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Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - Printable Version

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Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - jacob w.c. - 07-15-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Jacob had done something like this once in Snowbound and it almost felt perfect that he was now doing it in Typhoon. That event was both something Jacob looked on with fondness and discomfort. Pincher had told him he only liked women but then kissed him later that night, so it had been a pretty confusing day. They hadn't even supposed to have been on a date together. Pincher had gone with the Typhoon's doctor at the time, Lilyspoise. Jacob had left him a rubber duck on the table. Outside of just his own experience though, he'd heard from quite a few people that they'd had a lot of fun at the event so he suggested to Pincher that they should host it again, but this time in the Typhoon. The captain had agreed and that was how he found himself in his current position.

Jacob had set the general area of the event up similarly to how he'd done it for Snowbound some time ago, with lots of food and various types of drinks out. He stood in the middle of it all before speaking up, [color=#3f4c6f]"Hi ya'll! So this is a blind datin' event, so ta' participate in the datin' part, all ya' need ta' do is fill out one ah' these cards tha' ask if you're lookin' for a romantic or platonic date n', if it's romantic, what your preferences are. Then ya' can drop it in this box next ta' me n' names will be randomly picked ta' go with each other. If ya' wanna' participate but ya' can't read or write, jus' come up 'ere n' tell me what ya' want. Other than that, feel free ta' talk out 'ere n' eat n' drink n' everythin' until we're ready ta' pair everyone up."

//so to participate in this just have your character tell jake (or write) their preferences and whether it's a platonic or romantic date! You can also participate in this thread as a central hub.
the heavy weight of stone

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-15-2018

A blind dating event? Caesar couldn't help but let out a snort at Jacob's words. He probably was the least person somebody would want to go on a date with. And that was exactly why Caesar was going to participate. "You know me, Jacob." The demon stated flatly as he reached forward to fill out a card.

//Name: Caesar
Romantic or Platonic: Both
Preference: Anybody, idc

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - purgatory - 07-15-2018

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - ROSEMARY - 07-15-2018

She found the idea an interesting one, but she hoped that this wouldn't come back to bite her in the ass - after all, some people in the group seemed to suck the life out of her when she had to deal with their presence. Still, she did need to bond with the non-Roux crewmates, and this seemed a good opportunity for her introverted self to not get overwhelmed by the crowds of the usual mixers. Grabbing a slip of paper, she started filling it out with the relevant information.

name; rosemary roux
platonic pls

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - VANDAL R. - 07-15-2018

Vandal's new but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to get in on all the shenanigans. The moment she hears the words 'blind date' she's already padding over, rasping her green tongue over her chest before flashing the others an impish smile. "Food, drinks, and a date?" Her voice trickles with mirth, curling her tail in enjoyment and stretching her wings out wide - hey, she might not be the most normal-looking thing out there, but at least she's pretty - and maybe just a little bit hopeful that she gets somebody that's interesting enough to really pursue instead of just making googly-eyes at. With a wink the others' way, she grabs a pen and fills out the form, dropping her scrap of paper into the box and hoping for the best.

NAME: Vandal Roux
ROMANTIC OR PLATONIC: Both - maybe it can start platonic and, if there's chemistry, leads to something a little bit more
PREFERENCES: Female. That's it.

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - Verdigris - 07-15-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Blind dating was such a strange concept to him. Even if he had been conceived through a random fling (at least, that was what his mother had implied whenever he or the others asked about their father), he didn’t understand the appeal of going out with a random stranger. Still, if they were offering “platonic dates” as an option, he might as well sign up- maybe he’d be able to find a closer ally, or at least gather information.

  Taking a slip, Paper began filling it out. Once he was done, he put it in the basket, then left to go grab food. Whoever he was assigned, he suspected it would be an interesting night.

  /name: Papercutter
  /platonic please

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - arcy - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]∞ — The last thing Sunbeam was interested in was dating. There were, of course, many, many reasons for this. The first being that they were literally two people smushed into one. They weren't able to agree on anything, much less who they'd date. The second, is just that again, except the fact that their two halves were, in fact, still in love despite everything. A very strange, toxic sort of love. But still there. .. It was very complicated.
However. Platonic dates were a thing being mentioned here. .. That'd be nice. Sunbeam's ears flick as they watch the whole thing for a long, absent few moments. .. A way to make friends, then. They'd like friends. (deserved? didn't, h --)
Sunbeam shakes their head and quietly makes to fetch a slip of paper. They'd write down whatever they needed, tail swishing. And then, finally, they turned it in, allowing themselves a very soft huff.
//name; sunbeam
date type; platonic

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - coldblue - 07-15-2018

Blind dating? Finally! An event he can enjoy!

The seal point bengal strolls over casually, not concerned with being first in line. He pays minimal attention to Jacob, allowing his father's boyfriend or whatever a friendly-ish smirk, as he moves to fill out one of the cards. Usually events are boring or uninteresting, but Coldblue is always down to flirt with some attractive people. And if they're not attractive? Well, he will probably flirt anyways.

Name: Coldblue
Date Type: Romantic (platonic is ok but blue ain't here to make friends)
Preference: No one under 6 moons

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - raziel - 07-15-2018

Raziel was not particularly interested in getting back into the 'dating game'.  The fae was a widow, father of five, and more than happy simply being father and uncle.  No need to put boyfriend, or even husband back into the mix of titles.  He was not completely opposed to the concept, but he was not looking.  Besides, he did not know anyone here particularly well.  Better to just make some friends, especially since he was on the quiet side.  With a thoughtful crease in his brow, the rusty spotted cat grabbed a card.

Name: Raziel Ó Faoláin
Date type: Platonic

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - ROXANNE R. - 07-16-2018

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Blind dating, the thought of it made her insides twist but she had to remind herself that she wasn't dating so she shouldn't feel bad at all. Yeah! Maybe she could meet new people and make friends, there wasn't anything wrong with making friends. . . She was overthinking it again as she shook her head grabbing a slip of paper, the strawberry leopard began to jut down about herself or well, what she looked forward to in a blind date. She felt at ease as she slipped the paper forward with her rounded ears twitching, the winged leopard offering her sisters a smile. Why was she still holding out for him? God, she wanted to shake her head and say something but refused to do so as she nervously bit her bottom lip.

NAME: Roxanne Roux
DATE TYPE: Platonic
"character's speech."