Beasts of Beyond
look what the tide brought in -- open ; intro - Printable Version

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look what the tide brought in -- open ; intro - ADAKIAS - 07-21-2018

Life was certainly complex. Even at the early age of four months, Sylvina could tell that her livelihood was quite drastic from that of a "normal" entity. For one, the young kit's family wasn't exactly the most harmonious. She and her siblings were the byproduct of a simple one night fling, nothing more and nothing less as nature would have it. This was still a concept too intricate for her young mind to understand and yet the black pelted Bengal could tell that good 'ole mommy and daddy hadn't exactly sat down and planned their lives around this new litter. Whatever. She could survive without her biological parents being a happy couple.

Another aspect that was troubling Sylvina was her value to the Typhoon. For someone of her age and rank of Minnow, there wasn't much of anything she could do to help out within the clan. She was young and, even though she would never admit, quite fragile and inexperienced in anything she was interested in. Until she could advance into a Beta there simply was nothing to do besides gain necessary knowledge and continuing growing at a reasonable pace.

The small feline would make her away across the rich, ivory sand belonging to the Barracuda Bay as porcelain eyes would gaze out upon the crystalline waters. The ocean looked so inviting to her young mind.. Suddenly a light bulb of sorts would set off within her head. Without any second thoughts, Sylvina would make a dash for the shore with full intentions of going for a swim. It would be her first time in water besides the occasional ponds within the Jungle. The young kit was excited yet completely ignorant of the threat of tiger sharks lurking within the ocean. Whoops.

Re: look what the tide brought in -- open ; intro - goodsprings - 07-21-2018

compared to sylvina, captainpaw had put very little thought in his origins; how he had gotten to the typhoon. he remembered warmth. other small bodies squirming beside him. a small time of being cold, the source of warmth and food gone and suddenly, when he was able to open his eyes, he was in a nest and having to be brought to a few different queens each week to take care of him.

it didn't seem abnormal to him, as cap hadn't put any thought into it. he had seen kittens along the barracuda bay unattended by their parents, some apprentices as well. he was thankful to have planecrash raise him and some of the minor life lessons the queens gave him when his father was absent- most likely working on his experiments. the typhoon very much fit someone of his kind, though. they were all some sort of dysfunctional family, right?

though captainpaw had yet to meet sylvina, he had noticed the kitten bounding across the pale sand as he was sunbathing next to tofu the turtle. his ears perked up in interest, and a smile broadened across his calico features before he, too, set off after her.

"hey, hold up!" he called out, their slight size difference making it easier for him to catch up to her. "you should have a swimming buddy. i can tell you if there's any good treasure spots at the bottom." his eyes gleamed with excitement at finding some lost gold from the inhabitants of the island before them. all the cool things he could do with it! like... well, maybe planecrash would know what to do with gold more than he would.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: look what the tide brought in -- open ; intro - deimos - 07-21-2018

[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Her family.. was a skewed one. The only person she had loved was her mother. Her father was a bastard, she had no siblings- the only heir to a wide open throne. Her mother was trapped in 'marriage', but Deldrach know she was held beneath the claw of her father's paw. Deldrach, albeit, still had a childhood. She had high expectations from her father, but.. she knew childhood. She had played with other cubs. She had.. cared for them.

That was short lived.

She knew the dangers of cubs running off of their own. However, as the jaglion went on a walk down the beach, seeing one running full out at the water, her hair nearly stood on end. Deldrach rushed across the beach, and when she reached Sylvina, she leapt before her, her gold and silver mismatched eyes staring at the cub. Deldrach then paused, immediately realizing she was in a hunter's crouch, in front of the cub. Deldrach straightened out, clearing her throat. "Do you know how to swim, child?" She said, after she regained her composure.

Her eyes flicked towards Captain, having not noticed him until after she had completed her 'task'. "Same question for you too."

