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herbal tea [...] so I won't feel dead anymore - Printable Version

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herbal tea [...] so I won't feel dead anymore - lessa - 07-19-2018

✯ — A demonstration.  Simple enough, although to be truthful, standing in front of an entire clan of new creatures was too daunting for the marten at the moment.  Something... Simpler and more calming was in order.  Even after moons of being a shaman, then doctor... Butterflies still fluttered violently in her stomach when she had to publicly teach.  One-on-one sessions were far easier; she did not have to raise her voice, and it was easier to find a steady pace between a single student.

If there was one constant about Lessa, it was that the smell of chamomile seemed to linger on her.  It had faded after moons of travel, but it was returning already.  The marten drank a cup of chamomile tea near everyday.  It helped.  Tea was also her preferred method of administering medicine when it was an option.  A warm cup of tea was easier to go down than most herbs on their own.

So all morning, the marten set to brewing a multitude of teas, from chamomile to rosemary to dandelion and set them out in front of her, with their corresponding herb resting beside each cup.  Quietly, she cleared her throat, inhaling sharply through her nose.  Her hawk companion, Calum, sat nearby, her medkit still harnessed to his back.

"I-if you want... To learn about he-herbal teas... I'm ho-holding a little... Session here."

[ [member=649]Warringkingdoms[/member] ]
code by spacexual

Re: herbal tea [...] so I won't feel dead anymore - Suiteheart - 07-19-2018

[will delete if it's needed!]

Tea wasn't something Suiteheart often dealt with. Sure, she had had some courtesy of Pele and Cooper, but she didn't often drink it. It wasn't that she didn't like it - no, she actually liked it a great deal -, but she never had much time to sit and enjoy it. She was always moving, rushing. It was hard for her to sit still and enjoy much of anything without Margaery's help.

Even so, the scent of fresh tea was one of her favorite smells. It was what caused her to move in the direction of Lessa. Her mind had told her this was Pele's doing, and she was very surprised to see the pine marten. She did not know much about Lessa, so she figured this was a great place to begin to learn. The white feline padded closer at the other's call, intrigue heavy in her gaze.

"Count me in," Suiteheart said before taking a seat. Her eyes moved about the various teas sat out before the other female, and then, they moved again to Lessa. "How're you feeling? Getting settled alright?"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: herbal tea [...] so I won't feel dead anymore - Margaery - 07-19-2018

It was a damn shame that Margaery could not drink tea, especially given the fond memories she still had of the substance from over a thousand years ago. Her grandmother had prepared it often for her and her family, infusing it with herbs that grew near her childhood home. She remembered distinctly how her father always used to turn his nose up when offered a cup, refusing to entertain his own mother and absolutely insisting that tea was the worst drink on the planet. Given their tattered history, the Cosmic General was a bit surprised that a faint smile appeared upon her lips as she recalled that time, something akin to amusement glowing in her chest.

Maybe she just missed the days when her father was okay.

But Margaery dismissed the notion as soon as it formulated in that head of hers, instead deciding to approach Lessa and Suiteheart. [b]"I'm interested," She informed brightly, refusing to acknowledge the fact that she would not be able to sample any teas should the opportunity present itself. A sip wouldn't hurt, at least she didn't think so, and after centuries of adhering to a specific diet of blood and alcohol, she deserved this.

Re: herbal tea [...] so I won't feel dead anymore - Owlie - 07-20-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]Anakin’s presence was a healthy, radiant yellow sun. It cheered other on. It gave a warm feeling. It was trying to help you and convince you.
This was one of the warnings to the ghost’s arrival. There would normally follow a stirring of leaves and his shape forming- but he didn’t. No, Anakin kept himself hiddenand only within hearing distance of Lessa.
He wanted to see her. But he knew he shouldn’t bug her.


Re: herbal tea [...] so I won't feel dead anymore - lessa - 07-20-2018

✯ — The marten shuffled her feet and took one final breath, offering something of a weak smile, but it was better than looking too serious.  While her arrival was fuzzy for the most part, she recognized Suiteheart's face and voice well enough.  "Better," she offered in a murmur, dipping her head gratefully and in affirmation.  Truth be told, she was still tired, and her body was still rather weak, but Lessa was never one to sit still for long, no matter the condition of her mind and heart.

With a twitch of her tail tip, she turned to the full group, two - that number felt off for some reason, but she could not be sure and without the Force to answer, she dismissed it as nerves - knowing the number may grow at any time.  "I-I'll start with ta-talking about dosages... Then m-move on to the ac-actual tea I have... In front," she explained dutifully, her visible chocolate hue seeming to lose the dim glow for the first time.  Public speaking a nightmare or not, this was her area.  "If w-we're talking cats... One to two tablespoons of the h-herb you're admitting... P-per cup will do the trick.  For so-someone smaller, su-such as myself, or younger - or even... The elder - you'd h-half that... If w-we're talking... Someone larger, y-you double it; one t-to two, o-or more e-even, per two cups."

"I-it's important to f-find the right dosage... For e-each patient; s-some herbs w-will be t-too strong or t-too weak o-otherwise.  Y-you don't want... To m-make an-anyone sicker, or to n-not help them at all."
code by spacexual