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[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
With the sudden influx of joiners, Pincher knew it was best that he sought out a way to round them all up and get to at least know who they portray themselves to be. Yes, portray. He knew that not everyone was who they publically expressed themselves to be and frankly, Pincher didn't mind the facades that certain crewmates placed upon themselves to hide whatever deep dark secrets haunted them. If they were able to pull the same old routine like he did, then who he was he to judge? He faked a lot of what was dwelling within him, especially ever since returning back from the dead with the sea spitting him out. He had come to terms with whatever was burning inside his skull but lately, it had been draining him from a lot of energy that he usually had. He was carrying something but specifically what? He couldn't pinpoint an answer and doubted if he sought medical help, they wouldn't be able to help either.

So the best thing to do was to distract himself from it all. Being the workaholic he was, Pincher did not desire to relax or take a vacation to focus on what he wanted. No. He was craving productivity and a sense of movement especially with all the new faces he had greeted and still had yet to meet and introduce himself. So, the dark storm gray jaguar was slipping in and out of the tavern with supplies to place a cookout summer beach party that would also be a meet and greet. He had decided to place towels for people to lay on while a small fire was at the center that had a rod that slowly turned to cook various seafood as well as vegetables. Pincher always enjoyed kehbabs so he was excited to taste one since it had been a while so the broad-shouldered wildcat now tossed around some pillows for crewmates to be able to comfortably rest on while they all went around to speak about themselves. "Everyone, gather up! We're having a bigass meet and greet to let everyone get to know each other." The slate gray male answered with his bloodshot gaze flickering around as he settled onto a sky blue towel that had rubber duckies on it.

Stretching out, his rippling muscles shifted beneath his short shadowy pelt as the jaguar snatched up one of the already cooked kehbabs that were resting around in seaglass bowls, his jaws sinking into the juicy meat of a fish before swallowing and deciding to begin. "Alright, let's start off with your trusty ol' Captain, shall we? As you may all know my name is Pincher. I was born on this island with my mother and father before they seperated and my father took me to travel all around the world. I've picked up a skill or two because of this but I never believed I would be leading such a crew. Three facts about me is that I'm a pisces, I used to want to be a mapmaker, and I speak ten different languages since I had to learn to speak many when moving around...Alright, who's next? Don't be shy. You can just say your name or your lifestory plus at least three facts about you." Pincher guessed he had become more comfortable with his crew to be able to tell three facts about himself especially since the mapmaker dream was rather private but the male didn't mind sharing as he allowed a faint cool charming smirk to lace his muzzle while he waited, gnawing softly on his kehbab.
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Re: DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT — MASS MEET & GREET - bubblegum - 07-14-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the increase in joiners surely was a little overwhelming to the girl. she was trying hard to reach all of them, but it was a bit much. her injuries were actually probably getting worse, though she wouldn't admit it. they weren't healing properly because she always stretched them and overworked her body. it hurt a lot all the time and was hard to do...well, everything. but, that didn't matter. what mattered was that she was working hard. she couldn't stop. that was more important.

goldie was instantly pulled by the sight of her papa, eyeing the setup. oh, was he doing something? that would be fun. she always enjoyed doing things with her papa. she enjoyed being with her papa. she just, enjoyed her papa. he was a very nice man in her eyes and meant the whole wide world to her. she worked so hard for him and she just wanted him to be proud of her. she didn't ever want to let him down. her ears perked upward at his explanation, a warm smile forming on her exhausted features.

the young girl struggled over, her legs seeming to protest against the movement as her steps were slow. she relaxed next to her papa, trying to lean up against him softly as he spoke. she listened to his words carefully, actually quite interested to hear him talk about himself. he didn't do it that often. goldie sighed gently, thinking about what she could say. she wasn't sure she did have a lot to say.

"i'm goldenluxury roux, and i just go by goldie. i have the best papa in the world, and very nice family and friends, too. like my brother and and aunts and mister jacob. um, i'm learning to cook, thanks to mister jacob. i wanna make nice food for everybody to enjoy. i like to do a lot of things, like draw and sing! i wanna work really hard for everybody so they can all feel nice, too," she said in her kind voice. she didn't seem too interested in eating right now - mostly because she felt too tired to even grab something, even though she would normally be all over food.


So bring on all the monsters, That lie sleeping in the blue
I'll fight 'em all bare handed, Screaming I ain't scared of you
Name, life story and three facts, huh? Kian flicked an ear, brow creasing sharply.  While friendly, the rusty spotted cat had to admit he'd not been up on his social game lately.  Now, more than ever, he supposed he ought to get around a little; there were so many new faces lately.  It was almost overwhelming to think about, but the tiny feline was not a shy creature.

Friendly as he was, Kian had no intentions of telling his entire life story. He'd keep it brief.  Stay on the simple, or at least vague side. 

