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But you are beautiful // open // like I've never seen - Printable Version

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But you are beautiful // open // like I've never seen - jacob w.c. - 07-11-2018

THE BLUE AND GREEN BELOW IS A MASTERPIECE — When Jacob came to the Typhoon, he knew he wanted to do something special for Pincher. It seemed like the other man was always getting him presents or surprising him and he finally wanted to do something nice. Not only that, but Jacob wanted to get to know the current residents of the Typhoon better. While he knew most of the Roux family fairly well and some of the older members, he knew there must be a great man he hadn't let met. So, that's when he set to work to fix all of that. He knew that Deniz had been stressed recently and it'd be good of him to take some time off and relax. He'd never do it, though, and so Jacob would make him relax without him even realizing it. Now that he didn't have to manage anyone or anything, he had lots of time. So, he first started with putting together some gifts. Some were personalized but he also made several that were more general just in case there was anyone he didn't know. He didn't want to make anyone think they were left out, after all.

He'd found a nice space to set up a bunch of handmade blankets and pillows and had a large line of food made of mostly pasta, soups, and salads. There were multiple options for every food he had out and he was confident there'd be plenty for anyone that came. There was another table for various drinks, both alcoholic and not, and a table for desserts, which was mostly filled with all sorts of pastries. He'd also left a space open among all the blankets and set up strings to make a square and little speakers he'd found some time ago to play music in case anyone would like to dance. He had plenty of candles out to set the mood, though they were all battery operated. He didn't want to risk someone knocking one over by accident and lighting it all on fire. Not only that, but Jacob was far from comfortable being around that much fire at one time.

He'd left a note near where Pincher generally worked, knowing he'd have to see it eventually, and asked him to come to this particular location urgently for something important. It was vague and a bit misleading but Jacob wasn't sure if he'd accept an offer to a party, he'd argue there was too much work to be done, but hopefully this would change that. He set up all the gifts on a table, all with different colored wrapping so he could identify which ones were for who. There was a small sign on the table saying that if anyone would like a present, they'd just have to ask Jake and he'd happily get them one. He kept a smaller box in the bag he always carried with him, not wanting to waste a moment when Pincher would arrive. He'd scattered invitations around earlier in the day, stating that the event was a way to meet some of the new Typhoon members and where they could all eat some good food together. Now that everything was done, all there was left to do was wait for his guests to arrive. — BUT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL LIKE I'VE NEVER SEEN


Re: But you are beautiful // open // like I've never seen - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-11-2018

Pincher probably would have come regardless of being told it was an actual party or not, but of course Caesar couldn't make that comment out loud since he hadn't been aware of Jacob's note to the Captain. Sure, there were lots of things to do and get done, but Pincher wasn't the type to miss parties. At least, Caesar assumed not, anyway.

The demon was honestly quite surprised to find an invite to Jacob's party, but he definitely wasn't taking any chance to miss one. Whenever there was a party somewhere, there was bound to be booze, which meant he could get absolutely fucked up. So of course Caesar was here, looking around the place. "I gotta say, Jake-a-boy, you've outdone yourself." His words weren't entirely genuine, but he did like a little bit of the set up Jacob had done.

Re: But you are beautiful // open // like I've never seen - Keona. - 07-11-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Keona had some family read out the invitation, pale sea-green eyes bright in curiosity.  That was nice of Jacob.  With a bounce in her - rather clumsy - step, the child scrambled up to the location, puffing softly for air in her tiny lungs.  She beamed brightly towards Jacob - hoping she got his location right by scent - and pretended not to notice the only other one she knew so far was the yellow-jerk Caesar.

Hopefully her father or one of her uncles would show soon.  "Than you for setting tis up Mister Jacob!"
code by spacexual

Re: But you are beautiful // open // like I've never seen - jacob w.c. - 07-13-2018

THE BLUE AND GREEN BELOW IS A MASTERPIECE — When Caesar arrived, Jacob braced himself for some sort of seething comment or insult but instead he was... nice. He wasn't quite sure why but it definitely threw him off. Was this a new starting point for Caesar? Was he actually trying to not be a piece of burning trash? Probably not but Jacob always tried to be optimistic. "Uh, thanks Caesar. I didn' think ya'd like it, if I'm bein' honest. But thanks!" he admitted with a wide smile before his attention was grabbed by Keona. Jacob absolutely adored children and he was happy he'd had the opportunity to meet the little girl a few times. "Oh! Ya' don' gotta' thank me, Keona. I love doin' stuff like this. It ain't like work for me ta' make good food for all my friends n' family," he insisted before adding, [b]"Did ya' want somethin' ta' eat? There's different kindsa' pasta n' salad n' fruit. Ya' gotta' put sauce on the pasta though, so I was gonna' help some ah' the kids with tha' 'cause it's real hot n' I don' want any ah' ya' ta' burn yourselves. 'M sure ya' could do it but it jus' makes me nervous. There's also some desserts, but 'm a doctor so 'm supposed ta' tell ya' not ta' eat too many ha' those, I guess," he explained.

Something that he had thought about was how difficult it would be for some of the littler kids to get the pasta sauce without hurting themselves. Keona was, of course, especially a concern given her blindness but she didn't need to know he thought that. He just wanted to make sure everyone was safe. Besides, seeing as he had his own medical conditions, he didn't want to make her feel like she couldn't do something he was letting the other kids do. They were just so little and she couldn't even see and Jacob had such an overactive imagination when it came to crises. He then looked towards Caesar again and addressed them both, "I also got presents for everyone, if either ah' ya' want yours. Ya' can either get 'em now or eat n' do other things first n' I can jus' give 'em ta' ya' before ya' leave." — BUT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL LIKE I'VE NEVER SEEN


Re: But you are beautiful // open // like I've never seen - bubblegum - 07-15-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
mister jacob's joining had made the girl really happy. she had liked the male ever since the first time she met him and he'd brought over gifts from snowbound. she discovered her love for food thanks to that little visit and then would later learn to make it herself not too long after when snowbound stayed with them. and now he and her papa were together! that was so nice. it made her very happy to know that. so, when she had seen the invitation from mister jacob, she would be sure to come.

she figured it'd be nice to wear something a little nicer, so she had picked a white rose and wore it on her ear. she stumbled over to the party, an excited expression on her tired features. the setup was quite pleasant, she thought, and she was especially excited to spend time with her crewmates. she arrived not long after keona, though had picked up both the younger female's and caesar's words as she had approached. she was glad to hear caesar was being nice, at least.

she then turned her attention to mister jacob as he mentioned the food and presents. she hadn't been eating as much lately, due to working so much, and it was starting to become clear by her thinner body. she still absolutely loved food, though, and she guessed it would be appropriate to eat something since they specifically came here to have a nice time. she glanced to the presents, wondering if she should do that first. yea, she guessed she would. and then she'd eat! she gave a small grin to mister jacob, her stance wobbly.

"ooh, mister jacob, this is very nice! i like it a lot. could i see my present now, please?" she'd say eagerly, stumbling to the side for a moment.

Re: But you are beautiful // open // like I've never seen - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-15-2018

Caesar shrugged at Jacob's response. He supposed it was sort of a surprise, but his compliment really didn't mean much. He still despises Jacob, and that fact would probably remain for the majority of the time that he remains here. At the mention of a gift, the demon's invisible eyebrows raised, clearly surprised. "A gift?" He echoed, basically implying that he wanted his.