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[Pls no need to match muse! The last paragraph is all that matters. Killua is just in the territory laying in a tree waiting for something to happen]

He had to run. Where else was he going to go? After what his brother had done to him, there was no way he could stay in the group of clans that he was actually starting to get along with. For once in his life he thought that he was actually going to be normal. Not constantly have missions under his belt in order to get himself paid. No. He just wanted to know what it was like to have a normal childhood, and the entirety of the time he had spent in the clans had given him a lot of clarity about what he actually wanted in life. After he left Blizzardclan, he was more annoyed with that group of clans, but also shocked that the one that had confused him and had defeated him in battle for once had actually been the creature he considered to be the weakest in the group. The first time that he had actually failed a mission was because of the Blizzardclan leader. He became even more shocked when the female didn't decide to take his life after the attempted assassination. Instead, she continued to have faith in him to turn over a new leaf, and on top of everything else continued to promote him in the group. He had never really been the one for ranks. He just went where he wanted and did what he considered to be entertaining. Which could end up being many different activities that he could choose from. If he got bored when he got younger, he would just end up going out to kill someone. Killing was something that was incredibly easy for the likes of an apprentice to do. Even with his age. The wildcat had been taught by the best,
and it was because of that he needed to stay around in the family business. He meant a lot to the family of assassins,
he was their prodigy after all. Which is why his older brother had been tasked with keeping an eye on his youngest sibling to make sure that he didn't get into trouble and his morals didn't change. He never really had morals when it came to the deaths of others, and still didn't have morals of it either. He simply thought if someone died that they were too weak to help themselves. Pitiful really. Where did that make him though? The only reason he was alive now was because his family actually needed him to live. Yet they had made sure to teach the likes of him a lesson that he would probably never forget. He was certain now though, he no longer wanted to constantly be moving around. He was tired of having to start over. Hell, he had even managed to have a friend. Which his family had told him was not possible for him to do because he didn't have the correct feelings to have a friend. But that even developed to something more. He decided to consider her to be his sister since almost all of his family was male meant he had brothers and only one sister related by blood. They took care of each other. She never asked him questions about his past and agreed with the stance that he had. She was finally able to teach him what it was like to actually have FUN. A wistful dream that he used to have when he was just a meer kitten, now it was actually possible for him to achieve. He could have lived a nice and happy life in Shadowclan, even if he didn't get along with most of the creatures that were there. He never really liked the clans on the accounts he found them to be extremely primitive and lack complete common sense when it came to making decisions. They were weak, especially when it came to giving the final blow to an enemy. If they wanted to have other creatures respect they were going to have to show exactly how powerful they were. That's the way that survival worked and the only thing that the young male cared about.

Then his family finally decided to get involved once they realized he was starting to ignore their orders and go off on his own. The wildcat did his best to continue to hide his trail, but he knew it would only be a matter of time before his brother ended up finding him. He had to prepare himself, but the last thing he expected from his brother who would most likely come after him, would be the nightmares that started to plague his mind. There were few creatures that he actually cared about in the large group of clans. So when he saw his family coming to the group of animals and slaughtering them all? It put him back into a panic. He had to be able to protect them. For once he had someone that he wanted to protect in his life, and he would dedicate his life to making sure that they were safe. If he didn't, it would be the same as him betraying them, a term that his brother used all the time of what would happen if he ever made a friend. Assassins weren't supposed to make friends after all. They were supposed to be loners. Not feel anything when they killed someone. He didn't want that life anymore. Ultimately, his brother found him and beat him to the point of death. Breaking almost every bone in his body, ripping skin and extracting the metal claws from his front paws. The claws that he had been given to him when he was just a kitten through the use of surgery. Having been trained by the brother that had attacked him, it meant the other knew exactly how to torture him considering the factor that through the tortures he had been put through, he was going to attack the most sensitive areas of his body. On top of physically hurting him, his older brother ended up putting doubts in his mind. Doubts that would remain with him for this very day.
Even if Shadowclan did end up healing him up and wanting to take revenge for the injuries he had gotten, did they really care? Or was it just their morals that were kicking in? He didn't know anymore. He didn't KNOW anymore. All he knew as more and more of them began to disappear he was going to have to leave that place. There was nothing for him there. Considering how the world worked, he was bound to come across a clan sooner or later.

