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THE HUMAN RADIO // open, head stuck in bag - Printable Version

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THE HUMAN RADIO // open, head stuck in bag - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-30-2018

Caesar fucking hated this. He hated being stuck in this damn seagull body without any other way for him to return to normal. He'd have to wait a while to get his energy back before he repossessed another body, and each minute seemed to take days to pass. But he had to do something to pass the time, didn't he? So the demon decided to take a walk on a beach, since he didn't exactly like flying. Sure, it was probably weird to see a seagall walking across the beach, but since was Caesar known to do anything normal?

While on his little adventure, Caesar spotted something on the shore and upon further inspection, he realized it was a plastic bag. And being the dumbass he was (as well as his cat instincts kicking in), he put his head through one of the holes. There wasn't anything in the bag, unfortunately, so him sticking his head in it to find something was pretty much fruitless, but the demon had been so distracted by investigating the bag that he was knocked over by a gust of wind, which only made the bag wrap around his neck more. "What the FUCK!" Caesar squawked as he fell, his wings spreading out awkwardly to catch himself.

Re: THE HUMAN RADIO // open, head stuck in bag - charrie graveyard - 06-30-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]Unlike some Typhooners, Connor was actually sort of fond of some the seagulls by the beach. A few days ago, he had fed a small group of the gulls some crumbs and ever since then, the same birds would meet him by the palm tree he often napped under. When they weren't screeching and fighting with each other, they really weren't that bad- but maybe his opinion would change as time went on. There were a lot of interesting creatures here on the island besides the gulls of course, like the butterflies that had been coming to his garden lately. A lot of them were species he had never even encountered before, some of them not even native to this region. Which made him wonder- what were they here for? Were they migrating, perhaps? If only he could spend more time here to find out the answer...

Walking down by the shore, as he often did during the day, he happened to spot a seagull caught in a plastic bag. Human garbage... strange that it had washed all the way out here, but nothing was impossible he supposed. It was only when Connor got closer that he recognized Caesar's voice. Ah right- he had overheard some NPCs saying the feline had gotten trapped in a gull body. Strange, he had never seen a creature with shapeshifting powers before, but he supposed those questions could wait until AFTER he helped the ex-officer. "Caesar! Do you need help? You appear to be... stuck in that bag." The tabby asked, concern in his voice.


Re: THE HUMAN RADIO // open, head stuck in bag - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-30-2018

"Yeah, no shit I'm stuck!" Caesar screeched in anger, glaring up at Connor with his feathers puffed out. He scrambled to his feet as much as he could in this weird ass body, almost losing his balance all over again. "Some help would be appreciated." He grumbled after trying to crane his neck to reach at the bag, but of course he couldn't exactly get it off of him. Moving his wings didn't exactly work, either, since, y'know, feathers instead of claws. Hell, he didn't even have conjuration to get a knife!

Re: THE HUMAN RADIO // open, head stuck in bag - coldblue - 06-30-2018

"Probably best to leave him, glow-boy," says the youth in a freezing tone.

Frigid blue eyes narrow upon the sight of Caesar. The antagonist male is recognizable even in that comical guise of a seagull. Unabashed in his obvious hatred for the officer, Coldblue does not even deign to subdue to glee he feels upon seeing Caesar's skinny little legs scuttling around, wings flapping madly as he tries to get the plastic bag off of his head. The young Roux inclines his head in a subtle nod of greeting towards Connor, but he otherwise does not pay much attention to the weird and glowy, yet oddly good-looking, tomcat. Okay, maybe a little attention. A simple upwards and downwards sweep of his gaze that is executed so casually that most people would not even detect it. Blue cannot help but be a bit curious of strangers. Especially ones who are nice to look at. As a pretty person, Blue appreciates pretty people.

A haughty, lopsided smirk decorates his handsome features; the soft roundness of kittenhood giving way to the chiseled angles of adolescence which only enhances his naturally exuded arrogance. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen," he says in regards to Caesar's tragic plight. Blue nearly laughs at his own words--even he finds it hard to keep a straight face when reciting cheesy lines from movies and novels. regardless, the boy chose his words with purpose. Was only days before that the seagull was a furry yellow bastard trying to weasel his way to the Captain's chair? So, yes, how the mighty have fallen. It most certainly fits. "Are you so weak that you cannot get a bag off of your own head? Where has all your capability gone?" Blue taunts, fully aware that Caesar's functionality was left in the body of the yellow cat. "Tragic."

Re: THE HUMAN RADIO // open, head stuck in bag - astre - 07-01-2018

Re: THE HUMAN RADIO // open, head stuck in bag - ROXANNE R. - 07-01-2018

✧*:・゚ The moment she approached to see Caesar caught in a plastic bag made her start shaking lightly before she fell back on her ass and starting laugh out loud in complete amusement, wow, she couldn't believe Caesar was this stupid. "Oh my god, this is fucking priceless," She said trying to catch her breath and well, she needed a good laugh after what had occurred yet her thoughts were shoved to the back of her mind as she giggled hysterically. She eventually pulled out a camera with a stupid smile on her face "Smile for the camera!" She piped out taking a picture of the trapped avian, she would definitely put this somewhere in one of those scrapbooks she had found a while ago. Maybe she'd make a whole scrapbook dedicated to Caesar's stupidity? Nah, he wasn't that special to her. She supposed she could help the idiot since it wasn't the first time she helped someone or tried to "Alright, I had a good laugh. Let's get him out," She finally said approaching the plastic bag that was holding the seagull as she shook her head with a roll of her eyes "Why can't you be smarter and not poke your nasty ass face into things where you don't belong?" A huff escaped her as she took the bag into her mouth trying to see where she could rip it or claw it open. Her claws would dig into the bag in an attempt to make the hole where the gulls head was large enough for Caesar to crawl out.

Re: THE HUMAN RADIO // open, head stuck in bag - Keona. - 07-01-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
That was certainly a lot of commotion on the beach.  The petite fae blinked in confusion as she slowly padded over, head inclining lightly to the side.  She recognized Caesar's obnoxious voice, a scowl briefly resting on her maw.  How annoying.  Seemed like he got himself stuck.  Served the smart-ass jerk right, as far as she was concerned.

On the bright side, she found Roxanne's words rather fitting, whiskers twitching in amusement.  He did stick his nose where it didn't belong.  Even if this particular case was more literal than others.
code by spacexual

Re: THE HUMAN RADIO // open, head stuck in bag - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-01-2018

If Caesar had been able to, he would probably be gritting his teeth right now. The only thing he could do, however, was just glare at Coldblue as he came over and fluff his feathers out, and as Alpha came over and made his comment, it was quite clear that it was pissing him off. "Does it fucking look like I have the capability to do anything?" Caesar snapped at Coldblue before he turned to Roxanne as she came over. "Don't fucking touch me!" If there was somebody he didn't trust, it was definitely the people here, but Roxanne and Greed were the most he distrusted. As Roxanne neared him, the seagull shuffled backwards, avoiding her as much as possible.

Coldblue's snarky comments did piss him off, however Alpha's is what drove the demon over the edge. Caesar's body twitched a bit, though it mostly out of instinct rather than anything else, and soon the demon's body was lit into flames. At first, Caesar didn't know how to react, but he quite liked the feeling of the flames on his body again, even if it was feathers instead of fur. The flames, of course, burned some of the feathers and he probably smelled like he was getting burnt, but it felt great. Caesar grinned as much as he could in this body as the flames slowly disappeared, leaving him with a few burns on his body and almost completely destroying the bag. What was left of the bag fell to the ground, and Caesar stretched, embracing the feeling of the burns on his body as he moved. It was great, this was amazing!

Now, to respond to Alpha. Caesar turned to him with a frown. "Fun fact, buddy, I'm stuck in this body, actually." He stated in an almost eerie calm tone. "You joined at the wrong time, I should be back to my old body soon enough." Hopefully soon. He wanted to feel the flames on his fur rather than on feathers. Caesar then looked over at Roxanne, narrowing his eyes at her. "As for you, destroy that picture or I'll destroy it my damn self." He wanted zero evidence that this happened and although he couldn't erase peoples' memories, he could try to delete the physical evidence Roxanne had.

Re: THE HUMAN RADIO // open, head stuck in bag - Kian. - 07-01-2018

So bring on all the monsters, That lie sleeping in the blue
I'll fight 'em all bare handed, Screaming I ain't scared of you
"Pity," the rusty spotted cat murmured, whiskers twitching.  Would be more convient for everyone if he just stayed stuck.  The fae nudged his daughter playfully as he arrived on scene, disappointed he had not arrived at the first moment.  He would've liked to relish the image more.  Oh well.  He supposed it could not be helped.  The irishmen sighed dramatically, grinning at Roxanne as he realized she had a photo, of all things.  Even better.

With a smirk, the pirate raised a nearby wave, making a point of letting it crash harsly on nearby ground, just barely missing the group.  "Hope you don't plan on going through with that threat; I personally, would rather like seeing it framed." While Kian kept his voice lighthearted, an edge flashed in his sea-green eyes.  He did not like Caesar.  The demon was... A smartass and looked down on others.  Not to mention he'd been rude to Keona in the past, and thus made him a permanent resident in the former captain's book of hated individuals.  He couldn't hurt the officer, unfortunately, since he was a crewmate, but he could always find ways to ruin his day, such as enuring an embarrasing photo remains in exisitence.
typhoon | rusty spotted cat | #faesquad |
© madi

Re: THE HUMAN RADIO // open, head stuck in bag - astre - 07-03-2018