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THE PITT GUIDE [8/21] - Printable Version

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THE PITT GUIDE [8/21] - THE PITT. - 07-11-2018

The Pitt is a clan of savage beasts that hold no interest in allies or enemies and it was founded by Yes Man in 2018. Those who advance through the ranks have the choice to be promoted into the class of their choice, each playing different roles in the clan. They attack with whoever they please, and manage deals with whoever bothers to show up at their borders and ask for their assistance - accompanied by proper compensation for their work, of course. Those who fail jobs must complete a task for the leader, specified by each class. conditions are harsh for the lower members and the leaders rule with an iron fist, making sure no one disobeys them unless directly challenged. Infighting is common, though regulated by a high position, and challenges to the death are not uncommon either. Celebrations are held for many occasions, the vast majority of which involve drunken public sparring matches. Slaves do most of the work here, and the high positions live the pampered life. those deemed weaker are either sold off into slavery or are forced to work in the harsh conditions. Working your way through the ranks will prove arduous, only the strongest finding their way to the head as Ardent.

The Pitt resides in a desert territory formerly belonging to a group called The Temple of Blood

Camp: located within the jungle oasis an ancient city can be found, three large pyramids dominating the ruins. a large open area connects the three points, dotted with various stands selling a variety of wares. the clearing is surrounded by the rubble and sun-whitened bones of a formerly protective wall, in the process of repairs

Pyramid of the Sun (leaders den): the largest of the pyramids, it stands as an arrow directly to the sun as it rises. one of the territory's tunnels lead deep underground, emerging to phosphorescent pond, large cavern littered with bioluminescent moss and mushrooms. large glowing stalactites hang from the ceiling, forming pillars with the few stalagmites in the area

Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (training grounds): the interior of this pyramid is one massive room found at the end of a short tunnel, four dragon-like pillars marking the corners of a large sparring area. the space is generally used for private or group-wide training sessions, spacious area granting the opportunity for extensive battles

Pyramid of the Moon (ceremony area): on a full moon, this pyramid points directly to the lunar body, illuminated in a silver glow. multiple rooms make up the interior of the structure, dominated by a large room containing a single altar for sacrifices. erudites make use of this during the full moon, offering various lives to gain favor of the dead

Plaza of the Dead (announcement area): an open plaza near the pyramids serves as the meeting place of the clan, a raised platform in the center used a stage. it's often used to host clanwide celebrations, raised plateau doubling as a sparring area for official matches

Ancient City: countless abandoned stone buildings litter the surrounding city, many claimed by members of the pitt. some are used as storehouses for merchandise and supplies, managed by slaves and protected by members

Jungle Oasis: surrounding the pitt's main camp is a lush jungle oasis, towering trees and healthy vegitation offering rich pickings in terms of prey. a few ponds and various watering holes dot the area, supported by an underground aquifer that provides water for the entire oasis. it's easy to get lost in the winding paths, offering protection to their camp

Desert: a desert surrounds the jungle oasis, littered with gaping caverns and yawning ravines. the ground often gives way beneath the unwary, sparse vegitation and very little water making it virtually unlivable to those not accustomed to the harsh environment. tunnels riddle the earth beneath the surface, generally used to transports valuables such as merchandise and slaves. it serves as a barrier for those trying to attack the group, weeding out the majority of would-be attackers

River: a large river cuts through the jungle oasis to the east of the camp, supplying the pitt with a steady source of water. on harvest moons the river appears to run red as if with blood, eerie air hanging over its surface. the current is quick and one false move will drown any unwary passerby, massive fish beneath the murky surface devouring any corpse that finds its way in the water
Ardents: the ardents are the leaders of the group, generally having two slots. they are the figure head of everything that goes on, in control of promotions/demotions and clan events. they are free to be challenged for their position, though they are the ones in control of the guidelines - and they're not required to be fair
Character Name played by Player
Yes Man played by pallid-i

Warpriests: the warpriests are made up of the head of each class. they're the next in line to be the leader; a battle determines which it will be, overseen and decided by the erudites
Esklav played by Carkus
Character Name played by Player
Character Name played by Player

Strong Arms: a secret police; this rank is not known to the public. they give their higher ups intel of what goes on around the clan and are meant to be like bouncers for the warpriests and ardents
Dante Northwest played by Mysteriously Maple
Melantha played by Roman
Character Name played by Player

Erudites: the spiritual heads of the group; they communicate with the spirits of each major area in the territory. there are three different kinds erudites, and they all have knowledge in healing
            Druidic Erudite: communicate with the spirts in the jungle oasis
            Harenamic Erudite: communicate with the spirits of the desert
            Niadic Erudite: communicate with the spirits of the river
Character Name played by Player
Character Name played by Player
Character Name played by Player