// ninja'd qq

Re: look what the tide brought in -- open ; intro - Keona. - 07-22-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The tiny Striker tended to lurk on Barracuda Bay; trotting along side the shore, and running away from crabs or following turtles around.  Though she had arrived via the water, moons ago, Keona never stepped into it.  When one was blind and often dwarfed by even some leaves, it simply was not a good idea.  Of course, the faerie child never really thought about swimming before.

She'd never done it before, and she could not see it be done.  Swimming remained one of life's mysteries, until perhaps she wandered across the bay to where a small group of crewmates had gathered.  Her ear flicked, pale sea-green hues flickering in confusion.  Her stomach twisted in knots when she realized none of the voices were truly familiar to her; not registering as one of her family or friends.  Just crewmates.

The rusty spotted cat bounced on her paws, tail tip twitching.  "S... Swim?"
code by spacexual

Re: look what the tide brought in -- open ; intro - Luciferr - 07-22-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

"If they don't, I'll wade in and get them" a solemn voice rumbled, the deep obsidian scales a sharp contrast to the sandy beach as Lucifer peeked an eye open from where he'd been silently lounging in the sand, one eye open on the two youths just in case - heh, lifeguard lucifer.

the small form of the tiniest kitten caught that mercurial eye - ah so keona was still among those he knew as presumably were her family, a comforting thought.

Lucifer's own family was a rather large one - more so given his adoption after his amnesiac rebirth, but he never regretted it even if they were mortal where he was ageless and immortal.

he hummed eyeing Del "Still I would rather they not chance it if they can't"


Re: look what the tide brought in -- open ; intro - Character Graveyard. - 07-22-2018

Nyssa did not understand the meaning of Pincher and Aphra having a one-nightstand, so she thought both of her parents were together. But she'd learn the truth soon.

The young female had come across a group of others but she had seen her littermate first. A smile on her maw, she made her way through the small crowd and she attempted to pull Sylvina into a quick hug before she had turned her attention to everyone else.

Re: look what the tide brought in -- open ; intro - VANDAL R. - 07-22-2018

"Spoilsports, the lot of you!" The teasing voice can only come from Vandal, swooping in from the skies before hovering just above the water's surface, her four wings churning the air to keep herself afloat. Her smile is lopsided on her face, good-natured and brimming with enthusiasm, and then she folds all four wings and lets herself drop into the ocean with a splash. The transition is easy enough. Her nostrils close and her gills come to life, glowing green under the clear depths - she's her own source of light. Being in the water again is... satisfying. Vandal hasn't been in the water since she first came to life and being back in it is like a piece she didn't even know she was missing until she had it again.

A pleased sound rumbles in her chest, and her head breaks the surface enough to show the others that she hasn't drowned herself stupid yet. She situates her airflow back to her nostrils for the time being, kicking her paws and spreading her wings for buoyancy. The larger maned wolf flashes them all an enthusiastic smile. She's feeling pretty damn good with all these kids around. "Who wants a ride on the S.S. Maxine? If you promise to keep your paws and your tails in the vessel at all times, we can go for a little ride."

Re: look what the tide brought in -- open ; intro - Luciferr - 07-22-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

Spoilsport hm?

well then.

Lucifer gave vandal a pointed look and then the great beast heaved himself up and sauntered away into the trees - like he'd gone off to sulk mayhaps you'd think - and the area was quiet for several moments,

then the heavy distant treads started, growing closer and closer,

and then a huge shape flew above the reeline for a moment, casting a vast shadow over the water where vandal and the others on the shore were.

and then the inevitable,


the balled up form of the massive armoured dragon hit the water with a massive splash - and the resulting butterfly effect was quite the picture.

a mini tsunami welled up likely sweeping up vandal and when reaching the shoreline, thoroughly dousing those on the sidelines.

in the wake of the devastation, a dark form broke the surface and laughed loudly, a grin stretching those usual sombre features for once as he gazed back to find Vandal "I'll have you know, you brought that on yourself!" and perhaps it might've been the first time lucifer had laughed open and freely since coming to the typhoon,

it felt good.

