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feedback for becky - Printable Version

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feedback for becky - tricky - 07-18-2018

this is very impulsive and since i've been having troubles figuring out how to develop [member=67]beck.[/member] since it feels like i've already done everything him on other site, i'm asking y'all to help a pal out by either criticizing him completely honestly (i don't want compliments in there dodging the question even if i like inflating my ego) or ask things you'd want to know more about so i can expand on them in the future. oh! and here's his lame tags in case you don't know him. please thanks have a nice day. (also i didn't know where to put this so here)

edit: many hours later and i realize this was kinda a bad idea. lmao i should just take it down, but i'll cling onto a bit of hope

Re: feedback for becky - vellichor - 07-18-2018

lol tricky i can't criticize beck, he's absolutely amazing. You've put so much work and development into him and I adore him, even if he and Jake don't get to interact as much anymore. I know I'm not part of tangled so you may have already done this but I'd love to know more about Beck's early life? I know we know about his brother and death and some of his family situation but I'd love to read more about that! I also think it'd be cool to hear about more of his shenanigans prior to showing up on BoB and after his death? He's lived the length of multiple lifetimes and I'd love to hear more about that, especially if there was a moment that kind of pushed him to becoming even more bitter as ghost and things like that or if there's anything that he wishes he'd have been able to do in his old life or smth.

Re: feedback for becky - madster - 07-18-2018

i like beck, but i feel like he should be around more? idk he's the leader and all i ever see him in is the really important threads! that's all i can really say lol