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To love complete brokenness // open+ooc prompt - Printable Version

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To love complete brokenness // open+ooc prompt - jacob w.c. - 07-16-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
After the situation with Luca, Jacob had been far more upset than he cared to admit. "I don't intend to be anything but gentle." What did that even mean? How could Pincher even say that when he knew how sensitive Jacob had been about... that particular subject recently. After getting home, he decided to take off his sweater and his bandages. Maybe he could just let Deniz see him and that'd make this better. Maybe if he saw him like this, he wouldn't be so interested in Luca anymore. Still, taking off the sweater and the bandages was a nearly painful experience for Jacob. He felt tears welling in his eyes but he tried to rub them away. He tired to lay down and close his eyes for a moment, trying to calm himself. His mind was able to drift off to a light sleep for a moment but soon he woke to what he thought was a sound. He had a blanket pulled over him so Goldie or Pincher wouldn't see him but he didn't see either of them. He got to his paws and checked the door, locking it. This was ridiculous. He couldn't do this. He couldn't even stand being alone and not having the bandages or the sweater on. Besides, he was being ridiculous. Deniz would never leave him for someone else. He knew he wouldn't. He couldn't hurt Jacob like that.

So, the man brought himself to his paws and went to grab his sweater and bandages but they were nowhere to be found. He must have just put them away with the others. He went to his drawer and opened it but it was empty. Immediately terror began to spread through him and suddenly his scars stung horribly. He hadn't come out of the sub for quite some time and he felt tears rolling down his face as he tore their home apart while he looked for it. Where could it have gone? How could he let this happen? Terror began to fill him more rapidly by the moment and tears steadily streamed down his face. Then there was a knock at the door. He had no idea who it was, although it wasn't uncommon for someone to stop by and ask for Pinch's help with something. "'E ain't home right now! Jus' come back 'round later!" the man called. It was unusual for Jacob to just send people off without asking their intentions first and his voice sounded as though it were breaking. He needed to find something to cover himself. He was never going to be able to see anyone again. The burning sensation only continued to worsen and he was barely suppressing soft gasps and sobs.
the heavy weight of stone

Re: To love complete brokenness // open+ooc prompt - bubblegum - 07-16-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//retro to sickness

goldie had actually been asleep in her bed during all of this. she knew she was growing worse and worse each day, so she couldn't quite deny the fact that she needed a nap. it would just be a short one. nothing too crazy. but, the feeling of her mattress was so comforting, she couldn't help but sleep longer than intended. she was only awoken by the sound of mister jacob, her eyes slowly opening and adjusting to the light. oh no, she could hear him crying. this is exactly why she wasn't allowed to sleep!

but, her vision was still adjusting as she realized this information. she squinted, her surroundings blurry. ugh, her head hurt...really bad. she felt dizzy. but, she needed to focus on mister jacob right now. she could sort of make out his blurry figure through winced eyes. "m-mister jacob?" she called softly and gently. "what's wrong? can i help?" she asked next, trying to sound as reassuring as she could. she certainly didn't want him to be upset. "um, hold on. sorry, i was asleep. i can't see too well, but lemme help you..."

she got up shakily, sort of falling out of her bed. she landed on her face and let out a small yelp. but, she quickly picked herself up and glanced around, her stance off-balance. she coughed a couple times, trying to figure out what she could do to help. her headache certainly wasn't helping. the fact that she couldn't properly see mister jacob made it hard to be able to decipher what was wrong.

Re: To love complete brokenness // open+ooc prompt - PINCHER - 07-16-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher tended to be an idiot despite the intelligence he carried. He allowed his mind to automatically say whatever first thing sounded decently suave if it showed he was able to charm others, his tongue laced with honey to charm others without realizing the damage he was doing. Was it his fault? In a sense, yes. His uncle had taught him to be a smoothtalker, teaching him way on how to get people wanting to only be on his good side and avoid his bad side. The only problem was that Pincher had no clue on how to turn it off. On how to stop himself from saying what he believed was perfect for a situation so when he had stated to Luca the playful flirtatious comment, he had bit his tongue after and realized why shame now dug into his heart. Why the fuck was he like this? Why didn't he just his stupid fucking commentary to himself? He had caused multiple problems before in his previous relationships, the females shooting him glares when they found him being swooned by others and not appearing to mind it. Perhaps it was because Pincher enjoyed being in the limelight, to bask in whatever attention was given to him and that he was considered attractive by many. But he had Jacob now, he didn't need to be reminded that someone loved him.

