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open [✯] tangled strings - Printable Version

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open [✯] tangled strings - Keona. - 07-15-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Blame Séamus.  Keona would not, of course, but it really was his fault she ended up in this situation.  Granted, it would have happened one day, with or without intervention from her uncle.  The tiny kitten had a track record of growing bored rather early into the day.  Her restless nature, alongside a short attention span, made it far too easy for her to lose interest or to get herself into some kind of trouble.

Trouble, such as getting tangled up in a ball of yarn.  It had started off fine enough. The petite striker pawed and bounced the ball to and fro, finding the string trail something of an amusement once she discovered it on accident - practically falling on her face.  Her uncle had kept things brief; it was a ball of yarn.  In the kitten's mind, the only truly registered word was ball.  Ball meant it was something to be thrown, kicked, and batted around.

The fact that it unwound only made the game more entertaining, until Keona found herself caught.  The ball had been nearly the size of her, now it was mostly spread about - with the majority tangled up around the kitten's tiny legs.  She promptly fell over with a startled "oof!" bewildered at the sudden predicament she found herself in.  Achieving the opposite of helping herself, she tried rolling over, sure she could get it all off her if she just flipped herself around.

That didn't work.

For a few minutes, it was a new game.  She had to escape the ball of yarn now, instead of bat it around.  Once she found herself more and more tangled however, she began to grow distraught.  It wasn't fun anymore.  With her ears flicked sharply back, Keona craned her neck, inhaling sharply through her nose.  Her uncle must've wandered off; left her to her own devices.  No doubt the intent of the yarn was to keep her busy, though whether or not this was the planned result could be debated.  Even Keona wouldn't put it past her Uncle Sea, given how her father and Uncle Raz seemed to view him.  Mischievous and all that.  She didn't think it was intentional, but she certainly was stuck.

I don't like this game anymore.
code by spacexual

Re: open [✯] tangled strings - Verdigris - 07-16-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]The feline desire to toy with balls of yarn had always escaped him, and he suspected it would have even if he was a feline himself. Kicking soccer balls around had some potential for entertainment, but there was no end goal with balls of yarn except unraveling it entirely, and then all you had was a bunch of string.

  And, in this case, a kitten captured by her own curiosity. Paper stifled a chuckle at the sight- after all, Keona wasn't really in any danger as long as the string didn't get around her neck- then walked over to the entrapped feline. He could bite more openings in the yarn, but he might have difficulty spitting any excess pieces out. The safest way was taking one of the two ends of the string and untangling her that way. "Hey, Keona- try to keep still, I'll get you out," he said, glancing around for one of the ends. Picking up that end, he started walking around to unloop it from around her. The string was long and winding, but he figured it would only take a few minutes provided he was careful not to let the loose yarn get caught up again.

Re: open [✯] tangled strings - rochelle - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]”I can help.” The wolf came padding forward as soon as she caught sight of poor Keona and the string. She noticed the Striker from the meet and greet, and had surely remembered her since then. Rochelle was sure she would never forget the blind Keona, who got herself stuck in a tangle of yarn. It was a grief that, while still a struggle, was one that she wished everyone only ever had to go through. She felt if the worse thing that happened to someone was getting stuck in a yarn ball, the world would be a lot better place. At least for the younger ones like Keona, or Goldie, and naive Swashbuckler too. The Typhoon had a lot of joiners lately, but it seemed like their demographic of younger members was growing steadily.

She padded up beside Paper, smiling ardently at Keona and the yarn mess— she had to admit, it was adorable. ”Paper’s right, the more relaxed you are, the faster he can get you out of there.” She advised in a comforting tone. Watching the other work, she knew it wouldn’t be long before Keona was out of the tangle.

Re: open [✯] tangled strings - Keona. - 07-18-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The child twitched and fidgeted a little.  Unfortunately for both canines, Keona was not... Particularly a master of remaining still.  It was part of the reason she was in this mess.  Still, after hearing two crewmates say to do it, she really did try.  After all, she'd rather be untangled and free of strings, especially before her father or uncle showed up and saw what she got herself into.

Of course, the Striker bit her lip, and her ears twitched.  Her paws, as they were prone to do, wanted to bounce, shift back and forth, but she managed to push them down into the sand warily.  The kitten scrunched up her face in concentration, although her claws did unsheathe once or twice restlessly.  Though the string was not fully gone, and she'd probably trip though she couldn't tell, she mumbled quietly, "can... I move now?"
code by spacexual