Beasts of Beyond
GHOSTS / joining - Printable Version

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GHOSTS / joining - dead chars - 07-17-2018

Toshinori had been going about his day, ensuring that all his papers were in order, picking on Aizawa, the usual. He'd even managed to get in a chat with the principal at UA, which was refreshing after all of the hectic activity that had been going on. A tightness in his chest had carried through the day with him, but he'd figured it had been from the fight with All for One. Though All Might could no longer be the symbol of peace, the hero was still able to lead his more secretive life with little conflict. Of course, now that his true identity was out in the open... it was a bit more tough. But he could manage.

Or, he thought he could manage.

A scream rang in his ears and he knew it immediately.
"Izuku..." he whispered, hollow blue eyes flickering in the direction he'd heard the student's cry. He couldn't move. The tightness in his chest constricted around his heart. He'd convinced himself it was simply soreness, but of course he'd known it was something more, and he hadn't done anything about it. A dark premonition, a warning, and yet... he hadn't done anything. Suddenly his legs could move again and Toshinori tore off towards an exit. Anything to get him closer to the source of the scream. He had to be there to save the day, as he had promised for so many years.

Though he'd resigned as the Symbol of Peace, he couldn't get rid of his drive to save the day.

Thud thud thud thud thud. He was panting, unable to run fast enough, unable to get to where he needed to be as quickly as he needed to be there. Toshinori had already tried to beef himself up and simply jump to his destination, but he was out of juice. He was stuck in this scrawny form, and he'd known it when he was trying, but he'd tried anyway. He had to get to Midoriya.

Finally, the boy's body crested the horizon. There was blood. There was... so much blood.
Toshinori could feel himself yelling, but he couldn't hear it. He fell to his knees, aware of attackers advancing, knowing he needed to do something, but unable to find the energy.

The next hour was a blur. All he knew was that he couldn't go on. The symbol of peace was gone for good. His successor was dead. The only things he knew were the few students around him being picked off like fish in a barrel. It was a hopeless scene, even for the most hopeful man on earth.
He could feel Tomura's hands on his throat. He could feel his skin disintegrating. Blood was warm as it sprang from him, blossoming on the ground in maroon rhododendrons and chrysanthemums. He could see Aizawa still fighting, and thought up an apology, though he had no hopes of relaying it. And then Aizawa went down, and the last of All Might was gone.

His consciousness faded into nothingness.

Then, Toshinori's eyes fluttered open.

Blood, coppery, sticky, and red, dribbled down his chin. Hollow eyes opened, though hesitantly, and the man rose to his feet. No... his paws...? The serval flexed a paw in front of his face, just to make sure it was real, and his suspicions were confirmed. He was a serval.

Well. It probably wasn't the strangest thing to happen to him, especially now that he (assumed) he was dead. After all, though he believed in an afterlife, he'd never known much about what form he'd take, he supposed. Toshinori surveyed the area around him and suddenly realized he was absolutely freezing.
"Good grief," the serval muttered, a cough stopping him short. Blood spattered fresh white snow, and he narrowed his eyes at it. Did ghosts... bleed? He was pretty sure they didn't. But... he wasn't alive, right? That wouldn't be possible. He'd died at Tomura's hands, along with... well, best not to think about it.

Toshinori supposed he'd just have to get used to this, then.
"H... Hello?" he called, shivering and hesitant, noting pawprints in the snow. Whoever had left them was still around- these were fresh.

