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open, betta ceremony [★] blackbird - Printable Version

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open, betta ceremony [★] blackbird - Keona. - 07-12-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The crack of dawn was the tiny fae's typical time of waking.  It served no real purpose typically; most children slept in a little longer, but Keona was of a more restless nature.  It may also be due to old habits; she'd often been woken up by the sound of activity above deck on her father's old ship, and risen with the rest of the crew, even if she could've stayed in bed if she had chosen to.  There just never seemed to be a reason. If she was up, she was up.

Now she was up, with a purpose.

Restlessly, the child waited for her father with the map.  He had worked with some npcs to set up one better suited for Keona's needs when she informed him she planned on going through the ceremony, and with that safely in her jaws, the child was off, waving her tail in an excited farewell and weighed down a little by a fretful father's insistence to have something on her to help carry things.  Two little bags harnessed on, so she didn't have to hold each figurine in her jaws - like she even could.  And, to her annoyance, a little whistle, dangling off her throat, just in case she got lost or hurt.

Keona's knowledge of the island was based off of scent, sound and feel.  Thus, the map made things a little difficult.  If she was honest, she wished she could've asked someone to may give her three riddles as clues to locations then found them that way.  But the tiny feline wanted to do this the way it was traditionally done.  So, chewing the inside of her cheek, she sat down on the shore, grazing her paw over the lines of the map, slowly tracing up to each X.  Her brows creased lightly as she tried to match each location with place names.  One X was somewhere along the railroad - that wouldn't be too hard to find since she knew that area - another near a waterfall - it was close to home base, but she didn't know what the place was called - and the last... Was that on the bay? No... That seemed unlikely, she must be reading it wrong, she'd figure it out she was sure.  It was weird feeling too; she couldn't recognize the shape.

Well, she'd start with the waterfall first.  The mountain was fairly close after all; much more so than the railroad.  Path set, the fae began surefootedly towards her first destination, humming an old sailor's tune under her breath.  Her step was light and quick, but she didn't truly glow until she heard the rush of falling water.  Using her ears, Keona noted no river; the water fell into a deep pool.  The kitten stepped close to the edge, dipping her paw and shivering.  She followed the outline of the pool until she met sand, crouching low to the ground, feeling with her whiskers, tail flicking.  It was somewhere aroun- Oh. There were stairs.  Hesitantly, Keona stretched out a paw, feeling out the stone.  With creased brow, she grazed the first step with her whiskers, wondering if- Ah-hah.  She brushed by something small and wooden, leaning against the rock.  She raised a paw, tracing out the shape; a sword... Ray's tail.  Grim Rays.  She slipped into a pouch.  That was one out of three down.  Next stop; the railroad.

The sun was risen high as she dove into the rainforest; she felt it on her back through the small open spaces between the trees.  She was on a mission, so there was no need to be 'stealthy' - this had to be one of the rare exceptions of times when her father was alright with her being by herself - and happily giggled at the sound of crunching leaves beneath her paws.  Of course, some were larger than her, and Keona had to press down with great concentration if she wanted it to break and that just seemed rude to her.  The leaves on the forest floor were dead, she supposes - they couldn't get a lot of sunlight down here could they? And they weren't connected to their tree anymore - but she does not want to be actively rude.  It was more fun when it was an accidental crunch, a giggle, and a quiet apology.

The forest was alive.  Little rustles signaled a small critter racing around nearby, or perhaps it was an insect.  Keona, being rather on the tiny side herself, could never really be sure.  Unless it buzzed.  Then she definitely knew.  Chaotic as it was, the lone feline felt peaceful.  She liked being out by herself.  No one to be worried about.  Ironically, she was mostly worried about them worrying about her.  She had to wonder sometimes; what her crew-mates actually thought of her.  Did they see another kid, or did they look at her differently, see something else? Someone smaller, weaker, less capable, than others?  Would they be right?

