Beasts of Beyond
Here I'm calling // open+500th post // in the hope that you'll see me - Printable Version

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Here I'm calling // open+500th post // in the hope that you'll see me - jacob w.c. - 07-15-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
"Tell me things you've never said out loud, just try and go there if you can."
Jacob had been planning this for quite some time. Ever since his party, in fact. He'd given Pincher a simple, plain necklace then. It was intricately woven but it was clear that it needed something more on it. Jacob knew that the captain was struggling with... something lately. He wasn't sure what but Jacob wanted to give him something to look forward to and be happy about. So, he'd got together with Goldie and they'd created a map that would lead Pincher to the missing pieces of that necklace. It took him all over the island and he'd even made some hints for Goldie to give him if he got stuck or little things she could 'point out'. Of course, it was important to maintain that Goldie didn't really know much about it either but it wouldn't be too bad if that was compromised. The hardest part would be getting the timing right. For that, he had to get Roxie's help. The woman would wait at a specific checkpoint around the half way mark, and then she'd hurry and get Jacob as fast as she could so he would be able to meet Pincher at the final destination. Jacob was just thankful the girls were willing to help him, he didn't think he could do this by himself.

"Show me the parts of you, you aren't that proud of. I wanna know I'm just a man."
The first charm was easy to find. At least, Jacob thought it was the easiest to find. It was close to the captain's sub, and where they'd first talked and met. He had thought about putting it down by the dungeons but that wasn't a happy place for them. Jacob had been happy that night, in the end, but not because of what happened there. He was happy because of the way Pincher looked at him, because of the way he took care of him when he could've just left him to die, or worse. Instead, he'd reached out and helped him. The charm that Deniz would find here was a small, hand carved rubber duck with a paper wrapped around it. When the paper was unfolded, words could be read on the inside. "The hell you sorry for? You didn't do anything wrong." Those ducks had been Jacob's constant apologies and thanks. He stopped giving them because he realized he didn't have to. Pincher was happy with who he was and with the decisions he made. It wasn't a charity to help him. They helped each other because they loved each other. Rubber ducks were the start of their relationship, though, in the strange way that it had come about. Not all the memories were pleasant but Jacob was grateful for it all.

"I'll have you know I have good and bad days. Come on now love, don't be naive."
The next charm he sent Pincher to find was a little more difficult to find and a little more confusing in terms of meaning as well. It was a gentle chrysanthemum, which, like the duck, had been gingerly carved by Jacob. It had been carefully hidden in the rain forest and also had a piece of paper around it. This one read, "I granted him freedom to roam Paradis Island to let his mind settle. At this point, it was clear that each note must be something Pincher had said at one point or another about or to Jacob. The meaning for this one was a little more convoluted than the last. Chrysanthemums stood for rest, which is exactly what Pincher allowed him to do. Jacob wanted nothing more than to rest. Deniz kenw that more than anyone, after he'd spent a week with him in one of his most vulnerable states. He'd given him the opportunity to relax and rest in the Typhoon before having to face his own clan and now he offered rest in the form a permanent home. Jacob would forever be grateful to him for that.

"Lay out our cards, and you'll see all my mistakes. Well, I don't mind while you're with me."
It was between Goldie and Pincher's journey between this charm and the next that Roxie would see them and run to get Jacob. When she arrived at his door, he was quick to gather everything he needed and start making his way towards the Deep Sea Dome. He grabbed a small box with the final charm in it and his guitar before running off. He had to move a little slow, given both the state of his legs and the fact he was carrying a guitar and a box. He had Roxie help him a bit with the guitar (that bit hadn't been part of the plan but she was more than willing when he asked) and soon they arrived. He quickly set about settling down and letting his paws slide across the familiar strings. He hadn't played much since he came to Typhoon, other than to practice for this moment, and it felt good to feel it once again. It would feel even better once Pincher and Goldie got here.