Killua was quick to notice the chill that was starting to develop as he grew closer to the area. The young male hadn't bothered to ask around the place whether or not this was actually a clan or not. One thing was for sure, it did bring out a bit of nostalgia for him. The only thing that this place was missing was the floating islands that belonged to Blizzardclan while he lived there. Was this a wise choice though? He knew that he would probably just bring the danger of his brother along with him, but he had to interact with someone. Being alone would probably just drive him crazy with the contradicting thoughts anyway. The snow crunched underneath his paws, although it was barely audible thanks to the powers that he had in the first place. His sapphire blue eyes were extremely attentive, and the large ears that were perched on his head made it extremely easy to listen for any movements that were around him. The other color that was obvious against his body though was the fact that there was pink around the sheathes of his paw. It seemed as if the skin there had been peeled away and the area was inflamed with the stitches that were there. Considering that his older brother had ripped the claws that had been crafted for him when he was younger meant that he was going to need another pair. After all, his claws were almost a prized position. He didn't know how much he ended up paying the surgeon out in the middle of nowhere as long as the other did it right. Which he had to admit the other did a pretty damn good job despite the area being incredibly sore. The other had told him not to put too much pressure on them for the past couple of days, and Killua would keep that in mind. The last thing he needed was to go back and have to do it all over again. It would be a waste of time. Fresh scars covered his entire body. Massive claw marks running down the left side of his body, the fur parting away to show how the scar covered practically his entire side. Obviously, this was made by a massive creature, his brother was a large black tiger after all. There were scars around his eyes where his brother had tried to rip out his eyes. The pink flesh obvious against his stark white fur. The rest of the wounds that had been given to him during the fight were completely hidden now thanks to his unusually long white fur. Killua didn' say anything though as he made his way through the territory of the clan. The place seemed like an easy place for him to settle down. But he wasn't about to direct attention toward him. He would much rather see how the clan acted toward those that were trespassing on their land. A bored look was spread across the assassin's facial features as he debated what his next move would be. Turning on his invisibility wouldn't help because then they would never see him. Instead,
the wildcat would teleport himself up into one of the many pine trees, laying on a branch. No clan scent clung to him,
and he raised one of his healing paws and conjured up a lollipop. Which he quickly plopped into his mouth. Now was just a waiting game. Not like it would be hard to see an albino serval up in the tree anyway. If they didn't look up, then the scent of the candy would tell them where he was at.
clan -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/21/17:

Re: KEEP DYING DOWN THE HALL {OPEN, JOINING} - spacexual - 03-21-2018

Royalguard was still getting used to the land, discovering the similarities and differences, wondering if he should try to grow another garden, and wondering when he should start searching again. Lance is out there. He sniffed at the ground as he appreciated the cold territory, cherishing the cozy feeling he got every time he sensed it. Colder areas would always be his home.

He still had yet to meet many members here, besides, Jacob, so he was eager to see who else he lived with. He needed to make friends as soon as he could. He left all of his old ones behind and a feeling of both guilt and regret entered him every time he thought about it. The fastest way to make that go away would be to meet new ones. As much as he isolated himself, he really did not like being alone. He was extroverted. He loved people. He missed them deeply every time he cut himself from society, and wished he didn't do it so often. He knew how awful they could be, but also how incredible.

While he was walking through the territory, sniffing at the ground, he noticed the scent of candy, and then an albino serval above. Ooh, who was this? The tiger tilted his head as he looked up towards the younger serval, his eyes shining curiously and warmly. "Greetings! I'm Royalguard, or Roy, Milia. Who are you?" he called to the stranger, his British-accented voice kind. "Oh - where are my manners? I hope I'm not bothering you!" he quickly caught himself. This act wasn't made out of being self-conscious or feeling like a nuisance - he just knew that sometimes others simply didn't feel like striking up a conversation.
TAGS — code by spacexual


