Beasts of Beyond
EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // The Pitt, joining - Printable Version

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EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // The Pitt, joining - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 07-11-2018

It was about damn time he found this place. Dante let out an irritated grunt as he reached The Pitt’s territory, his shark-like tail flicking as he studied their terrain.  Despite what he looked like, he quite liked living in the desert, and honestly, being near the water only made him want to dip into it swim, which was absolutely hard to do with the wings he had. So Dante waited at the border, silent, his gaze searching for somebody to approach him.


Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // The Pitt, joining - pallid-i - 07-12-2018

One Chance
Yes Man should really be checking for new people, else he would lose potential members. Which is something he is sure as hell he doesn't want. So the feline made his way over to the border and looked at Dante, smiling wide enough to expose pearly white teeth. "Hello there! What can I do for you?" He asked with a small tilt of his head. This guy looked... weird, to say the least. Yes Man would say something, or maybe even ask a question, but he didn't want to come off as rude.
code by spacexual

Re: EVERYBODY GETS HIGH // The Pitt, joining - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 07-12-2018

Dante didn't really mind the questions, if he was honest. In fact, he took pride in the fact he was a hybrid - quite a rare one, in fact. He was the only one of his kind, as far as he was aware - and concerned about. Dante's ears flicked as Yes Man addressed him and the strange feline allowed himself to grin back, showing off his sharp teeth (and not just the ones that already stuck out of his mouth). "Dante Northwest." He rumbled. "Here t' join."