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HYPNOTIC // joining - Printable Version

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HYPNOTIC // joining - rakue - 07-03-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"]♛ // To walk in a body of bone and sinew. What a fascinating sensation. The pull of muscle, the shifting of fur, the never-ending churn of organs hidden from view. They were alive. No longer a spiritual entity, no longer with a purpose - an immortal in a mortal casing of flesh and blood, corrupted from their intent of creation. They had once been a reaper. Tasked with guiding the dead to the afterlife, to collect wandering spirits clinging to the remnants of the mortal world. But corruption stained an inkless canvas, painted dark intentions over a once clean sheet. Demons, ifrit, and the Devil themself that sat in the recesses of Hell to spread ill intentions onto the reapers delivering them souls.

Once, they had been Eridanus. Nameless, genderless, faceless, nicknamed among the other reapers after one of the great constellations. But that wasn't quite as fun as a "mortal", now was it?

They were no longer Eridanus. No longer the reaper of pure intentions. 'They' were now 'she', a bone coloured lioness with eyes of molten gold. Flesh, blood, bone, muscle, mortality. Her name was now Mira, stolen from the mind if a spitfire domestic feline she had met shortly after her awakening in the mortal world. Mirabelle, the cat's name had been. Oh, her temper had not held her tongue well enough, and she had signed herself to the once-named Eridanus. She smiled coyly as a small cinquefoil flower bloomed on the crest of her neck. The two of flesh had parted ways, but the flower remained on Mira's neck even now as she found herself on the edge of the Typhoon's territory. Broad paws parted sand easily, relishing the feeling of sand between her toes as she moved evenly. Silver chains shifted uneasily against her slicked fur, bangles clicking against each other with each even step. Humid air filtered easily into her lungs, sundrop eyes flicking across the tropical island. Exotic, wasn't it? With her chains, bangles, and piercings, it almost made her look like a native of the island. But those Mira was about to encounter were not the natives, but the locals. It would be intriguing to see what they had to offer her. What would make them worth her time, and alternatively, what would make her worth their resources. Mortals were obsessive over their trade and barter system.

"I'm here to join," the lioness announced suddenly, disregarding the possibility of nobody being present. The reputation these "pirates" had, surely she had not gone unnoticed for too long wandering the sands of the edge of their island.

/wh eeze it's 3am im sORry for the quality of this c':

Re: HYPNOTIC // joining - ARGUS - 07-03-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] Argus has lived a long time with mortals. Maybe once there was a time where the beast could lay within mortal flesh and wonder at it's imperfections. Maybe there was a time her soul was settled into a body it was crafted to host- once Argus was alive with the threat of death ever looming over her shoulders, a puppy without it's family learning through desperation what it was like to climb to the very top- and with pride say she survived.

But Cruelty knew no bounds, there was no hope to find amidst the crumpling bodies of ruined lizards and gutted reptiles. Desert critters falling prey- blood turning into her water but no company- no hope and eventually- her life was snuffed. High powers twisted her spirit into something horrid and eternal and she was mortal no more. Or maybe she always had a knack for coming back after dying- it only took ending it herself for her to realize. But it was that action alone that gave her purpose with her newly found life. With a partner by her side whispering the secrets of their shared soul- Argus became more than just a spirit tied to mortals and just... One meant to clean up their messes.

Back then there were names for what they were. When Soul reaper's walked along the same plane and trapped just as much as Argus was and they all blended- wolves in sheep's clothing or rather- immortals pretending they weren't. Dying- disappearing and reappearing as someone else. But even immortals will pass from the mortal plane and grow bored with mortals. Heartbroken with their short lives and fleeing to afterlife's to live with the ghosts of who they had walked alongside. It was only Argus then- Left to walk the earth and bleed and burn and hurt with her mortals. Loosing them and gaining them all over again in a cycle of getting hurt and hurting.

She was past pretending long ago. Hen she discovered that she could keep souls for herself- become not only someone to send them on but to consume- devour until their power blended together. Until their spiritual essence was snuffed under the white officer's own with only their remnant fueling the beast to continue. - There was no longer a way to pretend when her nature begun to affect her physically. A never ending hunger for more and the large gaping hole that passed through her chest just under her throat. The only difference between her and those- creatures was a mask.

It wasn't openly said either. Mortals became weary around immortals or they saw salvation in them. Ways to eradicate themselves of their own mortality to a sickening degree. No- But the typhoon was good for that at least. No one here asked too many questions when she first showed up, and her character had yet to be questioned. As long as she didn't attack a clan mate - in open day there wasn't anything to worry about.

She had not felt another one like herself in such a long time- either it be a soul reaper or a soul-eater. Yet years of training, hunting and feasting. She knew the flavor of each kind of supernatural under the sun, and could detect them in the air the same manor a normal wolf could smell elk. Purely animal. Instinctual.

There was a wonder if the other was someone she knew- a worry that they had come to try and eradicate her- and what she had become. But as she walked a careful stride up the beach to the lioness- no recognition in the other's features or familiarity of her own memories, she eased, if only a little bit. Crimson eyes watching the other with the normal gruff nature the officer took to just about anyone. Lulled eyes and calm assurance in herself- aware but not showing any of that awareness.

