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THE ODYSSEY — tsunami - Printable Version

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THE ODYSSEY — tsunami - PINCHER - 07-03-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
He had seen it once in his life before, had been confronted by it with its power towering over him like he was just a grain of sand. He had felt little and meek when it struck and Pincher had believed that it would have been the end for him had his best friend not saved him and told him to get to higher ground. Higher ground. This was all that was racing over his head as he ran after his crewmates through the long glass tunnel that connected the dome and the cave entrance. He could hear many panicking, wails and shouts of confusion and fear but they seemed muffled as the Captain tried to concentrate on the situation that would soon be face to face with the pirates that inhabited the island specifically the side where the collison of the tsunami would strike. Once he had ensured everyone had left the dome, he kept close to the behind before finally resurfacing, paws sinking into the sand as he grimaced, noticing that large heavy rainclouds had formed while the meeting had occurred, heavy droplets of crystalline water now pouring down on them and making Pincher squint his icy blue eyes to try and focus on how far the tsunami was. It was rushing in the distance, still quite small but as it would grow closer to the shore, he knew it would pull back the shoreline and it will lead to it growing to it's true size that he knew too well.

Through the heavy rain, Pincher turned to face the crowded crew with his upper lip curled with frustration as he shouted through the horrid confusion. "Everyone! We need to head to the jungle for higher ground! You need to find a treehouse there and remain to avoid getting caught in it! Is that und-" Pincher's bellowing voice was cut off by a sudden flash of lightning and a thunderous roar above his head though Pincher did not flinch, simply gritting his teeth as he glanced over his broad shoulder to notice that the speed that the tsunami was reaching was becoming too fast for there to be time for everyone to securely reach a treehouse or higher ground. Had he still held his heart in his chest, it would have been racing but all that he felt as a sense of nervousness in his body organs was the blood roaring in his ears as he contemplated in a few seconds on what to do. His mind quickly captured the memory of the Tempest, the massive ink black pirate ship anchored to the port of the bay where the main camp was located at.

His velvety long ears pinned against his skull as he realized that if they only had enough time to reach the Tempest and perhaps ride the tsunami close enough to the jungle for members to climb onto trees or swim to the nearest tree if possible before getting overwhelmed by the powerful force. It held many risks but it was the most sound plan as the canine snarled "Change of plans! Head over to the Tempest as fast as possible! If anyone is trailing behind, help them out! We don't have much time, let's go!" With that, the obsidian male began to run off, his desire to reach the submarine and find his children the only focus he had on his mind. He knew they had a decent amount of time for crewmates to at least one thing in their possession but he hoped no one would get sidetracked and suffer the wrath of mother nature's way.

( the tsunami is quickly gaining speed, the order is for y/c to reach the tempest in time but they do have one chance to grab one valuable thing in their possession. what will it be and why? — this is to offer ic development! have fun with it! next post w/ be added once enough replies are created )
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Re: THE ODYSSEY — tsunami - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-03-2018

Caesar slowly realized what was going on, though he still didn't quite understand why Pincher thought this was so terrible. Sure, tsunamis could destroy entire towns and kill multiple people, and those that could swim could still potentially die by how fierce the waves here. There was no way to survive these without going to higher ground, but still... Caesar couldn't understand Pincher's urgancy. But maybe that was because he didn't particularly care for The Typhoon as a whole other than the potential to lead this mess of a place.

Pincher's first bark of orders was to head to the jungle and Caesar couldn't help but feel excited about that idea. He liked the jungle a helluva lot more than the beach, and the Officer was already rising to his paws to head off. Just as he did so, however, a loud, echoing sound of thunder flooded the dome, followed immediately by lightning, causing Caesar to stumble back in surprise. Fuck! The demon cursed, his attention snapping back to Pincher as the Captain started speaking again. The Temptest? Fuck, that was a whole other island from here, so that meant Pincher expected the tsunami to swallow up everything here. Which meant he had to find the blade Roxanne gave him, because he entirely forgot to wear it today.

As Pincher ran off, so did Caesar, heading towards his room to grab the blade that Roxanne gave him. He needed this weapon, even if it was from somebody he hated. It was a weapon he could use to stab somebody with (despite her warnings), and it was just very special to him. Point was, Caesar liked it. The demon dug around his room to find the knife and the sheath he bought, his fur on edge as he heard the thunder continue to roar. Time was running out, wasn't it? Caesar did eventually find his knife and sheath and quickly put them on his left arm and ran off again, his pelt getting blasted by the rain as it fell.

