a curious set of huffs he appeared, violet eyes narrowed and settled almost unnervingly on Rosetouch, and settled a good distance away from both of them lest he needed to run away at a moment's notice.

"Hi. Help?" he didn't understand the word 'join' yet, as this was his first time being greeted by a joiner to begin with. But, he would say the word 'help,' to make sure that if she was looking for it, that one of the people around here would be able to give it to her.


[size=9pt]"Finally," Comes Moon's instant reply. He was mere feet from her, concealed by some underbush, and neither of them seemed to have realized. It wasn't like he was startled, though -- if anything, his voice sounded celebratory. His exclamation was muffed by a thick branch of Marigold, but it was an exclamation, still. He spits out the stem of the herb he'd been carrying to head in the direction of the voice, finishing his words.. "Finally, some fucking enthusiasm." A grin sits easy on his golden maw, and gives the joiner a once over, gaze lingering on her load of fucking tails, but he tells himself not to judge and quickly recovers. "Welcome to the Ascendants," he's working on not calling them Assendants, "Rosetouch. I'm Moonmade-- got a dumb poetic name like yours. It's a pleasure."

/rip i got ninja'd twice but theres No chance im editing that just pretend it's retro ceili

Re: BURNING SUNLIGHT | JOINING, OPEN - lessa - 07-23-2018

✯ — The petite marten quietly slipped into the group, a sharp-shined hawk swooping down nearby.  The Halo's companion seemed far more interested in the happenings than the mustelid herself.  Her one visible eye was glazed with a faraway look before a flicker of attention landed on the kitsune.  A tiny smile made it's way on her maw, but it was faint.  She would no doubt return to gathering herbs and remaining in her thoughts once this was settled.

"… Welcome," her voice was a murmur.  "N-need anything? ...Water?" Calum carried her medkit, harnessed snuggly on his feathered back; it should still have her water flask, last she checked.  Generally, she preferred using it for tea, but for traveling about, plain water was just as good.
code by spacexual


Versailles doesn't know what comes over her when she decides that it's a banging good idea to approach a big crowd. She really, really doesn't - but somebody told her to put herself out there and she's trying. Granted, her efforts aren't always that effective and, more often than not, she ends up with cold paws before she can even go through with it but it's a start. It's a start and she figures she should just keep at it and hope that she'll start feeling more comfortable around a large group of people. The Ascendants is a big group, after all, a group that she can't leave - she can't, because she wants to be with her brother and her newly-formed family, and she refuses to lose them a second time.

She pushes herself, tries harder, telling each paw to take one step forward until she's close enough to hear what everybody's saying. With the way they're all talking, she figures it's a joiner - it's good, it sounds good, newcomers are easy to talk to, and the process is easy to go along with. It's a routine. She likes routines. Introduce yourself, welcome them to the clan, offer a tour, go home. That's how it always goes and that's how Versailles likes it.

The blue-and-gold she-cat takes a deep breath, letting air spill into her lungs, before stepping forward and dipping her head in greeting. From the way she moves, one can almost forget the troubles she has with being around crowds as big as this. She takes pride in her ability to hide it, because at least she's good for something. "Versailles. Welcome to the Ascendants. If you'd like a tour or just head straight to Camp, I'll be glad to offer my services." She's confident enough when she speaks, she knows the offers always get turned down anyway - routine, she likes things staying the way they should be.



[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille would like to say that he fell into a comfortable closeness with Vi instantly, that spending their entire lives apart could be overcomer through the power of blood. It might make for a nicer story, but he couldn't. Things were still vaguely awkward, the pressing urge to be close because they should be without really knowing how to get there. He had bonded with Margy's kids fine, and Pele, and others, but... Well. He'd known them since they were born. He'd watched them grow. He never got the chance to watch his sister grow up and to grow up with her. She was a stranger with a familiar name, a ghost from his childhood memories of their mother. And gods, he would give his life to protect her, but that didn't mean they were just magically close.

Never the less, Bastille was never too far behind her. He was there then, shoulder brushing against Vi's faintly as he stopped at her side and studied this newcomer with cold blue eyes. Rosetouch. He wondered if she might go by Rosie, and felt a phantom chill shoot down his spine -- their mother's name, now. He could still remember that day, when a dainty little wolf had stood over him and reclaimed the shard of Frenchie's soul that he'd been carrying with him. "That is mine," she'd said, prim and proper just like Mom, but with the hint of something smug and too boastful, "Bye bye, baby. See you later." And then she'd been gone, taking the last traces of Frenchie with her.

He glanced sideways at Versailles, before his gaze was back on this newcomer. [b]"Well, they've covered the basics," he drawled, tone neutral, "I'm Bast. Where're you coming from?"
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: BURNING SUNLIGHT | JOINING, OPEN - ceilidh - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]”Oh, wow, look at the bunch of yous!”

The wonderful giggle zipped out of her pretty face, bright eyes trying to capture every single one of the new faces that appeared. She tried to keep herself orderly though, looking to each of them for a reply. Rosetouch didn’t let herself get overwhelmed, but she couldn’t help but blush a little bit at all of the attention. Roe focused on Thea, what a cute thing! She gave her a bashful look though, dipping a little as she said, ”Oh, how lovely to meet you! I don’t fight much—but I’d love to watch ya sometime!” The kitsune kept herself moving though, eyes softening on Myliu for a moment. What a pup! ”Hello! I don’t need any help right now, no, but thank you! Ya a doll for offering.” Of course, it wasn’t quite clear to her at that moment his lack of vocabulary, she kept smiling at him, though.

The blonde’s attention swayed quickly though, to the lion. ”Ha! This place must be the bee’s knees around here then if I’m the enthusiastic one. Nice ta meet you, sugar.” Rosetouch bobbed her head gingerly to Moonmade, laughing. He seemed a bit rough around the edges to her. But it wasn’t long until she was gazing at a small marten, baby blue eyes gone soft. ”Oh, don’t fret doll, I’m fine. Thank you for asking.” She cooed, voice almost a flimsy lilt, though she kept it breathy, exciting.

From the next two, she can just tell that they’re close. She can’t guess it all too well, and she doesn’t want to assume the relation between the two, but the bond she believes they have remind her a lot of old times. Y’know, just when she would have someone to watch her back, someone to rely on. And it almost makes her fond heart crack a little bit, because she misses her family, she misses her old loves. But they’re gone now, and she has to go on. ”Oh, it’s a pleasure to meet both of you! I think I’ll just be heading to camp, but you’re kind for offering!” Rosetouch exclaims to Versailles, to Bastille. The kitsune tilts her head far to the side, smiling softly, but she’s beaming still. ”Man, I came from a long ways back from here. This abandoned city, I used to live in with my family. I left a few months ago, heard about the Ascendants, and came trotting over, and now I’m here.” She replied to the Astral Seraph, batting her eyes.

/this is,,, such a late reply but ahgsfahshgd