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spin me right 'round — o, joining - Printable Version

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spin me right 'round — o, joining - ghostpact - 03-22-2018

"DAMN DUDE." tags
Immortal strolled through the plains, just beyond the territory's borders. There was no rush in his steps and looked from one distant hill to the next, as if admiring the view. He blinked and for a moment, behind his lids, he saw fire engulfing the grass around him. He used up his last lighter and his paws itched for a new one, but he had no such luck in his trek from his old home to this place. It wasn't like he had come here in hopes of burning the vegetation, but if he was able to, it would take a lot not to light the flower brushing against his leg. That was just a minor flaw of his. At least, he thought so. No, he was actually a great guy, he wouldn't intentionally destroy someone's territory like that. (Unless asked, but he hadn't been.) Really, he was there seeking a new place to crash. As in sleep, not literally crash. There was a lot of bullshit back where he used to stay and he didn't need any more of that. Nope. A new start for Immortalhd. He sat back a moment, back paw nearly kicking his hat off as he scratched at his ear. Shaking his head, he stood upright again, stepping forward again toward the dome in the distance. He assumed the only way to get someone's attention was to trespass.
code by spacexual

Re: spin me right 'round — o, joining - BASTILLEPAW - 03-22-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
Lucky for this guy that he didn't start setting shit on fire. Bastille wasn't a big fan of all the damn flowers, but still -- he had grown to feel that this place was more or less his home, at least for now. Starry was an overexcitable maniac, way too peaceful for his own good, but... well, at least he was a good guy. He was trying, for fuck's sake, and that was good enough for Bast to declare his loyalty. He'd rather have a genuinely caring leader with a personality he hated than a lazy dickbag with a personality more akin to Bast's liking. Or so that was how he justified his decision to stick around.

Anyway, Starry would probably have a heartattack if the flowers went up in flames, and Bastille would be irritated. Stupid as the field was, some of these were useful healing herbs, and besides -- this was their damn territory. No one should be fucking with it.

The silver bengal approached the strange aura at a lazy pace, ice blue stare flickering over the guy with little interest. "You're on Ascendants territory," he supplied, arching a brow. He got the vague impression that this guy didn't really give a fuck about trespassing. "What do you want?"

Re: spin me right 'round — o, joining - ghostpact - 03-23-2018

"DAMN DUDE." tags
As always, he was right. Duh. Immortal stopped walking when he was able to see Bastillepaw's face and let shorter cat close the distance. He adjusted his hat, a smirk growing on his face. Internally, he hoped whoever else lived around the place was more exciting than this kid in their greeting. "Ay, yeah. I figured this was someone's land." It really wasn't too hard to miss, of course it obviously hadn't mattered, anyway. He glanced from the scars to Bast's coin, with a slight tilt of his head. It was probably rude to ask before even introducing himself, so he brought his gaze back up. "Straight to business, then. I'm looking to hang around here. Y'know, join the ranks. Whatever." He set a paw on his chin, eyes narrowing slightly. "What, uh, what do I have to do for that? Some kind of loyalty pledge? You'll obviously need my name, so before you even ask, Immortalhd Coruscare. You can call me HD, whatever." He moved his paw from his chin as he spoke, gesturing absentmindedly before pointing himself and then pressing his paw back against the grass.
code by spacexual

Re: spin me right 'round — o, joining - BASTILLEPAW - 03-23-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
Unfortunately, it looked like this guy was stuck with Bastille's charismatic self for the time being. He really wasn't much for small talk and being welcoming, per se, and he appreciated it when newcomers weren't horribly giddy or talkative. This guy seemed to strike a nice balance of engaging without being entirely fucking obnoxious, so that was nice. Bast didn't need the Observatory becoming overrun with... well. A bunch of Starry's, really. He liked the leader well enough by now, but he didn't need more of him, frankly. That was way too much happiness and energy for his tolerance.

Bastille looked back at him evenly, and said in perfect seriousness, "Yes, actually. We require our newcomers to show us their best dance move before they're granted entry." There was silence after that, as he took in the foreigner's name, and offered no indication to tell if he was joking or not. (He was, of course. Bast did have a sense of humor in there, once he warmed up to people, and at this point he felt relatively comfortable in his new home.) "I'm Bastille," he supplied, exchanging information in response.

Re: spin me right 'round — o, joining - ghostpact - 03-23-2018

"DAMN DUDE." tags
Immortal's smirk turned to a more genunuine, open-mouthed smile. "Alright, sick." He had no reason to believe Bast was joking, but even if he did, he would take up the request. The serval was pretty sure and confident in his ability to dance. Not a challenge at all. He wouldn't even question why that was their supposed requirement for his joining. "Now, usually I'm used to, like, music during this, but whatever." He shrugged and began to bob his head slightly, trying to think of the best beat to dance to for this guy. The feline did a little hop from one paw to the next and it was just downhill from here. As confident as he was, it ended up looking like he was trying to jump after a red laser only he could see. His hat nearly fell off and that's when he popped back up to a standard posture, paw on his head to press his hat against his head. "Alright... that's it."
code by spacexual

Re: spin me right 'round — o, joining - BASTILLEPAW - 03-23-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
Alright, Bastille had to admit that he was impressed that this guy seemed to give no fucks. The relative ease with which HD just rolled with such a stupid request was absolutely not what he was expecting, and his mouth ticked upwards towards a grin as he struggled not to start laughing. "Bravo," he drawled, entertained, "You know, we usually have Starry judge the move, but I guess you can just show him later, huh?" Briefly, Bastille considered the possibility that Starry might actually like the idea and try to implement it. Oh, god. At least Bast was already a member and wouldn't have to if something so horrible did happen.

Grinning, he jerked his head towards the observatory and added, "Alright, let's go. Someone can give you a more exhaustive tour later, cause frankly, I hate tours. I'll show you where the empty rooms are and the basic shit, though." He was already on the move, headed off towards camp with a quick glance to make sure HD was following. Eventually, he'd tell the guy that the dance move had just been Bast fucking with him, but that would come later.

Re: spin me right 'round — o, joining - ghostpact - 03-24-2018

"DAMN DUDE." tags
Maybe his first judgment of the kid had been off. He did have a bad habit of immediately trying to decide whether he liked someone or not. Something he was working on, but as long as he kept his mouth shut about those snap judgments, he was sure he couldn't get himself in too much trouble. He waved a paw, shrugging a shoulder. "Yeah, thanks. Next time, I'll have some music playing... it'll be great." Immortal would gladly show his skills once again and would be as extra as possible. He made a mental note to get that together another time. It was going to happen, he was sure. Maybe they had some lights or something. He hoped they lights. A club would be pretty dope. This was going to be his new home, so he had to make it better than the last place he was stuck in and that's how he was going to start. Blinking, he shook his head quickly, zoning back into Bast talking about a tour or something while he was already leaving. With a bounce, he was quickly following the smaller feline. "The dome is where you guys live? 'Cause I saw it on the way up and I thought 'Wow, these people are pretty cool. I hope that's their place'." He had been meaning to ask who Starry was, but it was not his highest priority in the moment, considering he was bound to meet whoever the dude was soon enough.
code by spacexual