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heat haze days — preschool au - Printable Version

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heat haze days — preschool au - guts - 07-18-2018

//meg and arcy bullied me into this. also srry for the lame ending

The first day of school was a major point in anyone's life. Most children were pretty divided--either they walked in with confidence and excitement for the day, or they walked in clinging to their parents and begging them not to leave. Some enjoyed their stay, and others didn't. All in all, it varied with each child.

Aizawa, for example, was not too thrilled. He had never really been around other kids his age before, so he was pretty inexperienced in socializing. His mother usually kept him inside where she could keep an eye on him. While it was cozy in all it's familiarity, it had gotten old quickly. But still, he was somewhat nervous about meeting other kids, much less other adults.

As they walked into the building, he held on tighter to his mother's hand, glancing up at the other people around, mostly parents that had already dropped off their children. "Alright, go on," he looks up as his mother urges him forward, a hand on his back as she pushes him towards the room full of children. He keeps his feet planted, however, shaking his head.

He can hear his mother sigh, exhaustion clear in her voice. That was what convinced him to go on, the idea of getting a lecture in front of all these people less than appealing. So, he watches her as she leaves, then turns back and stands there for a long moment. Eventually he wanders over to a pile of building blocks, where he goes on to make a small tower out of them.


Re: heat haze days — preschool au - dead chars - 07-18-2018

Toshinori was excited. At 7 years old, he was not starting his first day in preschool, but his first day as a student helper! His mother was a teacher at the preschool many children were starting at today, and he just had to greet them all! The straw-haired kid grinned eagerly at each of the students that passed through the door. He was borderline creepy, but since he was a kid it didn't seem anybody thought much of it.

However, seeing the newcomers struggle with leaving their parents made him feel a bit sad. He only caught a glimpse of Aizawa's reluctant steps forward into the crowded room, but he immediately bounced over, a bright, warm grin on his face.
"Hiiiii!" the student helper chimed. He was very excited- too excited, probably -but he couldn't help himself. Being homeschooled himself, he didn't get to go out and make friends too often, and though there was a bit of an age gap between himself and these kids, he didn't see a problem with at least trying to make friends.
"What's your name? I'm Yagi Toshinori!"
He beamed at Aizawa like the sun, blinking bright blue eyes. Hopefully this would help him come out of his shell!

/also this started bc i accidentally said all might was 7 in the discord but i MEANT 7'3"
code by spacexual

Re: heat haze days — preschool au - guts - 07-18-2018

//all of this started from a typo aldkfsgdhjas

He hadn't expected to be approached, at least not so quickly, so he's a bit surprised by the sudden loud greeting. He puffs out his cheeks in irritation, glancing over the other boy with furrowed brows. He's unsure of him, but inevitably decides he seems friendly enough, albeit a bit loud. "Aizawa," he says, then goes back to his wooden blocks.

So far his tower was beginning to teeter. With it finished and on the verge of falling over, he begins on another one, stacking it to match the height of the other. Though, in the midst of him building it, the original one begins to fall and falls apart as it fits the floor. The blocks go flying, scattering across the floor. But instead of crying, like most kids his age would, he just huffs and goes to rebuilding it.


Re: heat haze days — preschool au - dead chars - 07-18-2018

Aizawa. The child of sunshine tilted his head, blue eyes flicking over the other, rapping his fingers on the floor. At some point he'd contained his energy enough to seat himself and (for the most part) stay still, but he could hardly stand it. Watching the tower sway as it did in its final moments, it drove him nuts. He wanted to save the blocks, but as soon as he got the nerve to stand up the blocks tumbled to the ground in a mess of noise and wood. Toshinori frowned, picking up some of the stray toys that had slid far from his new acquaintance.

Still, he was impressed with the maturity that Aizawa displayed. While he was only seven and knew hardly anything about maturity himself, Yagi was mostly just glad that he wasn't crying. If there was one thing he didn't want to have to deal with, it was the tears and screams of a bunch of preschoolers. After all, he'd already passed that stage of his life. Why couldn't they?

"D'you want any help rebuilding it?" he finally asked, blowing a strand of blonde hair out of his bright blue eyes. He set a block near Aizawa's feet. It was the last of the ones that had scattered especially far, so hopefully they could get the rest together.
code by spacexual

Re: heat haze days — preschool au - Dimitri - 07-19-2018

There was something noticeably off about poor little Dimitri when he walked into the classroom. He was wearing a collar shirt, but it was stained. The same went for his cute cargo shorts and he held a tear in his eye as he was separated from his mother.
His mother seemed to be pretty glad though.
Mocha skin held a few bruises and he had a bandaid on his nose. It was a spongebob one. He liked spongebob. Dimitri was dirty and smelled of garbage as he went towards the other boys. He was pretty quiet- he was nervous to talk to them.... ”Hi.... what are you guys doing?”

Re: heat haze days — preschool au - guts - 07-19-2018

The only reason Aizawa didn't react as expected was because of how his mother had conditioned him to do so. He had learned quickly she didn't like it when he cried, so he learned not to, even though he wanted to sometimes. Especially when he saw other kids doing it and getting such soft reactions. As Toshinori offered the block to him, he quietly nodded at his offer to help him rebuild, if only to stop him from fidgeting and distracting him. It was a bit annoying how bouncy he was, but he was glad for the extra help.

He turns at the approach of someone else, his young mind barely registering how odd the other boy's appearance was. Instead he only really heard his question and he held up a block towards him for him to take. "Building blocks," he was indeed a child of few words. Whether he took the invitation or not, he would go to back to what he was doing, now starting a wall between the two towers. Or what was left of the other one, anyways.