Re: THE ODYSSEY — tsunami - bubblegum - 07-03-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
due to her injuries, she was trapped in the submarine. it was a nice, comforting place, and it was certainly giving her relaxation that she had dangerously been in need of. but, it still killed her on the inside. she hated not knowing what was going or being able to help out her cremates. missing the meeting had certainly put a damper on her mood this morning. she had gained back enough strength to barely walk outside of the submarine, and that was certainly not enough for her to make it to the meeting. so, she had decided to do something this morning to take her mind off of it. she would ask her papa all about it as soon as he returned.

she decided to start working on another map for papa. she loved to make him presents, and she knew how much he loved maps, so she hoped it would make him happy that she'd bring more to his collection. this particular one was of an island she decided to make up. as she worked, she had noticed the weather growing more and more strange, but figured it must just be a stormy morning. nothing to worry about for now, so long as everyone found shelter. she had never experienced anything worse than a storm, so she didn't really know what to expect more than that. it was getting quite loud, though. perhaps she should be a bit concerned.

she noticed her papa's familiar sounds as he approached the submarine, getting ready to ask how the meeting went. that was, until she heard him call out orders. she could only faintly make them out, as he was still a bit farther away. head to the tempest? she gave a confused frown, setting aside her art supplies and making a wobbly attempt to sit up. she would only ask him one question as he entered the submarine. "what's going on?"

she, personally, wouldn't have anything to take with her. besides perhaps the accessories she owned - but she was already wearing them. the blue feather her papa had found for her and the nice bracelet and necklace roxanne had made were already on her body, due to the fact they meant a lot to her. it made her feel nice to wear them. she would bedisappointed to hear that she would be losing all of her presents she'd been preparing for others, though.

Re: THE ODYSSEY — tsunami - Verdigris - 07-03-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Paper had been standing outside yelling for anyone who hadn’t attended the meeting when the rain began descending on all of them. Narrowing his eyes and raising a paw to shield his face from the downpour, he glanced down at his satchel. Sure enough, the book was still there, its leather binding visible through the satchel’s opening.

  Gritting his teeth as Pincher announced they had to go to the Tempest, Paper lifted his head and peered in the general direction of his hut. Was it possible for him to save the ruby? It probably was, but he would have no room for error, and if someone else happened to need help, he wouldn’t have time to help them. He would probably need to leave the gem, as well as the chili plant he’d gotten from Amaranth and the rat totem from the betta ceremony, behind. That was fine; he could find another chili plant and totem, and even if the ruby really did have magical powers, it wasn’t as valuable as the lives of his crewmates.

  Shielding the satchel with his body so its contents wouldn’t get soaked, Paper started heading over to the Tempest, but kept his eye out for anyone in need of assistance, his good ear pointed towards the jungle. If anyone cried out for help, he would hear them, or failing that, see them.

Re: THE ODYSSEY — tsunami - Luciferr - 07-03-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

trust him to arrive right as a tsunami would then hit days later,

He tried not to think he'd been an omen of that maybe,

As it was this was rather fortuitous for items he owned at least, he'd yet to remove them from his stop away hide out before his rejoining and thus had nothing to loose in this event it seemed.

Nothing except,

Except his family, his old friends and his clan - his people for better word.

So it was the dark beast was flying low roaring out warnings for all to hear and peering into the tumultuous darkness of the rainswept world below as the tsunami advanced rapidly, searching for anyone that needed a sudden airlift or ferried out.

He'd just rejoined - half of these people he did not know,

But lucifer would not lose anyone else, not after such heavy loses in the lives before,

He'd failed so many of his people then even if they'd been victorious in the end, even if they had won - so many dead.

No there would be no waterlogged corpses here if he could help it.

So he swung down roaring into the dark below "My friends! Are you here! I will ferry you to safety!"

Was argus safe? Was pincher there erstwhile leader - and he was still here when the dragon had returned, a small relief - doing alright in such a storm? He'd heard his voice carried on the wind earlier,

He tore at his desperation, forcing it down as he searched and circled above - he'd flown in worse conditions, he was master of skies no matter how tumultuous - and they needed him.

Let them be okay.


/he hadn't got his stuff settled yet so he hasn't lost anything if that's alright? So his is more on the terrifying possibility of losing people.


Re: THE ODYSSEY — tsunami - guts - 07-03-2018

Greed's mind was racing, uncertainty clouding his judgement. He followed the rest of the group, though his steps were somewhat slower, faltering. He glanced back to his hut, an urge to return and grab his belongings nearly overwhelming him. But he knew he couldn't even if he wanted to. His glasses were long gone. But then an idea came to his mind, and he thought about possibly activating his power so he could go back. If he hardened himself, he might be alright once the tsunami hit shore. But what if he wasn't? He wasn't sure of his abilities, or if it was still difficult for him to die.

He cursed under his breath, hearing Pincher's orders but still hesitating. He would be washed away if he decided to go with his plan, so ultimately, he had no choice but to kiss his shades goodbye. He wasn't even sure why he had left them to go to the meeting in the first place. It was practically habit for him to put them on every morning, and yet he had forgotten.

