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ALL YOU HAVE IS YOUR FIRE | open, cleaning - Printable Version

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ALL YOU HAVE IS YOUR FIRE | open, cleaning - BASTILLEPAW - 03-25-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
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God, his head had been killing him lately. Bastille was more and more frequently getting headaches, usually at random -- in the past, he had always known one was coming, often triggered by his souls becoming more active. Recently, however, they seemed to come at odd hours, with or without a soul trying to influence Bast to do something or the other. He could be completely fine one moment, and suddenly throbbing with pain the next. As it was, his mood wasn't great, but he'd already accepted his task from Starry. (Damn.)

"Alright, we're cleaning shit up," he called, coming to a stop in the middle of the observatory. He eyed the walls, seeking out the vines that Starry had mentioned, and gave an idle nod. "Alright. We're going to need to clean off the walls outside and inside, get that shit out of here, and maybe clean out the dust in the upper rooms. We're getting a lot of newcomers lately, so might as well prep shit... Oh, and we should make space for a training room, and clear an area for the territory map. If Starry shows we can check if there is anything else we might need to add. If you have questions or shit, come find me, I guess."

With that he was off to start investigating the upper floors, scoping out a place large enough to train in. Perhaps they could get some of that padding for the flooring, though he would need to go searching for it or possibly have to conjure some... Whatever. He'd figure it out.

Re: ALL YOU HAVE IS YOUR FIRE | open, cleaning - ghostpact - 03-28-2018

"DAMN DUDE." tags
Boring. He was sure Starry wouldn't mind if he just skipped out on cleaning, but he wasn't looking to disappoint. Besides, he didn't want to be reprimanded by anyone else for sitting around on his ass. Even more, he didn't want his home lookin' like it did now. Besides, he had some ideas he could hit Bast with. Maybe. In the end, he would probably have to take it to Starry because that guy was the leader. "Yeah, cool." He waved a paw in a lazy salute and turned to figure where he'd start himself. Well, the vines were annoying so the serval quickly leaped up to hook his claws into a stem. Pulling down the wall, he ripped some away and shook them off his paws. It was kind of fun, so he immediately deemed he'd be the master of pulling vines off the walls. Maybe after that he could bring up his wish. It looked like Bast left anyway, and Immortal still had plently of vines to pull down.
code by spacexual

Re: ALL YOU HAVE IS YOUR FIRE | open, cleaning - Starrynight ! - 03-28-2018

//smell that weak post

He'd given out this task himself! It made Starrynight happy to see that Bastille had been serious about accepting it. When the fireball called out, he looked up from the stone be'd been fiddling with in his paws. He wouldn't object to something productive to do. He wanted to make this place better, after all. Pushing himself to his feet, there was pep in his step as he trotted over to the fireball as he walked off to complete his task. Nothing a little hard work and effort wouldn't solve! Shuffling over to the far wall, he began to scrape together scattered papers that were on the ground. He couldn't really read that well- and this stuff looked like complete gibberish.