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SWEETHEART | o, baking - Printable Version

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SWEETHEART | o, baking - NUI HARIME - 07-19-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
nui had decided that she'd try her hand at cooking. after all, it was only a matter of time before her interests drifted elsewhere. back at revocs, she had little time to bake for herself. but here in snowbound, she was free to do so to her heart's desire.

given that her cabin had no stove, she decided to visit the town's local kitchen, where she set to work.

was she creating these pastries for anyone in particular? not exactly, no. nui usually did things of her own inclination, whenever she felt like it.

a cooking book rested softly on the counter, propped up on a stand. nui balanced on a stool, stirring a mix of egg yolk, oil, water and cake batter into the bowl. she had to make sure that the ingredients were thoroughly whisked.

Re: SWEETHEART | o, baking - arcy - 07-21-2018

Izuku liked to think he was pretty okay at baking. Like -- he's not sure. Decent. He used to be better when there were actual stoves and temperature and he actually had. Y'know. Hands. A lot harder to control what he was doing. But, y'know, Izuku had more free time, now. Or .. technically. Like -- he had duties, but aside from that everything he did was like .. self-inflicted. So. Basically, yeah. Wasn't that weird? But the clan thrives well enough like this. Anyways! Anyways.
Izuku was spending time in a .. building. One of the public buildings. He liked exploring them, sometimes. Or seeing what his clanmates were up to. .. So Izuku was a little nosy when it came to his clanmates, that was fine. Everybody else was. There's somebody actually in here. Izuku's ears prick, the scent of sweet cake batter and, um, Nui, reaching him. What was she doing, he wonders? .. Who's he kidding, it's obvious.
So Izuku strides into the kitchen, interested, and makes a leap onto the counter, a little distance from the bowl. He tilts his head, tail swishing behind him. "What're you making?" Izuku chirps, eyeing the bowl with a passive sort of curiosity. Was it just cake batter? Was she turning it into something else? Was she gonna make anything besides cake? Izuku, nosy boy extraordinaire, just had to know.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: SWEETHEART | o, baking - NUI HARIME - 07-21-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
nui is pleasantly started when the soft thump of paws and the gentle rattle of objects on the kitchen counter alert her to izuku's sudden presence. green fur filled her vision, and nui's one, good eye focused onto the frosthealer.

"making cake and cupcakes, of course," nui answered rather curtly, dipping a claw to taste the batter. "wanna help?"

Re: SWEETHEART | o, baking - Character Graveyard. - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]The smell of pastries had brought the maned wolf over. He would offer a smile to Izuku, before he had turned to Nui. "Can I possibly help as well, if you don't mind? I think it'd be fun to learn how to cook." Then he would walk over to the Frosthealer and sit down beside him.

Re: SWEETHEART | o, baking - dead chars - 07-22-2018

Toshinori couldn't remember the last time he'd had a cupcake. After his injury, he'd lost his stomach (don't ask him how that works), and he hadn't really eaten food for... a long time. He'd always enjoyed the taste of... stuff, and while it was nice to at least put food in his mouth, he always had to spit it out later. His favorite flavor of anything had always been coffee, though, and it was his one exception. When he was still a human, he'd gotten a coffee almost every Sunday morning and downed it all. And then threw it up later. Because it had no place to go. But that wasn't the point.

Of course, now he had his stomach back, and he was hungry. Toshinori wasn't about to just take what he didn't deserve, though. He had promised himself that he'd catch everything he needed and nothing more, and he was sticking to it quite adamantly. Still, though, the sweet smell of desserts lured him to the public kitchen without his even knowing. Maybe he just needed to give up on the whole 'earning his catch' thing for a bit. Cheat the honor diet just a little bit.

The serval marched like a zombie into the kitchen. His whole figure looked tired, but a rosy glow surrounded his face. He missed cupcakes so much. His favorite had always been lemon flavored with vanilla frosting, but any kind would do. As long as he got a bite, he would be content for weeks on end.
"Hello!" he chimed, but he sounded like he could collapse. Not that that was particularly abnormal, these days. He'd promise to take care of himself sometime soon- he had to set an example for Midoriya, a practice-what-he-preached kind of a thing. "Miss Nui. Midoriya-shonen. Kirishima-shonen."
He nodded to each of his clanmates in sync with their names, tail twitching. At the mention of help, his ears pricked. He had always wanted to get into baking- was it too late to start now? Considering he had no hands, he figured it would be a challenge, but who knew? Nui would probably do most of the work anyway. She seemed pretty into this kind of thing.

"I can also assist you if you are in need!"
code by spacexual

Re: SWEETHEART | o, baking - COSMIIX - 07-22-2018

Baking was something that Lewis enjoyed a lot so he would walk over with his ears angled forward in interest, he would have offered his services but he was a bit dead and unsanitary which bummed him out quite a bit though he offered a toothy grin nodding slowly "I'd help but I'm pretty sure I got a lotta germs. . . I bet they'll be great though!" He piped in glancing down at his forepaws, the demonic entity would let out a soft sigh watching as the gases that would come out of his jaws for a moment only to wince a bit hearing an all so familiar voice 'You'd be able to bake like anyone else if you did me a favor, Lewis.' His ears pinned against his head trying to tune out the other yet he could still hear Mystery speaking to him 'There's two of them right there. Just pick one then it'll be over. This suffering of yours.' The pixie bob would take a deep breath in which felt painful yet he could already see an eggplant hued buttercup growing near his paw yet he didn't hesitate to crush it before anyone could see, his gaze lowered to the ground. They might have been empty husks to him but he wouldn't be able to put someone through such a hectic thing as this, what he was going through. Never.

Re: SWEETHEART | o, baking - NUI HARIME - 07-24-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
it was almost astonishing how quickly a lot of the members crowded the kitchen. my my, now she could truly say that baking brought people together, couldn't she?

"feel free to help. it is much appreciated. as of now, i need to preheat the oven and cover the pans with oil," she paused her stirring to ensure that the batter was properly whisked, satisfied when no air pockets or bubbles popped forth from the paste.