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Don't it make you want to scream? -- open; demonstration - Printable Version

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Don't it make you want to scream? -- open; demonstration - trojan g. - 07-19-2018

do you believe you could change me? the way i changed you.

Oh gods above, Roman hoped that this would be okay. If he prayed, he would, but he had no gods to pray for. His father was an asshole who had possessed him and tried to kill some that he loved long ago, and he knew that the other gods didn't hear his prayers anymore - why would Neptune or Jupiter listen to the prayers coming from the son of Pluto anyway? There was no reason for them to do such a thing. A small sigh left the older male's chest as he looked around, watching the body that was below him.

It wasn't like it was a clanmate or anything. It was prey, something that had been drained of it's blood so that the vampires of the clan could have something to eat, but now it was simply a body that others could eat. But instead of eating it right away, Roman was going to use this moment to teach, as that was part of his task to potentially become a halo, right? "Demonstrate your medical knowledge" well Roman had a lot of it, and although he couldn't share all of it in one sitting, he could share quite a bit.

"If anyone wants to learn how to do a proper amputation just in case, come this way!" The fatherly male would call out, tail lashing out behind him once, "It's on a prey body, so there will be food afterwards." He added as a small remark.

Re: Don't it make you want to scream? -- open; demonstration - imperia - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Religion is a topic of extreme interest for Imperia. Gods, goddesses, demons, and angels. They all inspire immense curiosity within the creature. Peri is a believer in all things superstitious. Magic and ghosts and gods and curses. In her opinion, there is no reason for her not to believe. But that does not mean she worships them. None except for the Maker. Her goddess is less of a singular entity and more of the energy of the universe which allows all other deities and supernatural phenomena to exist. The big bang. There is a certain balance which comes to believing in the Maker. One must recognize that all good must be balanced with evil, and that not all things are clearly defined in black and white. Other deities come with their own flaws and strengths. And the Maker? Well, the Maker just is.

That is what Peri believes, anyways.

Upon hearing Roman's announcement, Imperia decides to postpone her baking in favor in discovering some new knowledge. Marguerite taught the she-wolf all that she knew about herbs and healing, but unfortunately that knowledge did not include the tougher things like broken bones and amputations. "I do not thing I could eat that poor creature after watching a demonstration, but I am eager to learn," says the girl as she arrives on slender limbs. Something about consuming flesh which has been used for scientific learning just seems foul. The poor creature already gave itself for the pursuit of knowledge--she does not wish to desecrate the body even more. See? Superstitious. The elegant young wolf takes a seat near the front, silver eyes shining with curiosity.

Re: Don't it make you want to scream? -- open; demonstration - Suiteheart - 07-19-2018

Amputation? Well, that was something one didn't hear every day. In fact, this was one of the lesser spoken on tasks of the healing world, and Suiteheart was very much interested in the little lecture Romanempire was holding for that very reason. She was happy he had stepped outside of the box. She was happy he wasn't afraid to get into the dirtier side of healing.

The white feline could sense the healer pushing forward in her mind, confused and full of wonder. Asa had never had to amputate a limb of another during her healing days, so this soul of hers was incredibly interested in what was going on. Suiteheart allowed for Asa to take partial control over her senses so that the former apothecary could learn.

"I'd like to watch," the Admiral stated as she came forward (her voice was a tad bit different that usual - it seemed deeper, warmer, as Asa's tone melted into hers), halting beside Imperia. She flashed the duo a grin. She was eager to get this demonstration started.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: Don't it make you want to scream? -- open; demonstration - trojan g. - 07-19-2018

do you believe you could change me? the way i changed you.

Eyes would shift over to the two that had come, listening to their words as they spoke, head nodding slightly in understanding at each of their words. "That's okay. I'm sure that their body will be properly taken care of either way, their blood has already been taken care of." He would speak, motioning towards the top of the body where it had been drained from, something common in the territory due to the massive amount of vampires within it.

Head would turn over towards Suiteheart as she came over, head dipping slightly in respect as he listened to her speak before nodding his head once again. "Anyone is free to watch and learn. I'm skilled in the subject due to personal experience, though I would like to wait for one or two others to come along if that's okay." He would say.

Re: Don't it make you want to scream? -- open; demonstration - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-19-2018

While Versailles is a little curious about what Roman could have meant when he said he had personal experience, the she-cat decides not to press - he'd probably tell them if he wants to but if he doesn't, then it's not up to discussion. Instead, the domestic pads over to sit next to Suiteheart, flashing the others a small nod in greeting before clearing her throat. They were stating their intentions, weren't they?