Pincher had gone off to go hide in the jungle after, seeking something to eat to help distract him. Maybe to avoid his fiance's waves of sadness at the commentary had made. Maybe. He hunted for a while, his powerful form slinking through the jungle with his ears pricked at the sound of anything but he became distracted as the tugging of his thoughts that demanded that he should go apologize to Jacob. With a soft sigh, he turned his direction to walk towards the submarine with his jaws clamped around a few tropical flowers while he recited what he should say to the husky. He knocked on the door and when he heard the response, his fictional eyebrows furrowed and the blue-eyed jaguar called out worriedly "Jacob? Jacob, it's me, Pinch." He could easily tell it was Jacob crying and he then heard his daughter, Goldie's despite it being muffled and hardly audible through the door. Gritting his teeth, he began to knock harder and called out "Jacob, what's wrong? Open the door, please." What was going on? Did something happen while he was gone? His icy blue eyes glanced around, worried that someone had done something to his lover.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: To love complete brokenness // open+ooc prompt - SOLVEIG - 07-16-2018

Arguments. It was drawing quite the crowd, one that even Solveig could not pretend to ignore. And, unsurprisingly, it was between Pincher and Jacob. Hadn't Solveig just warned Pincher about this? That Jacob couldn't take any ounce of disloyalty? She knew Pincher- perhaps not as he was now, but how he had been, and how he had been to her. As much as she hated to say it, she couldn't say she was very surprised by this present outcome. Pincher was a handsome man; charming even more so. It was just inevitable. "Making a spectacle of him won't help," she chimed softly as she suddenly appeared by Pincher's side, stepping up from the side as she eyed the door. "Jacob, would you like us to leave you alone for a while?" it was a pointless, open ended question that she didn't really mean, giving that her face was still plain and hardly concerned at all. She had little loyalty to Jacob; the only loyalty she had for him was the respect she held for Pincher. Which begged the question: just what set Jacob off in the first place?

Her gaze shifted slightly towards Pincher for a moment, a mere shift of her eyes alone before she glanced back to the door. Pincher would be pissed but... would it really do any harm in this situation?  She didn't know what was going on between them, and by the guess of it, neither did most anyone else. Her open ended question had a point, a cover for what she was to do next. Still standing idly at the door, her mind stretched out towards Jacob's thoughts, attempting to read his thoughts, to infiltrate his mind; no, beyond that. To see the memories themselves. Was she going to change it? Create them? She simply wanted to see what was running through that head of his, what had occurred while she had been elsewhere.

It was completely, and utterly, manipulative. Solveig knew that, but she didn't care.

She was just beginning to put herself into the moments that Jacob had been where she had not, when there was a change. It was, frankly, the easiest way to find a commonality. To create one that had never existed. To craft yourself in the minds of others. She could feel the memories, weaving further into his mind, but she hadn't even touched his memories when she felt like something was wrong. It was hard to describe the feeling of your own head being set on fire, but she felt like it had been; a searing pain that traversed the tendrils she had sunk into Jacob's mind, completely severing Jacob's mind from her own.

With a sharp cry of pain, Solveig reeled back from the door a few steps as her head bowed, her eyes squeezing shut against the sudden wave of pain that crashed down in her head.  "What did you-" she started, intending to ask Jacob above all what the hell he had just done to her head, but that's when she froze. She looked up quickly, but her face had gone very, very still. This had never happened. She could still feel the minds of Pincher, and Goldie, and everyone else around her; their minds were still open. But Jacob? It was like he no longer existed behind that door. There was no mind there to feel as hard as it was for her to describe the notion of her telepathic links. Nor was it something she wanted to consider with her head now pounding against her skull.

"Get.. the door open. Jacob's.. I can't feel Jacob's mind." There was fear in her voice. Not for Jacob, necessarily, but for herself. This... This had never happened. This wasn't supposed to be able to happen, nor was it anything she had ever felt before. What had he done? What just happened?

Was he still even alive?

//I got permission from VElli to do this!! Big Grin It's part of a plot


Re: To love complete brokenness // open+ooc prompt - rochelle - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]It was clear to see the situation arising when Pincher arrived to the scene. That’s when Rochelle rose out of concern at first, padding so she hovered about the area, trying to collect information without seeming intrusive or anything or the manner. Still, she couldn’t help but collect the bits of information as she stood around. Had Jacob locked himself inside of the submarine? It was a peculiar thing to do, however, recalling the spectacle of Luca’s joining made her stomach lurch. Was Jacob upset about that entire ordeal? Was he arguing with Pincher. Rochelle had never been in a relationship, so she couldn’t quite understand what the situation between the couple was like. Still, she grew much more worried with the thought, trailing after Solveig.

The dark brown wolf stood idly by, warm amber eyes searching the faces of the others for some sort of read on how serious the situation was. She kept to herself, until Solveig made it clear something was wrong and the door needed to be opened. Her heart jumped— was Jacob hurt inside of there? Was Luca really insane, and did he do something to Jacob to get Pincher. It was ... a weird thought, but the panic she felt only brought on more troublesome thoughts. Her lips parted and she shook her head, stepping forward towards the door. ”Bust it open ... someone help me push, please.” Rochelle said quickly, preparing to use all of the strength in her body to open the door. There was a buzz inside of her, adrenaline shaking her to the very core.