"When have I fallen? Am I crawling on my knees? Here I'm calling, in the hope that you'll see me."
The next charm was near the lighthouse and, of course, it was of the lighthouse itself. Jacob had even included little windows on it. Around it was wrapped another piece of paper, which read, "You really think I'd miss this? I don't think so, mate." It was what he'd said to Jacob when he arrived at the blind date even in Snowbound. He'd told Jacob he liked women but they kissed hours later. Of course, Jacob saw the lighthouse event as an extension of their 'blind date' that they were never even supposed to go on. It was a special place to the husky and he wanted to make sure Pincher never forgot how much it meant to him that he'd left his own date, a very nice, smart woman, to come get Jacob. That night was what had allowed the lighthouse date to ever happen. Besides, the purpose of lighthouses was to lead ships safely home. Jacob liked to think that he and Pincher did that for each other. That sometimes they could be each other's lighthouses. Always there when they were needed most, always looking for one another, and always making sure that the other was safe even while they were away. 

"The voice inside of me has lost it's breath, it's far too tired to sing at ease. All of the things I'd never said out loud, they will remain inside of me. And I've fallen, yes I'm crawling on my knees. And I'm calling, out in search of what we'll be."
The fourth charm was on barracuda bay and marked by a large clump of seaweed. Beneath the pile was a small box that'd been made to protect this charm from getting too wet while it was down by the beach. This charm was a moon. Like the chrysanthemum, maybe it wasn't as clear as the others but, simply put, they had all their dates at night. Every romantic evening they had shared together had been, well, in the evening. Also, the moon had enough pull to pull the ocean but not to lift it from Earth entirely, as though it were balancing it out. Jacob thought that he and Pincher were that way with each other. They balanced one another. There was also a paper wrapped around this charm, which read, “Just cause I’m serious doesn’t mean I can’t have a little hobby." It had been said after Jacob nearly let slip that he found Pincher incredibly attractive but rather than 'strong' had decided to substitute the word for 'serious'. It hadn't been a very good save and he was almost certain Deniz was aware of the mistake but he'd been merciful enough to ignore it at the time.

"Tell me things you'd never say out loud, 'cause I wanna know I'm just a man."
The final stop was the Deep Sea Dome, where Jacob was waiting for Pincher. Goldie was supposed to let Pincher find Jacob by himself and, when Jacob saw the man, he felt his heart flutter both in anxiousness and in excitement. That was when he began to strum and sing. "Tell me things you've never said out loud..." he strummed and went through the whole song, occasionally looking up at Deniz and offering the captain a wide smile. When he finally came to the end, he carefully set down his guitar and picked up the small box, this one more ornate than all the others. He then moved forward, smiling at Pincher hopefully. For a moment, he looked as though he might move forward to kiss or hug him but then he stopped and slowly opened the box he held to reveal a ring that shared the blue of the sea and the soft yellow of sand, designed to look just like the ocean. "Pincher Roux, will you marry me?"

//song ref
please wait for cheets to post with pinch!
[member=66]PINCHER[/member] [member=64]Cheeters[/member] 
the heavy weight of stone

Re: Here I'm calling // open+500th psot // in the hope that you'll see me - cobblepot - 07-15-2018


Re: Here I'm calling // open+500th post // in the hope that you'll see me - JERSEYBOY - 07-15-2018


Re: Here I'm calling // open+500th post // in the hope that you'll see me - ROXANNE R. - 07-15-2018


Re: Here I'm calling // open+500th post // in the hope that you'll see me - coldblue - 07-15-2018

