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Seaweed, Seaweed // Shell gifts - Printable Version

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Seaweed, Seaweed // Shell gifts - SOLVEIG - 07-14-2018

Some might find it surprising that Solveig was the crafting type. But, all things considering, the menial housework tasks of weaving, beading, and general matienence had been the cornerstone of most of her young life. And of course, the shells on the beach were plentiful, and there was more than one reason she had to spend a sweltering afternoon under the shade doing nothing more than lazing and crafting. For one, she had a gift for Pincher's daughter; for a second, she had an entire bucketful of shells and seaglass she had little mind of what to do with other than making necklaces or wind chimes.

And there was a lot of them.

What had begun as one or two simple shell necklaces had steadily grown into a small pile of various sizes and lengths; a few carefully-crafted windchimes of shells, seaglass, and bits of wood, lay next to her more gingerly. A box of threads and other beads and supplies sat next to her, and a blanket had been laid out to protect the items from the ground beneath it. Meanwhile, she sat, her paws carefully threading another bead onto a piece of string, but sighing as she looked up and glanced out across the territory. Boredom was inevitable.

"Anyone care to join me?"
//oof lazy

Re: Seaweed, Seaweed // Shell gifts - rochelle - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]"These look lovely ..." Rochelle tenderly murmured, her eyes fastened to the seaside trinkets. She padded close to them, neck craning so she could just slightly hover over the necklaces and chimes. The scent of brine and sun on the gifts was a comfort to the wolf, who smiled gently, glancing up to look at Solveig. "I'd love to join but ... I'm afraid I'm just a bit clumsy with this kind of stuff ..." The dark brown wolf gave a little laugh at herself. She was hesitant to attempt making one not for her lack of patience to sit down and thread the beads and shells, however it was her timidness of looking stupid.

But how stupid could the necklace really look, especially if she tried? "It wouldn't hurt to try, though ..." Rochelle then bobbed her head to one side, just before she took a seat nearby Solveig. Still enamored by the previous creations, she had to direct her attention to what she was now doing, intent on figuring out how to properly create one.

Re: Seaweed, Seaweed // Shell gifts - jacob w.c. - 07-14-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Jacob loved crafting. He had ever since his mother showed him how to bake, how to sew, how to draw, how to paint. She taught him everything that brought him peace and, for some time, she had been his peace. Even if she wasn't still here, he felt more at peace by doing the things she'd taught him. Maybe that was why he insisted on being a doctor. If he was doing that, then he felt like he was still making her proud of him. Even with all the nightmares and hallucinations, he knew she loved him and he hoped she'd be proud of him. He knew she wouldn't necessarily approve of Pincher, she'd never really approved of Jerseyboy despite her love for him, but she would understand. She hadn't wanted Jacob to spend so much time with him and she told him about how he was a bad influence but that never stopped her from loving either of them. He was sure she'd be alright with Pincher. Eventually. Maybe he just shouldn't think about it so much. Of course she'd support him. She'd even told him so in one of his dreams. She had been so nice in that one, just as he remembered her. Supportive and loving. Sometimes he wondered if it'd really been her. But that was impossible. Wasn't it?

Thankfully, his thoughts were drawn from the confusion of that night and instead was focused on the lovely craft before him. He approached behind Rochelle with a light smile on his maw, settling down to look at what Solveig had already created. "Wow, these are real nice lookin'. I bet Pinch n' Goldie would love 'em. They like all tha' stuff with the sea n' everythin'. I think I'll try makin' some, if ya' don' mind," Jacob spoke before glancing up towards the woman that'd created them and then to the girl who'd come just before him. "Oh, uh, 'm sorry, I don' think I've met either ah' ya'. My name's Jacob, 's nice ta' meet ya' both," he greeted warmly before dropping his gaze to the delicate creations once again. He then made his way over to the box of strings and beads and shells, slowly picking it up and setting out a few beads, trying to decide which ones to use first. He'd make Goldie's first. He had plenty of presents prepared for Pincher and he didn't want her to feel left out. [div style="width: 602px;font-family: fontname;font-size: 8pt;color: #3F4C6F;text-align: right;margin-top: -5px;"]the heavy weight of stone

Re: Seaweed, Seaweed // Shell gifts - B.Y.T.E ! - 07-15-2018

In a way, Planecrash could be considered crafty since he was a creator of nameless chemicals and robots with all sorts of purposes. But, he hadn't really created something that had no purpose than to be something you wore or gave to someone else. In some ways, it seemed a bit pointless to him and yet...he wanted to know what people liked about this sort of thing. So, he found himself drawn to the gentle call of another clanmate who appeared to be younger than himself, but who could really tell these days? His eyes moved over to the array of shells, seaglass and all sorts of things that contributed to making the lil trinkets. Hopefully his carefully hands in science could help him with this. "I-I suppose you wouldn't mind me joining on this little activity of yours? M-my name is Planecrash, by the way." He mumbled, finding himself slowly sitting down within the small group with his ears flicking in search for any sort of confirmation or otherwise, though he had already grabbed a rather pretty shell that was a light pink color, as well as a few others that caught his eye. "I've made complicated robots sure, but this is... a little out of my knowledge. I'm s-sure it won't be too hard to figure out though, right?" He commented with a chuckle, though he was already quite confused on how he put string through these solid objects without tools like drill and such. It's not like he knew everything about well....everything.

hhhhhh this isn't the best i'm sorry

Re: Seaweed, Seaweed // Shell gifts - bubblegum - 07-15-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie approached upon hearing the female's call, ears perked upward. she didn't know what she was joining in at first, but she figured she'd enjoy it based off of the interactions she had with solveig already. the girl had not made it to solveig's joining, but she had seen the female around a lot and had already taken a liking to her. she did lots of interesting things that the injured girl liked and she found her to be quite nice. she eyed the items the female had laid out as she got closer, tilting her head.

she liked to do lots of things, and crafting was included in that long list. she tried to do just about anything that she caught others doing, because she figured they'd like sharing a hobby with someone. plus, it was nice to know how to do a bunch of things. if someone else was doing it, surely she'd enjoy to do it, too. and this applied most of the time. the only time it didn't was whenever she tried to read and write, for her brother. she knew coldblue loved reading, but she just wasn't very good at it. she didn't like how much focus reading took up and how she had to sit in one place just to read a bunch of pages. she still tried very hard to, though, because she wanted to share it with her brother.

but, crafting wasn't something she had to sit really still for and focus super hard on. she could just make something small and then set it down and do something else and go back to it. goldie glanced to mister jacob - he was very much correct that she'd love these. they're great! the ocean is great. she stumbled over next to him, almost tripping but catching herself with shaky legs. she sat down with a smile, her tail twitching back and forth. "i like these a whole lot! i've actually been making lots of things for my crewmates lately...but it's a secret so you can't see 'em yet!"

Re: Seaweed, Seaweed // Shell gifts - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-15-2018

It seems like Caesar was always the downer around The Typhoon, but he definitely had fun in being the grumpy person around the group. "What's the point in making these?" The demon asked as he came over, a small snort coming from him. They were disgusting in his opinion, thought the windchimes did slightly interest him.

Re: Seaweed, Seaweed // Shell gifts - SOLVEIG - 07-15-2018

"Thank you," Solveig answered quietly to Rochelle as she approached, looking up with a faint smile as her paws paused in their work. She dipped her head softly as she began to mull over her desicion, nudging the bucket of shells al ittle closer. "You can never go wrong. The shells are already pre-punctured. Just find a stand you like and start beading. Every piece will be as unique and meaningful as the person who makes it, or whom they make it for," she answered softly, giving another encouraging nod before she glanced up to Jacob at his approach. "Good tidings, mister Jacob. I am Solveig. Please do join us- and you as well, mister Planecrash."

A small laugh would chime in their minds at Solveig's own laughter, nodding towards the mister Planecrash and his hesitancy, "Yes, sir. The necklaces are simple enough- the chimes you make take if you would like. I can make more for any interested." The chimes after all were a little more complicated, and many of those that had gathered seemed a little hesitant about the whole ordeal. Her smile softened as Golden approached, unable to help her gaze from sweeping over her many injuries; she already had a bad habit of sizing people up, but her heart couldn't help but ache to see little miss Golden in such a state all the time.

"I am glad, miss Goldie. You would look absolutely lovely with one. I bet your father would love a hand-made gift from you too. And your secret is safe with me, my dear." A faint wink of her violet eyes followed her words as she dipped her head, grabbing another shell to string onto the strand she was already working on.

...And then there was Caeser and his off handed comment. For a moment, she dared to pretend that she didn't see him, but after another moment, her gaze would lift calmly to his, "Shells have many uses, Officer Cipher. In my beliefs, shells are protection; they represent the water, the moon, and in part the Goddess. They can be used in divinition, rituals, potions; everything from love, purification, travel, strength; the change of the tide and in some manner, rebirth. The homes of creatures become talismans and trinkets for us... And they are also pretty, Officer Cipher." She paused to take a slight breath in, "The point in making them is whatever point you wish to make them for. For me, it is part of my beliefs, but it is also fun. For you, you may find it charming to sit for a time and decorate yourself in a vestment of your own making, one that reflects your grandeur," she continued on idly- perhaps she was laying the praise on a little thick, but somehow she had the idea that Caeser really wouldn't mind. "Mayhaps you make an earring of a string of seaglass and feathers, a way to always have a part of the Typhoon with you. Or perhaps the glass to you means the strength of the ocean in which it was created, the steadfastness of the waves and the loyalty of the tide."

Re: Seaweed, Seaweed // Shell gifts - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-16-2018

The fact that Solveig seemed to tie religious belief into this shell-making made Caesar snort once again, but he did appreciate how she seemed to be open to other ideas as well, such as the glass possibly representing strength and loyalty. The demon's tail flicked thoughtfully, almost soothed by the way Solveig worded her response. It was actually nice to be referred to as 'Officer Cipher', as well as being addressed as if he had some common sense. Unlike most people he knew here; they tried treating him like a child. Caesar took a seat, a thoughtful look on his face. "You've convinced me. What a surprise." Although his statement was true, his voice was just as flat as ever. He didn't want people to know he was actually impressed by Solveig's words. "So how do you make one of those... feathers and windchimes?"