Beasts of Beyond
[07/06] THE STYX RIVER ORDER GUIDE - Printable Version

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[07/06] THE STYX RIVER ORDER GUIDE - psy - 07-06-2018

Welcome to the Styx River Order, traveler. Its origins dating back to 2014 on other RP sites, the Order is a trading-based group that can offer wares and shelter to wanderers. On the outside they are a hospitable, gentle faction, but step inside and you'll realize it's anything but. Away from the guilds and merchants and clean streets, the Order is run by extremely radical cultists hellbent on destroying sinners, serial killers and the like. Their main focus is establishing peace in the world...through force. But don't let that frighten you! Come on in while the food's still warm...
The Order resides in an small abandoned port town, complete with a small harbor. Shops and houses line the bay [ref 1] [ref 2], and here merchants and newcomers from the sea can trade their goods. All around the town are different bazaars and markets [ref] aside from the port. There are also some restaurants with a bit of food still stocked up, where civilians can meet with others or just grab a quick meal. A towering amphitheater, known as the Coliseum, hovers over the town [ref]. This is where gladiatorial combat, often among prisoners and captive criminals, takes place, as well as the executions and meetings. Each civilian is entitled to their own personal dwelling in an apartment complex [ref], which they can decorate as they please. The town is surrounded by different biomes, including a sea.

The outskirts of the town are dominated by cropland and rolling hills [ref], where civilians can tend to crops and livestock to produce leather, dairy products, meat and products for their guild. It serves as a hunting grounds as well as a source of food and products for herbivores and those interested in gardening and baking. Further onward is a thick temperate forest [ref] which, as you head west, develops into an evergreen forest and then a taiga as mountains begin to show [ref]. To the east it gets warmer as shrubland begins to appear [ref], and eventually it leads up to a desert that extends far past the territory [ref].

Essentially the territory is split into three parts: a temperate region with the town, a colder region in the taiga and a warmer region in the desert. The borders extend along many different biomes, and while one newcomer may be in a temperate forest full of life, the other may be in a dry desert where water and food is scarce.
OOC Rules
1. All BOB rules apply.
2. No drama, bullying or harassment out of character.
3. Be welcoming of new members and help integrate them into the community.
4. Respect one another, and do not hesitate to ask any questions.

IC Rules
1. The purposeful injury or slaughter of a fellow civilian or a member of a partnered group is forbidden.
2. Disrespect of dominants, your fellow civilians or the concept of Styxism is highly frowned upon.
3. Rape of any sort is forbidden, regardless of political status.
4. The words of true religious prophets, such as the Holy One, are law, as well as the current consul.
5. Confess to any sins you may have committed. Own up to crimes and do not lie or blaspheme.
6. Exile is rare—the most treacherous of criminals will be publicly executed.

Can I play a senator, consul, etc. or the Holy One, Great Paladin, etc.?
No. Such ranks must be earned either through HP tryouts or ICly. Ranks labeled "regular positions" are free to play.

I need an HP in my thread!
The following post after this one will allow you to request a high position—simply state the title of the rank and a link to the thread in question.

Someone's being rude to me and stirring drama, what should I do?
Send the leader(s) a PM describing the situation—OOC drama is not permitted at any time.
In a faraway realm, a wolf named Seeker dominated a land of ruthless wolves, known as the Styx River Pack. His iron grasp on the pack was held until his final breath, where he then found himself in another world where all kinds of creatures ran about. He was adopted into the Daremo family, becoming the uncle to a half-demon named Toxicwaste. This ambitious nephew had lost his faith in many, putting his trust in five deities. Soon after, he formed a group of followers with the assistance of his (though somewhat unbelieving) uncle—the Styx River Order. One day he had mysteriously disappeared from his home and had arrived in another unusual world, where he extended the power of the Order from a ragtag cult to a trading faction in spite of his uncle's disappearance.
STYXISM. The Order has a unique religion that is forced upon its members—Styxism. It is a five-god polytheism revolving around demanding yet often generous entities, and the religion's festivals and customs are incorporated into daily life. However, not all Styxists are members of the Order, and a link to the Styxism guide is found below.
FLUVIUM. The Order has a coin currency called a fluvium, which has the current consul's surname (or name if they bear none) and an insignia of their choice on it. This is used when initiating trades or betting.
GUILDS. The Order also has guilds that members can choose to affiliate with. When a child becomes an apprentice, they must speak to the master of a guild to learn a specific craft. Before becoming a civilian, the master may assign the apprentice a final test so that their skills in that craft are proven.
GLADIATORS. Captive enemies and traitors of the Order may be sentenced to gladiatorial combat in the Coliseum. Members are free to bet fluvium or other items on fighters.
The Styx River Order chooses not to align itself as anything but as a group that will tolerate the Clans' presence as long as they tolerate theirs. The Order does not form alliances, but rather partnerships, which are like business associates. In exchange for certain goods or services (ex: protection from other groups), the Order will not fight against the partnered group and will offer their own wares at an exclusive discounted price.


all not listed

Despite having a heavy emphasis on Styxism and tradition, the nobles of the religion and the Order's social hierarchy are not to interfere. For example, the Holy One doesn't always have to be the consul—such a title is obtained by approval of the gods rather than the Order.

