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halo tryout I/II [...] feelings are fatal - Printable Version

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halo tryout I/II [...] feelings are fatal - lessa - 07-18-2018

✯ — A part of her did not know why she was bothering.  Lessa's first thoughts upon stirring had been to leave.  Vacate the premises.  After all, her arrival had been unintentional.  Her body had simply been pushed it's limits and the marten could not keep going.  Exhausted.  Malnourished.  A former doctor... Shaman… But she had never been good at taking care of herself.  She was not her primary concern.  Never had been, not really.  It'd been her downfall more than once, but the marten had always survived somehow.  More likely it was thanks to her family and friends, but she'd yet to see more than one here and...

Lessa huffed quietly.  The pacifist was not good for much else if she was honest with herself.  She knew self-defense but she would not use it; she was no fighter.  Not even to save her own life.  Her metal legs were a testament to that.  She would not hunt either, for that meant killing another living creature - it did not matter if they were not sentient - and there went any semblance of use for her as a typical, contributing member.  The marten could recite the name of every star and constellation.  She could paint.  She could name every plant she knew backwards.

It was, if anything, a method to busy herself.  Do something.  No matter the state of her body and mind.  To move.  A resounding screech alerted the petite fem to her companion's presence.  The medkit harnessed to his back would be helpful storage.  Not to mention it still had her little container of water and some burnet.  For even while she refused to take care of herself, there was too much muscle memory ingrained in her not to keep her supplies stocked as she had made her travels that ended up here.

She waved a tired tail in greeting towards the sharp-shined hawk, and set out and away from the Observatory.  Now that she could properly see the place awake, Lessa did not mind having stumbled here.  It was a lovely place, but the mustelid tended not to think those thoughts as often as she used to.  Her mind had grown darker after moons on her own, fighting against pain and sorrow.  Some part of life had lost it's glow.

"Calum," her weak voice was a rasp, "we're... Lo-looking for... Comfrey, chamomile, jun-juniper, an' burdock." In her days as a shaman, she had taught her friend.  The bird made no physical movement in reply, but she recognized the understanding in his eyes.  So he flew ahead, staying within eyesight.

Most importantly, Calum knew where to find the herbs.  Lessa, smaller and stuck on the ground took longer to track down the right places, but with the hawk's keen eyes and powerful wings, their job was made easier.  Comfrey root.  Comfrey meant water, in a sense.  It grew where it was damp.  Close to a river or pond would be the likely places.  With a flick of torn ears, the marten glanced upward for a second, scanning for Calum's movements.  He was circling over something now.  They'd reached the center of the plains, she realized with a creased brow.  Perhaps a river... Oh.  A lake was just as good.  "Th-thanks Cal!"

Lessa quickly set to work, tracking down the herb by scent now, her one good eye scanning for signs of pink.  There.  Her metal claws sank easily into the ground as she uprooted the plant gently.  She raised her right paw to the sky, and Calum swooped down, landing in the nearby grass.  Dutifully, she stored the comfrey into the kit and raised up to her paws.  Juniper.  With a nod, the bird took off again, making sure to send a gust of wind her way as he rose, a rare twitch of her whiskers answering in turn.

This time, she took the lead, allowing her companion to swoop down lower, acting as a friendly guard more than a guide.  Her trip through the canopy had been brief but it was the best place to look.  Her muscles ached once more as she arrived to a place beneath the trees, this time paying more attention to the varieties.  Yes... They'll be around somewhere.  While Calum took a break on the branch of a large oak tree, Lessa tracked down a bush, a yawn threatening to escape her maw as she signaled the bird once again.  Absentmindedly, she added the blue berries to the kit.

While not entirely at-ease, but with a sense of actual purpose, the marten continued quietly into the flower field she'd seen before blanking out and being found by the Ascendants the day she came.  In the sun, the plants danced and weaved in the gentle breeze.  Almost self-consciously, Lessa thought about the flowers on the side of her face, but quickly chased them out of her mind.  She did not entirely understand why flowers grew on her, just that the common thread had been times of great despair and pain.  The former doctor was not stupid after all.  They never grew in such large quantities when she was happy and healthy, when her world was as close to peace as it ever got.

With a lonesome sigh, she searched for anything resembling daisies, noting Calum's ever-present shadow following.  It really was a beautiful place, even if she tried not to let her mind linger on such.  More than once, Lessa found daisies, amongst the wildflowers, her tail twitching to and fro.  But patience, as it was, is a virtue, and when she recognized the plant more by scent than sight, she waved her paw once more.  "Tha-that's three," she murmured, before letting him take off again.

Burdock and she was done.

Lessa retraced her steps back to the lake, spotting a river leading closer to the Observatory.  Hopefully some grew there and required no side-tracks.  As it was, Calum spotted the large, heart-shaped leaves first.  Perhaps just to be overdramatic, he let out a few, rather loud, definitely proud, screeches.  She offered a weak eye roll in response, humoring him despite her lack of motivation to.  At least their task was done.

While she knew it was for training purposes, and proving they were medics - or medics to be, she supposed - she hoped the herbs would prove useful.  No doubt others had left on the same task, and an overabundance was never good, not if the plants weren't utilized before they were dried out or too old.  This place seemed rather peaceful, although the wounded did seem to end up on their borders often, as she had overheard on her own arrival.  "Come on." Time to give these to the one who needed them.

[ [member=649]Warringkingdoms[/member] ]
code by spacexual

Re: halo tryout I/II [...] feelings are fatal - Warringkingdoms - 07-19-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]To some degree, Rin's motivations for choosing to become a Cleric mirrored Lessa's. She, too, was relatively untrained in combat- she had size on her side in most cases, but little else. Being a medic was the most effective way to put her knowledge to use, even if she had no idea how she had come by that knowledge in the first place.

  Still, regardless of one's reasons for entering the medical field, having additional helpers (that weren't drug dealers like Radeken had been) was greatly appreciated. This way, if she eventually dropped dead from exhaustion, the clan would still be in good hands. All of the applicants had their own set of skills to bring to the table, and even though she could not promote all of them, having a large number of people with basic medical knowledge would be a major boon to the clan's safety.

  Approaching Lessa, Rin offered her a nod- she could smell the right herbs within the hawk's medkit. "You look exhausted," she remarked softly, adjusting her scarf. That made two of them; no matter how she'd tried, Rin still couldn't hide the sunken look in her eyes. "But well done." Glancing up at the hawk, she asked, "What's his name?"

Re: halo tryout I/II [...] feelings are fatal - lessa - 07-20-2018

✯ — Exhausted.  Lessa hummed quietly, tilting her head so her one good eye could seem a little more attentive.  The marten had never been good at eye contact though.  She was not entirely sure why; it just made her uncomfortable.  She tried for a smile.  It'd always been a little easier, around other medics, to be... A little happier. Outwardly at least. "St-still... Recovering from the... T-trip here, I suppose," she murmured admittedly.

Something resembling more joy flashed in her eye whenever she turned to the hawk beside her.  "Calum." She still remembered the day they became partners; the day she gave him his name. It'd taken time to teach him everything, but she was very proud that he was a brilliant assistance to her.  "H-he's a troublemaker though," she muttered, tail flicking.  An indignant stare was all she received in answer, as the bird fluffed his feathers.  "… B-but he's been with me... A while."
code by spacexual