Re: To love complete brokenness // open+ooc prompt - jacob w.c. - 07-16-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Jacob's eyes widened in absolute horror when he heard Goldie's voice. He never would've taken his bandages off if he knew she was in here while he did it. Immediate terror flooded him and he spoke without thinking, "Goldie! No, no, ya' can't see me right' now Goldie! Jus' lay back down 'm fine, I'll take care ah' it. I-I-I'm fine, I jus' gotta' find my bandages n' my sweaters-" his terror was clear as he tried to rush the girl to bed before she could properly see him. He didn't want her to see him like this. Then he heard Deniz's voice and he felt both distress and relief, somehow. He made his way to the door so he could better hear him. "Pinch! Oh, gosh, Pinch, m-m-my- my-" As he tried to speak, he felt his throat tighten and his eyes cloud with tears again. No, he couldn't think about how he was a bad future husband. He just needed something to cover himself. "My bandages. I took them off to... well, I just, I was thinkin'-" his voice broke as he tired to think of a reason to explain himself. He didn't even take all that off to wash the bandages, he'd just make sure he had at least one fresh pair to wear when he went to clean all of it.

"I took it off because- I was gonna show ya' Pinch. I was gonna show ya'-" his voice broke again as he tried to hold back a sob and he cursed himself for being so sensitive about it. Deniz wasn't ashamed of his scars. "It don' matter now, ya' wouldn' like ta' see it anyway. The point it, I don' have my bandages n' Goldie is in 'ere with me n' ya'll are out there tryin' ta' get in but ya' know how I am, Pinch, n'-" he stopped when he heard another voice, which he recognized as Solveig. The thought of even more people made his heart pound and his breath caught in his chest. There were more people. Not just him, Pincher, and Goldie. They were all going to see him. His head hurt so bad. The burning sensation was getting worse and he let out a soft whimper, closing his eyes and trying to slow his breathing which seemed intent on only speeding up. Then he heard her mention coming in, that she couldn't feel his mind, whatever that meant. "No! N-N-No! Ya'-ya' can't come in! Pinch! Don' let them! Pinch!" His words were now sobs and pleads as he hoped his fiance wouldn't let them see him. He felt tears rolling down his face and his breathing was in gasps now as he kept panicking. They couldn't see him. No one could see him. 
the heavy weight of stone

Re: To love complete brokenness // open+ooc prompt - bubblegum - 07-16-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
upon hearing mister jacob's reaction, the girl would immediately feel even more concern. he couldn't find his sweaters or bandages? well, she'd help him find them. she didn't need to look at him, if he didn't want her to. she looked away from him, to try and make him feel more comfortable. her main concern now was to help him find his bandages and sweaters. she didn't want him to feel uncomfortable or upset, and it was clear he was feeling both.

she was about to offer to look when she heard her papa speak up, and then mister jacob's reaction. oh, her papa could help, too! she began to feel a bit more hopeful that this could be solved easily. but then more arrived, as well, which caused mister jacob to panic more. the girl needed to figure out something fast. she closed her eyes, turning towards her bed. she blindly felt for her blanket and then turned, trying to walk towards mister jacob, though her steps were very clumsy as she had no idea where she was moving now.

"mister jacob, it's okay, i closed my eyes so i can't see ya! here, you can take my blanket and cover yourself in it and i can help find your bandages and sweaters. it's okay, mister jacob!" she offered quickly, her eyes still tightly shut. she reached out for him blindly, holding the blanket gently. she didn't want the situation to escalate any further. "it's gonna be alright, mister jacob. we'll find 'em, i promise! nobody needs to see you if you don't want them to. i won't open my eyes, either, if you don't want." she tried to assure quickly. hopefully this would calm him down a little. she hated to hear him feeling like this. her family should be nothing but happy!

Re: To love complete brokenness // open+ooc prompt - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-16-2018

Caesar knew that these bandages meant something to Jacob, though it wasn't due to him sneaking around the other's mind and poking around at his memories. Mostly because he didn't have those powers back, nor was he sure how good Jacob's mental barriers were. No, the reason Caesar knew was because of the husky's reaction to him setting himself on fire. The way Jacob grabbed at his bandages was interesting, so the demon had decided to take them.

"What's going on?" Caesar asked as he made his way over to the group, trying to feign concern over Jacob. Which might be a red flag, sure, but he didn't care. He genuinely was curious as to what was happening, since he had no proof that this correlated to him stealing Jacob's stuff. Of course, his assumptions would be confirmed in he heard Goldie's voice, but alas, he arrived just as she finished speaking to Jacob.