//an: real time footage of this scene
[Image: luci_used_TSUNAMI.gif]


Re: look what the tide brought in -- open ; intro - goodsprings - 07-22-2018

fun police! that was cap's first thought when he felt the ground tremble underneath his paws, only to turn and see deldrach bounding toward the two. his cheeks puffed up and his brows furrowed. were they not allowed to go swimming? he was big now, though! his legs were stronger than when he had first arrived in the typhoon, and he knew... well, he probably wouldn't call out for help until he actually started drowning. his pride would most likely prevent that.

at her inquiry, the tom shook his head quickly. "i thought if i tried though i could." his voice came out as a mere squeak, trying to defend himself to get to the water. there was just that bit of distance left behind del and he could dive in! he would show them.

his head turned to keona, his tail tip twitching as he nodded his head. "yeah! we're gonna look for buried treasure. so then we can be all rich and famous!" his chest puffed out and he stood up and a smug grin. he wouldn't mind finding the gold by himself if they weren't keen on letting anyone else in the water...

"spoilsports, the lot of you!" there she was! just in time. the young tm turned to his best friend and bounded toward the mutated maned wolf.

"yes! exactly!" cap cheered on in agreement. "if i'm gonna be an adventurer, i gotta swim first! then-" his voice was cut off as the strength of the oncoming wave knocked him over clean off his paws. his claws tried grasping onto the wet sand but his strength was no match for the current that pushed and pulled at him, successfully taking him at least ten feet away from where he once stood.

the maine coon mix got up shakily, coughing up water a few times before attempting to shake the water off him in vain. the kitten was drenched, though. "uhm... i think i'm okay with swimming..."

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: look what the tide brought in -- open ; intro - ADAKIAS - 07-22-2018

Sylvina would stop in her tracks at the sound of someone calling after her. Flashing a curious gaze over her shoulders, the kitten would watch with a peculiar look as the Maine Coon mix caught up. She had yet to officially catch his name as well as who he was, yet perhaps they'd grow acquainted being that it seemed he wished to tag along. "Sure, I guess. But if I find the treasure first I'm keeping it all." The ebony coated kit would lift her nose upwards towards the larger tom and stick out her tongue in a playful jab before turning towards the tide once more. She would flick her tail as an invitation for him to join her.

Sylvina would regain her previous gait before coming to a sudden stop as someone jumped in front. Viridescent eyes widening, the Bengal kitten would size up the sudden appearance of a lioness crouched before her and Captainpaw. Her optics began to narrow as soon as her senses registered what was going on. Ugh, why did adults always have to ruin the fun in everything? She was perfectly able to take care of herself! "Can I swim? I can do anything!" The inquiry from the older female brought the daughter of Pincher and Aphra into a sudden mood of self-defense. It was natural for the stubborn adolescent to portray herself as more capable than she really was. Although she looked nothing like her parents, it seemed she had acquired the certain traits of ambition and deception from them after all.

As more crew-mates began to show up to the scene the young kit would pin her ears. She absentmindedly acknowledged her sister's embrace while her interest laid within the question of whether the older members would allow her to swim or not. Sure, Lucifer and Deldrach could easily restrain the small domestic, yet Sylvina wasn't about to let herself get babied so quickly. She was going to swim whether they liked it or not!

At the sight of Vandal descending from the atmosphere Sylvina would begin to perk up at the maned wolf's enthusiasm. Her words spiked interest in the young kit's mind and instantly the minnow would attempt to dodge Deldrach's position in front of her as she tried to catch up to the flying creature.

"Me! Me! I want to-," The excitement in her voice was quickly cut off as soon as a wave of unexpected water clashed with her tiny frame. After regaining her composure and quickly shaking her fur, Sylvina would lock her eyes upon the culprit. "Hey!" The kit squealed towards Lucifer as she began to wade within the water, her tiny paw cupping the ocean and attempting a weak splash towards the dragon.