//ayYE kiLLUA
track 4 now !! i’ll reply soon sgshdj



He never had really understood the clans and the way that they worked. The only reason he had interacted with the clans in the first way was just because of the fact that he had a job to do there. The group had a very prominent leader that had been said to be leading the clan for a decently long time. So, doing what he had been doing since he was a kitten, he took on the job because it would be something to do. Better than dealing with his obsessive family that constantly had to watch his every move. Couldn't they just leave him alone for once instead of fussing over whether or not he was going to actually be the heir to the family name? He didn't care about the family name or anything of the short, he just wanted to have as much fun as possible. Whether that meant taking the lives of others if he felt like it. Killua didn't think it was going to be that much of an interesting job. He had gone to cities themselves to take out creatures that had paid the Zoldyck's for their services. So going to a place out in the middle of nowhere couldn't possibly be that hard right? The last thing he expected was to be around such a large group, and the way they constantly looked at him showed that they didn't trust him. Considering the way that he had been raised, he had no social skills when it came to interacting with others. He could go from being extremely mature to actually being fairly childish with the actions he constantly did. He even found some fun in pranking some of the clanners that he came across and seeing what their reactions would actually end up being. He quickly realized exactly how thick headed the clanners actually were and oblivious they were to their enemies.

Half of the time, he wondered if he should just leave and let nature takes its course considering that the clanners almost seemed to drop like flys ever single day. And it didn't seem like they were going to do anything about the threats they were going up against. They were soft-hearted because they refused to kill those that they came across. It was aggravating. Killing someone was that hard. Why should anyone feel anything about killing others in the first place? Not like it would matter in the end when they were all doomed to die in the first place. The goal was for him to kill the clan leader and nothing else. The clan leader going by the name of Tama during that time. He wasted no time in trying to gather as much information as possible about the other female. Who actually happened to be an albino serval like himself. He noticed that everyone seemd to be her friend, which could pose to be trouble if he ended up messing up the kill. But that couldn't happen right? Of course not. He had never failed a mission after all. Even against his brother. Something that he was quick to brag about to the rest of his family anyway. Either way, he was quick to gain the females trust, helping her with her clan and against the enemies that they were going against. It was almost hilarious because the clan they were going up against was considerably weak, and didn't know how to react to stealth tactics. Which was his primary way of attacking an opponent, and it wasn't due to his small size either. He was more than capable of using momentum to take down creatures. Having taken down dragons and several other species while he was just a kitten. His body having mutated, especially around well muscled areas to give him a bit more strength. He wasn't mechanically modified other than for his claws. During the time he had spent in his first clan, he actually started to feel something about certain animals that he interacted with. Certain instances confused him greatly. Why were some of them being nice to him? He was a complete stranger to them and was just a speck in the member count of the group he was in. There were a couple handful of creatures he could actually have a decent conversation with because they could take his sarcasm.

Several instances happened in that first clan that made him rethink about what he wanted to do with his life. He left that clan once he did fail his mission, and moved on to another batch of clans where it was made even more evident of what he wanted to be. He didn't want to be the weapon that his family had created him to be. The wildcat just wanted to live a normal life of protecting those that he cared about. But now he was left with nothing again and wasn't sure what to do with himself. The young male wasn't about to openly ask for help. He knew as soon he spoke of his origins they would probably shun him and try to kick them out. He just needed a base of operations so he could figure out what his next move would end up being. Especially if his older brother was tracking his movements. Which is more than likely since Killua had never been capable of sensing the others presence all that much. Right about now though, the albino serval couldn't feel more alone. He wanted Amorette. He wanted Gon. He wanted Circusclown. Hell, he even wanted to see the annoying Stark again. Just someone familiar. He was terrible with social interactions after all and knew that there was probably a chance he would mess it up. His brother had told him that all of this was going to happen because he wasn't following the family business. He was starting to believe the hurtful words that had been spoken to him. He could possibly just drown out his thoughts with his own powers and just fall asleep for several days on end, or he could do something else that was more productive. This was obviously a clan, a group that had nostalgia tacked onto it for sure. Was it bitter nostalgia though? He certainly didn't like the taste that he had in his mouth even with the lollipop that he was chewing on. Killua was tired of it all, he just wanted a chance to finally relax without having to constantly look over his shoulders for those that were hunting him. It wasn't just his brother that he had to look out for. His family was somewhat famous, depending on the area anyway. They were expert assassins and were highly regarded as always getting the job done. They were a threat and they all had bounties on their head. The albino serval didn't blend into the background and since the other group of clans knew about him it would just mean that if someone caught wind of his appearance it would just cause more issues for him. Like he didn't have enough already.