hhhhhhhhHH tRACK

Re: Here I'm calling // open+500th post // in the hope that you'll see me - PINCHER - 07-18-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher has never been one for surprises. He disliked being in the dark of anything that involved him or related to anything that was important to him such as his family and work. He found it irksome and troubling that someone was deciding to make whatever his private business was open to the public eye, his mind trapped in a state of worry that something would happen if he allowed anything out. It was a method that his father had trained him into, locking him into a state of constant weariness of his surroundings and how one would look at him. Despite the cool aura that he tried to surround himself in, Pincher was incredibly insecure as any flawed idiot would be. But not because of reasons that were caused by his father, oh no — Pincher could take that shit from him, it was solely that...Pincher felt he was not good at anything. He carried talents such as speaking multiple languages, knowing how to do origami as well as brilliant travelling/tracking skills, but that did not mean he had learned it out of his own interest. His vast knowledge of languages had been due to his father's nomad gang always moving about and never settling, his tongue catching each language and growing used to remaining in a place for a few months before moving to another. Even his origami talent had been one built out of his father's base idea of how Pincher should be, forcing him to kill by night while acting like some origami seller in the day to play as some unimportant role in whatever location they wished to destroy. It was tiring for him to realize that his tracking skills were something his father and uncle had taught him, the memories of their teaching still seared into the back of his head.

Was he good at anything? Anything at all?

He tried to convince himself he was good at romance but even that had questionable doubts lingering since his honeyed tongue had been dipped in the same pool of catchphrases and charming words that his uncle had used to seduce the minds of innocent naive women. All his past romances had been filled with what he had been taught, his voice filled with a false security that allowed strangers to settle their hearts with him despite Pincher being unable to do the same. He couldn't trust anyone with his heart, not after what his ex-wife had done to him. What she had done to his family. Pincher's broken heart had sunken into a pool of tar after, clogged with hate and pent-up rage for her after what she had done to him. Her stupid fucking surprise. Don't come back until you find the boys, I have a little surprise for you all. could someone be so wicked to their own family? To say that to Pincher before the heartache, the naive idiot that was blinded by love after he had managed to win the girl of his dreams? He had been an idiot, a light smile tracing his lips as he pressed his lips to her cheek in a warm blossoming kiss before telling her he would return with their sons for the surprise. He had many surprises before from his father and uncle but they had all been wicked horrifying pranks like locking him in a wooden box and dumping him into the ocean for him to break free and try to swim back onboard their ship. But Pincher trusted her, he trusted her. He believed her soft-spoken loving words and that...that had been his demise.

After that, Pincher was never the same.

He became reckless. Wicked. Whatever flowers had blossomed in his chest had become withered and black, shriveled up by the realization that he would never find sanctuary in anyone or anything. He became bitter at the idea of settling down, instead of allowing his heart to be temporarily filled up by the warming kisses of various women before having to either detach himself from them or watch them grow impatient with him and pack their bags to find a better suitor. Pincher never minded the ones that left, he understood their reasons. Their annoyance. Their hate. Why couldn't he just let go? Of the pain? Why was he stuck in a frozen period in his lifetime, encased in the ideology that love was just a false concept and that he would fake his own love to be accepted? Move on. Let go. The advise that many suggested would fly into one of his ear and fly out of the other, his thoughts refusing to find any closure. Why should he love anything? What was the point? It would all come back to bite him in the end, dragging him out of his grave and sinking its teeth into his chest to replicate the pain he had felt upon returning without his murdered sons and to arrive to find that his wife had left him, their house empty as if only ghosts had lived there. Perhaps they were just ghosts. Perhaps it was just a sick concept that his imagination had wound up for him to have some false reason to despise true acts of love.

Sadly for him, it was not.

Because without it, he wouldn't have known Jacob loved him.

Pincher remembered the night he had met Jacob. How he had found the man in tears with a woman he had been holding another dying chemistry with. It had been rather strange how he had found a love worthwhile besides the one that was simply passing by his long string of lovers, as it fate was deciding to be kind to him for once. It had been around the time he had distanced himself from Goldenluxury and Coldblue, believing his children were better off without him and that anyone else that tried to get close would only get blocked off by his stubbornness to accept any love at all. But then he saw him. And something changed. Maybe it was his strategy in winning Snowbound over when Jacob had just been a captured medic, leading him to become a gentle charming persona of himself to win over the heart of the husky. That's what he believed at first. But then he began to feel his emotions change like sea currents, shifting and twisting when he would lock his icy gaze with the warm soft sky blue eyes of the other male. The way he smiled, a portrait of kindness that Pincher desired to just have for himself but never willing to offer anything until things began to progress. He reconnected with his children or well at least with Goldie. He became more prominent in his work and crew, coming out of his submarine to socialize and not let his mind weight him down. He became more considerate, no longer smoking around his crewmates or people that he cared about. He was becoming better after months of chaotic self-destructive behavior. Just because of a bandaged sweetheart with the angelic glow.