/ uhh u dont really need to read all of this, just the last few paragraphs really! but hello this is stick dad
also just to clear things up, hes not a ghost in the bob verse, he just thinks so for now since he died in his past life :- )
code by spacexual

Re: GHOSTS / joining - arcy - 07-17-2018

.. You know. It'd taken a long time for Izuku to get over his death. There'd been those months while he was alone, he hadn't had time to think about it. All there was to life was, well -- surviving. Blurs of crackling electricity and blood and teeth. .. He might've killed people, he's not sure. When he left some of them there. It's not something he wants to think about, none of it is anything he's proud of. Izuku isn't sure there's a lot he's proud of, these days. All he has are blinding headaches and the only good he's ever felt like he's done in a long time is pressing herbs into people's wounds. He watches hollowly as classmates and clanmates come and go. None of them really stick around, and Izuku is just left alone with the few that do stay.
.. Would it be unfair if Izuku wished he was alone, though? If none of his classmates showed up and none of them died and it was just Izuku. Izuku with his herbs and his claws and crackling fur. Maybe he could be happier if he could leave his past behind. Forgot about the knife in his guts and blood on his hands. He could just be .. Izuku, Snowbound's Frosthealer, instead of Izuku, hero in training. Hero. Unreachable, now. But maybe he could be a hero in his own right.
.. And sometimes, Izuku worries about how people took his death. What'd happened to him when he'd died. Did people care? Was he forgotten, left in the dust? He wouldn't be surprised, it was nothing more than he deserved. He wasn't .. anyone special. A quirkless, worthless kid. .. And that brings him to All Might. Perhaps that's where Izuku finds himself guilty. That he threw himself into danger without a second thought and of course it lead to his death. And then All Might was left without a successor. And that .. was maybe the most unfair thing. But Izuku .. supposes life wasn't fair in general. But .. Izuku isn't sure how much he regrets. He doesn't think about his past life a lot, likes to focus on the now. He has people to take care of. A clan to support. People who .. maybe might care about him, even a little. It was nice, being appreciated. Being useful. He wasn't that old, of course, just a kitten by many people's standards. Not much of a kitten, though, when in just some few months he'd be an adult, which was .. terrifying. A very young adult, but an adult nonetheless. Seriously, how do you go from 'being an adult in four years' to 'being an adult in a few months' with less than half a year inbetween? Izuku would like to know, 'cause it's kind of scary.
"..Hello?" There's a voice, and Izuku doesn't hesitate to respond. It's kind of his job. Be active, be around. Take care of people. He liked greeting people on the borders, anyways. It was still scary. They could hurt him, he didn't know them, but they were always so .. friendly. So maybe that's why Izuku immediately whirls around to follow the voice, tail swishing nervously. He's tired. He shouldn't be up. He almost died a few days ago, but what was fucking new. Shouldn't be walking when he was still sick, shouldn't be walking on this leg that should've been healed weeks ago but basically wasn't at all. Because he wouldn't stop walking on it. And the instant this was pointed out to people he'd probably be shoved into bedrest or something. Unless they wouldn't, because they hadn't stopped Izuku already. ".. Are .. You okay? Do you -- Do you need something?" A serval. Servals weren't common to see in Snowbound, except that they were because Pierce and Killua stayed here but they weren't here anymore. There is, of course, blood. Izuku was sick of blood, but of course he'd have to deal with it for the rest of his miserable enough because, in a lapse of judgement, he'd signed up to be a Tenderfoot. A grave mistake in hind sight, now that Izuku was the sole healer on the team, hadn't even finished his training before Jacob just up and fucking left. So, of course, the green-furred feline circles around the other with ears nervously flattened. He's not -- quite sure what's wrong, but Izuku should at least get him something for the cold, right? Servals weren't meant for the cold, unlike Izuku with a ridiculously long and thick coat of fur. Shouldn't leave him out here more than necessary.
what was i worth

Re: GHOSTS / joining - dead chars - 07-17-2018

The serval hadn't had time to get over his death, considering, well... it had just happened. Or, so it felt. He didn't know how long his spirit had traveled from his home world to wherever this place was. Perhaps it took a minute, or a year, or 100 years. Who knew! But, it certainly had felt instantaneous.

