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ROUNDABOUT / open + muffins - Printable Version

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ROUNDABOUT / open + muffins - Luca - 07-19-2018

Luca dropped his basket in the busiest part of barracuda bay, pulling the blanket away from the top to revel the bounty underneath. He knew he wasn't good for much, but he did have a couple talents. The only family friendly talent out of that bunch was baking, something he'd been doing for as long as he could remember. He had been reluctant to get into it at first. His father had always drilled into him that he was from a proud family full of strong men, and that he should do something useful with his genetics like fighting or hunting. Luca had always felt ashamed for his lack of interest in that sort of thing, but he got his excuse when... well, that was an upsetting thought for another day. For now he would focus on his achievements, the fact that he had managed to build on his skills to become a fairly good cook in the end.

"Hey, c'mere I made free muffins," Luca calling into the crowd, smoothing his unruly fur down over his injuries in an attempt to hide them from view. He had made four different types with the ingredients he had asked around to gather. There was raspberry and white chocolate, which was objectively the best flavour in Luca's mind, chocolate chip, blueberry and vanilla. Already a few people were coming over, and Lu flashed them the most charming smile he could manage. Hopefully this would win him popularity points and make people want to talk to him. Things got a little lonely when people avoided a conversation with him.

Re: ROUNDABOUT / open + muffins - MARCELLUS - 07-19-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
If it was anything, Marcellus was a huge massive sucker for sweets, especially if it was candy. Muffins were no candy, but they were sure as hell really good. Marcel wasn't able to bake, well not not able but more like not willing to learn. He got way too frustrated easily and didn't want to spend his whole life stressing himself out. Maybe if he had a teacher but he was way too stubborn and would deny getting a teacher if someone suggested he should. Yeah it frustrated him to have to learn things by scratch but he would rather keep his dignity and do that then cave in to getting someone to teach him. Call him stupid. Well that was it, just call him stupid. Either way, his inability to cook didn't change his sweet tooth and frankly right now he was craving something a little sweet.

Marcellus was lying inside his little shack on the bay, relaxing after a small run down the beach and back. His ears flicked when he heard a little voice shout out for free muffins, and a familiar one at that. He couldn't pinpoint the voice but he stepped outside, padding towards the gathering crowd with a lick of his lips, pushing through others to get to the source which happened to be Luca. Oh lord, Luca. Not in a completely bad way but he remembered the guy kind of flirting with him and frankly he wasn't sure how to handle that. Clearing his throat, he would decide to ask for one anyways, looking over the muffins Luca made. He would of preferred something sweeter but beggers can't be choosers. "I'll take a vanilla." He spoke with interest in his voice, his tongue running over his lips in hunger.

Re: ROUNDABOUT / open + muffins - tikki - 07-19-2018

actions "speech"
Caecia wasn't allowed to learn to cook, but it was for her own good. She liked baked goods and liked people foods, but if she ate them she got horribly sick. Sometimes she would sneak off to go and eat foods that she wasn't supposed to - just the other day it was some really good cheesecake - but she would soon enough learn her lesson when she was older and it would just about kill her. She was young now, and, for the most part, could handle it.

Padding over to the area of the bay, the female would tilt her head slightly, ears pricked as she listened to the words that came from the hellhound's maw, wishing she could eat the muffins that were before her. "They smell really good." She would comment, looking over to the slightly older boy, tail flicking before looking back at the muffins then back at him, "It makes me wish I wasn't allergic."
[glow=#ad6b54,2,300]배움에는 왕도가 없다[/glow]

Re: ROUNDABOUT / open + muffins - bubblegum - 07-19-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//retro sickness

the girl loves food. she always has. when she was younger, she didn't eat much more than fish, and though she loved seafood; she got tired of it after a while. but then, she met mister jacob. he was visiting from snowbound and he had brought over a basket full of goodies she had never seen or smelt before. that was her first introduction to bakery and then later to be opened to a whole bunch of possibilities, due to mister jacob offering to teach her how to cook.

there were so many delicious foods to make and she wanted to make all of them so she could give them to her crewmates. but, she hadn't shared any of her cooking skills publicly yet, because she wanted to perfect them. and, well, because it wasn't very safe for her to cook alone right now. goldie's injuries only got worse and now she had the threat of potentially coughing or sneezing on the food and that wouldn't be very sanitary.

despite her love for food, she had been eating less. it was apparent, too. she was only getting skinnier and skinnier. not at an alarming rate, but still at an unhealthy one. it wasn't because she thought she shouldn't eat food or anything like that, though. it was solely because she was so busy. busy working. she didn't have time for breaks. she needed to help around the crew as much as physically possible. that's always been her goal and she was still playing catch up due to being slowed down by her injuries.

so, when she smelled something sweet in the air, she was immediately drawn to it, luca's call only inspiring her to stumble towards it quicker. her eyes lit up at the sight of muffins and she smiled softly at them. "oh, this is very nice of ya, luca." she said gratefully, eyeing the choices. she didn't really know what to pick, though - she knew she'd like all of them. "you should choose one for me. i can't decide." the girl requested softly, nodding. he, of course, didn't have to, but she'd like a little help. "y'know, i like to bake n' cook, too! mister jacob taught me how. he makes very good food."

Re: ROUNDABOUT / open + muffins - Keona. - 07-19-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The tiny rusty spotted cat recognized the smell of pastries, but her experience with them was rather lackluster.  Keona certainly did not know how to bake, and the world was all the better for it; even with the proper directions she would probably burn everything to the ground.  Even if she could see, the kitten would probably do that.

