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NO SHADE / open, arts & crafts - Printable Version

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NO SHADE / open, arts & crafts - dead chars - 07-22-2018

The serval was exhausted. His lethargy ran bone-deep. He could feel the ache in his skeleton, the reluctant groan of his muscles each time he moved. He knew why he felt this way, though. Not only had he basically stopped eating, but the grief and what-if's of the day he died had been haunting him each time he dared close his eyes. Here he'd thought he'd been doing even slightly better, but... well, progress was slow, he supposed. He'd tried to stop letting it show through, though, after he and Aizawa had... talked. But, he couldn't hide these things forever.

Toshinori had taken up a hobby, though. He had no idea where he'd gotten his materials. He couldn't remember things as clearly as he did when he wasn't dead tired all the time, but that was to be expected. He knew that he was in bad shape, he just wasn't all that concerned with it, at least not right now. The serval was a bit too much like Izuku in that respect, he supposed, but he pushed that thought to the far back of his mind. He was supposed to be setting an example, wasn't he? Wasn't he supposed to be actually take care of himself? ...Oh well. He would eventually. He was getting off track.

The serval had found bits of clay and a few paints, and along with those his true passion: arts and crafts.

Toshinori's style was very... muddled. Everything he created looked like the work of a child, but he didn't seem to care. He had brightly-colored red, yellow, and blue paperweights and similar things. He'd even managed to find things to draw pictures with! He'd drawn mostly pictures of the few plants he'd managed to see around the territory, and they were very iconic and childish, but that was okay. He was keeping his mind busy! He wasn't thinking about how he had utterly failed in his job at a hero, letting all those around him down for purely selfish reasons and ultimately causing their deaths. He wasn't thinking about that at all.

The serval had picked out a new chunk of clay, which he clawed at furiously for a moment before forming the pieces into an amorphous blob.
code by spacexual

Re: NO SHADE / open, arts & crafts - Dimitri - 07-22-2018

Painting was her thing. She was allowed to front outside right now under the supervision of the others. They would forcibly remove her if suspicion arose.
Daisy didn’t like this. She wished they could stop lying, but it was whatever Dimitri said.
She wanted to paint and do.... whatever he was doing!

Daisy stumbled over in Dimitri’s body, ears flicking and eyes wide.
"Whatcha’ doing?"

Re: NO SHADE / open, arts & crafts - Character Graveyard. - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Kirishima was tired, but he made sure to take care of himself. He ate three meals everyday, got enough sleep, worked out for an hour or so every morning, patrolled and did whatever he could in his spare time. Sure, it was a rather complicated-sounding schedule, but he was fine with it.

The former-U.A. student had come across his former-teacher, his red-eyes focused on the art supplies in front of him. How nice. Arts-and-crafts wasn't his kind of thing, but he could sit by and watch, he supposed.

"Mind if I just watch, All Might-Sensei?" He asked.

Re: NO SHADE / open, arts & crafts - guts - 07-22-2018

He and Toshinori definitely weren't on good terms currently. They never had been, but it was especially bad now, with past events and the nature of their deaths. Now that they were clanmates, though, it probably wasn't good to attack each other--but it was still hard to resist sometimes. Aizawa knew he was probably struggling, just like he was, but the way he was running away from it all irritated him to no end. He had accepted that he had messed up a long time ago, now if only the others could do the same.

He took walks often, mostly when he was stressed and needed something to do to clear his mind, which was pretty common nowadays. Between the bitter past that stuck with him and his current duties, he felt like he was trapped. There was so much going on and he felt like he wasn't himself anymore, maybe like none of this was even real. If only it was only some sick nightmare. He'd give anything to just wake up and find out he had been in a coma or something.

As the lion stumbles upon them, he almost turns around and heads back the way he came. He doesn't want to deal with this right now, more-so just the serval. The feeling was mutual, he could tell. But even so, he knew it was inevitable, that interaction was hard to avoid when they were in the same clan together. So, sucking it up, he'd head over and pause to look over at what he was doing, not allowing any emotion to seep through to his expression. Blank as always.


Re: NO SHADE / open, arts & crafts - dead chars - 07-23-2018

Dimitri was an odd one. Of course, Toshinori thought this mostly because he wasn't aware of the other's alternate personalities. It just seemed to him like the feline was a different person every day. Which... might not have been too inaccurate, but what did he know? The serval's bright blue gaze lifted from his work and to Daisy's face the instant he heard her speak. This was partially out of surprise, partially just because he was kind of excited to share what he'd been working on, but mostly because he wanted to answer her question.