The Irishman offered an amiable smile as he stood.  "Name's Kian Ó Faoláin. Was a captain myself for some time but I parted with my crew a few moons ago, coming here." With an obvious reason why for those who knew him.  "I uh was a prince before my place got kinda caught up in war and I found the pirate life.  I've got a twin brother running about here named Séamus, and though I thought he would be running things back home, my brother Raziel is here too. I'm the proud father of the best little girl in the world, an' her name's Keona... She's a handful so keep yer eye out.  Uh facts... I'm a Gemini, I like to travel based on stars more than paper maps, I'm a bit of a musician and I like to sing but not in English usually... An' that's all I got."

// Mobile
typhoon | rusty spotted cat | #faesquad |
© madi


Well, at least this time Pincher wasn't trapping them on the ship. Caesar still didn't forgive the Captain for that, and he was a little bit wary to come over at the call. But luckily it didn't seem like Pincher was locking them onto the ship again and leaving them drifting at sea, so Caesar did eventually make his way over to join the (for now) small group. "Yo, my name's Caesar Cipher, and I'm an Officer here." He stated flatly, standing next to Kian as he spoke. "I came from another Dimension known as Dimension FiveX, and I actually destroyed the place." He was grinning as he said this, as if he was proud of the fact. And he was, somewhat. To outsiders, he was proud, and that's all that mattered. "I have a sister, too, unfortunately. Her name's Atbash." His tone held disgust, and the only reason he was admitting it was because she was already practically known around here. But they didn't know of his brother, and he was keeping it that way.

Re: DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT — MASS MEET & GREET - jacob w.c. - 07-15-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Jacob always loved meeting new people. It gave him more things to do, more goals to set, more distractions to give himself. Even since stepping down, Typhoon kept him busy enough to keep his mind off the state of his leg, which was more than enough for him. The only person that knew about that was Pincher and he'd like to keep it that way. He was going to hold onto his legs as long as he could, until they presented a serious medical problem he couldn't figure out himself. Then he'd be forced to actually seek help from another medical expert, which unfortunately there were a lot of around here. Not that it was a bad thing, of course, for other people, but it gave him one less excuse to put it off. If Jacob was aware of the distress Pincher was under, he would've been extremely worried and he'd be searching for a cure nonstop. He wouldn't hesitate to do everything he could to make sure he stayed safe. Jacob wasn't aware, though, and so she wasn't worried, which was probably exactly why Pincher hadn't told him. He already had the tendency to be a bit of a worry wart, something like that would only make it worse.

Jacob approached among all the others, a light smile on his maw as he listened to them and gave a particularly warm look to the captain. "Uh, hi everyone. 'M name's Jacob n' I jus' recently moved 'ere from Snowbound. Uh, three facts 'bout me I guess, um... I love cookin' n' bakin', I really like herbs n' medicine n' things like tha' since my Ma taught me when I was younger, n' I lived in two big cities 'fore comin' ta' Snowbound n' then, eventually, here. 'M hopin' this'll be my last stop, though," he spoke, glancing to Goldie and Pinch when he spoke of Typhoon being his last stop. He wanted to be permanent, he wanted this to be home. He wanted to come home and see his family every single day and know they were happy and safe, and that there was nothing waiting for them in the dark. That was all he wanted. He didn't often get that but lately it seemed like things were so perfect. Even after everything that'd happened to Pinch, they were happy now and he told himself, that was all that mattered. Maybe it wasn't. He was sure there'd be consequences someday for everything that'd happened but today wasn't someday, and so he chose to be happy.
the heavy weight of stone

Re: DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT — MASS MEET & GREET - rochelle - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]The wolf padded up slowly to the event, her leg still on the mend. Rochelle was pretty fond of meet and greets, though she’d never been exposed to one during her time in her previous group. It would have been a good idea to put one into action, to lower tensions between group mates and welcome in new ones ... but she had failed as a leader there. She closed her eyes then, trying to banish the thought and scan her mind for some facts about herself.

Once she was confident in what she was going to say, she paused as Jacob finished, and said, ”I’m Rochelle ... I’ve also joined here quite recently.” She bowed her head down a little, round eyes softly glancing about. ”I’m a Libra, I’m what some would consider a pacifist. However, I’ve been the leader of a group with violent tendencies, so ... I know both sides of the story.” Indeed she did. She knew that being completely non-violent was pretty much impossible, but it was the choice she was actively trying to make.


✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The kitten happily found a spot to sit directly on top of her father's paws, ears flicking back sheepishly as he mentioned her.  Her sightless sea-green hues danced with embarrassed amusement.  She didn't like being a bother, but being a handful was fine, especially since she knew he meant well by it.  Carefully, the Striker memorized every name with their corresponding voice, though the only new one was Rochelle.

She shifted and bounced back and forth on her paws for a second, before deciding to take the silent pause after Rochelle as her own.  "A-Aloha.  'm Keona... 'an I'm a Striker." Though it wouldn't make much a difference, the petite rusty spotted kitten stood up on her father's paws, wearing a shy smile.