CONSUL—HP. The leader of the Order. Their word is law and they ultimately make the most crucial decisions. They are likely to be the Holy One as well, but it is not necessary to take control, and vice versa. In the event that the consul is not the Holy One, the consul will often appoint the Holy One as a religious adviser.
Toxicwaste Daremo, played by psychosocial.

SENATOR—HP. The deputy or second-in-command, they will take control of the Order when the consul dies, disappears or resigns. They can host events, executions, raids and occasionally meetings, though promotions and demotions must be run through the consul.

MASTER—HP. The heads of the guilds, they are in charge of their specific guild's operations and the training of their members. This includes the medic as well.
[Commerce] tba
[Arms] tba
[Alchemists] tba
[Medics] tba
[Peddlers] tba

LEGATE—HP. A master of war; can lead raids and border patrols, as well as training sessions and inflicting discipline on the disorderly.

TRIBUNE—HP. A master of relations; can host events and hunting patrols, as well as gift baskets and ally interactions.

CENTURION—HP. A step up from sentinel. They are used to keep the peace and ensure the safety of others—they can host patrols but not very large events.

SENTINEL—sHP. A stepping stone rank for promising civilians. They are used as a welcoming committee—they must run events through higher positions.

REGULAR POSITIONS. A civilian is a member aged 12 months and up. An apprentice is a juvenile member aged 6-11 months, often training in a craft. A child is a young member aged 5 months and younger. An elder is a member who has retired from work either due to disabling injuries, weakening health or old age. These positions are free to play.
code by spacexual

Re: [07/06] THE STYX RIVER ORDER GUIDE - psy - 07-06-2018

thread hub.
When making a thread in the Order, mention the SRO, the Order, etc. in the thread title so it may be added to the list. The most recent meeting, HP tryouts, mass adoptions, some OOC threads, etc. are listed in the main guide. Feel free to link to any of your open threads so it can be added.

brief meeting, settling in


chatting + plotting thread
Styxism guide
HP tryouts

hp request.
[b]HP Needed:[/b] rank
[b]Link to Thread:[/b] answer

Re: [07/06] THE STYX RIVER ORDER GUIDE - psy - 07-06-2018

The Styx River Order has a form of currency that is used for trades, contest prizes, etc. It is called a fluvium.

What does it look like? A fluvium is a small golden coin with two sides. The front side, heads, has the insignia of the current consul, which is an emblem of their choosing. It cannot be changed once a new consul has chosen an insignia unless under dire circumstances. Underneath the face would be the leader's surname (or name if they do not have one). The back side, tails, would have the image of a river of fire printed on it, representing the River Styx.

Fluvium can be used for typical goods (like clothing and other items), services, food, weapons, etc. You can also use fluvium for OOC purposes, such as a contest reward.
earning fluvium:
The Styx River Order operates with groups of merchants and craftspeople known as guilds. When a child becomes an apprentice, they have the option to take up a certain craft and master it until they become civilians. An adult member of a guild is known as a journeyman, while apprentices are still known as apprentices. The leader of the guild is called a master, which oversees the operations of a guild and conducts guild meetings, as well as helps integrate new apprentices into the group. There are different kinds of guilds, though it is not mandatory to join one.

commerce. The Commerce Guild is not so much a craft, but rather a group of "accountants" who keep track of the Order's fluvium profits and distribute earnings to those who have earned it. They manage the accounts of civilians and act as a bank of sorts.
Master: tba
- tba
- tba

arms. The Arms Guild consists of metalworkers, blacksmiths and leatherworkers who forge weapons and different kinds of armor. Vicious warriors can also join the Arms Guild as sentries of sorts, as well as take up hitman and espionage services if need be.
Master: tba
- tba
- tba

alchemists. The Alchemists Guild is a group of civilians knowledgeable on herbs and crafting. They are particularly skilled in forging runes and mixing potions, and they are often seen as very wise in the field of science. They share their herbs with the medics.
Master: tba
- tba
- tba

medics. The Medics Guild consists of the surgeons, medical scientists and healers of the Order. They collect herbs and ensure that civilians are in good physical and mental condition. Medics are less in it for a profit as they are assisting their fellow civilians. Their herbs are shared with the alchemists.
Master: tba
- tba
- tba

peddlers. The Peddlers Guild consists of general merchants who do not sell anything listed above, rather trading off any items they find. They also specialize in appraising artifacts and possessions and can notice of the little details in things easily. Peddlers can also take up a craft of their choice within this guild.
Master: tba
- tba
- tba

Looking to join a guild? ICly members are to speak with a guild master. PM the current consul with your character's guild to be added to the list.

Re: [07/06] THE STYX RIVER ORDER GUIDE - psy - 07-11-2018

reserve just in case

Re: [07/06] THE STYX RIVER ORDER GUIDE - The Tombs - 07-11-2018


Re: [07/06] THE STYX RIVER ORDER GUIDE - psy - 07-31-2018

main track