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joining [...] a silhouette - Printable Version

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joining [...] a silhouette - lessa - 07-17-2018

✯ — Goodbye, I'm sorry.  I love you, please don't forget that.  Smile for me.

Left foot.  Right foot.  Left foot.  Right foot.  A cycle old as day and night.  As the brilliant lights up above faded into the early hours of dawn, a lone figure listlessly followed a cawing bird.  They cast their shadow over plain, river, forest and mountain for days.  An invisible string, a pull on the below figure urged to continue forward.  Go on.  Keep going.  Don't lose him.

A single chocolate hue gleamed in the dim light, dim with exhaustion and a pain that was not as physical.  The other, useless already, was covered.  The left half of her face was a garden of yellow and blue buttercups.  What started as two had morphed into more than ten.  It didn't matter.  It had happened before.  Don't care.  It made no difference.  That eye had lost it's sight a long time ago, to the very same flowers.

Where paws once left a track of blooming life, nothing followed the figure.  In the pale gleams of sun, barely overtaking the horizon, her slender form was small and fragile marking out the shape of a north american pine marten.  Her rounded ears, torn at the tips from the claws of a friend, flicked, uninterested in listening to the morning chorus as lovely as it was.

Her metal claws were dull, smudged with dirt from a long journey.  One she could not stop.  Not until she fulfilled her goal, but every single day it become smaller and her hope sank lower into the ocean of despair the marten had long been drowning in.  Alex, Prague, Stevie, Shine, it was her mantra.  Her prayer.  She could not follow three, but the forth...

She stumbled into trees, almost surprised at the sudden appearance of a forest.  The chorus had to have come from somewhere.  A hawk's alarmed cry kept her awake.  "Calum," the always quiet voice cracked from lack of use.  "Hush." The way she was, the once resolute Lessa Ren Solo could not sense anything.  Her extended awareness had faded long into her trying journey and whether or not they came back, she no longer cared.  Her tired brow creased as she raised her neck, peering blearily into the trees.

Once, in days gone, the traveling marten might have smiled, exasperation lining her face as the sharp-shined hawk never headed her call.  She had never truly minded her companion's attitude, it was part of why she loved him. Love. Some nights she wanted to cry, and others she wanted to laugh.  Not happily... Cynically, perhaps.  No humor gleamed in her spirit.  All her loved ones were gone, or too far away for her to get back to.  Now, when Calum took off at a sudden new speed, Lessa could only falter, a protest lingering on her lips before she grit her teeth and trudged in pursuit.  Silly bird.

Her paws did not take her far.  They slipped and staggered until she landed before a field of flowers.  The bird - carrying all her medical supplies no less - zipped across the sky, circling over... Somewhere, but she could not see.  Tired.  Her weak lungs heaved as she brought in air, her weak determination cracking further.  The marten lay in the grass, a field of blooming life flickering in and out of focus.

Had she forgotten how beautiful flowers could be?
code by spacexual

Re: joining [...] a silhouette - Suiteheart - 07-17-2018

Baby blue eyes fell to the horizon, where a soft and warm light was gathering. The world around her was painted in yellows, oranges, and golds. Other hues mingled within the main three though they were much more subtle. The white feline was sat against a tree, unmoving, unblinking. 'You stayed up too long again, Suiteheart Folie,' she could hear Erlend sounding off in her mind. "You know you like the sunrise too." Suite's voice was not above a whisper as she answered her past life.

The white feline inhaled slowly as the sun climbed and climbed and climbed its invisible ladder. She was sure she would never get tired of this view. Here, on the brim of the wide plains, where the flowers grew in hoards, the sunrise was the most beautiful. Suite searched the bond she shared with her wife, sending Margaery mental pictures of the sunrise. It was funny how things like that always reminded her of the chocolate point.

She kept watching. In fact, she almost didn't noticed Lessa. However, when she did, the feline perked. She watched as the other slowly collapsed in the field to rest. Concern flickered over her gaze as she stood, moving towards the other. It didn't take long to reach Lessa. "Hey," she called, voice low so as not to startle the other. "Are you alright? You're on Ascendants' territory. What's your name? I'm Suiteheart."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: joining [...] a silhouette - melody - 07-17-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The kitten had been following people around again, and this time she had followed Suiteheart on clumsy paws to a very tired looking pine marten. "You're hurt?" She asked in a little voice, big yellow eyes looking at the marten nervously as she tottered past Suiteheart. Her nose crinkled at the unfamiliar smell on the marten, so this wasn't an As- Asce- someone in their group. Melody looked up at Suiteheart, as the only adult here. "Can we help?" The little calico's tone wasn't nearly as soft as Suiteheart's - the little kitten didn't know about not startling people and the concept of an "inside voice" yet.