"I came from... My da's crew but I've lived 'ere longer." Not that she had grown much since then though.  Her nose twitched as she thought.  "'m an Aquar...Aquarius?" That sounded right, though the word fought her tongue.  "I... Love music! I'd like to play... An instrument but I dunno which one... 'an I like the ocean... 'an my stuffed bird Manu but I lost him in the storm. 'an... I'd like to do something awesome when I'm bigger." Or whenever really.  Keona hummed softly and plopped back down, ignoring the way her heart was racing in her tiny ribcage.  Hopefully attention was quickly moving elsewhere, she was finished with spotlight for the day.
code by spacexual


[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]∞ — As one of the apparent 'new joiners', Sunbeam saw it fit to participate in .. whatever this may be. .. They wanted to be fit in. And to do that, they must be known. Is it possible for them to fit in, they wonder? They were not quite .. like .. the others. Perhaps on their own they could had. Sun and Beam were fairly normal, unlike Sunbeam themselves. .. Well, Sunbeam would not know if they didn't try. They wanted to know people.
So, of course, the towering big cat seats themselves and curls a tail around their paws as people introduce themselves. And they take note of each person. Remember. They would remember. When they saw the others once more, they would .. know. And isn't that grand? .. It feels an awful like replacing their old friends. But .. they are dead, aren't they? Sunbeam's back ears flatten. However, their expression is otherwise neutral as their two parts argue over what to say. The same person, but not quite.
".. We are Sunbeam," They introduce, ducking their head when they think it is their turn.  .. perhaps they could tell a partial truth about their old home. It wasn't anything special aside from fusions, see, so if they excluded that there wasn't anything of too much note. Besides, other people had far stranger stories. "We came from a small group, far away. .. However, it burned to the ground. We flew elsewhere, and joined here a few months later," A crooked grin. Sunbeam likes talking. Being the center of attention makes them almost .. nervous, in a subtle, strange sort of way. Beam, then. .. They did not have a birthday to decide on their star sign, though, as everyone else was. Or, perhaps, technically, they did. But .. it did not feel right. Facts. Facts. What did they like to do? Beam and Sun continue bickering. .. Sunbeam was a blank slate, like this. When their two halfs could not agree. Couldn't even agree to disagree. ".. We like astronomy." They add, feeling a tinge of hurt. .. They used to like to watch the stars together. .. How tainted that was, now. They don't bother coming up with anymore facts. That's right. Their lifestory. Or three facts. .. Well, their lifestory wasn't much, seeing as it was just the bare bones of what happened. They were the cause of that fire, but it was just an accident. .. An accident, they promise. They'd never wanted to hurt their friends. .. However, just one fact to make up for it would do.

Re: DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT — MASS MEET & GREET - dead sons/daughters - 07-16-2018

if lil old swashie here had to be all too honest, he didn't think that he really made a good introductory to those who greeted him in his joinings. it felt to inadequate, unfulfilling, and here was another opportunity granted to him by captain picher himself to nullify that disappointment. the black-furred feline sat amongst the towels that pincher had provided for many to sit. he listened eagerly to each of his clanmate's introductions, and perking his ears at some new tidbits he learns- such as that young kitten who greeted him in his joining, actually had a parental figure to care for her. listening to one more talk from another clanmate after that young kit had talked, swashbuckler immediately pounced on the right moment to talk right then and there "ahoy, fellow crewmates! m'names swashbuckler, but feel free ta call m' swash or swashie for short. ain't no need to lengthen m'name in referrin' to me!" he grinned, head darting thru and fro to different inhabitants of the clan that had decided to join on this little meet and greet, for all of them. his pirate speech seeped in alongside his normal dialect, but that was mostly due to the excitement of having all eyes on him, on getting some good attention on everyone.

"so, some few facts about me is that, i am a firm believer in a pirate's life, and i'm more than damn ready to die as one! i also am quite joyous and fond of any sea shanties abound, and m' personally a hearty singer of them, with all passion and heart. and lastly, i love me hunting for them precious booty any time and any place- since ain't we as pirates love pillaging for the booty??" for the last part, it could be easy to misinterpret his intentions that he had meant about treasure, not about the rear ends of creatures alike- for that was the least of his concerns as his goal to enrich a pirate's life the best he could alongside his crewmates. even with that finishing sentence, he still held a proud grin, all too happy about all the eyes and attention directed at him. maybe then, everyone could follow him and see how much of a true pirate he actually is.

Re: DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT — MASS MEET & GREET - Verdigris - 07-16-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Well, this was a colorful crew of pirates, even more so than he had originally realized.

  Padding over and sitting on a white towel with red stripes, Paper took a kebab for himself, but didn’t eat it right away, focusing on listening to the others. Caesar’s casual mention of destroying an entire dimension elicited a double-take from the jackal, but he eventually just shrugged and looked over at Jacob. Caesar could very easily have been lying to make himself seem tough. Sunbeam and Swashbuckler were also curious individuals, to put it lightly.

  Once Swashbuckler finished, Paper cleared his throat, then began, ”I’m Papercutter. Used to be a mercenary in the desert, but there were some serious issues within the pack, so I left and now I’m here.” That was plenty detailed enough for their purposes. ”I’m a Pisces, my favorite color is blue, and my two different colored eyes is a genetic thing.”