So the Striker slowly skittered over, careful not to get too close to anyone, much less run into anything.  Keona did not know the voice, or the other two already there; so many new joiners lately she remembered with a growing pit of butterflies.  The kit was not exactly shy per say, but she did manage to avoid an excessive amount of social interaction.  It was simply easier that way.

That being said, she was not against the invitation of food.  However, her nose detected multiple variants of... Whatever muffins were.  The fae bounced on her paws, ears flicking.  Am I... Allowed to eat sweets? She'd never been told not to... But she'd never been told she could either.  Oh boy.  Well, he was offering it to all his crewmates... That made it fine, didn't it?  Oh but the second voice said she was allergic, what if Keona was allergic and didn't know?

"..." Should she wait for her father maybe?  The feline was not particularly fond of the idea, it made her seem too dependent.  I'm sure it'll be fine.  "… I don... Eat muffins.  What flavor d'you think?"
code by spacexual

Re: ROUNDABOUT / open + muffins - SÉAMUS - 07-19-2018

Here comes trouble -

Ah, the flirty hellhound.  Séamus smirked as he tailed his neice, sea-green eyes zeroing in on Luca and his basket of muffins thoughtfully.  The fact that someone he had deemed a little slutty - and the faerie knew how to recongize someone of demonic nature - was a baker honestly caught him off-guard.  If just a little.  The tom did love a little chaos, however, and the surprise was not unpleasant.  It made this newcommer just a little more intriging.

"Only eat one, Sibéal," he murmured, nudging the smaller rusty-spotted cat.  He was uncertain whether or not Kian approved of sweets, but it was safe to encourage caution.  He didn't want her getting sick either.  He raised his head to the hellhound with a wink, "so he's a baker." He quirked a brow as well, accented voice laced in authentic curiosity.

"Which flavor do you recommend then mate? I'm not particularly picky."

Re: ROUNDABOUT / open + muffins - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-19-2018

Oh, right, Caesar had heard about how Luca tried flirting with Pincher and promptly gotten snapped at by Jacob. It was pretty funny to hear that if he was honest, but the demon wasn't going to say anything. It wasn't any of his business, anyway. "You have any red velvet ones?" Caesar asked as he came over, eyeing the muffins with interest.

Re: ROUNDABOUT / open + muffins - Luca - 07-19-2018

That was a lot more attention than he was expecting. For a second or two Luca appeared a little overwhelmed, but the he blinked and his composure was back as if it had never left. Well, first thing's first. He turned to flash Marcellus a grin, lifting one of the vanilla muffins and holding it out to the king cheetah. "Sure thing. I hope you enjoy," he said, making sure to make that last word extra sensual. Luca flirted with everybody on reflex, but he did have a genuine interest in the wildcat. He'd be sure to get some alone time with him later. For now he had others to deal with. Next to speak was Caecia, and Luca offered her a sympathetic smile. "Sorry," he said softly, unsure of what else to say. Maybe later he'd make her something else to make up for it, but he was a little preoccupied at the moment.

Next in line was Goldie. Luca was already fond of her, and he greeted her with a wave of his spaded tail. He laughed a single syllable at her words and dug around in his basket for a chocolate chip one, because that was a god damn classic, a real hit with the youth. "We should back together sometime, then," he said as he handed it to her. "And feel free to come back if you don't like that flavour, I have plenty." He'd feel guilty if she felt like she had to stick with something she didn't like just because he gave it to her.

He turned to Keona and Séamus next, flashing the latter a smile. He remembered the guy from his joining; he'd stuck in Luca's mind as one of the few to entertain him since he'd shown up. "Been baking my whole life," he confirmed with a  touch of pride, the faintest hint of a blush settling beneath his fur. Keona stating that she didn't eat muffins came as a shock to the hellhound. A kid without sweets was like a party without alcohol; depressing. Maybe that wasn't the best analogy, but Luca was going to stick with it. "Maybe you should stick with vanilla then. It's a good... uh... entry level muffin." He picked one out and set it down in front of her, making sure to avoid getting it all sandy. "But as for recommendations, this one's my favourite," he said to Séamus, picking out one of the raspberry and white chocolate ones.

He was getting used to this, maybe, and luckily things seemed to have slowed down a bit. Luca let out a subtle sigh of relief as he turned to face Caesar, offering him a soft smile. "Not right now, but I can make some if you bring me the ingredients. For now I just have vanilla, choc chip, blueberry, n' those raspberry ones," he said, pointing to each as he named them. "Feel free to help yourself."

Re: ROUNDABOUT / open + muffins - MARCELLUS - 07-19-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
At first Marcel was a bit scared to take the muffin away from Luca when he spoke. Why did this guy have to be so flirtatious? He was definite eye candy but still, Marcel didn't exactly need any of that in his life right now. He wanted focus on himself and with time try to come to terms with his sexuality. Awkwardly, the king cheetah cleared his throat and bite his jaws into the muffin, taking a few limping steps back and placing it neatly on the ground in front of him. "Uh, yeah thanks." With that out of the way he began to run his jaws into the muffins and take a few bites, licking his lips after each one. For someone who made him slightly uncomfortable, the demon did make really good muffins.

Re: ROUNDABOUT / open + muffins - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-19-2018

Luca being so damn flirtatious honestly amused Caesar, though it was mostly others' reactions rather than how Luca acted. In fact, the guy's actions kind of reminded him of his daughter, Aphra, and how she ended up sleeping with everybody who made eye contact with her. I wonder if they've met yet. Caesar thought to himself in amusement, his whiskers twitching. That'd definitely be an interesting interaction. Not that he'd watch, that was disgusting. "I'll take a blueberry one, then." Caesar stated, nodding to one of those muffins.