" Welcome home then stranger" Argus offered the reply, her voice gruff as she sat back, offering a flash of a grin that was meant to be welcoming. "Name's Argus, need a tour or somethn'?"

Re: HYPNOTIC // joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-03-2018

The feeling of being alive was something Caesar couldn't really understand, despite already practically dying. yes, he was immortal, but of course, the body he possessed was not, and he could still die just as he could as if he was mortal. he had the ability to reincarnate himself, as well as possess new bodies if he had to, so he might as well be immortal. And yet, Caesar still did not understand what most other immortals meant by liking the feeling of being 'alive'. It was just... normal to Caesar. He didn't feel anything. Some people liked the way air felt when you breathe, but Caesar only felt that as a natural thing to do to keep this body functioning. Other people liked the way pain felt, and Caesar couldn't relate to that, either. He liked pain, sure, but that was mostly because the pain he felt was just a tingling sensation that went through his body and the numbness that followed it.

"Do you have a name?" Caesar added to Argus's statements as he came over, ears flicking at the stranger - Mira, of course - at the border. "But you're welcome nonetheless. My name's Caesar Cipher."

Re: HYPNOTIC // joining - Keona. - 07-03-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Keona was no mortal.  The child had no full comprehension of the concepts however, and it made little difference to her.  Perhaps one day, it would click.  Even now, when she should be four to five moons; she looked only two.  If others noticed the way she aged - or rather seemed not to according to what was typical - she did not.  Of course, with her sightless eyes, Keona did not notice the way other kits lost their fluff, or grew taller while she remained the same.

One day, perhaps.

The faerie child flicked her ear as she popped up from behind Argus and - unfortunately - Caesar.  She paid the officer no mind at all, practically plastering herself to Argus' side, mostly because she recognized the wolf.  Basing on location of the stranger's voice, Keona tilted her head towards the lioness, hopefully 'looking' in her direction.  Since the questions and all have been asked, the Striker remained silent, offering only a small, shy smile in greeting.
code by spacexual

Re: HYPNOTIC // joining - PINCHER - 07-05-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Spirits. Demons. Entities. They all seemed intangible when it came to mortality. Some wandered in their ghostly forms without much desire to reenter the unforgiving world known as Earth while others desperately tried to sink their teeth into whatever vessel they could. However, spritual connections had never really been Pincher's strong suit especially with all the damage that one religion that done to his life when he had been a newly made father. Creatures with a hunger for sacrifical blood had hunted his innocent sons down without hesitation, tearing through their soft throats as if they were nothing but blades of grass, cult members praising that they had offered a life to whatever the hell was out there listening to them beyond the cosmos. After that horrifying part of his life, Pincher had never really been able to understand the twisted connection that was blended into the reality of life and the flexible mixture of the paranormal and cryptid. He had been born a mortal and had died as one but when he had returned...he was different. He felt different. He sensed things different. He no longer had the beating organ known as the heart inside his chest.

Instead, it was locked inside a beaten treasure chest at the bottom of the ocean floor, dragged by whatever current it was on. Was Pincher even aware of what had happened to him? What strange creatures had probed open his chest and pulled out on what made him mortal? All that was left from that event that he could not recall was a faded thin scar on his coffee brown colored chest, as if surgeons had set him down on a table to be cut open for inspection on what was important and what was not. Instead of a heart rate beating and drumming against his chest, all he felt was an empty phantom feeling that had replaced his heart, as if it was still there. He had heard of the sensation that mostly was with creatures that had lost a limb but never a heart. It felt wrong and at times would lead his body to be crashed down by a wave of nausea at remembering what it had been like to have a heart. Luckily all necessary items such as emotions and thought process were linked to the brain and Pincher was able to function like a regular being though at times he felt more a zombie than alive especially when his senses would fluctuate from being highly keen to becoming blind to the world.

At the very moment, Pincher was trekking through the vast lands of the tropical jungle with his ears straining to hear but everything was muffled and distant as if he was listening to the sounds above ocean waves. His attention was becoming strained, trying to focus on where he was stepping and what was presently happening around him since he was beginning to lose feeling in his paws. It was these moments that Pincher despised being immortal, the chemistry and biology of the body crashing to the point of there being a cataclysmic explosion of senses and then...nothing. He winced as he felt his front leg paw slip awkwardly forward due to stepping on some murky mud puddle, quickly flicking his paw before he managed to hear voices that appeared to be of a stranger and his crewmates. Curious, the canine sought to find the source, pushing through the lush vegetation before stepping out to catch sight of the small group. He noticed they have focused on a strange yet lovely lioness, one with fur that appeared to be made out of ivory and eyes that dripped with the glint of treasure. He blinked as he followed after Keona, halting beside the others and tipping his chin up to lock his frigid ice blue eyes onto the female. "Seems you know what you're doing. Welcome to the Typhoon, I'm Captain Pincher." The obsidian doberman greeted with a slight nod of his head.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]