Re: joining [...] a silhouette - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-17-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

*retro to injury*

He was on the search for others. But mostly he wasn't even searching to help them if he found them. If he managed to find the current Freelancer that he was looking for, he would honestly try and kill them before even asking questions. It was easier this way so that he wouldn't have to worry about someone trying to stab him in the back again. They had once been considered friends. Had once been considered to be part of a larger family. However, this no longer what they were to each other after they were betrayed by the person that had brought them together in the first place. It was horrible to think about what they would eventually hunt each other down so that they would know that they wouldn't be a threat to each other's lives. Without the jobs that they currently had it just meant that they were just going to have to find new ones, and anyone that had a big enough wallet to do so would be easily able to hire the likes of a Freelancer. They had to make their living somewhere now that they weren't part of a project or had been and they would be hunted by the government if word got out what the Director had done to all of them. Just because they had followed the man blind in what he was telling them to do didn't exactly make them innocent either.

They were responsible for their own actions and there was no changing that. It was a harsh truth. It was the harsh reality of what War did to those that were the weak minded and weren't capable of dealing with the loss of someone they loved. Washington knew what the Director went through thanks to the memories that were put inside of his head. He was a criminal. Not that anyone in the current outpost actually knew that. Instead, they just knew that he was a soldier and that was all he was even remotely willing to tell them at this moment. He didn't want to lose the trust that they had with the group, at least what was considered to be trusted. Washington didn't trust any of those that he came across, as the wounds that the Director had created and what he had done was cruel and still fresh. He didn't want to let anyone close for him just for either him to be used or stabbed in the back. He wasn't the naive rookie anymore. He was a soldier that had a task to do and that task was to get him and the rest of the soldiers that were here home. Even if that meant getting rid of the outpost that they were in to leave no traces that they were behind. They weren't even at the same time that they used to have been, going back in time thanks to the explosion that had set them back.

The project had taught him that mercy simply left more open wounds and loose ends that would come and mess up their operations in the future. He wasn't going to show mercy to the likes of animals that could potentially get in his way. That wasn't who he was, but he also knew that there was a chance that Carolina didn't want these animals to be killed because they were on the level of civilians. He would have to deal with that in the future, and he needed to get stronger if he was going to end up going against his coworker. It was during the hottest part of the day that the soldier went around to make sure that he didn't miss anything. If he came across any familiar equipment it would be a huge find even if they were planning on raiding human cities eventually. They had to if they wanted to figure out a way of getting themselves back to being a human. He hated being an animal, and that was one of the reasons he almost never took his armor off. The lion-sized animal patrolled every single day without fail, and there would be some days that he found something familiar and other days that he did not. He couldn't rely on tracking down scents thanks to the helmet he constantly wore, a helmet that hid all of his facial features.

The helmet had a filter in the hole that was in front of his nose that prevented any scents from getting inside of his helmet. The Freelancer had to rely on his hearing if he wanted to find anyone, and it was when he heard voices he thought he might as well see what was happening. The smilodon made his way over, keeping as much distance as possible as he could from everyone else. He only recognized Suiteheart, and he didn't recognize the child. He blinked his gold eyes behind his visor as he had to walk a little bit closer to see what they were looking at. It looked like... some kind of ferret. Washington didn't exactly have the best kind of animal knowledge, as when he arrived he didn't even know what he was till he looked up the features he had in a textbook. He flicked his shortened tail as he looked over toward Suiteheart. "Does something like this happen often?" The Freelancer questioned as he didn't bother to ask whether or not the ferret was okay. Washington having yet to know if someone was sentient or not based on their size. The smallest animal he's seen is that of a domestic cat. He still had a lot to learn about this world. Washington spoke in somewhat of a deadpanned and calm voice, a voice that he commonly spoke with. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: joining [...] a silhouette - lessa - 07-17-2018

✯ — Slipping. The marten was teetering.  Her flickering eye struggled against the sudden pull of gravity.  The refuge of sleep.  Pathetic.  Stupid.  This is your own fault. Even though her prosthetic limbs twitched, it was all for naught; they could not hope to pull her back up.  She had pushed too far.  What else was there to do? Without Calum and her medkit in reach, Lessa knew it was not reasonable to attempt standing.