When he had decided to take a break from his work, Pincher had allowed his infamous signature look to be completed as he bit down on a cigarette, ready to light it until he spotted his daughter arriving and of course, right as he started, he stopped. He crushed it quickly into the sand and allowed a light smile to settle on his lips as he wondered what she was bringing to him. A map? His fictional eyebrows had furrowed with confusion as he glanced towards his daughter with a puzzled expression but she seemed to want a move on and so without much of difficulty, he moved alongside to follow the map. As time trickled by, a light in his eyes began to show and a spring in his step appeared as he became enwrapped in the map. Afterall, it had been his biggest dream as a child to be a mapmaker and seeing this brought fond of memories of when he had been good and untainted. He became excited, buzzing with a sudden optimistic innocence that he had forgotten he had as he arrived at the first location to where the charm was. He then looked at the charm, which was a rubber duck carving and he allowed a light chuckle escape his lips before he read the paper. Pincher's chest tightened when he realized it had been a sentence he had said to Jacob. Was this Jacob's doing? Why? He connected it to the necklace that Jacob had given him, confused aqua blue eyes flickering towards his daughter as he wanted to ask but she seemed to be budging him to move onto the second mark.

As he followed the trail to enter the lively rainforest, he stepped through the rich vegetation with his daughter alongside him. He didn't have much difficulty though he was still getting rather used to the jaguar form and tended to forget how large he was compared to his canine one, leading him to get stuck in a few tight spaces. As he finally reached the second charm, he noticed it was a lovely flower as Pincher connected it to his necklace before focusing on what the note read. Once again, he was surprised it was a phrase he had said, this time he was swimming in the memory of returning Jacob to Snowbound and explaining why it had taken so long. Partly because he had wanted Jacob to get some relaxation before traveling and also...because he had wanted him to stay. He had been nice to him, listened to him in ways that many past lovers did not. It was comforting and it brought a nostalgic dreamy smile to replace his eager one as the wildcat then decided to continue the journey that the map had unfolded for him. It appeared he was to head towards the Lighthouse and Pincher trudged along, his long tail swaying back and forth with eagerness but went rather slow so his daughter wouldn't have to chase him down.

As he arrived to the third charm, Pincher found himself wrapped up with emotions he had not expected to have especially since in the beginning of the day, he had wanted to simply keep himself busy. He reached down to grab the charm, eyeing it with interest as the carving held details. Of course, Jacob would do that and it brought a small rush of heat to his face when he remembered their kiss. Surprisingly, it had been Jacob taking the first bold move while Pincher had been drunk off his ass or so he had thought. He hadn't been as tipsy as he had put himself to believe since he had used his drunkenness to play off that he had not minded the kiss. In reality, he had wanted the kiss and enjoyed it, remembering the deep blue glow that surrounded the two in the aquatic dome. Just the memory caused his heartless chest to tighten as he read the note before sucking in a shaky breath as he realized he was in too deep. Fuck, he really did love Jacob and it was no wonder his emotions were now getting the best of him. Forcing himself, to concentrate he headed out with his daughter to the second to last mark that was a little farther away towards the base camp where everyone tended to mingle and socialize.

