Beasts of Beyond
you're still alive ;; joining - Printable Version

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you're still alive ;; joining - deimos - 03-20-2018

Where was he- that was the only thought pacing his head. The seemingly gentle bobtailed domestic paced the shore, his fur drenched and his gaze flickering about the island. His body was tight, muscles tensed.
Blood dripped from his pelt, but he wasn't sure from where, or if it was even his. His gaze stopped on the forest, gritting his teeth. Eyes narrowed, glimmering angrily. "Where am I." He muttered.

His claws gripped at the sand. He began pacing, only to wince and topple slightly. His hind leg ached, now that he thought about it. Eyes swung towards his leg, seeing the rather large gash in his leg. He sat, trying to twist to paw at it, only to raise his paw to his head and wincing as his paw pulled back red. "A wound. Two, actually." He mumbled to himself, seemingly unhappy with that fact. He sighed tensely, pushing to his paws and moving towards the treeline, limping. He couldn't be caught like this, especially if there was enemies.

// rip me and my colorless template
code by spacexual

Re: you're still alive ;; joining - georgie - 03-20-2018

[color=#d4af37]Oh my goodness you’re hurt!” Georgie cried it before she had the stranger in her sight. She had his smell, and then the smell of his blood, and the words escaped her before she could really stop herself. The serval made quick tracks in the sand, speeding until she came across the smaller cat.

Georgie trembled from worry, stretching her head forward to sniff him. “[color=#d4af37]Why didn’t you call for help? We could’ve...You’re hurt.” A second passed and she remembered, “[color=#d4af37]Umm. Who are you, by the way?” Georgie’s eyes had left the stranger and now skimmed through the trees, seeking something that could help with blood. Sand and ocean water certainly wouldn’t do.

Re: you're still alive ;; joining - Verdigris - 03-20-2018

  The metallic stench of blood reached the jackal's nose before any of his other senses detected anything unusual, drawing him out from under the trees and towards the beach. Georgie's call jarred his right eardrum, but if nothing else, his left ear could pick up that she was probably uninjured. (Worried, to be sure, but not dying at the very least.) Still, after the events of his initiation, he doubted he could afford to just ignore the smell of blood.

  Arriving on the scene, Paper eyed the wounded feline with... he wouldn't call it hunger, per se, but rather a sense of how easy it would be to knock the feline out, take whatever he had on him (which didn't look like much, but still), and run off. Was that hypocritical of him, to think of capitalizing on another creature's weakness when he so despised having other creatures do the same to him? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, he wasn't going to attack the straggler. This group seemed to make a habit of taking in everyone who asked, regardless of how strong or weak they were- and if nothing else, he could say that that worked wonders for ensuring the loyalty of those taken in when they were at their lowest. The allegory of the farmer and the viper apparently did not apply in this region.

  He had only basic knowledge of first aid, but that would have to do for the moment. "Cobwebs will work as bandages," he barked, glancing between Georgie and the trees. "If you go back to the ship and look there, I'll search the forest." He wasn't sure how much ground he could cover with his iffy back leg, but he'd make it work.

Re: you're still alive ;; joining - deimos - 03-20-2018

He heard her before he saw her, which was strange to him. Eyes flickered towards her, ears pressing against his head as he took a cautious step towards the forest. Judging by her tone, and her quick advance-worry in her eyes, it didn't appear like she'd be attacking. He relaxed for a second, waiting for her to show up. Green eyes blinked up, unwavering.

However, as she leaned forward, Deimos seized up. He didn't like that. He did not like that. However, he kept his ground as she stretched. "I- I didn't know anyone was here." He admitted quickly, before blinking at her words. He shook his head quietly. "Mars Deimos. Call me Deimos." He said quietly, before suddenly his eyes flicked towards Paper.

There was something he didn't like about this guy. He wasn't sure if it was his eyes, skipping over Dei's wounds, or the way he focused so intently. He didn't say anything at first, carefully inspecting the other. His eyes focused on the male's back leg, which seemed like he held gingerly- Deimos wasn't sure- but he looked away before it was too obvious that's what he saw. "I'm- I'm fine, thank you both-" He said, tenderly trying to move again and regretting it almost instantly.
code by spacexual

Re: you're still alive ;; joining - georgie - 03-20-2018

He looked uncomfortable when she got close. So many did, in fact. Georgie blinked twice and leaned away with a vague look of understanding. Oh. She wished she had been told sooner. It had been a while since she had had to adhere to the social etiquette of a group. Hence the yelling. Volume control was still an issue. "[color=#d4af37]We're here. This is home. It's the Typhoon." She explained, staring at the blood. "[color=#d4af37]I'm Georgie and I don't want you to be hurt." She declared, looking at Papercutter with a worried expression.

"[color=#d4af37]And leave a new friend? Alone? That would be mean." She protested in as loud a voice as ever. Georgie looked at Deimos again. "[color=#d4af37]You're not. Look at you. What did this?"