The sharp cra-ack of a stick breaking broke her out of her thoughts.  Keona paused, then heard a small rodent scurry away.  She'd been walking long enough; she must be close.  When her paws splashed into water, she knew she was at the strip.  The tide was low at least.  The child hummed quietly, than wandered around, deciding not to leave the island.  Where to... Was that a beetle? Keona giggled when her nose brushed against shell, then grit her teeth, pulling back.  Focus. The fae blinked when she found the crashed train.  From the feel of it; it was overgrown.  Nice to know flowers grew even on old, strange metal devices.

Keona tripped on the next figurine.  The wooden object had been sticking just out of the ground beside the old train.  She let out a quiet grunt, followed by a soft whine as she hit her chin on the ground.  "Ow..." With a frown, she jumped up to her feet, and nosed the figurine.  Long and slender... Wrapped around something... A bottle?  Must be the snake.  Necro Mambas. Two down, one more to go.

The Striker smiled, then set down her map for another look.  Keona glazed her paw over the paper once more, chewing the inside of her cheek.  Still... By the bay?  What is that shape?  Round top... Little legs... Not a crab.  Not a butterfly.  "... Tu... Turtle?  Tofu?" No, no, no.  That was all the way back at the bay!  It was the heart of the bay, for god's sake.  The child dropped, chin resting moodily on the dirt.  She had to go all the way back now... Then climb to the top of the volcano afterwards...

Lips pulled back in a pout, Keona began the process of re-tracing her steps.  By the time her paws reached sand again, her ears were pinned back, tail was dragging.  She was sleepy.  Her eyes burned.  A yawn bubbled out of her mouth as she very nearly bumped into the massive turtle she was looking for.  "Hi Tofu," she mumbled.  Ear flicking, she circled around the statue, starting up another old tune under her breath, music lifting her spirits.  Was it buried under the sand maybe?

Keona padded slowly in a circle around the turtle, until she rested at the front.  With a determined glint in her eyes, she started to dig a little in small spurts, the urge to give up and lay down for a little while creeping up on her like a fox in the night.  The petite feline was fighting back yet another yawn when she hit it.  Finally! Excitedly, she dragged the final wooden figure away from the turtle, tracing the shape with near reverence.  A rat, holding something flat and square - must be the card - and something in it's slender tail.  The key?  Blackjack Rats.

The trip up to the volcano felt too fast.  Not a long enough amount of time to think.  Keona felt her paws shake as she found the edge.  She could hear the bubble of magma below.  That stuff melted everything it was so hot.  Yet, she might as well be in he arctic the way she trembled.  She didn't want to be here.  She wanted to be far, far away from such a high up, perilous position.  Keona's breath came in quick, shallow gasps and she closed her eyes tight as she tried to get a hold on herself.  She was not gonna fall.  Not gonna fall.  No.  But she did have to push two figurines down.

Grinding her teeth, Keona pulled out each figure, setting them just in front of her paws.  Warfare.  Medicine.  Commune.  The child did not have to think hard on just how useless she would be to warfare, and not just because she was blind.  The last thing she wanted to think about was violence.  Besides, she had trouble not imagining the 'fun' she would surely have, training to be an effective member of that division.  As far as medicine went, Keona only had a passing interest.  Her father knew some about it, which had honestly surprised her.  It sounded nice, knowing how to help others... There was magic too, that she had to consider.

Keona tried to imagine practicing voodoo magic.  Weird.

The fae pursed her lips.  Commune was... Social.  While she was not truly shy, Keona was a soft-spoken girl.  She liked her space.  But it was... Helpful too, wasn't it?  It meant bringing everyone closer... It could also mean spy work, which helped the Typhoon stay on top of things.

With a nod to herself, Keona made her decision.  Double checking each figurine's shape, the frightful kitten pushed them off the edge, not staying to hear them sizzle into the lava below.  Her legs were still trembling when she found the division's totem pole.  She wondered just how small of a print her paw left compared to everyone else.

That done, it was time to return.  The remaining figurine, the rat, bounced in her pouch as, tired but at peace with having made a choice, Keona returned to the bay, wondering if she should find her father, or just take a nap in the warm sand.