As he arrived, Pincher noticed that the mark was in the spot where the pile of seaweed was and pawed it off to grab the box that was within it, his nose slightly wrinkling at the salty smell though he was rather used to it by now. He opened the box and noticed the charm was a moon, his curiosity growing at the meaning though he was able to understand what it could possibly mean. The sea and moon worked together as a balance, the gravitational force being an important part of their relationship. It was also important to Jacob's and Pincher's relationship, how Jacob managed to reel him back from being a fool and letting himself jump head first into danger without realization how many people depended on him. He read the note and let out a small snort, amusement buzzing in his mind as he muttered "Fuckin' hell, I sound like a smartass." With that, the male stepped away and began heading towards the final mark that was within the Deep Sea Dome except it appeared he would be going by himself. He gave his daughter a quick farewell kiss on the head before heading over, his energy now getting the best of him and Pincher was practically bolting towards the mouth of the cave.

With the darkness enveloping over him at first, all he could hear was his breathing. He longed to hear his heart but it was somewhere in the bottom of the ocean, forever lost to him for it was always on the move. But Jacob was his replacement for a heart, a reminder of his mortality despite being a demigod. That every chance and opportunity he took was a ripple and that he was alive, not just some walking zombie. He could feel love because of his family and because of Jacob. With the thoughts burning themselves inside his head, he stepped into the dome and caught sight of Jacob with the guitar. A look of bewilderment flashed onto his facial features as he halted a little far off as he waited his boyfriend strum the guitar as well as sing. And honestly? Pincher would have loved to just stand there forever, to watch the beauty that was his lover. But as Jacob ended his singing and picked up a box, Pincher's eyes fluttered as he broke through his daze. His eyes began to close as Jacob grew near to what he would believe was a kiss but the jaguar then decided to open his jaws and he froze.

...will you marry me?

For once, Pincher was speechless. His eyes grew to the size of moons, his thin pitch black pupils locked onto the husky as his lips parted in a silent gasp. His ink black ears drew themselves back as he tried to find words to say but nothing came out as his fur began to bristle with embarrassment as the flustered Captain stammered "E-excuse me? I-I-I....I-uh...I...fuck, I-I'm ne-ervous...I-..." He couldn't even process the ability to say yes to him because he didn't feel like he deserved him. How could someone so wrong and so broken, one that despised the idea of settling down suddenly change to the vision of being with Jacob forever. Pincher's eyes began to glaze with tears, pricking at the corners of his eyes as he let out a shaky bubbly laugh roll out of his tongue before he aimed to wrap his arms around the husky and press his lips against his to give him a deep long kiss, small sparks of electricity popping out of his ear tips. After a while, he pulled back a bit and smiled, a genuine yet traced with a charming touch that he had managed to compose. "Of course, I'll marry you. You're all I've wanted in someone and more." He whispered softly in his ear before aiming to tackle the male in a bear hug, joy blinding him from his surroundings. All he could think of now was Jacob and his surprises. He guessed surprises weren't so bad afterall.

Re: Here I'm calling // open+500th post // in the hope that you'll see me - bubblegum - 07-18-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl was quite happy to help anybody at any given time. when mister jacob came to her about doing something for papa, she would instantly and happily accept. she would most certainly do anything for her papa and this would be fun! she didn't think too much about any occasion mister jacob had in mind for this - she just thought they were doing something nice, which she was more than happy to be a part of. surely her papa would enjoy it, too.

she was afraid that her injuries would make this hard, but the excitement of bringing her papa something so fun gave her extra energy. plus, he had slowed down for her. as soon as they started, she noticed a change in him. he seemed happier and was surely enjoying himself, which is something she desired a lot. her papa's happiness. achieving this, with the help of mister jacob, was quite satisfying. it was fun, too. she could see why her papa liked it so much. she had attempted many drawings of maps for her papa before, but treasure hunts were not something she had taken the time to do yet. but, it was very nice, she thought.

he deserved a break from his work. he was always working so hard for everyone. it made her want to work hard, too. but, he needed a break. they could have fun together and she could help him catch up on any missed time, too, if he'd let her. seeing him happy made her incredibly happy, as well. she wanted him to always be like this - to always be happy. though, she knew that desire was impossible, so she would simply have to continue helping with things like this. that way, at least, he could always have something to look forward to - even if he didn't always know what that something was.

