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EMBRACE MY DESTINY && plot with flower gorl? - Printable Version

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EMBRACE MY DESTINY && plot with flower gorl? - DELILAH. - 07-09-2018

open to:
- one sided crush
- short term relationships
- book frens
- arranged marriages
- arguments
- fights [she lose af]
- minor injuries
- friendships af
- bullying
- getting her drunk [has to be in a group, or else she wont drink]
.. anything else!

- become part of the healing process for delilah; the two characters become good friends, and delilah struggles with the fact that she has to trust someone so deeply. there could also be hella romantic tension and confusion, because delilah tends to confuse love with lust, or love with friendship, a lot.

closed to:
- kids
- death
- major injuries

Re: EMBRACE MY DESTINY && plot with flower gorl? - DELILAH. - 08-30-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]

Re: EMBRACE MY DESTINY && plot with flower gorl? - trojan g. - 09-07-2018

So, Roman here is in the process of losing his leg in a thread now, and I noticed Delilah is missing a leg in her reference, and in her tags it says she's a medic? Roman used to be one, haha.
This could be a thing that potentially gets them connected somehow to become friends, despite their difference in clans?

Re: EMBRACE MY DESTINY && plot with flower gorl? - DELILAH. - 09-07-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Ah, sure! Delilah is gonna start to travel around p soon actually, selling herbs in exchange for other herbs. They could totally bond over that!

Re: EMBRACE MY DESTINY && plot with flower gorl? - trojan g. - 09-07-2018

Ahh!! That'd be pretty cool! He's in the Ascendants at the moment if she wants to stop by there, or if you want to have a thread between the Ascendants and the Typhoon(?).
But Roman could definitely use some more friends, so we could do that and see where it goes from there

Re: EMBRACE MY DESTINY && plot with flower gorl? - toboggan - 09-07-2018

little did they know that li’l ol’ leroy offed both of their legs hehehe

EDIT:: i’ve been wondering, how is their relationship going to be? they could definitely have a thread where he apologizes about the whole thing??

Re: EMBRACE MY DESTINY && plot with flower gorl? - DELILAH. - 09-08-2018

delilah wouldn't blame him for it! she'd be kind of scared if he said he sold theleg or gave it away though.
they could have a thread where he does that! that sounds fine to me!

okay! i'll have delilah travel to the ascendants.