Blood still swam in his vision, but there was none in his eyes. Pain still racked his body, though there was almost no reason for it to. Other than the wound in his abdomen he'd had for years now, he was fine. It was just... memories.
Thoughts of Midoriya's body appeared each time he blinked. Toshinori swallowed hard. Cerulean slits shook in their sockets for a moment before he calmed himself down again, sinking ebony claws into the pure snow. It was just memories, pictures. Pictures didn't come back to life to hurt you. And yet, he felt so heavy with the weight of them, it made him sick.

The serval shivered in his spot for what felt like forever. Thinking.

Then he heard a voice.
The serval's tall, slim ears pricked. His eyes opened wide, though he wasn't quite facing the stranger yet. But... was this a stranger? The voice was one he recognized, but couldn't believe. It was a voice that had faded and died today. Toshinori took a breath. He turned around with a slowness to him that could only be matched by snails. His eyes were sunken.

Are... you okay? Do you - do you need anything?
"Could you tell me where I could find a sweater, young man?" he answered, a shiver accentuating his sentence, as if to prove he was freezing. The serval finally fixed his gaze on the stranger, and the... greenness... of his pelt was startling. The voice, the green... this had to be... no. Midoriya was dead. It was his fault that his apprentice was dead.

He dropped his gaze into the snow.

[div style="width: 62%;font-family: fontname;font-size: 8pt;color: #hexcode;text-align: right;margin-top: -5px;"]code by spacexual

Re: GHOSTS / joining - arcy - 07-18-2018

If there was anything Izuku was grateful for when it came to his classmates and, of course, teachers, showing up, it was that, well, he tend to find them quickly. A few weeks since waking up, at most. He didn't know what happened to them they died, a lot of them didn't even realize they'd died. And, even if they'd been through hell and back before dying, at least they didn't have to suffer too much afterwards, too. That's all Izuku can really .. ask for, maybe. He doesn't think he can ask for a lot, really.
.. He doesn't like how familiar they were. Izuku has stopped being in denial when his classmates show up. Has stopped crying, has just quietly, resentfully, accepted it. He just .. greeted them. It made the whole thing less stressful on everyone, see? Better on everyone when Izuku wasn't crying and making a big mess of things. It's. Something else when he suspects that this is All Might. Christ, how'd he die? Was everyone dead? That couldn't .. So maybe Izuku is in denial about this stuff again. That's fine. He'll allow himself that much.
"Uh -- Uh, yeah, just a second," Izuku says, ears pricking. A sweater -- he had one of those. He had a lot of stuff in his back room. All in various sizes in case of emergencies. Like this one. He's -- okay. Any color will do. Izuku's tongue pokes out as he reaches -- conjuration was a pretty messy process. He'd had it for near the entire time he's been a cat, but he could never quite summon the right object. He was getting better, though.  And, in another moment, there's a blue sweater resting in his paws. He fumbles, the cloth being much larger than Izuku himself, and he ends up haphazardly dropping it on the other's paws. Izuku looks a little sheepish, but decides to let the other deal with it. Uh, uh, uh -- right. Hot chocolate. Or -- hell, wait, he hadn't warmed any up before he left. .. Oh well. He should -- probably figure out what to do here, then. "Um -- this is Snowbound territory, by the way. I .. uh. I'm Izuku. Is there -- is there a reason you're here, or?" His ears flatten. He's usually better with people on the borders. Dealing with them was second nature by this point. So was dealing with his classmates. But, y'know, there's another layer of panic involved when he's connecting the dots together. He would -- really like it if Aizawa or somebody showed up, please. He needs somebody to ground him before he loses his damn mind worrying about this whole thing. Or .. no, maybe not Aizawa, please. Not a good grounding force when he'd probably just lazily greet All Might like he did with everybody else. It made Izuku feel like he was making a big deal out of literally anything, so. Hm.
//boy i love just completely taking over threads ghdjfhads
what was i worth

