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PAPÀ È A CASA / VISITOR, JACOB NEEDED - Beatles. - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]Marriage. A beautiful thing, really. It brought people of all sorts together for one special occasion, to celebrate the love between two individuals and to share that love with their friends and family. You could go from inviting your best friend to your estranged cousin. It didn't matter. All that mattered was that you were surrounded by the people that you loved.

Boy, was this visit overdue.

The Italian Wolf had received his son's letters regularly, and of course, he had done his best to reply promptly (his penmanship wasn't all there, nor was his spelling). Nothing was going to stop him from keeping in touch with his son. He never regularly visited, though, because he wanted to keep him safe. He wanted him to stay out of his business, a dangerous one at that. This time? He couldn't stay away. He had to see his boy face-to-face.

As dapper and groomed as a canine could be, the wolf began his trek down the railroad tracks. He was sided by one of his guards, though he had told them to stay put while he went to see Jacob. This was a family matter, after all, and he was sure that he wouldn't immediately get mauled by swashbuckling pirates. Vito had dealt with far more dangerous enemies than the likes of these. Not that the Typhoon was a group that he considered an enemy. He lived far enough away so that their presence wasn't a problem in his eyes.

Vito arrived near the entrance to the island, cocking a brow and glancing around quietly. He wasn't going to raise his voice and holler; he was more sophisticated than that. No, he instead chose to stand his ground and wait for someone to come by- and hopefully that someone would be his little boy.

[member=112]jacob w.c.[/member]

Re: PAPÀ È A CASA / VISITOR, JACOB NEEDED - bubblegum - 07-22-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags

the girl did not know a whole lot about her papa's or mister jacob's past, but that didn't really bother her either. she wasn't going to pry into things that weren't her business. she just focused on right now, and right now? they both seemed pretty happy. they had each other. she was so happy they did. they deserved each other, she felt. she was happy that they're happy.

plus, she got to see mister jacob even more now! even while she's trapped in the submarine due to her illness, she got to see him pretty often. spending time with mister jacob is fun and she's glad her papa likes him so much. the two were easily the most influential adults in her life and she loved them both. they both made her very happy and feel even more inspired to work hard. that inspiration was sort of why she continued to attempt to do so, even with the state she was in.

the girl's injuries were no doubt getting better just from the week of rest that her body so desperately needed. they still looked pretty nasty, but at least they were scarring over as they should now and not reopening. her body was certainly less tired, too. she was improving a lot, even if she still had a while to go. her body still shivered from the flu and she still felt achy. she coughed and sneezed and felt dizzy. but, these symptoms were surely going away and she wanted to get back to work. it killed her to be stuck in bed.

but, she didn't want to make her family anymore upset. she still felt guilty about all the worry she caused. that's why she was easing into it. goldie took at least one short walk in the day. that wouldn't be too much. the young girl wore a scarf to help when she felt too cold as she exited the sub. she knew how many joiners there had been recently, so she figured it wouldn't hurt to visit the gate.

she spotted a stranger standing quietly there and she quickly stumbled over, sniffling. she gave a small smile, green eyes curious. "hiya," she greeted, voice slightly strained. "what brings ya to the typhoon?"

Re: PAPÀ È A CASA / VISITOR, JACOB NEEDED - Luciferr - 07-22-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

If there was one thing people could say of luciferus 'Lucifer' Grimm, it was that the massive dragon had a protective streak a mile long for what he viewed as whom he needed to protect - most legendarily his family - but it extended to friends and to clan.

so it was no real surprise that upon spotting a very small form - one he knew to be ill currently - out on a walk, the big dragon had shadowed the youth from further back, at least when near the borders - for who knew whom might lurk or be waiting - the inner territory was safe but the borders + wandering child made the large dragon nervous.

so whilst Goldie awaited an answer, the living shadow joined the two - silent and simply watching - he doubted this one was here for trouble but still, he did worry for the little ones among strangers of unconfirmed agendas.


Re: PAPÀ È A CASA / VISITOR, JACOB NEEDED - no more - 07-22-2018

the lamb with hidden fangs
Aita lacked something which drove them to learn more of their origins, little more than a fling given no thought, the very concept of family holding little meaning beyond a select few. And yet a rift had already begun to form there, differences all too large for the connection of blood to hold them to any one person, breaking apart until they held only a faint idea of what family was.

To consider Jacob family was a stretch, though he held their father's heart and seemed caring little about him worked with the child, jagged edges unwelcoming to his softer ones, but each time they pushed back he seemed to always be there, a rock they so desperately needed. Given time he might become something more to them than a mere acquaintance, the presence of the stuffed polar bear within their chosen sleeping spot enough to show that, but for now he was little to them.

A familiar voice is what drew the bengal's attention, even after a single interaction is was enough to kindle a curiosity for she seemed strangely familiar, something about her lingering in their mind, drawing from them a desire to learn more. There was little for one in their position to do, much too young to be of an assistance and yet too old to be left cooped up somewhere out of the way, and so their attention turned towards Goldie, pace rather languid as they approached. The appearance of the rather monstrous dragon gave them pause, having yet to run into any such mythical creatures Aita had only a faint idea of how to go about things where they were concerned, the lack of hostility only made them the more curious.

Stopping by Lucifer they could not help the infrequent little glances they cast up at him, questions burning upon their tongue they barely held in, teeth grinding down upon the tip of their tongue. This was not their show to run and the stranger before the trio was what held the majority of their attention, a quizzical look crossing their features as they looked upon him.

Re: PAPÀ È A CASA / VISITOR, JACOB NEEDED - jacob w.c. - 07-22-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Jacob knew that what his family did was wrong. They profitted on the suffering and addiction of others and it certainly was far from an honest business. Still, that didn't stop him from loving them. While he couldn't agree with them, he had hoped the distance when he moved would be enough to save him from any sort of confrontation. Besides, it didn't take much to piece together why Jacob would want to keep his distance, even outside of his clear moral disagreements. He had never received anything but trouble in exchange for partaking in the business and his current medical situation made doing what he'd done in the past for them difficult. It wasn't impossible, as he'd proven just a few nights ago now, but it was more of a challenge than he desired for something he didn't even really want to do in the first place.

Jacob's relationship with his Babbo, and with his family on a whole, was a very complicated one. He loved them but he could not support them. Still, he was careful to keep in contact with Vito. He hadn't been so sure about the last one, though. There were a few times when Jacob had withheld a little bit of the truth to spare Vito the panic but this time was different. He couldn't not tell him about this. He'd been able to hold off on the fire and, even when he did tell him about it, he hadn't talked about his injuries in detail. There was no sense in concerning him when he knew he wouldn't be able to visit unless it was really some sort of emergency. The day he wrote Vito, though, there'd been no sort of emergency but there was something too important to just never speak of. His wedding. He was starting a family and he knew his father would be interested in that. For all his faults, Jacob's Babbo had always been a family man and he knew he'd want something like this. At least that was what Jacob hoped. There was the complication of the fact he was marrying Pincher, who was both a man and a Roux, which probably wasn't the intended partner Vito had in mind for him. If he was being honest, he'd never really talked to his father about such things but he knew this wouldn't be what he envisioned and he wasn't sure how he'd react to all of it.

Jacob heard a variety of voices nearby while he was out on his walk and decided to make his way towards them, especially considering he heard Goldie's voice. He saw the child before he saw his father, given the many figures now surrounding him. "Goldie! Ya' shouldn' be out 'ere, passerotta. Or are ya' feelin' well? I don' want ya' gettin' more si-" he stopped as he moved through the figures already there and saw the man waiting at the border.  "Sei venuto. Non ero sicuro che lo faresti. Sono cosi felice di vederti, Babbo." With those word, he moved forward with a wide smile and attempted to embrace the man. He wasn't sure what sort of business he was here on but if his intent was to hurt Pincher, maybe the hug would convince him that it was a bad idea. He then looked towards the others that had gathered and smiled, speaking while gesturing to the man that stood beside him, "Everyone, this is my Babbo, my father, Vito."

