Beasts of Beyond
IDEALS / visitor - Printable Version

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IDEALS / visitor - Character Graveyard. - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]He had died a few months back in his original world- thanks to the villains. He had rushed to the scene, where citizens had been running from and he had hurried inside to rescue civilians inside the building. Many of them had gotten out, but he had been interrupted by a familiar face. A person he had thought died weeks ago. Katsuki Bakugou. They had found his body in a alleyway. He'd been stabbed to death. The strange thing was, Kirishima remembered feeling a sharp pain in his side that day before finding a stab injury on his side. He had shrugged it off. "Bakugou" had cornered him in the building and the villains set off a explosion- causing the building to collapse. In his instinct- he had tackled "Bakugou" and shielded "him" from the falling roof. But- his power had ran out before anyone reached them. Both he and "Bakugou" were killed in process of this. A few days later- he'd woken up as a maned wolf. He was very tall- so that was the odd part about being a wolf. He didn't join any of the groups NPCs told him about. Instead, he stayed as a loner.

Kirishima had ran up to Snowbound's border, in pursuit of a squirrel. He came to a sliding halt, causing snow to go flying, as he neared the border. It seemed he'd finally come across one of the groups he had heard so much about. He would plop down in the snow, letting his tongue hang out the side of his mouth- as he was tired from all his running. "Hello?" He decided to call out, lifting both of his ears.

Re: IDEALS / visitor - arcy - 07-17-2018

.. It was kind of strange, wasn't it? His classmates showing up, he means. They always showed up in surges, one or two or three within a week or two. Then, most of them disappeared forever and Izuku was left to his own devices once again. It was a strange feeling. A hollow one, really. .. He missed them. As much as Izuku had left them all behind himself, already so invested in Snowbound, he just .. .... They were the first people that'd been .. really nice to him. Didn't push him or burn them or hurt him, not outside of spars or anything. Kacchan(..Bakugou?) was, of course, the exception. Though even that'd gotten better with UA.
Waking as a cat had been pretty weird, too. .. Traumatic, honestly. He wonders if his classmates had struggled as much? .. He hopes not. Even with the history of it left entirely behind, he still felt the effects now. Granted, his more serious injuries had happened here in Snowbound. Such as his leg -- not third, but forth degree, apparently? It was .. not great. He limps along the snow-covered ground, tail swishing. .. He's tired. But there's a red figure ahead, and a .. vaguely familiar voice, so Izuku sighs and pushes onward. Another visitor? A joiner? Izuku can't be sure.
"Hi!" Izuku chirps, pausing to shake out green fur as he seats himself in front the canine. Nobody was here yet. Again. .. He doesn't like dealing with visitors alone. But he will if he has to, so he allows a passive little grin as his tail twitches behind him. "Hi. Do you need something?" He repeats again, blinking at the Maned Wolf. Straight to the point, and completely excluding the name part because 'name and business' was .. nerve-wracking. He didn't need that kind of negativity in his life when he was on the verge of passing out nearly always.
what was i worth

Re: IDEALS / visitor - Character Graveyard. - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]The tall-wolf would stare down at Izuku and offer a smile to the male, wagging his long-tail. He would blink his red-eyes and frown. Why did the feline seem so familiar? He shook that feeling off and he decided to answer the other's question. "Erm, no. But, can you tell me what this place is?" Kirishima would then tilt his head and ask.

"Uh, what's your name? I'm Kirishima Eijirou. But Kirishima is okay."

Re: IDEALS / visitor - arcy - 07-17-2018

Well, Izuku knew not to ignore the ever-haunting feeling of familiarity by this point. Familiar -- it meant he knew them. No need to go through the drama of it all anymore. No more crying or bleeding or hysteria. Just .. hello, we knew each other! And then his clanmates would show up, curious, and that's just how it was these days. Ugh. He knew a pretty good portion of the people who came here. How many were there? He just .. they all died. Was that all of them? Really?
"Uh, this is Snowbound," Izuku explains with a vague motion of the wing. A feather drifts down with even this simple movement, and he pulls his wings back to his sides. .. Right. Hot chocolate. That was a thing? For visitors? And .. everyone? He has some of those. He always does. Mid-way through conjuring it, though, Kirishima introduces himself, and Izuku .. grimaces. There's relief, a flood of it, but there's also 'oh god another one how did this one go --' "Kirishima?" He echoes, looking up and blinking, shuffling his wings. He shoves the hot chocolate at the other, expecting him to take it. He doesn't ask if he wants it like he usually does with visitors, 'cause .. seriously. Izuku shakes his head. "Um -- hi. It's. Me. Izuku." Is all he says. Izuku. Midoriya. Oh, right. He forgot the Midoriya part. Had he really left behind the surname stuff that fast? It'd been uncomfortable at first, but now it was just .. Huh. Well, if Kirishima didn't know his first name, Izuku would be .. a little shocked, Just a little. But. Y'know. With the green fur, that should be enough to still ge.t
what was i worth

Re: IDEALS / visitor - Character Graveyard. - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]A look of surprise would appear on the maned wolf's facial features as his former-classmate introduced himself. So, he wasn't the only one in this strange world. To be honest- he had grieved over all of his classmates who had died suddenly. Izuku, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Ochaco, Bakugou, then him. It was odd really- he knew all of his classmates were good fighters, so why did they just suddenly die?

He would look down at Izuku and grin. "It's been a long time, how have ya been?" Kirishima would then lean down to the other male's height, so he wasn't as intimidating if he appeared to be.

Re: IDEALS / visitor - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-17-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
"Another classmate of yours?" Atbash asked Izuku as she came over, her gaze soon traveling over to Kirishima as she dipped her head in greeting. "What brings you to Snowbound, Kirishima?" She asked. Of course, she assumed he was joining, since most of Izuku's pals did, but she just wanted to make sure.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: IDEALS / visitor - dead chars - 07-18-2018

Another student. Another student he had let die because he had failed to give it his all. Because he had failed to go beyond, as he had taught. He was a hypocrite, a damn hypocrite, but... well, it seemed that Kirishima was doing just fine. And Izuku was on his side... at least, usually. So perhaps he could finally put on a face of confidence as he used to? Something warmer than the frown that had gripped his face and stayed there for... a while now.

The lanky, scrawny serval trailed lightly after Izuku, cloaked in a blue sweater that was just a hair too big for him.
"Ah, Kirishima-shounen! Good to see you," the feline rasped. He managed a grin, but it was halfhearted. Not because he didn't like Kirishima in particular, but because... the memories he brought around, along with everyone else from his past life, it was... a lot. A lot to handle. Cerulean eyes lifted to the maned wolf's face, then dropped again into the snow. Could he look anyone in the eye anymore?
"If you don't remember me I'm All Might."

God, was he lame. The feline's voice retreated from the conversation as Atbash spoke. Ah, yes, what was he doing here? That was a good question.
code by spacexual

Re: IDEALS / visitor - Character Graveyard. - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]He didn't blame anyone else for his death. He blamed himself, because he was the one who charged into the building after Himiko Toga disguised as Bakugou. It was his own fault for following her. Kirishima would turn his attention to Atbash, offering a lopsided grin to the female. "Oh, I'm looking for someone." The maned wolf would say before he noticed the lanky serval approach.

His ears would lift up and he stared in awe at the sight of Toshinori. He had a feeling he knew this serval, but was he a student or teacher? Those were his thoughts, until the serval introduced himself. "All Might Sensei." He would greet, before falling silent.