Re: GHOSTS / joining - dead chars - 07-18-2018

How had he died? All Might- no, Toshinori couldn't remember, really. It was mostly a blur, and then Tomura, and then the feeling of falling apart, and then... well, and then he had been gone, or so he'd thought. But it had started, really, with Izuku. Seeing the young man bleeding out on the pavement was an image he couldn't burn from his memory. His heart had sunk and never resurfaced. The ensuing battle had been fought with no drive, because his drive had died with his successor. How selfish of him.
All he could really remember, other than dying along with his students, was the heaviness he'd felt in his muscles. Trying to fight. Trying to save them. But... not really. Was he in denial about the halfheartedness he'd fought with? Yes. Because facing the fact that he'd hadn't tried as hard as he could, for damn selfish reasons at that, hurt more than his flesh falling to pieces. It hurt a thousand times worse.

Uh -- Uh yeah, just a second.
His ears pricked up. He would soon be relieved from the cold thanks to this feline. What had he done to deserve that? But soon, the sweater was dropped at his paws and he couldn't refuse the thing he'd asked for. Toshinori stared down at the blue fabric before easing it over his head, putting it on, sheltering himself from the wind.
"Thank you", he murmured, bowing his head for a moment. The pale yellow serval had to admit that this garment felt much better than the snow alone, but a certain heaviness in himself prevented him from enjoying it properly.

Sunken eyes finally turned up towards Izuku's face again when he spoke. Snowbound territory? Made sense. He swept the horizon with his cold blue gaze, seeing nothing but snow for miles around. He listened still, though, to the young man's talking, returning his eyes to the speaker before he uttered his name.
I... uh. I'm Izuku. Is there - is there a reason you're here, or?

Of course he knew that voice. Of course. It had been the voice that screamed to him, the voice that he had listened to for months and months while they trained (or, while Toshinori attempted to train his student), the voice that he had learned to respond to with utmost attention. Immediately his ears flattened. His eyes squeezed shut. The deep grimace that had taken hold of him carved deeper into his face, wrinkles chiseled into his features. To let his student see him like this... well, it wasn't the most optimal situation. Though he wasn't really harmed, it felt... wrong. He was too weak right now. He couldn't be the nearly paternal figure he'd been before, not right now.

His speech was raspy, strained.
"I... um. I..."
He didn't know what to say. But he always knew what to say. He had to figure out something, something before he made everything worse. Oh, his reason for being here! Toshinori racked his brain, but his plan foiled as he realized he was only here by chance. He'd died and woken up as a serval in the snow. What was his reason?
"I'm here because... I'm here because...."
Damn it! He couldn't think straight. Really, Toshinori felt as though he could break down into tears at any moment. He'd had his student violently ripped from him, only to be thrust into a world where Izuku lived again, and it all felt like a lot. Did he remember dying, too? Was the topic too sensitive to talk about? The serval pressed a paw to his temple, claws unsheathing without his noticing, blood trickling from scratches down his face with the stress.

"I..." he took a pause and let out a sigh, "I'm sorry, young Midoriya. I don't know why I'm here. I just... I just showed up."
His cerulean gaze pierced the snow to Izuku's left. He couldn't look at the green-furred feline. He could hardly speak, let alone muster the courage to look him in the eye.
The thought occurred to him that he hadn't introduced himself yet. For all Izuku knew, he could be a crazy stranger. Maybe he was? Who knew.
"O-Oh! It's me, All Might. By the way."
His sentences were choppy. He could hardly get his own alias out, choking on the words for a second before spitting them out. Toshinori coughed. His hot breath billowed into the air, smokelike. There was too much to say, but he didn't have the courage to say it.

/ mood
code by spacexual

Re: GHOSTS / joining - guts - 07-18-2018

It didn't seem like it, but Aizawa had many of his own regrets and bitterness. He wasn't the kind to put blame on other people, as he knew when he had done wrong--but this time around, he knew that he wasn't completely at fault. He had tried his damn hardest, and yet he still had failed. But All Might? He had given up, not on the fight, but on everything. He had fallen apart after his successor's death, leaving everyone else to pick up the pieces. He would never forgive him for that.