//translation: You came. I wasn't sure you would. I'm so happy to see you, Dad. 
the heavy weight of stone

Re: PAPÀ È A CASA / VISITOR, JACOB NEEDED - bubblegum - 07-22-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie's attention shifted as she noticed lucifer's presence, then her half-sister, aita. she flashed a smile to both of them, though her head turned completely as she heard mister jacob approach next. ah, he was worrying about her. oh no. she opened her mouth to say that she was feeling okay enough to go on a walk, but then she noticed the male's reaction to the man on the border. he completely switched languages, which caused her to believe he knew this stranger.

she closed her mouth and instead would look quizzically towards the two of them. her ears perked upward at his next set of words, now directed to everyone. his father? her expression lit up and she took an excited step towards them. "oh! oh! it's very nice to meet ya! welcome! hi! m' name's goldenluxury roux, but most folks call me goldie! it's real swell to meet ya!" she said, her sick voice now a mixture of warmth and eagerness. she was excited to meet mister jacob's family - especially since they were going to be family officially soon. "an-and, i felt okay to take a short walk, mister jacob! i don' like bein' cooped up in the sub all day."


CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher was no good. He was tainted, ripped and rough on the edges. He had become the mirror-like reflection of his father but it was as if someone had struck the mirror's surface to create multiple cracks to ripple through it's sleek texture. That was what he was. A shattered form of what his father was and that was a good thing in his eyes. His father was not a family man. Well, in a way he was with the belief that his son should inherit the exact behavior of him and continue on his line of bloodlust and ambition. Deniz, do this. Deniz, don't do that. The constant ordering and pressures that were placed upon him were unmeasureable and frankly, Pincher had become numb to it. But then so much had changed after that all the pent up rage he had felt for his father and...well, had killed him. Had torn his throat apart with his own claws and watched the life of his father's eyes drain, both of their icy blue gazes filled with hatred and no trace of love for each other. Sometimes it was better to not see each other as family especially with how destructive and wrong their relationship had been. Pincher didn't regret it but there were moments of brief guilt that would rake through his body when he dwelled in the past.

Pincher was soon to arrive, his jaws clamped around a lit cigarette with a long trail of dying swirls of nicotine dancing behind him. He arrived with the muscular figure of the male slightly drenched, tufts of dark ash gray fur slightly messy due to recently coming out of the sea after fishing. His tail twitched behind him as he caught sight of the group that had gathered, his figure halting beside Lucifer as his intense calculative icy blue eyes locked onto the Italian wolf that Jacob was embracing. Who the fuck was he? Pincher bit down on the cigarette a little harder before spitting it to the ground and grinding it so it would die. He glanced up at the night black form of Lucifer before heading over to get close to Goldie and Aita, his two daughters. He lowered his skull to softly brush his nose against Aita's forehead to smooth out her fur before going to reach and grab Goldie and let her rest on his back. He knew she was sick and was aware how she still tried to continue on despite him demanding she should rest alongside the others. A small sigh escaped his lips as he then turned towards Jacob and Vito, fictional eyebrows furrowing at the statement of Vito being his father. Huh. Pincher dipped his head in a civil way towards the other male, his frigid glare softening ever so slightly s the storm gray jaguar replied "Pleasure meeting you, Vito. I'm Pincher Roux, Jacob's fiancé as well as the captain of the Typhoon." Did Pincher feel intimidated? No. Did he feel that he should prove himself? In a way, yes. One of his biggest triggers was not being considered "good enough" for anyone but this led to mixed feelings within him. He didn't mind being respectful and civil with the father of his to-be husband but he wouldn't be fond as being seen as just scum.


Family was so complicated. Or, at least, hers. There was so much more than just her mother and father and siblings; she had a second father of sorts, that being Jacob, and grandparents that were either heartless or absent within her life. The young kit wasn't even sure most of the time whether Aphra would permanently be around to raise her children, the female always seemed preoccupied with others that she put before her kits. It was obvious that Pincher loved his offspring which in a sense would bring Sylvina the affection she lacked from her mother. It was nice having a parent that cared. Every soul needed the touch of love within their lives, even a stubborn girl like Sylvina.

The tiny kitten would pad up towards the brute of the scene where her father - er, fathers, were greeting a foreign figure. Sylvina would question silently within her mind why everyone was being so friendly to the stranger until Jacob announced to the lot about how the newcomer was his father. Ah, that made sense. It was obvious that the two had a good relationship as father and son. Glancing up towards Pincher, Sylvina would watch as the towering jaguar introduced himself.