[ 1694 words.
td;lr blood division ceremony.  Some brief thinking about whether or not others see her as weak or not, and if they're right for thinking so.  She's got a little cut on her chin, that's not really bothering her, but it's probably noticeable, since she hit it kinda hard when she tripped.  Near panic attack at the volcano bc of height.  Joined the Blackjack Rats.  Now she's lingering around the beach, not sure if she should take a nap or go find her fam. ]
code by spacexual

Re: open, betta ceremony [★] blackbird - jacob w.c. - 07-13-2018

THE BLUE AND GREEN BELOW IS A MASTERPIECE — If he was being completely honest, Jacob didn't know much about Typhoon's rules and traditions. He probably should, given he lived here now, but he just hadn't really gotten around to asking anyone about it. He knew there were different divisions for medicine and warfare and... spying? He was pretty sure that was what it was. He also knew about the usual ritual to become a full member, taking the juice that made you hallucinate and all that. He supposed he should ask if he was supposed to do that again but he assumed he wouldn't have to. After all, he'd accidentally taken it when coming to Typhoon before so he didn't see why he should have to. He'd have to get around to asking Pincher about it, though. He wouldn't want to skip any of the things he was supposed to do. He wanted to be a proper member here now. Jacob intended for this place to be his last home. A last stop after a life of going from place to place, never really being rooted for fear of it all being stolen away. He wouldn't let himself get forced out this time. He loved the people here, both his friends and his family, and he had no intention of letting anyone scare him away from them again. No matter what came, whether it be Archie or some other menace, he wasn't going to leave.

Today, though, Jacob wasn't trying to figure out traditions or setting himself up with a determine attitude. No, today was just a normal day. He'd taken the herbs this morning for his leg, did a few stretches, and then went out for his usual walk. He'd had to figure out a new route in the Typhoon when he first came. The first few days had been a little rough, because he didn't have his complete bearings on the island and he wasn't exactly sure how long it took him to get from one place to the next. He did want to take advantage of the different terrain here, even if just on occasion, to see if any of it affected his legs. So, today he had decided to walk down to the beach. He figured that once he got down there, if it was too much there was nothing stopping him from turning around and just going in early for the day. He knew walking in the shifting sand would be more difficult but he hoped that also meant it'd be more efficient than just walking around flat land every morning. There was a very gentle balance of how much Jacob could and couldn't do, though, and he wanted to take it easy these first few days.

If he collapsed and there was no one to get him, who knows how long he'd be sitting there by himself. Sometimes he thought about asking Pincher to come with him on his morning walks but he didn't want to seem too needy. The captain already had plenty to do. Maybe he'd invite Goldie to come alongside him. He wanted to talk to her more anyway and this would certainly offer an opportunity to do that. Besides, she might not assume it was because of his legs given she'd never seen the extent of the damage to them, and then she wouldn't worry as much as Pincher would. Jacob wasn't really keen on the idea of admitting that his legs were still getting worse. His herbs and treatments and stretches had slowed and even improved them at one time but it had been too long now. After the fire, he knew there was no chance of him returning to normal. There was far too much damage for that. Still, he clung to these stupid legs like if he let go, then he would be admitting defeat. Everyone would see him as being weak and as being someone who couldn't push through their problems. After everything he'd been though, he couldn't stand the thought of that.

It was true that Jacob often doubted himself and wondered if he could really push through all that'd happened, but that didn't mean he wanted other people thinking things like that. He wanted to be the resilient one, who always seemed to bounce back from impossible situations. Sometimes he even felt like he was that person. After the fire, he'd been the one who pushed for his own recovery. He'd made his own wheelchair, he'd found out what treatments were best for himself, he researched physical therapy and nerve damage to no end. After his Ma died, he had taken full responsibility of himself medically. While he was grieving, he knew that he couldn't just sit and do nothing and so he had thrown himself into his work. After awhile, the grief caught up with him but not before he'd been forced away from his home. He moved to Snowbound not long after his Ma's death and after the fire. He'd wanted to stay then, too. He didn't want to run. But then they'd tried to attack Jersey and Jacob knew he wouldn't be able to handle losing yet another family member because of people that wanted to hurt him.