But, at the same time, he still managed to feel guilty. If he had been stronger, a better hero, then maybe he could have defeated them. Still, maybe that was just wishful thing. Yet, he still wished he could have been better. Better. He had always trained when he could, and he still felt weak. That's what happened when you compared yourself to the Symbol of Peace himself, he supposed.

The lion wasn't doing anything much, just randomly walking around, as his mind had been muddled all day and he was trying in a vain attempt to clear it. But there were still all these thoughts, these memories of pain and blood. His legs were aching, too, exactly where that Shigaraki had touched him. As if tearing up his elbow wasn't enough. His ears were ringing and he could vaguely hear screaming, though he knew it wasn't real. Why were these memories so strong now? He tried to avoid them all he could, and still they haunted him.

He nearly dismissed the voices as part of his active imagination. Shaking his head, he scowled as he made his way over, stopping as Izuku and some stranger came into view. He was going to come closer, to introduce himself, but then he heard them say their name. His eyes widened, then his jaw clenched in a sudden rush of anger.

He was wondering when he would show up.

Using his wind elementals, he aimed to wrap his scarf around the serval, squeezing it tightly around him if it succeeded. Aizawa didn't care if he was injured or if Izuku would yell at him for it. He didn't know what his hero had done after he died. Padding closer until he came face to face with the other pro hero, he narrowed his eyes, regarding him with a cold stare. "So, the Symbol of Peace finally graces us with his presence," he rumbles, voice darker and more hoarse than usual. They had never gotten along very well, but even someone who didn't truly know them would know this wasn't from the usual rivalry.


Re: GHOSTS / joining - dead chars - 07-18-2018

He didn't wish for the comparisons to be made. In comparisons came unhappiness, and unhappiness brought about bitterness. He was sure that he'd fought people who had grown into villains for that reason. And yet, what did he still do? He still appeared as the Symbol of Peace, the protector of the people, the top hero himself. Toshinori didn't know how to operate under different circumstances anymore. He had to serve, he had to defend, he had to succeed.

And yet, he had failed. Failed at teaching. Failed at fighting. Failed at damn near everything in the end. He had let everyone down, and while he knew that, he couldn't admit it. He couldn't admit it to himself or anyone else, but he also didn't cast blame on them. He knew he was at fault, and yet, he could hardly say it. He could hardly say anything!

He sat in silence waiting for Izuku's response, when he felt a presence behind him. The next thing he knew, he was wrapped in Aizawa's scarf and being constricted. The serval coughed, blood slipping from the corner of his mouth and onto the cloth.
"Shit," he muttered, glancing at the stain before lifting his gaze to meet Eraser Head's. The lion looked pissed, and... well, he had every right to be. But that didn't mean that Toshinori wanted to face it, at least not now. But... well, if not now, then when?

The scrawny feline took in his words and his scowl etched itself deeper still into his hollow face. Things weren't like that. He wasn't some... he wasn't some holy figure, he didn't think he was better than anyone else. If anything, he felt like the scum of the earth right about now. Toshinori narrowed his sunken eyes, keeping his gaze fixed on the lion. Until... well, until he dropped his eyes to the snow again.
"It's not like that," he protested, a rasp in his tone. "It's... I didn't...."
He didn't what?. He didn't mean to die on them all? He didn't mean to destroy their hope? He didn't mean to leave Aizawa alone to defend the rest of the students against an enemy that Toshinori himself had lost to?

Toshinori took in a shivering breath.
"Aizawa, I..." he paused, a tear slipping unseen from his cheek to the snow below him. "I'm so sorry."
The serval shuddered, gnawing on the inside of his cheek. If he cried, he'd look even weaker than he did already. And he already knew sorry didn't cut it- Aizawa could beat the shit out of him and it wouldn't cut it. The children had died. A lousy apology didn't make up for the lives lost.