If there was one thing Junior couldn't relate with this Jacob guy on - though there were probably a ton of things -, it was a positive relationship of any kind with his father. His family wasn't a good one, nor was it a complicated one- hell, it was hardly even a family, with his mother gone. His dad had hurt his mom, and after she was gone, he'd hurt Junior, too; Junior had never liked the guy, loved him, sure, that would always be there, but that didn't prevent that burning anger, the hatred, he felt in his gut when he thought of the man, of the pain he'd been through all because of him. He couldn't even remember the last time he'd been happy to see his father, let alone the last time he'd given him a hug, though he supposed Jacob was a crewmate he was supposed to act like he cared about his life- really, he was just kind of curious about this Italian guy.

The blue-eyed tom arrived shortly after Sylvina, and while it looked like only Pincher, who was apparently in a relationship with this Jacob guy, which was kind of weird - Junior was still getting used to the cultural differences in this place - and his kid, Coldblue's sister, were introducing themselves, Junior didn't want to come off as super disrespectful, or anything, so he offered Vito a quick, [color=#5B81AE]"Junior Rennie,"
and a small nod. That was enough, for now.


Re: PAPÀ È A CASA / VISITOR, JACOB NEEDED - Beatles. - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 415px; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]A few people had approached him; creatures of different sizes and ages. It was interesting that Jacob lived in such a diverse community; Vito hadn't exactly had that chance when he was growing up. It had just been him and his siblings, and when he had made it to America? He associated himself with a certain "crowd". It was a crowd that he didn't wish for Jacob to grow up in, at least not when he was so young. That was precisely the reason why he had left Jacob with someone else to raise him.

The Italian Wolf eyed the little one who had spoken, and he replied, "Hello," A hint of a smile appeared on his lips, but very briefly. Vito liked children, though he wasn't a huge smiler unless he was around family and friends. For now, he was remaining dignified. "I am looking for my son. Er, his name is..." He had trailed off, upon seeing a familiar figure appear in front of him. That was when his soft smile tugged onto the corners of his maw, especially when he spoke in his mother tongue to him. It wasn't all necessary; Vito spoke just as good in English as he did in Italian, but it was still nice to see that Jacob was connected to his roots. Nothing else mattered in those moments, not the people around them or the fact that Jacob was wrapped in bandages. "Ovviamente[sup]1[/sup]." Vito rumbled in response, accepting Jacob's hug and pulling him close.

He stepped back, however, and resumed looking him over instinctually. He had mentioned being caught up in a fire, and he had obviously suffered some burns from the incident. Vito, concerned, furrowed his brows and murmured, "Jacob, you did not tell me that it was-" ...this bad. He was cut off as Jacob introduced him to everyone. It was delightful to see how his son had surrounded himself with such a familial-like crowd. It was more than what Vito would have wanted for him; people that loved him and would protect him. The canine eyed the young one who had first greeted him, apparently named "Golden Luxury" (he didn't understand the concept of clan names). With a nod of his head, Vito replied warmly, "It's a pleasure, Goldie." He was unaware that this was the daughter of the man that Jacob was marrying.

Speaking of which, the captain himself had arrived. Not that he knew this, of course. Jacob had only detailed his name in the letter (thankfully, he couldn't say that he recognized it). The male had stepped forward, his cigarette-mixed scent swirling about the atmosphere. Vito didn't mind; he was a smoker himself, though he hadn't lit up in a few days due to his busy travels. His gaze met Pincher's, and he was quick to observe him, as he did with everyone that he met. Calm, collected, and a gentleman, it seemed. So, this was the man that Jacob was marrying. While Vito grew up in a more traditionalist environment when it came to relationships and marriage, he found that his son's sexuality was his least concern. What he did care about was his safety, so as long as his partner could protect him, it was alright in his eyes. "It is nice to finally meet you." Vito told the captain with a dip of his head.

Two others had arrived, totaling the crowd at seven. This was already turning out to be a large group, he thought to himself. Perhaps Vito was used to the smaller crew that he associated with. Towards Sylvina and Junior, the Sicilian spoke, "Ciau[sup]2[/sup]." His gaze didn't linger on them long, though. It was Jacob and Pincher that he was interested in. Vito looked to the leader once more, and he spoke, "Jacob did not mention you were a captain. How long have you been a captain for?" Call it casual conversation and small-talk, but he just wanted to get to know his er, future son-in-law.

1. Of course
2. Hello