"I'm making art!" he responded enthusiastically, a small grin gracing him for a moment and then disappearing. "It's not good, but it keeps me busy. Finding a recreational activity you enjoy is important!"
He rapped his paws against the hard earth below him for a moment, looking around for something a bit more appealing he could show off, but turning up nothing. Oh well.
The serval pushed a small lump of clay towards Daisy with the words, "If you want to try, too, go ahead."

He went back to mashing his own terrible creation together, the shapes never quite turning out and falling into pitiful pieces of blob. But that was okay! He could paint it and make it look better later, or something. However, he'd barely gotten any sculpting in before Kirishima showed up.
"Ah, Kirishima-shonen!" he greeted with a trademark smile. "Of course you can watch. How is your leg doing, by the way?"

Things seemed to be going rather nicely. Toshinori was content in the company of the two beside him. Dimitri had been nice enough when they'd first met (if not fairly skittish), and of course, Kirishima had been a student of his at UA. It was all... chill.

And then he saw Aizawa.
The one person he didn't want to see.
It was true that they were not getting along right now more than ever, but the fact that they still had to pretend to be civil was one Toshinori didn't exactly like. He obeyed it (in public), but he didn't like it. The serval's ears pricked and then retreated backwards at the lion's arrival, bright blue gaze darkening. His paws had stopped tinkering with his craft in favor of trying to hide it, because deep down he knew that this was so incredibly lame, and that Aizawa would probably make fun of him for it somewhere down the road. Not that Toshinori wouldn't fire back, he just didn't have any ammunition yet.

He eyed the deputy warily. His face had settled into an uncertain frown.
"...Aizawa," he offered in greeting, though his voice held no warmth or comradery like it had for the previous two that had arrived. He had realized the same thing- interaction was unavoidable at this point. But that didn't mean either of them had to like it. He wondered if he should say anything more.
"What are you staring at?"
Well, it might not have been the right choice of words, but it was what had left his mouth. He'd seemed to do that a lot lately, speaking without thinking.
code by spacexual

Re: NO SHADE / open, arts & crafts - Dimitri - 07-23-2018

She lit up Dimitri’s face at the concept, a little gasp, the eyes widening, then corrected herself. She needed to act more.... mature. Whatever that meant. She tried to pull herself up to the table, watching what the serval was doing and trying to replicate it.
Honestly, it was more fun to run Dimitri’s claws through patted down clay to make pretty pictures. Maybe she could do this more often?

"Sensei.... Shonen..." Head tilt, ears back, a mumble. ”Wh-what’s that suppose to mean?” She wasn’t checking her voice too well. She spoke at a tad higher pitch than Dimitri.

Re: NO SHADE / open, arts & crafts - arcy - 07-23-2018

.. Izuku wouldn't lie, a pretty good portion of his time was spent on arts and crafts. He liked drawing. It was one thing that he could still do as a cat that he could as a human, even if he didn't have hands. It'd taken a while to get used to -- dipping his paws in ink and using them like that. But it's not like he could hold a pencil. He'd been picking up other hobbies, too. Not at a very fast pace, mind you. He had other things to focus on. Like studying, or doing stuff around Snowbound. Izuku liked coming up with events. It wasn't part of his job, not in the least, but Izuku still liked to. He had a lot to owe to Snowbound, after all.
"Let's not do this right now," .. Christ, Izuku was getting sick of Aizawa and All Might and whatever was going on. He'd wandered over upon seeing the blur of color that were his clanmates, and then there was tension between his teachers and this was supposed to be a fun activity. Izuku half-heartedly turns his head to glower at the both of them. A sort of warning -- Izuku may technically be lower ranked than them, but he can and will shock them both to hell if he really has to. .. That's a lie. Izuku won't. Because he's scared to death of his own electricity. But he's tired, and he's just a little sick of whatever was going on. Okay. Distraction, onto whatever they were doing. The Maine Coon .. can't really use his paws. Oh. That's .. unfortunate. " Uh ..I .. can't really ... join in. But it seems fun!" He decides to announce with a chirp. It's a sudden change in tone, and a little louder than necessary just to rub in the 'lets not do this' factor in. Then, he carefully lays himself down, at the expense of using his burned leg to do so, but it was healing so whatever. He lays his head down and curls up, clearly situating himself to watch with ears pricked. He .. could tell Dimitri what those words mean, too, but Izuku doesn't know how to explain it, really. Whoops. So. He leaves it to All Might, because of course he does.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: NO SHADE / open, arts & crafts - guts - 07-23-2018

Needless to say, he didn't like being made a fool of. He wasn't the kind to back down when he was called out. Though, before he could make a snarky come-back, Izuku showed up and quickly defused the situation. It was somewhat sad how their former student had to be the one to step up and keep them from killing each other. Scowling, he sits there silently and watches his clan-mates. He would have continued to argue, but he was too tired for this anyways. Also his rper didn't have the muse.