The assassin rolled the blueberry flavored lollipop in his mouth as he laid his head on his paws on the branch that he was on. His large ears on a constant swivel when he heard heavy pawsteps that were coming toward him. During his studies when he was just a kitten, he was somewhat able to identify what a creature was by the sound of their pawsteps. A pawstep that sounded like it was scratching up an area could be a dog, since they couldn't sheathe their claws. A pawstep that was more silent and had a dampening sound most likely belonged to feline origin. One that sounded somewhat large and heavy and had a decently long stride? He knew what that sound ended up belonging to. He had grown up with one after all. Killua's breath did hitch when he heard the pawsteps. There would be no scent attached to his brother, and the other would only be making noise if he WANTED him to hear him. The tensing of his body caused his jaw to clench, and the loud crunch of the candy could be heard from the tree. Killua barely noticed. His sapphire blue eyes immediately seemed to darken a couple of shades as he stopped his breathing. He could feel the pain in his chest. The phantom pain of the formerly broken leg and broken ribs. The feeling of having his dislocated jaw. He almost couldn't take the memories. They were still too fresh. The massive pink scars that covered his body were still too fresh. There would only be a split second of fear in Killua's eyes at the first sighting of the black tiger that was there. No fear scent came off of him, and in fact, no scent could be smelled either thanks to his air elementals that kept his scent from escaping. The albino wildcat calmed himself once he saw the white markings on the other's body, and realized that he didn't have any wings either. Panic attack other, a neutral look spread across the others face. He exhaled the breath that he had been holding and slowed his breathing for a couple of seconds. It didn't take long for Killua to hide his emotions entirely. What certainly caught him by surprise was the kindness that came off of the other. He shifted his stitched paws so that they were slightly hidden underneath his body as if to hide them. Killua would raise a nonexistent eyebrow at the other's kindness. He was usually met with aggression when it came to dealing with the clans. This was certainly a turn of events. Killua cleared his throats considering that he hadn't talked to anyone in a decently long time. Other than the surgeon. "W,ell this was certainly something I didn't expect." Killua would state in a low huff before he actually stating his opinion more. "I'm used to having others try to chew my throat out because they're senseless idiots. You don't seem to be concerned about me all that much". The tone that the male used to was mostly monotone as if he was stating facts. Killua seemed to pause for a couple moments as he looked the tiger up and done, noting that the other had almost what seemed like bone markings. Was that paint? Didn't matter. A tiger was still a tiger no matter what. He knew how to fight against a tiger, if he wanted to kill the other he could definitely attempt to do so. There he went again. That damned bad habit again. He needed to stop analyzing everyone that he came across. "Name's Killua. Was actually waiting to see if anyone even lived in this place, not much bother. Keeping me from being bored as all hell. What is this place?" Killua asked casually before he finally swallowed the hard candy that had been sitting in his mouth. He took out the lollipop stick and conjured it away. A power that he didn't mind showing others considering most had it in the first place. There was a slight Japanese accent however when he spoke.
clan -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/21/17:

Re: KEEP DYING DOWN THE HALL {OPEN, JOINING} - spacexual - 03-22-2018

Based on his experience before he even became an animal, he knew how villages, towns, and cities worked. This caused Clans and tribes easy to transition into when he did join his first Clan. It was much like a small town, except they did not have any trade - they fended for themselves. Which was alright; he wasn't sure if he'd like something much busier than that. He had to evacuate his original city with his brother not long after Nate died, as they needed to get away from the effects of the war and Nate himself. Not that he remembered that at the time - he just followed his brother because he trusted him more than anyone. Had the male been alive still, he still would. A smaller home like the snowy town they lived in, and this place, was easier on him, as it gave him an easier chance to get to know everyone become friends.