Barbarian: this warrior class is specifically for those who enjoy the thrills of war - they're often hired as a one man army to launch specific attacks on target clans, often hired by the leader of a warring group. If a job is failed they are not allowed to take on another until they bring back the head of a desired opponent
Character Name played by Player

Brawler: much like a barbarian, this class is hired to pick fights. Unlike their accompanying warrior class, they are hired to battle one-on-one with desired targets. Also like barbarians, they are not allowed to take on another job after a failed job without the head of an opponent
Character Name played by Player

Marauders: the looter class of the group. they are known to have sharp senses and durable bodies, making them the perfect for raiding supplies. acting as professional thieves when hired, this class is notorious for hoarding valuables, trading them off and acting as merchants for the group. they often deal in drugs and alcohol on top of their general merchandise. if they fail a job, they are required to retrieve and object of the ardent's choice before being able to take on another job
Character Name played by Player

Rogue: the assassin class of the group. masters of steath, they attack targets when hired to do so, completing the specific requests of those who hire them. often used for spywork, they generally have no problem playing a role to get to their end goal. if they fail a job they must bring back the head of a target of the ardent's choice
Character Name played by Player

Skald: the semi-high position that trains under the warrior classes (brawler and barbarian). they ascend to the battle class of their choice upon promotion
Stryker played by Orion

Tactition: the semi-high position that trains under the steath classes (marauder and rogue). they ascend to the theif class of their choice upon promotion
Character Name played by Player
The Pitt functions under a class system, wherein each member is allowed to advance into whichever high position class they choose upon promotion. Each class is specified for a different skill set, hired for a different type of job. A failed job will be met with a punshment specified by their class.

They are considered neither neutral, pro-clan, or anti-clan. Those who live amongst them are free to live by whichever morals they choose, though must be prepared to be challenged on account of them. Raids, captures, and tortures occur often, and violence a staple event of many celebrations. Any member can host one of these, though in the instance of raids, they tend to be a personal affair rather than a group effort.

Parties and events are held often and highly encouraged, jovial gatherings often accompanied with alcohol and other mind-altering substances. These can be held by any member, though official celebrations are generally held by high positions.

Slavery is common and is a staple of the Pitt's wealth, most purchases being run through the ardent. Slaves do the majority of the grunt work around the group, leaving more free time for the full members. Anyone can be kept as a slave regardless of age, ability, or alliance.

Members are often challenged to battles or other competitions, always regulated by a high position. For more information on this, read the ic rules section. If a member attacks another without an official challenge being sanctioned, they must be prepared for revenge, though the manner of said revenge must be first passed through (and often assisted by) the Ardent.
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IC rules
-Any group is free game, though any retribution is to be dealt with by whoever caused conflict
-All fights must be regulated by a high position, rules of the battle agreed on by the opponents
-Any member (even leaders) may be challenged for their position, though the ardents decide on the guidelines and nature of the challenge
-Direct disobedience will be met with a challenge, and the ardents are not required to be fair
-Members are not required to accept a challenge from another member
-If one member wrongs another, they victim must come to the ardents for approval on their idea for revenge. this does not apply to those outside of the group, as they are free game
-Murder and torture permitted - if preformed on another member however, they must be prepared to accept whatever revenge comes along (accompanied by the ardent, if the crime is severe enough) though exilement is extremely rare. Rape is looked down upon, and sometimes the criminal of the crime is even punished (if done on a clanmate, attempted murder by the ardent is to happen, and if the perpetrator manages to survive, they are exiled), depending on who was raped, be it a clanmate or an outsider

OOC rules
-All BoB rules apply
-Do not ask or bait for a high position or consider your character one until promoted in character
-Any sort of rudeness will get your character swiftly demoted
code by spacexual

Re: THE PITT GUIDE [7/11] - pallid-i - 07-29-2018

Your good!!

Re: THE PITT GUIDE [7/11] - YUUKI. - 07-29-2018


YEETS this boy into this group


Re: THE PITT GUIDE [7/11] - Kink - 08-02-2018

Tracka lackin!

Re: THE PITT GUIDE [7/11] - melantha - 08-02-2018

tracking with mel

Re: THE PITT GUIDE [7/11] - drachen - 08-04-2018


Re: THE PITT GUIDE [7/11] - GRIMNYTE - 08-11-2018


Re: THE PITT GUIDE [7/11] - Luciferr - 08-11-2018


Re: THE PITT GUIDE [7/11] - madster - 08-11-2018


Re: THE PITT GUIDE [7/11] - CROSSFADE - 08-13-2018

tracking c: