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NOT YOUR FAULT ☀ waking up - Printable Version

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NOT YOUR FAULT ☀ waking up - arcy - 07-17-2018

.. The past few days had been a lot better, regarding Izuku's health. It'd been a little over a week since he'd passed out and, y'know, didn't really wake up. .. He'd been sick a little longer than that. Izuku just hadn't wanted to take a break 'till it got so bad that he was, y'know, completely out. What was new? Izuku hadn't taken care of himself in his life, least of all now, when he had so many other things to do. Didn't even realize he was allowed to take a break, apparently. Hopefully he'd learned his lesson, but .. probably not.
Anyways. His condition had gotten better, gradually. It was a pretty stark difference from when he was on death's doors, basically. Over the day, he'd started looking less 'unconscious' and just closer to 'asleep'. His breathing was .. as easy as it could be, and he shifted occasionally. As he was right now, he was just resting, wings flopped out alongside him as he rested. And then he shifted. He hadn't woken up, yet, but right now he seemed to be on the gradual climb back to full consciousness. Little step at a time. And, within some long few minutes of subtle shifting, Izuku, blearily, opens his eyes. He .. hurts. Everything just hurts and everything feels too light. It wasn't as bad as the days leading up to it, though. Just .. a bone-deep ache, though it wasn't sharp. Just .. uncomfortable. .. Izuku is pretty uncomfortable in general right now. His stomach is twisting and he's hungry. He doesn't want to move. But he has to get something. Slowly, Izuku shuffles in his little nest of blankets, up in his actual room apparently? He shuffles his paws under him and, shaking, stands. His mouth is dry. He feels .. gross. Probably shouldn't be up, but Izuku would be damned if he didn't check on his clanmates. Aizawa is nowhere to be seen, so Izuku makes a slow descent down the stairs and counts himself lucky he doesn't fall down them after an unfortunate misstep. As it was, falling down a step or a few hurt .. more than it usually did. Izuku doesn't let that stop him, slowly wandering out of the little cabin with a slowly sweeping tail. He looks .. groggy. He's not sure if he's actually tired or not. Even so, the little Maine Coon stops on the porch and, upon not immediately seeing anyone with his limited, blurry vision, leans against a .. wall. A pole. A support pillar. He doesn't know. He doesn't really want to support himself right now, though, because he's kind of sleepy and it kind of hurts. The snow under his paws is cold but comforting. It's nice to be out again, even if he doesn't remember a lot from being sick. Just moments of hysteria and bile and confusion. And pain. He can't say he liked it. .. Even so. Izuku would like to greet his clanmates first thing. Wasn't it funny that this was his first though? Maybe it was a good thing. Even so, the feline just decides to rest his eyes till somebody else shows up. He hasn't felt .. actually sleepy in a while. Tired, not sleepy. How funny. So, with a tail wrapped around his paws, the Maine Coon just rests there, eyes shut(he's not asleep, he promises), as he waits to hear about whatever the hell happened while he was .. gone.
//at long last
sickness?? mostly over. there'll be after-affects obvs esp since izu Refuses to rest but its ok.
what was i worth

Re: NOT YOUR FAULT ☀ waking up - dead chars - 07-18-2018

Toshinori had been doing... fine. He was cold, but he could take it. Nothing hurt, not physically. But he couldn't stop thinking. Young Midoriya was alive, at least in this world, but he was doing terribly, and... it was his fault. It was Toshinori's fault. He hadn't gotten to the boy on time, he'd gotten there too late and then this had happened.

The pale yellow serval felt ill with the weight of the memories, the guilt that day forced on him. He was heavy. His chest felt empty. His legs were blocks of cement. He couldn't look the Frosthealer in the eyes, even if it was his apprentice, the young man he'd been training (well, trying to train) for months and months. Looking at Izuku only painfully reminded him of his failure. His quirk was now gone with its successor. He had failed to save the day when he'd needed to most. It was just one big failure.
And now, Izuku was in incredibly poor health, and it was his fault.

"Midoriya..." the serval rasped, but trailed off. What was he to say? He could hardly even look at the young man.
"It looks like you're feeling better."
That was... so, incredibly stupid.
Izuku was still very sick. He wasn't passed out unconscious, but god, he wasn't feeling good by any means, was he? There was no way.
the serval winced, dropping his gaze from the split second he'd focused on the green-furred feline.
He coughed.
"Can I get you anything?"

That was probably an alright save. The pale feline sat hunched somewhere near Izuku, ears twitching in his direction. Hopefully the other was conscious enough to give an answer- he couldn't tell if the child was asleep or not, really. Maybe it would be better if Midoriya was asleep, though... after all, though he would look like a fool, it would save the pain of the awkward gaps in his own speech.
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