Jacob let out a soft sigh as he wandered to the beach, his paws sinking in the warm sand. He had to admit, the warm weather here was nice. Even with his sweater and his bandages, it was still nice in the morning. The afternoons were a little rough for him but that was easily solved by finding a shady spot or dipping his paws in the water. As he was walking, he noticed Keona nearby. He had no idea about the journey she'd just been on but he did notice the little scratch on her face. It wasn't anything awful but he wouldn't feel right just leaving it exposed. "Keona!" he called as he moved towards the young girl, fighting the flow of the sand with each step. Eventually, he arrived in front of her and looked at the cut, already shuffling through his bag for the proper herbs. "Where've ya' been? Ya' jus' got a li'l cut on your chin. It ain't nothin' bad but I can cover it up for ya', if ya' want. I jus' don' want it gettin' infected or somethin', especially with ya' bein' out by all this sand," he explained as he pulled a small amount of marigold and some cobwebs from his bag. — BUT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL LIKE I'VE NEVER SEEN


Re: open, betta ceremony [★] blackbird - Keona. - 07-15-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Truly it was a miracle Keona never slipped in the sand, though she often skidded.  The kitten had a habit of running, and skidding, practically everywhere she went, so long as it was familiar enough.  She heard Jacob's approach before she heard him speak, as the sand shifted beneath his paws.  Her own paws bounced, kneading into the same sand.  She felt a strange mix of exhaustion and exhilaration; she could drop or she could run a mile.

Not that her father would be thrilled at either.  He'd flip.  Perhaps it was better someone else had spotted her first.  She craned her neck upwards, ears perked in attention.  Jacob was growing to be a more and more familiar presence.  Keona didn't mind having him around though.  He did seem a bit... Like a worrywart sometimes.  Given he was into all that healing stuff though, her brain decided it was unsurprising, even normal or fitting.

Still, she took an almost startled step back before blinking.  She got cut?  The child's brow creased briefly.  What- Oh.  It must've been when she tripped on the Necro Mamba's figurine.  Unfortunately, the irony of that was completely lost on her young, irony-oblivious mind.  Instead, anxiety invaded her thoughts and stomach.  It was just a little cut, a scrape, but she was in no mood for the inevitable fussing that she'd endear if her father saw it.  Not much to do about it though, beside making sure it didn't get infected.  "M'kay," the fae murmured.  If not now anyway, it'd happen later; her father would never let it go untaken care of.  "Thanks Mister Jacob."

With a flick of her ear, she smiled a little meekly.  "'m a Blackjack Rat now." It felt nice to say it out loud.  She'd be showing off her choice to her family sooner or later too.  She kept all the nervousness about whether or not they'd like that choice inside.  It was up to her after all, and even if they all joined different divisions, they were still a family and crewmates.  "Did tha ceremony." Oblivious, Keona figured Jacob probably knew about it all.  He was an official crewmate now, but he'd been around before, as an ally and being a personal friend of the captain.  "... I tripped on one of the figurines," she added with a grin.

"Doesn't hurt though," she offered, a little hastily even.  Some part of the child recognized if anyone wouldn't judge her for falling it'd be Jacob.  Nonetheless, she felt the need.  All kits tripped every once and a while; they weren't fully coordinated after all, but messing up seemed like a death sentence where Keona was concerned.  It'd be so easy for someone to blame her lack of sight rather than childish error, to point out she was weaker because of it.  The tiny feline could name at least one who'd probably think that off the top of her head but truthfully she knows she's overthinking and maybe being a little paranoid.  Not many had really been mean to her at all here, much less in regards to her eyes. It was Keona herself being dramatic and making things hard on herself.

Sometimes, the worry and the fussing made sense.  No matter the circumstances... She never appreciated it, not really... Though she knew she could easily use it to her advantage, just as every child learned how to get their way.  In the end, there was nothing to be done; she had to live with it.  And try not to overthink everything.
code by spacexual