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COCAINE RUIN YO' BRAIN / weekly tasks (03/21-03/25) - Printable Version

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COCAINE RUIN YO' BRAIN / weekly tasks (03/21-03/25) - PINCHER - 03-21-2018

[size=8pt]what the fuck? what the actually hickey daddily daddle damn hell was he doing? weekly tasks? did he seriously have to tell his crew or whatever mamba member what to do? daphne had stated it was to help increase productivity but personally, pincher didn't believe in that shit. he would much rather threaten them enough to make them do their jobs than having to give suggestions of what to do. what was he, their mommy? he sure as hell was nobody's daddy...kind of sure. the coffee bean brown colored male stormed out of the jungle temple where his twin brother lived, the tips of his mottled fur slightly rising as he stalked through the lush vegetation towards the main beach where everyone usually was found at. at the very center of the beach was a metal...turtle statue. a rather plain looking one with its facial features showing a peaceful expression thought some idiot had decided to put an eyepatch on one of the turtle's eyes and called it tofu the turtle. pincher wanted to get rid of it but his crew clearly seemed to enjoy their damn mascot so it stuck.

leaning back onto his haunches, pincher wiggled before launching into a leap to reach the top of the shell of the iron turtle. his claws scrambled a bit to get a grip onto the rather smooth surface but luckily, the carving of the shell pattern managed to save his ass from looking like an idiot. as he reached the stop, the irritated bengal sighed and glanced around with half-lidded ocean eyes and a resting bitch face. "for whoever the fuck does not have anything to do, drag ya ass here for mommy to tell you what to do." he called out, his explosive voice showing no sign of patience for this. it was his first time doing this and hopefully his last. while pincher waited, the captain folded his muscular form into a slouched position onto tofu, back leg scratching at a bothersome itch behind his nicked ear. hell, his weekly task was to give weekly tasks.
[size=10pt][b]nautical mile captain deniz "pincher" roux the typhoon

Re: COCAINE RUIN YO' BRAIN / weekly tasks (03/21-03/25) - Guru - 03-21-2018

Something to do! Lovely... sort of. If it wasn't interesting, Guru wasn't sure as hell going to be doing what this 'Pincher' fucker said to be doing, despite his high and mighty rank. Nevertheless... "Satisfy me with something, will ya?" the female drawled as she wandered over.

Re: COCAINE RUIN YO' BRAIN / weekly tasks (03/21-03/25) - georgie - 03-21-2018

[color=#d4af37]I’d like something to do, mommy!” Georgie cried, jogging over with a gasp of anticipation. She didn’t seem to register that the mommy thing was sarcasm, and thus spoke it genuinely.

Re: COCAINE RUIN YO' BRAIN / weekly tasks (03/21-03/25) - ghostpact - 03-21-2018

War had plenty to do on his own, but he didn't know these people well, so he wanted to put a good impression on. "... someone's got a knot in their tail. Guess I'll take a job..."
code by spacexual

Re: COCAINE RUIN YO' BRAIN / weekly tasks (03/21-03/25) - The Tombs - 03-21-2018

"Come on, Daddy, I am bored," the looming Russian mused, playful icy blue hues fixated on the abrasive leader of the Nautical Mile. He sure as hell didn't look like a mommy, and he was definitely daddy material. Maybe too much of a daddy. I would hate to be his child. The Siberian tiger was relatively indifferent on his dominant, but for the most part he found Pincher rather amusing. Harsh, cold and bearing the tongue of a sailor—he was almost hilarious. But this was one of the founders of his dear Clan, so he ought to bear the slightest of respect for him. So Iosef would contentedly obey, but only if it would all pay off in the end.
tags :: updated 3/19:

Re: COCAINE RUIN YO' BRAIN / weekly tasks (03/21-03/25) - vellichor - 03-21-2018

This was the perfect opportunity! Daphne wanted to prove that she deserved to be here as much as any powerful warrior and this seemed like a great way to do it. She'd be following direct orders from a leader, which she prided herself on being rather good at, and she'd be proving she could do useful things for her new home, ensuring her own place here. "I'd like one, if it isn't any trouble," the girl called hopefully.

Re: COCAINE RUIN YO' BRAIN / weekly tasks (03/21-03/25) - Verdigris - 03-22-2018

  It had been some time since he had last run into Pincher, Papercutter reflected as he turned his head towards the source of the voice and pressed a paw to his right ear. Though Pincher had made an interesting first impression when they first met on the border, right now Paper lacked the inclination to listen to the other male's yelling- or would have, were it not for the fact that the turtle statue was in his direct path, and that he didn't feel like making a detour right now. With a shrug, the jackal approached Tofu (whoever had come up with that name deserved a smack in the face), and glanced between Pincher and the others.

  Of course, Georgie had to pick that moment to burst in and call Pincher "mommy" in the most ridiculously sincere manner possible. Papercutter bit back a snicker, though he couldn't hide the smirk on his face. The bengal's reaction would be entertaining to watch, and he might as well get some ideas for what to do while he was here. "Hit me up," he said finally, twitching his tail.