"I'm here for the, uh, 'amputations'... and the food." It's not like Versailles is the type to lie anyway, and they were doing it, she doesn't necessarily see the harm in sharing her point of view. She's never actually seen an amputation before, has never really needed on herself - her whole life has been wake up, hunt, eat, sleep, and she doesn't exactly know what to expect (or what an amputation even is, although she figures it must be in relation to some form of bodily mutilation based on the bled-out prey).

Re: Don't it make you want to scream? -- open; demonstration - MOONMADE - 07-19-2018

[size=9pt]An amputation demonstration? Moon feels a little bit like a hyped kid when he hears about it, because he's never seen anything like this before and he's intrigued beyond belief. Back home, all he'd ever seen was sewn up gashes and mended bones, but no intentional removal of limbs. He slips up beside Imperia, the complete opposite to the graceful canine with all his fumbling steps and winces. He's waiting for his paw to heal, but until then he'll just have to look like a bit of a little bitch.

Gaze set on Roman, he offers a small smile in greeting, and waits for the show to begin.

Re: Don't it make you want to scream? -- open; demonstration - Margaery - 07-19-2018

Amputation? Now that certainly was an interesting subject to discuss.

Margaery arrived next, a contemplative expression embracing her brown features as she studied the scene. Healing had never been her thing, the ins and outs of assisting others with their injuries often lost on her. Suiteheart was the natural healer anyways, her time as Asa providing her with enough experience to be relatively good at what she did (at least Margaery liked to think so anyways). She supposed she could still watch this demonstration though, learning as much about amputations as she could.

Taking a seat next to her wife, she would perk her ears and listen attentively. As useful as this information was, she secretly hoped that it'd never come in handy for any of them. [b]"I'll be watching today," Margaery extended easily, behaving as if her presence wasn't already indication of that fact enough. She left it at that though, the tip of her tail flicking in muted anticipation. Roman certainly was creative, that was for sure. 

Re: Don't it make you want to scream? -- open; demonstration - lessa - 07-19-2018

✯ — Amputation?  Oh dear.  For a split second, the marten felt sick, her stomach twisting in knots.  Self-consciously, her eye darted to her metal legs and she found herself edging to the very back of the gathering crowd, torn ears flicking.  Worse so, she remembered the smell of burning flesh when she oversaw the amputation of a friend's leg.  It'd be her job after all.  Still.  She knew that pain.  When searing heat cut through flesh.  There were other ways to do it without fire, or... She breathed in sharply, closing her eyes tight.

Being the vegetarian she was - though her body was made to digest as an omnivore - 'food' did not apply.  Lessa wrapped her fluffy tail around herself like a blanket, taking in slow breaths through her nose.  She would need to make some tea after this.
code by spacexual

Re: Don't it make you want to scream? -- open; demonstration - trojan g. - 07-20-2018

do you believe you could change me? the way i changed you.

Ah, good, a crowd. Looking over those that were there, Roman would wait, seeing if any had questions. When it was clear that none did and all that spoke were simply there to state there intentions, the male would silently hope that all would go well before speaking once more, looking over the crowd again. "For those who don't know me, my name is Roman, and as you've gathered I'll be teaching a class on amputation today. It will only be one way to do it as I do not know them all, but when I was a kitten I stepped in a bear trap and my leg got infected and I had to get it amputated. It was a long time ago, and another body ago, but I trained under the feline who ended up having to amputate." So hopefully he would do Aster proud today.

Moving forward, the feline would go towards the leg of the prey - a deer, large enough for everyone to be able to see - and began to speak again. "Due to there not being much if any blood left in the deer, I'll just have to share how to best stop the bleeding the way I've learned it. Firstly though, you don't usually amputate just to do it, you do it because the leg is torn horribly in some way, the bone is too broken to be fixed and it'd be best to amputate or it's infected. Those are the most common anyway. So if everyone is ready, I'm going to break the bone of one of the legs of the deer, and questions can be asked as the process goes."

With that, Roman would grab onto a large rock and break one of the back legs, enough that it was clearly able to tell that it was broken, before moving to show the group.

//I'm going to take the thread slightly slow, but hopefully not too slow, so that characters who want to learn can learn, and so that I try to not write too much at once <3