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open, super au [✯] HE'S A FRIEND FROM WORK - Printable Version

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open, super au [✯] HE'S A FRIEND FROM WORK - Keona. - 07-13-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Days that start off normal and quiet typically don't stay that way.  That said, little Keona ó Faoláin looked, by all accounts, completely care-free.  Why shouldn't she?  The child sat, upside down of all ways, on the monkey bars of a presently vacant playground.  This early in the morning, the park was rather empty.  No doubt that the girl's father was around, ensuring their overactive german shepherd was getting some exercise by playing catch or just running about in the grassy field beside the playground.

Keona had earphones plugged in, with her phone safely tucked in her blue jeans.  Her - supposedly 'absolutely adorable' - sailor sun hat had fallen to the ground.  Her father, when he was not saving the city from some villain or disaster, had a habit of dressing her up in themes, but they always circled back to country pride - they were proud Irishmen after all, even if she was half Hawaiian - or the ocean.  Her blue and white striped shirt gave that away easily.  To be honest, Keona didn't care so much about whether or not she was 'cute'; not like she could look in a mirror anyway.

The blind girl hummed softly, long, messy curls swaying in the wind.  Albeit young, it was already clear Keona was a "super"-in-the-making.  She came from a family of them after all, and already exhibited signs of a power.  She was an empath, of all things.  Something that made up for her lack of sight sometimes; she always knew when someone was nearby.  Any sentient creature really.  She could almost always detect a nearby mind's presence, and tell the difference if it was human or animal.  Dogs were the easiest.

Thus, a child no older than eight, was actively aware of the super-powered world, if not with just a little naivety.  Despite knowing full well she came from a family of superheroes - and one supervillain - Keona had little more caution than any other child her age.  She did not know the names or presences of many other supers, and didn't even pay them mind most days.

She did however, know full well, that at any time of the day something could happen and her father would zoom away to be the hero, leaving her with Tara or a nanny even.  She hated that sometimes.  She would never ask to be normal, not when she was from a wealthy family, and not to mention blind, but she could at least ask to keep her father around, couldn't she?

It was just inconveniencing really.

Well, it was still early; more than a full day for potential trouble awaiting.  Blissfully ignoring - or perhaps even unaware of that fact - the super-powered girl continued listening to her music, singing along without much thought - with a well-rehearsed, if not a tad quiet voice - to Aloha Oe, followed by an enthusiastic rendition of Coco's Un Poco Loco.  Even the super-powered children of wealthy superheroes liked some Disney and Pixar.

Her surroundings just didn't really matter at this point.  Though an absent thought lingered in the depths of her mind; what if something did happen while they were out? They were alone at the moment.  No backup.  No nannies.  The rest of brain focused on remembering each word of the fun, fast-paced song.
code by spacexual

Re: open, super au [✯] HE'S A FRIEND FROM WORK - Kian. - 07-14-2018

So bring on all the monsters, That lie sleeping in the blue
I'll fight 'em all bare handed, Screaming I ain't scared of you
Kian arched his arm and sent the yellow tennis ball soaring through the air, watching with amused eyes as their German Shepherd, Tara raced across the field in pursuit.  The Irishman breathed in the fresh air softly, glad to enjoy some peace and quiet outside, even if it meant getting up in the early hours of the morning.  As long as Keona and Tara didn't mind, which they didn't seem to, it was all good.

Hopefully, he was not particularly recognizable.  He'd been keeping his lives separate this far and he wanted to keep it that way.  With his sweater vest and dorky glasses that he didn't actually need, the wealthy man did not look like the super he was in disguise.  Couldn't do much about the semi-long, wavy, red hair.  Not for the first time he was glad for the reclusiveness of their family home, and that most people probably wouldn't recognize him anyway.  He was wealthy mostly for being a member of his family, although he was also a talented musician.

Keona shouldn't be recognizable at all.  Her budding powers as an empath was not common knowledge.  Not to mention, Kian liked to keep her away from prying eyes.  No media.  No reporters.  Private tutors and close friends and family only.  Not that, he doubted other supers might know or suspect about her.  He was not the only super in his family.  He was the only hydrokinetic in the line and he was just fretting for the day Keona might exhibit signs of more power.  He himself was a 'charm speaker’ on top of his ability to manipulate water.  Hopefully, if she wasn't done developing powers, she displayed them in the safety of home.

Kian grinned as Tara preformed a rather high leap in another catch.  Today was off to a rather good start, his constant worries aside.  Not for the first, or last, time, he spared a quick glance towards his daughter, trying not to bite his lip at her hanging.

// Mobile
typhoon | rusty spotted cat | #faesquad |
© madi

Re: open, super au [✯] HE'S A FRIEND FROM WORK - PINCHER - 07-17-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher was a no good cursed villian or so he thought. He knew he wasn't as malicious as villians should be, his ambitions only focusing on personal gain that satisfied him and not total world domination. He was a criminal that was for sure, with multiple crimes already hanging over his head but the excitement was that no one could really do anything about it. He had been a lowly poor child that had risen to become an incredibly successful businessman with his company, the proud Rouxes. They were an intimidating foe for both company and other manners since he did lead an underground gang that even intimidated the police of the city they lived in. It was frankly becoming too easy for his liking so he had decided to focus on just doing "good" things like creating orphanages or shelters for people that struggled like he had as a dirty runt. As a villian, he tended to just try to put leverage into his company, going out and sneaking into other business to find out their shit under the carpet or secrets that would benefit him. And when he was caught, well it was rather easy due to his super strength.

Since he got his power, he tended to fuck around with it. Going against massive towering people and kicking their ass was certainly satisfying. Despite being a tall and muscular man, Pincher enjoyed the benefit of having the strength to kick a car aside without much effort. Right now, he was simply strolling around with his cool icy blue eyes locked onto the playground as the tanned man caught sight of a man he faintly recognized. Wealthy men tended to go to wealthy parties so a sly smirk laced his lips as the black haired businessman strode to stand a little far off where the two were located. "I didn't know ya had a daughter, Kian. She's got a gimmick and everything." Pincher joked, his low rumbling voice laced with false warmth.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: open, super au [✯] HE'S A FRIEND FROM WORK - VANDAL R. - 07-17-2018

Like the other Roux, Max "Vandal" Roux has earned quite the reputation for herself; unlike the other Roux, Vandal hasn't exactly left her vandal ways. While not quite a villain nor a hero, Vandal has the amazing superpower of turning into a mutated mutt, of all things, to freak the rival gangs straight out of town - and one would think a big black dog with a glowing green tongue wouldn't be all that scary, but the people she's chased out beg to differ. It's not a particularly nice sight to see in a dark alley, especially when said creature is already splatted with blood, but she can at least admit that she's not so terrifying in the daylight.

In fact, sometimes she's actually referred to as the family's "cutest guard dog" by the other Roux - and, much as she scoffs at it, she's self-aware enough to know that the title isn't exactly inaccurate. Recently, gang activity has started to die down, with the Roux staying clear above the rest under everybody else's careful guidance, so she's taken to following Pincher around like an actual hound dog. The tall, lanky woman goes where Pincher goes - and he seems to be going to a park of all places? Eh, if that's what he wants.

Vandal stays a few paces back from her brother but she knows that he knows she's there. Her vivid, neon-green eyes scan the surroundings once, twice, honing in on everybody around them and looking them over for anything out of the ordinary. Those few people who try to meet her gaze end up shrinking away. With an unnervingly sharp gaze, knuckledusters on her fists, and a beat-up black jacket, it's clear that she's not one to be pushed over - and they know that well enough to keep their distance and their eyes away.

When she's sure it's a little safer, she wanders closer over to Pincher, dusting her fingertips lightly across his shoulder before turning her bright gaze to the young girl. She's singing, Vandal notices, although she has to strain to hear the voice. "M'not quite sure who either of you's are. Vandal Roux. The scrappy one."

Re: open, super au [✯] HE'S A FRIEND FROM WORK - SÉAMUS - 07-19-2018

Here comes trouble -

No doubt about it; the fact Séamus was the "bad egg" of the Ó Faoláin family was hilarious to him.  Of course, he had always been the more mischievous of the twins.  The life of a "hero" just was not for him.  The illusionist had gotten sick and tired of being second-best.  The smallest.  The scrawniest.  The weakest.  When family ties snapped years ago, he turned down a path the others could not follow.  If they did, it was only ever in pursuit.  Something else that cracked him up sometimes.  Even if the attention was bad, it was still his brothers paying mind to him.

The umbrakinetic man liked stirring up trouble, just for trouble's sake.  Spreading a little chaos here and there was fun. Of course, the "bad egg" was an intelligent, charming man.  For those who didn't know him well - and many aside from his "crew" - did not - he was another member of the city's elite.  To the underground, he was one of the best black market dealers.  Assassin.  Thief.  Something of a... Pirate really.  That's the way he liked it.

In the early hours of the morning, it was easy to slip into shadows, turn invisible.  Yet it was rather entertaining to walk broadly as well, and that's exactly how Séamus walked now, turning his piercing sea-green eyes on a group of four in the park.  He could recognize his twin from ten miles away.  The Rouxes were familiar enough.  The child was... Oh. Yes.  He knew who she was.  He wondered, idly, if she had inherited any of the family's abilities.

With an almost peppy hum, he made his way across the park, the shadows of trees and clouds seeming to tail him from afar.  "Ain't this is fun," the Irishman sang, grinning amiably.  He did not need charmspeak to be... Charming or convincingly pleasant, though he imagined that sort of power came in handy.  "How're you all this mornin'?" While it truly was curious - and a sight really - to see the Rouxes and his brother - fully aware of the Roux reputation and of his brothers' status as a hero - his true attention desired to linger on the child swinging upside from the monkey bars.

A part of him wondered if a blind girl really should do that; she could bump her head; even children with seeing eyes did that often enough.  The other part, far more devious, wondered if he could potentially steal her away from Kian long enough to test her, see what she could do, if anything.