she found the presents, or "treasures", she supposed, to be quite thoughtful. she didn't know a whole lot about her papa and mister jacob's relationship. well, no one really had, until they were unafraid to kiss in public. they had clearly been keeping it a secret for a while, though. there was a sentimentality with each object that she didn't know, but could sense. a story with each one. she was happy that her papa and mister jacob had each other, though. she didn't mind not knowing everything about their relationship. she just knew they loved each other, and that made her glad.

she thought about this as she sat outside, curiosity now entering her. she already knew she was supposed to wait outside, however she did not know why. she did not know what mister jacob had planned for by the end of all of this. she knew it must mean a lot to him, whatever it may be. she now began to wonder what the reasoning was - what did he have planned that only her papa could enter? she glanced around quietly, not quite sure what to think. she felt nervous being away from her papa anytime now, though she trusted mister jacob.

however, it was taking a while. several moments passed and she didn't know what exactly she was supposed to do now. walk away? no, she didn't think so. she didn't really want to do that, either. she was curious to see what it had all ended up being for. but, she would feel bad for walking in on something mister jacob would rather be private. perhaps she should just wait a couple more minutes. so, she would. she'd lay down and mess with the ground quietly, sighing silently. she was content. it had been a nice thing, to see her papa so happy. she wished he would look like that more often.

more and more minutes passed and a mixture of boredom, curiosity, and worry entered her. perhaps it'd be okay for her to come in now. the girl got up and carefully approached the entrance, her steps quiet and head held low as she peered in. she caught the sight of her papa seeming to try and tackle mister jacob, to which she'd lift her head at in a concerned manner. she felt a wave of panic shoot through her and she quickly stumbled forward in a shocked manner, her fur sticking upward. she let in a sharp breath and her eyes widened. but, she realized something.

he was just hugging him. she needed to relax. she blinked a couple of times, her fur relaxing and her movements slow as she approached them, trying to make the irrational panic she had felt float away. she wanted to ask what had happened, but she was unsure if she should say anything. she stood back where she was, cautiously looking towards them with a curious expression. "s-sorry," she'd mumble, looking to the ground. "you were taking a while and i'd gotten nervous." little did she know, she had entered just after they had promised themselves to each other forever.

Re: Here I'm calling // open+500th post // in the hope that you'll see me - coldblue - 07-21-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]From the shadows, piercing blue eyes observe the tender moment with mild annoyance. Coldblue is not supposed to be here. He only followed behind Goldie because he is bored and at a loss for what to do with himself. Aunt Rose is busy at the moment, which means his next best choice is to "babysit" his sister. Poor Goldie certainly did not sign up for the protective brother treatment, but her recent run-ins with death and sickness have struck the one chord in his cold, cold heart that actually gives a damn. As far as the young tomcat is concerned, Pincher has not earned his trust, especially when he promotes Goldie to high positions when she is suffering from injuries! That girl will do anything for their father, and Blue thinks it is cruel of Pincher to take advantage of Goldie's feelings. That is how he perceives it, anyways. It is not as if anyone has ever tried to sit down and speak with him, try to get him to see how things really are.

The youth has always been on the outside. Just like now, as he observes his sister waiting and waiting outside a room before cautiously entering. She must have a received an invitation from someone--an invitation that did not include him. Coldblue tries not to be bothered by the notion, telling himself that he does not want to be involved with whatever stupid things is going on; but it stings. It reminds him that he really is an outsider in his own family—a black sheep. Feeling a little envious, the seal lynx bengal creeps closer, poking his head around the door to see Jacob and Pincher in a romantic embrace. It only confirms what Blue has been suspecting for a while: that the healer is in a relationship with their father. He wonders, briefly, if Goldie knows, but he dismisses that thought almost immediately. Pincher disguised their relations well, but Blue is particularly perceptive. Just because he is almost always left out does not mean that he does not see what is going on.

Blue remains silent, just watching. There is nothing he has to say.