He hung limply in the scarf, staring dejectedly into the cold white fluff that Aizawa stood in. Hot tears festered in his eyes before escaping down his cheeks and dribbling to his chin. He was a terrible excuse for a top hero. He was a terrible excuse for a hero at all.
code by spacexual

Re: GHOSTS / joining - guts - 07-18-2018

Aizawa had never been fond of him for multiple reasons. Even if he didn't view himself as above other heroes, sometimes it definitely felt as such. He was just the tacky hero, like ones you saw in early comic books. They bathed in the limelight of the media, putting a lot of other heroes in shame. They just couldn't compete. Plus, his favoritism towards Izuku had always rubbed him the wrong way. Of course, he didn't know about their relationship, but nevertheless he had never liked it. All the students in UA had talent, all of them had potential.

Then, as if that hadn't been enough, he went and gave up on everyone. He did all those things, climbed up to the top, and yet he went and died so uselessly. That was what pissed him off the most, the fact he felt like he could just throw all that away. For some heroes it took them years to even be recognized, and there he was, barely putting up a fight after all the achievements and love he built up. It made him want to punch him in his damn face--but of course he held off. He looked bad as it was. Besides he didn't want Izuku to chew his ear off again.

Unwrapping his scarf from Toshinori, he takes a deep sigh, shaking his head. No, an apology wouldn't cut it--but maybe sticking around and doing some work might. "Stop blubbering already. Let's just head back to camp," not caring if he could make it on his own or not, he turns and starts walking away, anger still fresh in his chest. But he would try and hold back on him, at least until he was healed.


Re: GHOSTS / joining - dead chars - 07-18-2018

Aizawa was right in his views, perhaps. All Might was- had been- the Superman of their world. His quirk had given him such power that it appeared as though he didn't have to try when he saved people. But... that was just how it had appeared. While he certainly had his easy jobs (purse snatching, getting cats out of trees, the like), he had been presented with challenges all along the way. His first fight with All for One had left him wounded in such a way that he could feel his time as a top hero dwindling. He'd had his stomach removed, for God's sake! The infiltration of the USJ had left him breathless at the power that the Nomu had presented. While he'd come out on top, it hadn't been a walk in the park. There was more. Then there was Izuku- yes, Toshinori favored the green-haired boy. But of course, there was a reason. His quirk- his former quirk -had been passed on to the young man, in an attempt to create the next Symbol of Peace. Of course, that plan hadn't gone too well, had it? but that didn't mean he turned a blind eye to the rest of the students. He was a good teacher. A good hero. A good person.


He... he hoped so. Toshinori's head hung low from his shoulders. He stared at the ground below him. Then he fell to the snow and he stood there for a second, still staring down, head still hung. Aizawa's words hardly reached his ears through his thoughts and he lifted his head, glancing back at the lion. Blubbering was a rather ugly way to put it. He blinked the final tears from his clear blue eyes and flicked his gaze back at Izuku for a moment. It was time to go back to camp. He guessed that he could hope the young man would follow, but, if he didn't, Toshinori couldn't blame him.

Something held him back from leaving, though. He didn't want to go quite yet.
The serval stood, eyes darting from the disappearing Aizawa to the silent Izuku. He wasn't quite sure what to do. He and the lion had never gotten along well, and following him after that outburst only spelled trouble in his eyes. Surely he'd be made fun of (which he probably deserved, but you know), and he couldn't take that on top of the immense weight he was feeling. Even a simple tease would likely be enough to send him over the edge right now.

Toshinori took a breath. He felt as though he needed to answer some question unasked, but one that still hung heavily in the air. What had happened? But the serval wasn't sure that he could. At least, not right now, not here.... There were too many things going on at once.
"Are you going to head back, too, Midoriya?"
His question floated across the snow and rested there. His tone was crackling and raspy, but it held enough weight to make one's shoulders heavy. His sunken eyes looked even darker than usual. He wasn't in the best shape, that was for damn sure.

He could get through this though.

code by spacexual