He finally turns away from the scene they had left, a displeased frown etched on his face. They weren't exactly important, it was just nice to have them on. Now he just felt like he was missing something. But, when he glanced down as he hurried after the group, he noticed the glint of his bracelet he still wore. The bracelet Roxanne had given him. If anything, this was the one thing he didn't want to leave behind. He hated losing anything, but he would have hated losing this accessory even more. He couldn't really place why he was so fond of it, though.

The panther made sure to keep an eye out for anyone in need, even if it was uncharacteristic for him. It was so they could owe him later, he told himself, but he knew that wasn't it--not anymore.


Re: THE ODYSSEY — tsunami - astre - 07-03-2018

Re: THE ODYSSEY — tsunami - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-03-2018

it figured that within the very few days that she joined, a natural disaster struct. aphra wasn't entirely surprised; being a sin meant trouble practically followed her. however, of course this didn't mean she was fond of what was happening. in fact, aphra hated this. the pure white she-cat listened to pincher's orders with a frown, despising the fact that the original plan had been to go to the jungle. if they went to the jungle, that meant leaves and mud and guck would get into her fur - disgusting! She didn't want that! but pincher's next plan wasn't quite so reassuring, either. she barely had time to call out to the captain before he ran off and aphra let out a sigh, deciding to just go with the others.

aphra didn't really have any possessions other than the accessories she wore, and they were on her at all times. besides, she didn't really get settling into her room quite yet so she had nothing to lose. other than the look of her shiny, beautiful fur, that is. aphra let out a mournful yowl as she stepped out into the rain, which immediately pelted her and soaked her, pressing her fur against her skinny body. oh, she hated this. Oh, my fur! aphra whined to herself mentally as she raced on, following the others as she didn't really know where to go. she saw a flash of bright yellow which signaled her father going by, but she didn't really chase after him. aphra may like caesar, but that didn't mean she wanted to be around him, or vice versa. "move it!" aphra hissed to an NPC that was in her way as she moved, wanting to get out of this damn storm as soon as possible.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: THE ODYSSEY — tsunami - Keona. - 07-05-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Keona stuck by her father's side, blissfully unaware of just how terrifying this whole situation probably looked like with one's eyes.  She was, however, acutely aware of the panic and franticness around her and it made her frightened.  The way the rain had picked up too, she was afraid it might actually sweep her away; she had never been in rain this strong before.

They needed to get to the Tempest.  The ship.  If a tsunami was a big wave... Didn't that mean the ship would get picked up?  Keona bit her lip, ears flattened to her skull.  She did not like any of this.  "Da?" The tiny kitten didn't know what to do.  Logically there was just one; do as Pincher said and get to the ship.  She didn't own much of an- "Da! Manu!"

She dug her paws into the sand, claws unsheathing and sheathing restlessly.  Their hut was not far, but... Just the rain itself was horrible, what if the wave came before they got to the ship?  They couldn't just leave him though... He was her only plushie; a gift from her favorite people, from her family.  "Da, we can't leave him!"
code by spacexual

Re: THE ODYSSEY — tsunami - B.Y.T.E ! - 07-10-2018

Of course this would happen, he couldn't help cursing softly as strong gusts of wind brushed through his fur while he looked up to dark, swirling and threatening to do it's worse to the home he had reluctantly found and had mentally decided to stay in for as long as they would have him. That is, if this tsunami didn't destroy everything in it's wake whether that may be his one friend that sent his heart fluttering or what glorious tropical paradise that lay around him being pelted on by hard rains, his own bag struggling to stay dry despite the fact he had draped his labcoat over his head as too keep his face still covered up as well as to hide a growing rip. White pupils flicked up just in time to meet a large blast of lightning not all too far from where a majority of the clan seemed to be, the light reflecting off of his goggles as he stood in awe at this amazing storm that came seemingly from nowhere, a wide grin hidden beneath his mask while he meandered along, almost studying this brutal force that couldn't be reasoned with, for that was how nature worked. Merciless and cruel like most things in this world, lashing out on others to calm itself until it's next occurrence.

Yet, his thoughts burst like a bubble and he only now realized how hard his heart was pounding against his chest along with his legs shaking from the cool rain soaking his pelt. Plane looked around him, his crewmates scrambling along like ants fearful of being drowned by these harsh waters. His maw parted behind his bag, yet he found himself only shutting himself up and pulling himself into the crowd. He had nothing of value that he couldn't easily replace, he could really hang back in the off chance someone might need help despite the fact he was a foreign new guy with absolutely no reason that he should be risking his own tail for the safety of others. Perhaps all he wanted was a change in his old agenda, breaking off from the villainous work he was used to for something more...something. Hopefully everyone would be able to get to the ship quickly enough.
