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I knew you were trouble // Typhoon blind date - Blue and Junior - Printable Version

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I knew you were trouble // Typhoon blind date - Blue and Junior - jacob w.c. - 07-22-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Jacob had put a lot of work into each and every location he had set up. He'd found some unoccupied huts and set out various things to eat, including pasta, a variety of sauces and breads, some pastries for dessert, and some fruits and vegetables. He'd also made sure to put some games into every single room in case the conversation ever got dull, as well as small battery operated cd players that could play some nice background music should anyone choose to turn them on. He had some blankets and pillows out for everyone to sit on while they ate (or while they played board games, it was really up to them). He also had a variety of drinks, although this particular room didn't have any of the alcoholic sort considering both occupants weren't quite adults yet. Jacob wasn't naive enough to think neither of them had ever drank but he didn't really want to be the one to encourage that sort of thing. In any case, everything was all set out and all that was left to do was for [member=469]coldblue[/member] and [member=1311]JUNIOR[/member] to arrive.
the heavy weight of stone

Re: I knew you were trouble // Typhoon blind date - Blue and Junior - JUNIOR - 07-23-2018

Junior may not want to admit it, but he was nervous. It wasn't like he wasn't experienced with flirty little things, or whatever - despite his bad reputation in his own neighborhood, it was no lie that many girls around the rest of town had been... interested in him, to say the least. Really, though, he'd never been on a date date. He didn't usually realize it, but he had led a few chicks on in the past, and yeah, he felt bad, but what were you gonna do? Going to diners or sharing a beer wasn't a date - it was just a fun little activity he liked to do with cute girls. A date, though? Like, a intended-to-be-romantic-by-both-parties one? It was kind of intimidating, and he wasn't sure how he felt about it. Anxious, for sure, but, was it possible that some of the butterflies in his stomach were ones of excitement? Well, whether they were or not, he felt about ready to throw up.

[color=#5B81AE]"This is fine,"
the tabby spoke to himself as he peered into his assigned hut, which was currently empty, his words coming out rather high and strangled. He needed a drink, or something - this was supposed to be fun. Stepping into the hut, Junior decided he might as well start poking around, though he was rather disappointed to find no alcohol. How was he supposed to calm himself down when there was literally no way to damper his senses. A soda would only pipe him with more energy, but maybe just occupying himself by drinking something would take his mind off things. Taking a seat on the pile of blankets and pillows, Junior cracked open a Sprite and took a sip, closing baby blues momentarily in an attempt to relax. This was hardly gonna be a real date, anyways, he told himself. Maybe he'd just make a new friend.


Re: I knew you were trouble // Typhoon blind date - Blue and Junior - coldblue - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]/ yeet this is late but i finally found the motivation to post!! behold: a THOT

Unlike Junior, the handsome young creature otherwise known as Coldblue is perfectly at ease. A date is nothing more than his stage upon which he performs. It is genuine matters of the heart such as confessing true feelings and showing that he actually gives a damn that gives the youth a pause. But here? Here, he can wear that pretty smile and speak those pretty words and maybe forget all his problems for a little while. Youth makes it difficult to control the spontaneous emotions which teem inside him like feral beasts, pacing the cage as they wait for a chance to make their escape and wreak havoc. As every day passes, however, Blue gets better and better as weaving those little white lies into the perfect mask. It has now gotten to the point that he nearly believes them himself. Alas, this is supposed to be a fun occasion, and Blue pushes such thoughts from his mind as he casually strolls into the venue for his blind date.

"A little better than fine, if I do say so myself," says the striking bengal cat as he enters behind Junior. Coldblue wears an easy smile; charming and mysterious with a touch of undisguised excitement. The boy makes a note to thank Jacob later for not only pairing him with someone who he is not related to, but someone as wonderful to look at as Junior. Blue only hopes that the other male's personality proves to be even more enticing. Otherwise, he would have to turn to more...creative methods in order to overlook that particular pitfall. Sure, he is a bit shallow, but can anyone blame him for merely wanting to flirt the pants off of someone with actual substance?

Also unlike Junior, Coldblue knows Jacob well enough to predict that his father's fiance would never provide young people alcohol. Thus, he went out of his way to bring his own. "I hope you like mead," says the male as he slinks into the hut, sweeping his glacial blue gaze around the small building with mild curiosity. He is more interested in his companion for the night, to be completely honest. "Took it from Daddy's secret stash." he says this with a touch of sarcasm, sending a wink in Junior's direction before settling himself upon the mountain of blankets and pillows.

Re: I knew you were trouble // Typhoon blind date - Blue and Junior - JUNIOR - 07-30-2018

//we love a thottie

Coldblue's approach had been relatively silent, though maybe Junior just hadn't noticed him over the loudness of his own thoughts. How were these supposed to go, really? There were games and stuff, but if he had never met this person before, was he supposed to like, introduce himself and then immediately get all friendly with them? That wasn't how things worked- or, maybe it was? Perhaps the boy wasn't the best person to be speaking on that kind of thing, considering his little experience with it all.

It wasn't until Blue spoke that Junior's little trance was broken, a small smile finding its way to his lips even before he glanced over to meet eyes with the other tom. Junior didn't really know if he could call Coldblue his "friend" or not, not yet, but he was pretty nice, and the bengal seemed to like him, too, so their relationship certainly wasn't a bad one. [color=#5B81AE]"Blue,"
the young tabby uttered brightly, smile growing ever so slightly as he felt his muscles begin to relax. It was just Blue- he didn't really know the guy, but he was a lot more comforting of a presence than a complete stranger. At least Junior knew it wouldn't be awkward, or anything, with him.

Mead? Junior didn't think he'd ever had it, at least, not intentionally. He'd only snuck into his dad's stuff once, and it was all stronger, more bitter stuff, so everything he'd ever had had been at parties and the like- he didn't really know what he was putting in himself there. "Honestly? I'll drink anything," he answered, setting down his soda and moving toward the Roux child. "Took it from Daddy's secret stash." So Pincher had a stash? Junior wasn't surprised, running a group as big as  this, but he couldn't help but be reminded of his own father's "stash"- and what had happened when the older Rennie man got into it.

Despite the rather disturbing memory, Junior couldn't miss the wink sent his way, feeling his face warm slightly as he wandered across the hut, gaze flitting only momentarily away from his little friend, trying to push away the looming thoughts of how "gross" this was. Everyone else was fine with it - they had been placed together -, so of course there was nothing wrong with this, but after all the abuse hurled toward him and others back home, something about it still sat uncomfortably with him. "Damn, and he just lets you get away with that?" the striped feline teased as he took a seat near Coldblue. Junior could have sworn, his father must have measured his liquors every damn day to make sure no one had messed with them. Baby blues shifted off of his date momentarily, surveying what they had laid out before them; there were snacks and beverages, boardgames, what looked to be some music players, and, of course, Coldblue's addition of the mead. It didn't look like they'd be getting bored tonight- especially not in one another's company.