Torn ears flicked.  Unfamiliar voices.  Familiar phrases.  What had she really expected?  Alex, Prague, Stevie, Shine.  Had there really been any hope for her success?  Maybe she should have stayed.  Trade blooming, swaying flowers for the rush of a river.  For the shadows of massive trees.  For them.

I'm fine... I can take care of it... Even in her head, it sounded of lies. Lies, lies, lies.  Everybody lies. It wouldn't escape her parched maw even if she tried.  Maybe she was done trying.  The lie had been one she'd said over and over again.  To herself and others.  You have to be fine.  They depend on you. Nobody depended on her here.  Nobody knew her here either, did they? No lost friends would recognize her name... Why did she hope that in the first place?

What's in a name? The marten felt her brow crease once more.  Les.  Kid.  Solo. "... Les... Lessa." She tried to focus on the flowers again, her world growing darker.  Even her stubborn will cracked.  She just needed a second of rest that's all.  Just a second. There were worse places to lose consciousness.

It'll be fine. Not like it mattered either way.

[ Mobile ]
code by spacexual

Re: joining [...] a silhouette - Suiteheart - 07-18-2018

Suiteheart would nod in answer to Melody's question before speaking. "Of course we can help." It was always good to help those in need. Wasn't that what her mother always told her? Her father? She knew that message had been hammered into her head as a child.

Washington approached next, and she shrugged one shoulder. "Maybe more often than I'd like to admit." Her eyes didn't leave Lessa though. It was true; injured joiners were something that happened frequently. She liked to think of the Ascendants as some sort of triage center: they took care of those who couldn't take care of themselves, those in need of help, and in return, gained valuable members.


Suiteheart visibly flinched as the pine marten spoke. Lessa. Lissa. Lissa. Her heart felt like it was breaking all over again as she recalled one of her lost daughter. Lil, Eli, and Lissa. Her children. Her babies. She missed them so much.

Taking a breath to regain her composure, the white feline stepped forward with gentle movements. "Hey, stay awake for me, Lessa," she murmured, aiming to help Lessa rise into a standing position. Her tone was motherly and warm as she continued: "Let's get you back to camp where you can rest easy. We'll have our Cleric check you out too, just to make sure you're alright. Stay awake until we get there, huh?

"Wash? Give me a hand? And Mels, why don't you lead the way home, huh?"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: joining [...] a silhouette - lessa - 07-18-2018

✯ — Awake? Why?  If she'd been more alert, Lessa might've noticed, might've fretted, over the sudden sharp movement of the first speaker.  Wondered maybe, if she had said something wrong.  Instead, the marten tried to blink, round ears twitching downwards.  Cleric? That was her.  The fem mumbled incoherently under her breath, tail tip flicking.  But Calum has her supplies... He'd flown ahead... Right?

Her legs were like lead, but Lessa was willing enough to be pushed up.  The world turned topsy-turvy for a split second, before the half-blind marten regained some sense of balance, heavily relying on others.  They were taking her somewhere else then, she supposed warily.  A part of her wanted to stay, at least then when she woke, she'd see the flowers.  But then... Flowers were a temporary thing.  They'll be gone when winter came.  Everything left.  It was a new generation when the seasons changed.  Still pretty.

code by spacexual

Re: joining [...] a silhouette - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-18-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Washington wasn't sure what he should have expected. The Freelancer just now starting to realize that things int he wild were going to go through a rough time when it came to survival. So seeing an injured animal isn't something that should be considered all that strange either. It was the way of life. Some died and then others survived. At least, thats what he hoped was the correct words to use. The former human didn't know a lot about the animal world and was still trying to figure out how to get out of it. He knew that he didn't belong in a place like this. He was basically an outcast, or he was making himself into one just so that he wouldn't be responsible for anything that happened to this place. He could see why if someone wanted to escape their life and ended up here why they would want to stay in such a place. Washington had no intention of staying here, and the same went with his comrades. Washington turned his helmet covered head toward Suiteheart as he listened to her instruction. He was going to have to carry this thing? That seemed more complicated just thinking about how he was going to do such. If he was a human he could just use his hands but he had his paws. Paws that were strong enough to break a humans neck if he wanted them to. The armored smilodon watched as the ferret was forced onto their feet. A sigh escaped the smilodon's jaws as he lowered his head, and aim to roll the ferret onto the back of his neck. Of course, he didn't know what a pine martin was and wasn't going to call her anything different unless he was corrected. If he managed to get Lessa's body between his helmet and where his chest plate would begin, Washington would then aim to take her back to the base. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18: