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Love Poison no. 9 // Discovery - Printable Version

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Love Poison no. 9 // Discovery - SOLVEIG - 07-14-2018

//WOAH this got a lot longer than I thought it would be because I wrote it over the span of like 3 hours in different parts. TLDR: A crate washes up on shore and Solveig finds some sort of Egg from a crate supposedly from Africa.

The Typhoon shores and ocean certainly had a knack for drawing in lost things. People, primarily, objects and trinkets second, but these were the common occurrences that Solveig had grown used to in her time here. After all, they were on a tropical island; one was to expect seashells or seaweed, or the occasionally water-logged creature that ended up joining. For today's idle wander around the shore of the Typhoon territory,  Solveig had tasked herself with gathering seashells. Of course, she had no specific reason for doing so, other than perhaps using them in some sort of craft. Perhaps miss Goldie- Pincher's child, she believed?- would appreciate a nice necklace. Despite some popular belief, Solveig wasn't all that mysterious and terrible of a person.

A small bucket in her paws was becoming steadily full of shells of all types, her white paws now dirty and sandy from her bit of digging to unearth some of the larger ones. For once, Solveig appeared to have little care for the fact her snow-white fur was dirty, if anything, the act of gathering seashells was a calming one. The softness of sand beneath her paws, the sound of the waves gently crashing against the shore, the light catching on the bits of glistening dew on the shells themselves. Even for the tropics and the humidity, perhaps she was actually enjoying herself for once.

Wasn't that a miracle.

Of course it seemed that her day of normality was never going to stay normal. It started as she looked out across the tide of the ocean as she wandered closer to the shoreline and the soft white foam that crashed up against the sands. Out in the distance, steadily coming in on the tide, a large box-like object was steadily making its way in. How curious...
Unable to help herself, Solveig took a few steps out into the water the closer the strange box got to the shore, daring to step a little deeper as the waves gently crashed against her body, reaching out towards the crate as it threatened to be carried straight back out. Hooking a paw around the top, she began to slowly drag it back into shore, though surprisingly, it was strangely light.

Once her paws were safely back on sand, and the crate with it, she got a better survey of it. THe crate was a dark wood, waterlogged by so much time at sea. What once had been writing on the crate had begun to fade from the harshness of the salt water, though one word written across the side could still be barely made out: Africa. What was an Africa? Maybe it was a thing? Or a place? OR... Well, it could be anything, really. How was Solveig to know? Regardless of what it was, she had to admit she was far more curious of what was inside of the thing. Much to her delight, the top of the crate was far drier than the bottom. It took a bit of effort to pry the boards off the top, but after some amount of struggle, it gave to reveal the content of the crates.

Which Solveig could frankly describe as a disappointment. It smelled awful for one, like rotting seaweed unpleasant ocean, and the contents, whatever it was, was mixed with the wood-chip packing. Except, whatever it had been had been smashed, bits of shell and some... Well, she didn't really want to know what that goo was, spread through the crate. Was this it? Really? A bunch of broken sea sewage? Perhaps out of annoyance or sheer stubbornness, Solveig wasn't going to have it. No matter how gross it was, she lifted a paw- then hesitated a moment, before she began digging down into the wood chipping, trying to see what else she could unearth. The deeper she went, the more the shells were less shattered and more chipped and cracked- but at least she could discern they were some sort of shell.. or sac thing rather.

She was almost about to give up until she brushed away another layer of the woodchipping. It was another egg, but this one, unlike the others, was seemingly untouched, carefully packed away in the middle of the crate where it had less of a chance to jostle against the hard edges. Slowly, carefully, she pulled it free of the rest of the crate, carefully cradling the large egg in one paw. It was whole, a little dirty, but... Was whatever in it still alive? The tropics were warm, even the water was to some degree, and it was packed deep into the box- maybe it was? Maybe there was a chance for it?

Maybe she would just have to find out.


Re: Love Poison no. 9 // Discovery - jacob w.c. - 07-14-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Jacob didn't think he'd ever really found anything that cool on the beach. He'd found some pretty near shells one time. No, the reason Jacob came to Typhoon wasn't because of whatever he might find on the beach. He came because of Goldie and Deniz. He loved them, so, so much. He didn't have to find any treasure while he was here because he had them. Still, it'd be pretty neat to find something cool. He had to admit, it was nice looking around the beach, though. All the different rocks and shells have him a good reason to stop on his morning walks, which gave him a good reason to rest his legs. If anyone ever came by, he just said he was looking at an interesting geode he'd found rather than saying his legs were rapidly deteriorating due to severe damage from a fire he didn't like talking about and that no one actually knew about other than Jerseyboy and Pincher. While the incident with Caesar may have revealed he wasn't particularly fond of the substance, it didn't prove what happened. Still, he knew his clanmates must have some sort of suspicion regarding it all. With the way he stayed bandaged up and seemed to limp just about everywhere he went these days, someone had to know besides just Pincher. He knew Goldie worried, and he felt awful about that. She was so young, she shouldn't have to worry about anything. He supposed there was nothing he could do about that, though.

He had just finished one of his breaks, unsure of how long he'd sat in the same spot, pondering the same question, when he was Solvieg down the beach with some sort of box. He pushed himself to his paws, barely containing a grimace as he made his way towards her. After a couple weeks of being here now, he'd grown used to the shifting sand beneath his paws, even if it made it a bit more difficult to walk. It was more forgiving than the cold ground in Snowbound and he found himself both pleased and displeased with that. He felt a though this softness should make things easier but that didn't seem to be the case. It was too soft. The gentleness that he'd usual welcome made it harder for him to see. He almost wondered if that could be related to the tension he felt when things were easy. Even when nothing bad was happening, it was like his entire body tensed in anticipation of some kind of attack or atrocity. He needed to relax. The only way he could do that was to make distractions for himself, usually by setting goals that probably would mean very little in the grand scheme of things, sort of like walking towards Solvieg and her weird box.

"Solveig! Did ya' jus' find tha' 'ere?" the man called as he made his way over, soon coming beside her to look at the egg she held. He let a soft frown come to his maw as he looked it over. "Oh, gosh. What do ya' think's in tha'?"]/color] he asked before pausing a moment in thought. He tried to think of anything he'd seen like it before but he wasn't particularly great with identifying eggs unless it came to do with small birds. He loved birds, especially as a child, and he'd read just about everything he could get his paws on regarding them. This was definitely not a small bird, though. [color=#3f4c6f]"Ya' know, Roxie might be a good person ta' ask 'bout tha'. I know she knows a whole lot 'bout reptiles n' eggs n' stuff so I think she might help ya' identify it 'fore whatever it is hatches. Ya' also will wanna' find out so ya' know how ta' take care of it," he suggested, glancing to her and then back to the egg as he spoke.
the heavy weight of stone

Re: Love Poison no. 9 // Discovery - PINCHER - 07-17-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Piincher tended to find a lot of things when he had lived on the island as a child though he had to admit it had only been one or two months before he was taken away from his mother and never saw the island until returning on his own, fully grown and preparing to lead the Typhoon into a new stage of life. However, as a child, Pincher had been able to have all the free time he could desire to go out and discover new mysteries that washed ashore the crystalline beaches of the tropical island. As a captain, not so much. He tended to be trapped inside his submarine, furiously scribbling and planting sticky notes that were filled with todolist. He had to do this. He had to do that. Personally, it frustrated him that the Earth had only twenty-four hours for him to cramp all the shit he wanted to do in one day. He would much rather live in a planet that at least gave him fourty hours, perhaps that would give him enough time to finally complete all he had to do. The only times he ever went out was to make sure Goldie, Blue, and Jacob were okay as well as brief smoke breaks to help soothe the chronic headaches he suffered.

For now, he had decided to go check up on Jacob as he stepped out of their submarine home, slowly closing the door behind him with his magnetic icy blue eyes flickering around in search for his boyfriend. His forked tongue briefly stuck out, tracing the air quickly and managing to pick up the trail. Rolling his broad shoulders, the lean jaguar followed after with his lean legs used to the slopes of the sand. It was nice living on the beach especially since it became a daily workout to walk through sand, increasing the vitality of his crewmates so normal ground was easy to walk on compared to sand. However, he tended to worry for Jacob but hoped the sand was better for his legs as the wildcat spotted the male as well as the small figure of Solveig. As he brushed up against the other male and went to press his muzzle against his cheek in a little kiss, Pincher looked down on the lavender eyed Soothsayer as she appeared to have found an egg within a crate. "Do you think it's still alive?" He questioned, glacier blue gaze locked onto the peculiar egg. It certainly didn't appear like a normal bird egg so he guessed it was most likely reptilian but Pincher wasn't so sure so he didn't jump to conclusions.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]