A life filled with friends was one that he enjoyed, and this was part of the reason he so often approached others with conversation, just as he was doing right now. He would not notice the panic from the serval, as he hid it so quickly and showed no signs of it. But, upon the male's response, he would tilt his head. Used to having others "chew his throat out"? Well, that doesn't seem very pleasant. The male was used to both barbaric cruelty and kindness, but he generally expected goodness out of others upon first glance. Just different experiences and ways of viewing the world. He still was a little concerned about that comment, though.

It was good to hear that the male was fine with chatting. He pricked his ears upward and listened to the male, nodding as he introduced himself as Killua. Sounds foreign, along with the boy's slight accent. "Well, I can't imagine anyone here would do that. You haven't done anything to provoke hostility, as far as I know. Nice too meet you, Killua," he began, his tone welcoming. Of course, he was speaking for others he didn't really know yet, but he still didn't expect them to do anything like that. "We're a tribe called Snowbound. Just starting up, from what I know. I've only just recently joined. I've been mostly exploring the territory and such, since I'm getting settled in." He then explained, his tail twitching once as he adjusted the flowercrown carefully.
TAGS — code by spacexual


Unlike some others, Killua didn't have a regular time growing up. Although, investigating the clan he realized that most creatures that lived in them didn't have a normal life. They had either gone through something tragic or that they simply didn't remember their parents. It was a cycle, which meant that everyone was pretty much tragic no matter where anyone went in the clans. They were almost all the same, at least some of the pro-clans were something that Killua could deal with more out of consideration that they had differing personality. The clans that were just prone to dealing with war and wanting death all had the exact same personaliteis to the point that Killua found them exhausting. Killua thought little of those that were considered to be murderers in the clan, because he knows for a fact that he himself could do a better job than they ever rcould. The clans didn't know how to assassinate and do it properly because they never taught htemselves how to. They mostly just prayed that their attacks hit instead of making sure that they were going to gauranty that they were going to hit. Either way, Killua had been tortured for a majority of his life. Once he tells someone about what his family is like and what they are capable of, most would usually say that he shouldn't consider them to be family due to the terrible things that they had physically and mentally tortured him. And yet, he could never bring himself to say that he didn't consider them to be family because that was the only thing they knew. They didn't know any better and it was something that all of his siblings ended up having to go through their entire life. The same as what it would be like a human going to school in order to know the world around them. Albeit the tasks had been incredibly annoying and painful. There was only one way Killua got the way he was today and it was by constant training. It started when he was just a kitten, and the first training that he was given was the poison training that every Zoldyck member went through. He went through several different stages of dealing with poison being in his system. After all, during fights with other assassin's they would most likely use some sort of poison to try and kill him, or even another being was trying to hunt him at the same time. He had to be prepared, and the training he went through prepared him for any sort of battle scenario. His brother never went easy on him, as his older brother was tasked with training him from the very beginning. Being the oldest sibling and one of the strongest out of the Zoldyck family meant that he wouldn't fail in his training. Killua was rarely allowed to rest on most days because he had to continue his poison training so it wouldn't go to waste. It started out with identify which foods were poisoned by taste and smell. Of course, eating poison and depending on what kind of poison it was could have terrible effects on the body. Killua specifically remembers the burning in his throat if he wasn't able to guess which food wasn't poisoned. The gagging that his body would react on its own, and of course the horrible feeling in his stomach the entire time that it was happening. The kitten didn't know what it was going to really consist of because he felt as if it would be easy for him to go through the training. Once the food training was done, he was strapped down in one of the dungeons they had in the castle that they lived in and injected with poison. Small does at first, and he remembered seeing as some of his flesh seemed to melt away in certain areas as the poison and venom injected into him corroded his skin. It felt horrible, but it was all for the better good right?

