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ordinary ☀ late birthday - Printable Version

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ordinary ☀ late birthday - arcy - 07-19-2018

Izuku .. hadn't celebrates his birthday since he was a little kid. There were, of course, reasons for this. Once he was diagnosed as quirkless, or a while after, at least, people stopped showing up. Or they showed up just to ruin his day. So Izuku stopped inviting them, and then it was just him and his mom. And then she wasn't enough because there were supposed to be people. That didn't stop her from trying to gift him every birthday -- just something small. Usually All Might merch.
.. Had Izuku told anyone his birthday? He's not sure. Either way, the date had always been a source of bad luck. Hell, he'd been horribly, horrible sick for this birthday. But .. well. ... He could do something small. He could give himself that much. And wasn't it strange? His birthday didn't match up with his age anymore. He'd be a year old in this body if that were the case. But no, it just. Didn't fit. .. He might've hesitated telling people about it because of that, though he does just because of the big fuss made about birthdays, but, y'know. He was pretty transparent about not being from this world, though he hadn't ever explicitly told anybody.
.. Well. Today is a 'well we'll do something cool I guess' day. Not a lot. Izuku didn't feel like he deserved a lot. It was a very days after his birthday, anyways. He hadn't been really sure what to do, though. He hadn't had a lot of birthday gifts? So he just ended up making a flower crown out of marigolds and other yellow flowers he had left over. He had plenty, no worries. So with that on his head, he'd just gotten himself a cupcake. Just one. With yellow frosting. Cats could apparently eat cupcakes, and they weren't as good as the ones his mom made sometimes, but he was content, curled up in some obsolete corner of the village. No need to make a big deal out of this -- unless people showed up anyways? That happened a lot. Trying to stay hidden and getting sought out anyways.
//he might've let it slip when his birthday is or u cld ask what he's up to idc just do w/e
what was i worth

Re: ordinary ☀ late birthday - Character Graveyard. - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Kirishima had always celebrated his birthdays. He could remember all of them in fact. Each of them seemed to be more fun by every year. His birthday was in a few months so he was hoping to celebrate it soon. He had carefully knitted a long, rainbow scarf for Izuku before he had wrapped it up.

He had come across Izuku, hiding in a quiet corner of the village. He would frown and speak. "Hey Izuku, are you alright? Not a big fan of celebrating your birthday or something? I brought you a present." Then the maned wolf would drop the wrapped gift at the Frosthealer's paws.

Re: ordinary ☀ late birthday - dead chars - 07-22-2018

Toshinori was pretty fond of birthdays. As a kid, each year he'd had a pretty nice birthday bash to celebrate his aging. He'd gotten fun toys, mostly hero figurines and American comic books, almost every year until he'd turned eighteen. Things had stopped celebrating quite as much by then, but that was fine with him, too. In his more recent years he had stopped celebrating them as much- his 'parties' (if you could call them that) were very under the radar, with only his closest friends attending if anything happened at all. He liked the milestone birthdays, though. His 20th, 30th, and so on. But.. it all became a bit monotonous with age.

Of course he knew Izuku's birthday. The young man had told him in something of an information dump, when they were still getting to know each other a bit better. Toshinori had felt that, if he didn't celebrate with him, it would be some sort of crime. He was Izuku's mentor, but he was also his idol, and he knew that. How could he skip out?

Unfortunately, Toshinori had missed the date, somehow. He figured he must have been in limbo or something, the state between his death as All Might and his resurrection as... a serval. Apparently, though, the Frosthealer had been out sick, so maybe it wasn't... all bad. Not that he wanted Midoriya to be sick, not in the slightest, but at least they had both missed his birthday.

The serval had been planning on being the first one to his successor on that day, but it seemed like he'd already failed. Kirishima had beat him to the punch, and with something knitted, too? Toshinori's gaze fell steeply to the gift he was carrying in his mouth. It looked... a bit sad. Poorly wrapped in old papers he had found strewn about cabins, hardly sticking together with whatever he could find. Not to mention the gift inside. Would Izuku even... would he even like it? Doubt settled in his chest, but he kept moving on to where the maned wolf had stopped.

"Midoriya-shonen!" the serval chimed in greeting, his voice muffled by the gift he carried. "Kirishima-shonen," he added with a nod to the canine. But then, he turned back to the birthday boy, and dropped the wrapped present into the snow. He couldn't say what he wanted if he had to speak through the thing the whole time.
"I know it's a bit late, but... I also have a gift for you!" His tone went from soft and nearly sentimental to his usual booming cheeriness between the phrases, it seemed. He sported a grin despite the uncertainty he'd started to feel. His paws tapped into the snow impatiently, ears twitching with a nervous energy. He needed to calm down a bit- it was just a gift, after all.
code by spacexual

Re: ordinary ☀ late birthday - arcy - 07-23-2018

Izuku knows he's told a few people his birthday. And, maybe a little unfortunately, that kind of conflicts with what he wants to do. Like .. okay, he's a damn liar and one of his old classmates are inevitably going to come seek him out. And then his other clanmates would show up and hear and panic. Potentially. Izuku knows the formula of how this goes now. He's had months to get used to this, christ. Still, it doesn't stop him from jolting as he hears Kirishima's voice, and looks at the Maned Wolf with wide eyes.
".. I'm fine. And .. no, not really," He admits very softly. His tail curls around himself as he tries not to shrink away. He .. doesn't want to make a big deal about it. But still, he's really, really touched that Kirishima remembered, and even got a gift. His ears twitch, eyes kind of wide, but carefully opens the wrapping. Except he doesn't have hands, so he has to use his claws to get past it. .. It was .. very bright. In color. Ow. Ow. He squints. Bright colors hurt his eyes a lot these days, which was .. probably why he always had headaches. Oops. "Thank you," He says, voice warm as he just sort of .. stares at it. He can and will end up crying, he swears to god. A scarf. Just what he needed. Not for warmth or anything. God knows he didn't need to be any warmer. But .. well, his neck. He had a scar over his throat that was pretty obviously a murder attempt? Not great, basically. At least his other scars didn't look like somebody was trying to kill him. Even if they were. So, quickly, Izuku takes the thing and his paws and throws it around his neck. He doesn't wrap it very well, but he doesn't have hands and even then he only has one paw he can properly use, he can be forgiven.
The Maine Coon's ears turn as he hears All Might's voice next. Oh. The Maine Coon's tail gives a nervous little swish. He forgot he told him, huh. Even so, Izuku allows himself a little grin. And by that he mean's he's grinning but he's also ready to cry because people actually thought to get him gifts??? What sort of world was he living in??? "Thank you," He says again, but it's a little closer to a chirp, now. Brighter. And maybe a little-lot more emotional, because he kind of wants to cry. Honestly, if it weren't for all of the incidents, he'd probably be straightup sobbing. As it were, he just sort of .. sniffles and kind of desperately lifts a paw to rub away the tears. Could he stop crying, people were gonna -- they were gonna ... they weren't the same as everyone else, though. His classmates knew him. But he still .. Uh. Right. Right. Right. He gives up on his already failed quest and instead makes to open the gift given to him. He doesn't mind the bad wrapping, really. Good wrapping was hard to come by and do, trust him. So, he makes it open it. It's obviously something soft, and -- oh, a sweater. Izuku stares at it in puzzlement for a moment, because it was kind of a .. mess. But then he realizes that it was definitely probably handmade and now Izuku is crying all over again. But honestly, what's new.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]