After injections came the bottles that were forced down his throat. The burning and pain he went through. When he was locked up to deal with the effects for poison, he obviously begged to be killed. The pain and darkness was too much for him to bear. Only a kitten. He didn't know what else to do, but he kept on reminding himself through his brothers brainwashing that everyone had to go through this. He would survive thanks to the way his body already was build and the antigens that flowed through his body. Killua usually doesn't enjoy eating food anymore unless its extremely sweet due to the scarring he had went through during his training. The taste buds that should be on his tongue had been burned off by the chemicals and poisons, and have yet to regenerate themselves. They probably would never regenerate themselves considering the extensive damage he went through. So, most of the food that he does happen to taste, just ends up tasting like nothing, as he isn't capable of tasting anything. Unless its incredibly sweet, hence why he constantly eats candy and other pastries all the time. So that he can actually taste something and enjoy eating like most animals are capable of doing when it comes to eating their favorite foods. With the powers that he has, he is more than capable of conjuring up whatever he wants, but there are points where he wonders, what's the point? He goes through periods where he doesn't eat due to the stress that he goes through. His adopted sister used to keep tabs on what he ate based on the breakdown he had after he dreamt about her death. Something that he would never forget. Amorette didn't treat him like a child though, she was just concerned, and to have someone that actually cared about him... actually felt nice. His adopted sister would cook him pastries whenever he practically wanted, and all he wanted in return was to see her happy. He hated seeing her cry, especially if it was his fault. After all the poisons he had been exposed to, he doesn't need to worry about getting sick from anything that was put into his body. Unless he didn't keep up to date on the new poisons that he bought from different places in order to inject him with the poisons. Something that he did in secret and as a security blanket so that he would know that he would be fine in a fight and not be taken off guard. Which he would probably have to do soon as his brother would probably try to create something that could knock him out for a good amount of time. On top of the poison training, he also had to deal with every form of torture that was possible of being used. Limbs breaking, waterboarding, drowning, water torture, you name and he's been through it. Not one of his greatest moments considering that all the scars that he had were all family related. He never really got any scars since he had been in battle, because the clan that he had been in before this, he never really had to fight anyone that was even remotely as strong as he was.

Killua had to admit that Roy did peak his interest even for a little bit. The other being a tiger was almost a little bit too much for him to handle, but the others kindness drew the other closer to him. It was rare to find those that would be willing to deal with Killua, but he hadn't revealed his entirely true personality to the Ascendants member just yet. After all, he wanted to get accepted into this place. Something that was quite easy to do when it came to most of the clans, as they all needed members no matter what they looked like. They had to somehow get fodder after all. Would Killua fight with this group? Maybe, but it wouldn't be in the means of defending them. It would be more in the means that he would do it out of boredom if he had nothing else to do. There was nothing that connected him with the clan at this moment, but maybe later one he would actually end up developing something. Oh well, only time would tell, time that he certainly didn't have. The assassin would flick his ear as the tiger spoke below him. He would definitely remain up in the tree for more protection reasons instead of going out and meeting the other. He was just glad that his air elementals were so useful to him. He had the calm look spread across his face still as he spoke, nodding to the others words. "Well, I've been around the clans for a bit. They get all pissy saying like 'ahhh you're on our land and I'll probably threaten you with some generic threat'" Killua scoffed, using almost a mocking tone as he spoke, trying to imitate one of the clanners that he did run into with the clans. It was boring because they acted the same way just because he was trespassing. He didn't need anything that they had. He didn't need to steal food when he could just conjure the stuff. Yet, every time the clans just took him to face value and didn't seem to understand how deadly his claws actually were. Sharper than that of what composed swords. Killua did not say that it was nice to meet Roy though. He didn't see a point in saying such things that were trivial, as he may never see this guy again. Killua had no idea how long he was staying after all. His attention went back to the tiger when the other began to describe what this place was called. Snowbound? Sounded awfully familiar to the clan that he actually ended up coming from. He could taste that bitter taste again in his mouth. What caught his attention was that this place was new. He could hide under the radar from his brother a lot better here than a populated area where his name could get carried around. He raised one of his stitched up paws and rubbed the side of his neck as he seemed to be thinking for a couple moments. Once he was done thinking he put his paw back down onto the branch. "Snowbound huh? I think I'll stay here for a bit then. Found any good places to explore yet?" Killua questioned the other. Despite him being somewhat mature for his age depending on the situation, he still did enjoy exploring places. Especially getting himself into trouble. "Are there any other groups around too? Places like these usually have groups near one another." Killua commented again before he waited for the other to respond.
clan -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/21/17: